Longevity begins with alchemy master

Chapter 727: Revisiting the old place, the Blood God appears again

Chapter 727: Revisiting the old place, the Blood God appears again

During the trip to Molanting, Luo Chen happened to meet him.

Came by coincidence and left in a hurry.

He was not concerned about the Conference to Stop the War between Good and Evil. To him, there were not many people and things in the North Sea's immortal cultivation world that he could care about. He was just a passer-by.

Therefore, after achieving his intended goal, in order to prevent the hidden dangers caused by his previous high-profile actions, he quietly led his men away.

The soul essence of the old monster Netherfire was obtained, but as for the other two bottles of soul essence promised by Fu Chaosheng, and more, they would have to wait until they reach Zhongzhou.

But it doesn't matter. A bottle of soul essence of tens of millions of people is enough for him to refine many great soul pills.

Afterwards, you just need to collect the relevant auxiliary materials and then you can start making the elixir.

In this regard, there is no need for Luo Chen to run around and purchase things everywhere.

The third condition he and Fu Chaosheng reached was both a condition and a deal.

That is to hope to use the power of Tianyuan Business Alliance in Fu Chaosheng's hands to collect the necessary resources for him.

The simple word "resources" covers a lot of things.

These include auxiliary materials for the Great Soul Pill and auxiliary materials for the fourth-level Hongyuan Pill.

Just for these two points, if Luo Chen were to collect them personally, the time it would take would be incalculable.

In addition, Luo Chen also commissioned Fu Chaosheng to help him collect some fire-related skills, spell books, etc. As for body training, he also followed the trend and collected a copy of what he could collect.

Fu Chaosheng did not help Luo Chen collect these resources for free.

Luo Chen wants money!
Fu Chaosheng also did not doubt Luo Chen's financial resources. In the Guiyuan Palace Nascent Soul transaction, Luo Chen spent 100 million, which has already demonstrated his strong financial strength!
Of course, all of the above are related to spiritual practice.

Luo Chen's other goal was also achieved invisibly during the negotiations between the two parties.

That is to go to Zhongzhou with the help of Tianyuan Business Alliance!
The North Sea has a vast geographical area. Even if Luo Chen has a map, if he wants to cross the vast ocean to reach Zhongzhou, not to mention the dangers of the journey, the time alone will be very wasted.

The Tianyuan Business Alliance is different. They have their own caravans, mature and safe routes, and even some short-distance teleportation arrays that can directly cross some natural forbidden areas.

The time that can be saved is at least ten times!

Not to mention the progress of the meeting to stop the war between righteousness and evil in Molan Court, or how furious Nanqi Laogui and others were when they found out that Luo Chen was missing, Luo Chen was quite leisurely at the moment.

Hiding in the Black King's stomach, he was completely immersed in the animal skin book in his hand.

This is a fourth-level main training method with fire attribute!

It was something Fu Chaosheng carried with him. It was not considered a Tianyuan Taoist technique, but something he acquired over the years.

After the third condition was met, Fu Chaosheng gave Luo Chen this set of skills.

For this, Luo Chen spent a full five million spirit stones!

This is a friendly price!

Luo Chen had no choice, as the fourth-level martial arts technique was hard to find!

Although this set of exercises named "Yanhuang Zhenjing" is relatively ordinary, it is very complete, from the Qi Refining Stage to the Nascent Soul Stage, almost in one go.

The specific content is relatively general, not as subdivided as the current cultivation techniques in the immortal world, but as long as you spend some time to modify it, you can completely extract the Qi Refining Chapter, Foundation Building Chapter, Golden Elixir Chapter, etc.

In this way, this set of skills alone is enough to establish a school and train disciples from scratch.

Luo Chen read it from the beginning bit by bit, without missing anything.

Although the "Heavenly Phoenix Nirvana Sutra" that Youquan gave him is known as the world's number one fire-attributed martial art, it only has the chapter on golden elixir.

Even if Luo Chen cultivated it to the unprecedented state of great perfection, he could still use it for cultivation after the Nascent Soul stage, but in Luo Chen's opinion it still lacked some flavor.

In the past, he could tolerate common cultivation methods such as "Changchun Gong" and "Ranmu Zhengong" because he had no choice.

But now, he has already reached the Yuanying Zhenren stage, it is a bit unreasonable for him to be so casual in his main practice.

Therefore, he has been thinking about finding a better and more suitable fourth-level main practice method.

