Hogwarts card system

Chapter 456 Do you recognize this formation?

Chapter 456 Do you recognize this formation?

"Voldemort, I heard that you are looking for me everywhere?"

Ted floated from the sky and landed in front of the crowd, about ten meters away from Voldemort.

It was Ted who took action just now, mobilizing the power of the magic network to directly defeat Voldemort's mass killing curse.

After all, Voldemort's weird eyes that can see the "dead spots" of enemies and items were only new to him two months ago.

In addition, the magic defense array of Hogwarts is actually built on the underground magic network hub, so it is just a temporary "downtime" of the magic shield.

If given thirty or forty minutes, the protective shield can be reopened.

Of course, with Voldemort's strength, he could kill everyone present ten times in three minutes, let alone thirty or forty minutes.

"Ted Epiphany?!" Voldemort looked at the young man in front of him.

Tall, handsome, and confident, he can even smile in front of himself, so he is very courageous!

I've seen this kid myself. He spent ten years as a sore in the Albanian forest, and finally returned to Hogwarts after possessing the back of Quirrell's head.

At that time, I wanted to get the magic stone to resurrect myself. But he was tricked by Dumbledore.

Thinking about it later, the whole thing was filled with all kinds of coincidences. I was afraid that the exposure of the whereabouts of the magic stone was to seduce me.

Damn old thing!

Back then, this boy, along with the Longbottom boys, tormented himself a lot. Now he actually dares to stand in front of him and act pretentious!

"Young people don't know how high the sky is!" Voldemort felt insulted when he saw Ted's expression that was neither impatient nor arrogant, nor humble nor overbearing.

When you saw the Dark Lord, you were not nervous at all. Did you take me seriously? ! Dawei Tianlong~

Ted saw the violence in Voldemort's eyes, waved his hand to stop him, and said: "Don't rush to take action. This opportunity is rare, let's chat more. This is not the first time I have seen you..."

Voldemort was very impatient with Ted's sexual talk: "There is nothing to talk about. You will definitely die today. However, if you commit suicide, I can let your friends go. I wonder if you are willing to do it for me." Did they sacrifice their lives?”

This old thing is really disgusting. Always thinking about playing with people's hearts.

"Ted! Don't listen to him! Fight him!" Ron shouted, and the transformation belt around his waist began to shine.

"That's right! Instead of believing in Voldemort, it's better to leave your destiny to the wand!" Jerry shouted.

Hermione: "Fight them!"

Harley: "Fight to the end!"

Many people were shouting with enthusiasm, and some were silent, not wanting to fight.

Wizards and Death Eaters started shouting at each other across Ted and Voldemort.

"Pa~" Ted snapped his fingers, and all the sounds suddenly disappeared.

"Don't worry, everyone. Let's talk. After all, there will be no chance in the future." Ted smiled.

Voldemort's expression became a little serious at this time, and he stared at Ted endlessly.

If the previous mass killing curse was shot in anger, it was cleverly resolved by this kid because he did not consider the reason why it would be countered.

The snap of his fingers, which had no magic power, eliminated the sound in the surrounding space, leaving him confused.

Many magics can achieve similar effects, and Voldemort can also silently block the sound in the surrounding space without a wand. But the principle is completely different!

I can't see any clues to this guy's technique, let alone get a glimpse of the principle. Isn't that right? !

He asked with some doubt: "Have you taken that step?!"

Ted grinned, "That's right. I'm a legend already!"

Voldemort's expression suddenly changed, as if he was gritting his teeth, but soon became cold and expressionless.

How can it be? how can that be possible? !

He just asked casually, not expecting to get a positive answer.

It was only when he was in his seventies that he broke through the upper limit of this world and began to understand the rules of death with the help of the magic system of another world.

And like Dumbledore and Grindelwald, they are both over a hundred years old. Before that, he was the top wizard in the world.

But how could this kid reach this point at the age of seventeen?

This is such a huge irony!

He went through life and death, tore his soul apart, tortured repeatedly, and was treated like a dog under the hands of that alien freak, and finally walked through the door... Now, this young man has done this?

So what do these hardships count for? !

This is like an old man in his sixties who has finally paid off his mortgage and suddenly sees a high school student who has bought a large flat with his own pocket money.

Who can understand this feeling? !

Of course, this is just Voldemort's feelings.

For other people at the scene, it was a different feeling.

After all, most of them don't even know what legend means.

It's like emptying six wallets, pledging the next thirty years of your life, taking out a loan to buy a house, and then it's ruined even if you haven't lived in it for a day. When I went to ask for an explanation, I was held down and beaten violently by the developer's security guards!

This is how most people feel...


The concept of legend has been spread among the upper echelons of wizards. At least here, people like Professor McGonagall, Professor Olivier, Minister Bones, etc. all know about it.