If there is nothing more suitable, he will create his own and come up with a better one!

The large number of achievement points accumulated on the attribute panel are not just for show.

Luo Chen commissioned Fu Chaosheng to collect fire-attributed skills for him. He accepted all of them, regardless of grade or whether they were complete or incomplete.

From this point of view, Luo Chen is already prepared to learn from the strengths of all schools and create his own skills.

The Black King was on his way, Luo Chen was studying martial arts, the stars and the moon were moving, and time passed quickly.

On this day, Luo Chen closed the animal skin booklet.

There was a look of boredom on his face.

The "Yanhuang Sutra" is complete, but a bit conventional.

In terms of the bonus on cultivation speed, even if it is perfected, it is probably no different from the current "Heavenly Phoenix Nirvana Sutra".

In particular, it lacks a specific description of the interaction between heaven and man, and the fusion of the spirit with heaven and earth. It only mentions that at this step, one should choose a safe and quiet spiritual vein location as much as possible, and release the Nascent Soul to feel the true meaning of the laws between heaven and earth.

Of course, it's not all in vain.

At least what is mentioned in it about opening up the acupoints throughout the body, breathing in the spiritual energy of heaven and earth according to the circulation of stars in the sky, is worthy of reference.

All the acupoints on Luo Chen's body had been opened as early as the foundation-building stage.

Over the years, it has been used as just another place to store spiritual energy besides the Qi Sea.

If he could utilize it and integrate it into his main practice method, it would probably add some boost to his practice speed.

"There are two fourth-level fire spells recorded here. If I can master them, they will be of great help to my ability to fight against the enemy!"

Luo Chen recalled the descriptions of the two fourth-level fire spells and was quite excited.

One is called Fire Phoenix Spreading Across the Prairie, and the other is called The Coming of the Flame Dragon.

The former is similar to the Qingyang Handprint, a range attack with a very wide impact area. When it is fully exerted in the hands of a Yuanying Zhenren, it has the power to destroy mountains and seas, burn cities and destroy countries.

The latter is a spell created by imitating the thunder tribulation caused by a cultivator's tribulation, and it only targets a single object.

It doesn't sound as overbearing as a blazing fire, but think about what the characteristics of a thunder tribulation are?
There is no way to avoid it, there is no way to escape, you can only fight it out!

When this fire dragon is born, it not only has to mobilize magic power at the time of use, but also has to attract the fire-attributed spiritual energy floating between heaven and earth, and even the soul has to try its best to capture the enemy's movements, so as to achieve the effect of "tracking and attacking".

"Try to practice on your own first. If you can learn it, that's great. If you can't, there are still a lot of achievement points to help you get started."

Luo Chen smiled slightly and found something to do for the next journey.


Mogan Mountain.

It is surrounded by the sea on three sides, with only a narrow path precariously connecting it to the small island behind.

In the shade of the mountain, a huge dragon head slowly emerged from the shadow of the water.

"Master, here we are."

The dragon's mouth opened slightly, and a Taoist in white clothes walked out of it, with long, soft, black hair draped behind him, and only a wooden hairpin holding a simple bun in place.

After him, a tall woman with a rebellious look and a middle-aged man with an honest face also came out one after another.

The Taoist in white shirt waved his hand, and the huge body in the shadow turned into a tiny dragon the size of a loach and drilled into his sleeve.

He looked at the Mogan Mountain in front of him and the familiar yet unfamiliar sea behind him, and nodded slightly.

"Yes, this is the Mo family fishing ground back then."

Tianxuan was a little surprised, "How did it become like this? I remember that time, the sea was full of fish cages and the spiritual energy was quite abundant."

Luo Chen said sadly: "After experiencing the battles between me and the Jindan forces of Lengguang Island, and then enduring the aftermath of the Yuanying War, the main part of the mountain can still be preserved. I am lucky. How can I ask for more?"

With a casual sigh, Luo Chen had already stepped onto the land.

Tianxuan and Sang Jinghe followed closely behind.

They did not go to Mogan Mountain, but walked along the path, step by step towards the small island ahead.

When they were halfway there, Tianxuan and Sang Jinghe received orders to fly to other places to look for their targets.

Luo Chen took a small boat alone and headed towards the ruins of the former Feileng City.

On the boat, the boatman in the Qi Refining Stage enthusiastically introduced to Luo Chen the general situation of the Lengguang Islands at present.

Yes, it is the Lengguang Islands, not Lengguang Island.