The concept had been proposed at the International Confederation of Wizards two years ago and spread among high-level private gatherings.

"Ted is already a legend?! How is that possible?" Professor McGonagall looked at the boy not far in front of him in surprise.

It seems that I can still see him buying second-hand robes in Diagon Alley, but in the blink of an eye he has grown so big.

Time flies so fast, so fast that the boy he personally led into the magical world is already a legend? !

The strings of that old guitar seemed to ring in her ears again...

The crowd behind Mag was whispering, all talking about what a legend is.

There were seven to eight hundred wizards and wizards present, but there were only thirty or forty people who knew what the legend was.

Finally, a parent got tired of asking questions and whispered to his son: "Stop asking! It means Ted has reached Dumbledore's level!"

Everyone suddenly paused and looked at the parent. The look in his eyes is: Listen to yourself what you are saying?

The parent was timid at first, thinking that comparing Ted to Dumbledore was a bit inappropriate.

But he immediately hardened his stance: No one said that there is a distinction between high and low legends. Ted himself said that he was already a legend. If true, then he would be on the same level as Dumbledore! Am I wrong? !

He immediately stared back, especially those adult wizards who knew what legend meant. It can be seen that he is a stubborn person.

No one knew what to say for a while.

But Voldemort spoke: "I didn't expect it, I didn't expect it. I really didn't expect Dumbledore to leave such a surprise for me. So you have the confidence to stand in front of me... What did Dumbledore do?"

Voldemort felt that it must have been something that old ghost Dumbledore did before he went behind the door to die to make Ted a legend. Just for now, let him resist me!

Damn it, forget about the old Grindelwald, and here comes another young one? When will I, Voldemort, be invincible? ! ! !

Suddenly, he was stunned: Wait! The girl before said that this boy went to find a way to defeat himself. Grindelwald? ! The old man and the young man must have joined forces, right? !

Just as Ted was about to explain Dumbledore's problem, Voldemort interrupted him: "Tell me? Where is that old guy hiding?"

Ted was also stunned: Huh? Voldemort became smarter and guessed that Dumbledore was resurrected? Yes, Lao Fu!

"Tell me! Where is Grindelwald hiding?! Don't hide your head and show your tail so that people can look down upon you!" Voldemort's expression was a bit fierce at this time, but there was always a feeling of being fierce on the outside and weak on the inside.

After all, regardless of the strength of the boy in front of you, he is a legend.

When two legends, one old and one young, join forces, I am afraid they are no match for them. Are you going to come back in vain? !

Do you still want that face? What would the Death Eaters behind him think of me? What would the wizarding world think of me?

Ted: Huh? Isn’t it Dumbledore who is immortal?

"Ah! Are you talking about Grindelwald? Yes, he is here. However, I think it is better to introduce you to my old friend first..."

At this time, in the secret base of the school's Room of Requirement, Neville's corpse's eyelids trembled slightly, and he suddenly took a sharp breath and sat up with a "Whoa~" sound.

Ansu on the side flapped his wings repeatedly and dropped the potato chips in his mouth: "Oh, you scared me. Neville, are you alive?"

"Ansu? Here... the secret base? What's going on outside now?" Neville didn't even have time to care about resurrection for a moment, and immediately cared about the battle outside.

Ansu's eyes glowed slightly blue, then he shook his head: "Don't worry, the fight hasn't started yet." "Let's go help!" Neville jumped out of bed, put on his shoes and ran out.

"Hey! Wait! Wand! Bring the wand! Get dressed~" Ansu shouted, holding up the potato chips and sucking them in with a storm, eating up the whole bag of potato chips.

"Muggle food is still delicious!"


On the other side, Ted said that he wanted to introduce old friends to Voldemort, and Voldemort became suspicious.

But he didn't give him much time to guess. White light appeared above people's heads.

It wasn't very dazzling, nor was it very intense. A human figure wearing a white robe appeared in the white light. Like being born from light.

When the white beard and white hair were clearly visible, someone had already discovered that this was none other than Dumbledore!


"It's Dumbledore!"

"Dumbledore is not dead?"

"No! He's back! He's resurrected?"

The crowd began to cheer one after another. Because Dumbledore is back, Voldemort doesn't have to be afraid.

"How is that possible? You are obviously dead?!" Voldemort couldn't hold himself any longer and shouted at Dumbledore, who was glowing with a faint white light.

Dumbledore fell slowly, and all the white light on his body dissipated. He was wearing a white robe and holding a wand, holding a wizard in white robe with a charming appearance~

"Yes, Tom. I died. But I'm back." Dumbledore's voice reassured everyone.

But the expression of the Death Eater opposite was a bit broken, and his expression management was completely out of control. Many people have already started to have pupil earthquakes!

It can only be said that in just one or two hours today, there have been too many shocks and changes.

"You defeated death?" Voldemort could not accept Dumbledore's resurrection from the dead.

Because as the person who knows the most about the rules of death, he is the most aware of the difficulty of resurrection.

During this time, he has "resurrected" hundreds of well-known and unknown wizards. But that is just a false resurrection, just the living dead.

They all exist in this world of living people in extreme pain, unable to feel anything, so empty that they want to die every moment.

He did this by using the ancestral resurrection stone in his hand, and through the Styx Ferryman and the rules of death to find a loophole.

Why can Dumbledore be resurrected? How could he possibly do it? !

Dumbledore still had the same plain expression: "Tom, I have not defeated death, and I cannot be resurrected. I am not alive now...change, I just put myself in change. Only change is eternal. Changeless."

"Old man, are you going to play riddles with me again?!" Voldemort was so angry that flames were about to spurt out of his mouth and nose.

At this time, the crowd behind Ted and the others suddenly became commotion.


"Neville are you okay?"

"you are not……"

"Are you resurrected too?!"

Especially Ginny's voice was the sharpest: "Neville!"

She threw herself into Neville's arms, and Neville, who was 1.86 meters tall without shoes, was almost knocked over.

"Ginny, I-I'm fine. Don't be afraid! Come down quickly, I still have to fight!"

But Ginny just shook her head and cried bitterly, refusing to get off Neville at all.

From last night when Neville's body was brought back and his body was placed with Neville's grandmother, to today when she faced Voldemort, Ginny didn't shed a single tear.

Now these tears must be returned in double quantities.

At this moment Bella couldn't stand it anymore, and her voice was much higher than Ginny's: "Neville Longbottom?! Impossible! Absolutely impossible!"

Bella was about to collapse when she saw Neville reunited with her grandmother and lover.

He himself used the killing curse to kill the golden boy, there was no way he could have made a mistake!

Voldemort also turned to look at her, but Voldemort did not doubt it. After all, Dumbledore, who he was certain to die, had already been resurrected, so it was not strange for Longbottom to be resurrected.

Look at it this way... Everything today seems to be a trap arranged for yourself? !

At this time, a person appeared silently not far from the crowd. Dumbledore looked at him, it was Grindelwald. The two nodded to each other without speaking.

At this time, Voldemort had already guessed his situation, but he was not afraid at all, and even wanted to laugh a little.

"Pfft~Haha, hahahahaha~~~" That strange, slightly crazy laugh appeared again.

Voldemort didn't care about anyone's eyes and laughed heartily.

"Dumbledore, you have worked really hard for today."

After hearing this, Dumbledore couldn't help but nodded. Not only that, he died once.

"But you can't kill me! You should know that! I, Voldemort, am immortal!" he roared.

At best, you can just eliminate these subordinates behind you, but you can't kill me!

Voldemort pointed at Dumbledore with the snake staff in his hand: "You old immortal, you can't do anything to me! You will never kill me, and I will come again soon! When the time comes, I want all of you, (his The wand circled half a circle) and everyone died~"

He grinned, revealing his white teeth.

Everyone was silent because they were facing a death threat from a crazy legend, the agent of the God of Death in the living world.

Voldemort has a method of resurrection, a method that is many times better than Horcruxes. Now that his soul is protected by his special magical path, there is really no way to actually kill him.

As for the crazy Voldemort, although he may not be able to kill legendary wizards of the same level as himself, he can kill anyone else casually.

This is also the reason why Dumbledore has always controlled the intensity and will not push Voldemort to a desperate situation.

But now, the conditions are ripe.

Another person walked out of the crowd. No one had noticed him before. It’s as if this person doesn’t exist!

Long hair, black robe, walking silently, like a dark cloud that may rain at any time, it is the old bat Snape~

"Voldemort, the time has come for you to pay with your life!"

Ted smiled and waved his hand, and countless light beams suddenly lit up across the entire Hogwarts campus, and a large magic circle spread out covering the entire school.

The stone rockery and tower that Voldemort looked down upon were one of the hubs of this circle.

At this time, Neville, Harry, Hermione, and Ron all had something in their hands: the Sword of Gryffindor, the Slytherin Locket, the Ravenclaw Diadem, and Hufflepuff. Qijin cup.

Four relics of the Big Four, plus Dumbledore, Grindelwald, Snape and Ted, a total of eight nodes surround the rockery tower, forming a complex and huge array!

Voldemort suddenly felt that something bad was going on, and an invisible pressure suddenly fell on his head. He was so upset for a while that he really wanted to kill a few people!

He looked at Snape, "Snape! You...you actually reached Legend?!"

Snape's face was expressionless, "It's all thanks to you, and I will return them all today."

Ted moved his neck and made a clicking sound. He suddenly felt relieved: "I have held it in for too long for this day! Voldemort, you know this formation!"

 Thanks to book friends "My Destiny" and "Tail Number 0120" for their 100-point reward.



(End of this chapter)

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