Once the largest island in the southeast, Lengguang Island was torn into pieces in the Nascent Soul War.

The entire continental plate was shattered, and countless spiritual veins collapsed.

Even after decades, despite the constant repairs by the local indigenous people, it could not be restored. Instead, they gathered the spiritual veins, built formations around the islands, and gradually divided it into thirteen islands of different sizes.

"That battle was terrible!"

"The Feileng City, which once dominated Lengguang Island, has been reduced to ruins."

"The treasured land of the Lianfeng Sect, which was hard to obtain for independent cultivators, was destroyed. Baizao Mountain survived, but the master of Baizao Mountain did not show up for decades. This Jindan Sect also split into several small families in the struggle for power." "The Qian family is gone, completely gone. The head of the family died at the hands of the famous Qingyang Demon Lord. When the Yuanying War broke out, there was no one to command, and the base was directly destroyed. Later, many independent cultivators rushed in and robbed the wealthy Qian family. Hey, where do so many powerful independent cultivators come from? Who knows if those who claim to be independent cultivators are disguised as robbery cultivators from other forces?"

"The Wu family is still alive and well. They were originally in a miserable situation, with many of their golden cores dying or getting injured. But later, they brought back Xiang Baiyang, who was recuperating outside, and the family suddenly had a leader. Under his leadership, the Wu family has now recovered and is now considered the largest force in the Lengguang Islands."

"However, it is still sad to see that the largest island in the southeast, which was once so prominent and was frequented by many cultivators, has been reduced to its current state."

Luo Chen listened with a smile as the boatman introduced the current situation of the Lengguang Islands, and agreed from time to time.

"In my opinion, it's not without benefits. If Lengguang Island doesn't become like this, when the battle between good and evil comes, this ownerless land will be shrouded in flames of war. How can you, the independent cultivators, live and work in peace?"

The boatman was stunned for a moment, then he chuckled and said, "Master, that's a good idea."

Luo Chen, who was disguised as a Jindan cultivator, smiled, then released his spiritual sense, moving along the ship, and scanning the surrounding islands bit by bit.

For some reason, I felt a little surprised.

He murmured in a low voice:


The boatman heard this murmur and explained, "In that war, Lengguang Island was severely damaged and its spiritual veins were difficult to recover. Later, someone asked the Canghai League for the method of connecting islands and forming an array, which brought together the scattered spiritual veins. After that, the remaining forces of each family arranged their own arrays on this basis, which led to the current pattern of the archipelago. Therefore, each family is more exclusive. If you want to go to their territory, you have to use our small boats to carry people in, otherwise it will cause unnecessary conflicts."

Is it the Canghai Alliance's method of connecting islands to form a formation?
Luo Chen's eyes shone with brilliance as he scanned all directions. He indeed had a familiar feeling.

A similar formation was also set up on the Feiyan Islands, but it lacked the main formation plate, so it lacked some of its charm.

The one on Molanting's side is more mature, and also has the principle of connecting islands into a formation.

From this point of view, Luo Chen's previous inference was completely correct.

The formation of the Canghai League has now spread throughout the North Sea and is not limited to the use of the forces within the Canghai League itself.

However, what made Luo Chen feel strange was that this formation brought about a resonance between the earth veins and a sense of vitality, so how could there be such a depressing feeling?

"Is it because I have advanced to the Nascent Soul stage and have a deeper understanding of the world, so I am more sensitive to the restrictions of the formation?"

Luo Chen shook his head and didn't delve into it too much.

The boat was swaying and the waves were rippling.

We walked forward all the way and finally stopped in front of a huge ancient tree.

The ancient tree is lush and leafy, like a huge umbrella, spread out over the blue sea.

Its branches are completely submerged under the sea.

"The Master has arrived, this is Fei Leng City!"

Even though he had already learned about the current situation in Feileng City from Fu Chaosheng, Luo Chen was still shocked when he saw this scene.

Nothing is left of the once grand city, except for an unwilling spirit tree standing there.

And all the city ruins were swallowed by the sea!

Luo Chen stood quietly on the bow, looking down at the sea, as if staring into the abyss.

The war started by Blood Nightmare Demon Luo, Fairy Fei Leng, and Taoist Jiyuan created the tragic situation of Lengguang Island today. It is unknown how many people died in it.

There are countless mortals, but tens of thousands of monks. Is that roughly the case?

I'm afraid my estimate is still a bit conservative.

Just at this moment, a beautiful figure flew back.

"Master, we have found out that Xiang Baiyang is the eldest of the Xiang brothers who worked on the Refining Front back then."

Luo Chen smiled.

In the battle that surrounded and killed him, most people died, even the Lord of Baizao Mountain died on the Seven Star Island.

There were only a pair of twins who could fight against the late Jindan realm together. The eldest of them broke through the formation and survived by chance.

He remembered that it was the man who was in charge of refining the front horn.

Now it seems that the guy is related to the Wu family!

"Well, the Wu family was more or less involved in what happened back then, so let's settle the score together!"

Luo Chen casually threw a medium-grade spirit stone to the boatman, then stepped into the air and flew towards a medium-sized island not far from the ruins of Feileng City.

Tianxuan followed closely behind.

The boatman seemed to be aware of something, with a look of curiosity and eagerness on his face, but in the end, he gritted his teeth and steered the boat to quickly leave the area.


Aries Island!
The island where the Wu family lives now is called this, named after the family’s supreme elder Xiang Baiyang.

It sounds a bit strange. Why would the Wu family's supreme elder have the surname Xiang?

The reasons are a bit complicated.

If Fu Chaosheng hadn't mentioned it casually and Tianxuan hadn't specifically checked it, Luo Chen would probably have had no idea the reason.

Xiang Baiyang himself has some Wu family blood, but he and his brother left the Wu family when they were young and joined the Lianfenghao.

Later, the Lianfeng was destroyed and his brother died. The leaderless Wu family invited him back through marriage. Decades passed like this. Not only did the Wu family become the number one family in the Lengguang Islands, but Xiang Baiyang himself also cultivated to the seventh level of the Golden Core.

"A great cultivator in the late Jindan stage?"

Luo Chen smiled slightly, and while in the air, he looked at the island below which was hundreds of miles in radius.

Mortals thrive there, and monks come and go like clouds. There are indeed signs of revival.

And in his perception, Xiang Baiyang's breath was as dazzling as a star among fireflies.

It is indeed the late Jindan stage.

There are four or five rays of light that are slightly weaker than these stars, and they are probably from Jindan cultivators.

Sang Jinghe asked curiously: "Master, what should we do next?"

Tian Xuan said in hatred: "It is better to kill them all!"

The words "kill them all" made Sang Jinghe's scalp tingle.

He never expected that the Fairy Tianxuan, with whom he had been living day and night, seemed gentle and kind, but was actually so cruel.

There are at least tens of thousands of people living on this island!
What he didn't know was that Tianxuan was also seriously injured in the siege against Luo Chen that year. If Luo Chen hadn't done his best to treat him, Tianxuan's life would have been ruined.

The monsters in particular have stubborn personalities, and even after they have transformed, their natures are still extremely cruel.

Luo Chen waved his hand, "Not really. Although they have offended me, it was only the family's top brass who did this. This time, I will only punish the ringleader!"

After he finished speaking, he no longer concealed his aura.

A tremendous pressure suddenly enveloped the entire Aries Island.

At this moment, all the monks on the island were shocked.

Seven beams of light flew out from the island with difficulty.

Seeing that Luo Chen had an ill-intentioned look, he subconsciously wanted to speak.

Luo Chen said nothing, just flicked his finger and a spark rose from his fingertips.

In the blink of an eye, it turned into a scorching sun.

Then, the scorching sun suddenly split, and seven big suns bombarded the seven people.

"Senior, you..."

Before any screams could be heard, the seven people suddenly screamed in agony and were unable to even resist.

How can an ordinary Jindan cultivator resist a Yuanying master?
The domain suppression alone is enough to make them surrender.

After taking revenge, Luo Chen had no more attachment and ignored the stunned tens of thousands of people below. He turned around and left.

But before he could take a step to leave, Luo Chen stopped.

His eyes fell on one of the fireballs.

That person is not dead yet!
Inside, there was blood everywhere and screams were heard, but they were still resisting desperately.

"There is something I can do, but that's... not right!"

Luo Chen's expression changed slightly, and he reached out with his right hand to break through the air.

However, the fireball exploded and a figure flew out from it. He looked extremely miserable, but his aura was constantly rising, and he forcibly broke the grab.

The rich blood light and the ambiguous aura all outlined an unforgettable picture in Luo Chen's memory.

Seeing this scene, Luo Chen's expression became completely gloomy.

"Blood God Son!"

(End of this chapter)

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