I am Xiao Sheng

Chapter 1014 Inner Demons and Resistance

Chapter 1014 Inner Demons and Resistance

Chapter 994: Inner Demons and Resistance
"Shifang, what do you think of our situation? What are we doing here? What are our truest thoughts when we first came to this ancient world?" Suddenly, Xiao Sheng asked Taoist Shifang, and his question made Taoist Shifang fall silent instantly. Changshengzi was even more confused and didn't understand what was wrong with him.

After a while, Taoist Shifang sighed and said, "In the beginning, whether it was me, Hundun, or us, we were all trying to survive. When we first entered the prehistoric world, I was faced with a life-and-death crisis. Survival was our first choice, not to mention that we all knew how dangerous the prehistoric world was!"

"Yes, at first all we thought about was survival. What I value most in my heart is survival, so I embarked on the road of life and chose the method of returning to my ancestors to seize the ray of life. To put it bluntly, survival is the greatest desire in my heart, and it is the same for you. If Chaos had not chosen to survive, how could he have chosen to take that crazy path? In fact, there has always been a greatest uneasiness in our hearts, that is, the fear of the prehistoric world and the desire for survival. Every time a great catastrophe of heaven and earth comes, we will have serious uneasiness in our hearts. It is precisely because of this that I chose this path in this catastrophe. This is the truest thought in my heart and the most suitable avenue for me. Only in this way can I have a chance to succeed!"

"That's right. From the beginning to the end, we have always had a sense of uneasiness in our hearts, and we are all afraid of the prehistoric world. We have been doing our best to fight for that glimmer of hope, so we have come to this point and are in this situation now. The same is true for the choices I made. The outer demon world back then and the abyss world now, to put it bluntly, are all for that glimmer of hope, all for survival. The same is true for Changshengzi, the Dark King, and even the layout made by you and the Dark King is for survival. For us, survival has always been the biggest pressure!"

At this time, Taoist Shifang was also filled with emotion. After all, when the master explained all this, Taoist Shifang naturally understood what his greatest desire in his heart had always been. From the moment he was born, he had been struggling for survival, and it was because of this that he had everything he has now. And it was precisely because of such great pressure in his heart that he had not been able to break through that last step and achieve the status of Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian.

At this moment, Taoist Shifang realized what had been bothering him. It was just that it was not an easy task to solve all of this. It was clear, but it was not easy to break free from this inner demon. It was difficult for him to do it, and I was afraid it was the same for this deity.

Seeing through doesn't mean you can let go or break free, the Taoist of Shifang knows this very well, let alone Xiao Sheng, so at this moment Xiao Sheng and the Taoist of Shifang both smiled bitterly, such an inner demon is not easy to cut off, and it is precisely because of the existence of this inner demon and the desire to survive that they will be trapped here forever.

"It seems that you have also realized it. To be honest, if I hadn't broken through and rebuilt at this moment, I wouldn't have discovered the existence of this inner demon hidden deep in my heart. What makes me most helpless is that the existence of this inner demon is only restraining our practice and breakthrough, and it poses no threat to us!" When he said this, Xiao Sheng couldn't help but smile bitterly. Who would have thought that his inner demon would be survival? However, even though he saw through it all, it was very difficult to solve it!

"I have indeed realized it, and it is precisely because of my realization that I feel so helpless. I believe that you are also in great pain now. You have clearly embarked on the right path, a path that leads to heaven, but suddenly you find that you still have a demon in your heart, which is blocking the path of breakthrough for you and me!"

"My Lord, Shifang, since you have all understood your own problems, with your strength, it should not be a problem to get rid of this inner demon?" Changshengzi asked in confusion at this time. In his opinion, Xiao Sheng and Shifang Taoist both had powerful strength. They have now realized themselves, so it is not difficult for them to get rid of all obstacles to achieving enlightenment!
"Changshengzi, you are wrong. It is one thing to understand oneself, but being able to do it is another. This is not the perception of the law, it is the inner demon, the power hidden deep in our hearts. You don't have such a feeling now, that's because your own strength is still insufficient. When your strength goes further and you step over that obstacle, you will understand everything. No matter how much I tell you now, you are still confused!" Xiao Sheng could understand Changshengzi's situation, but even if he understood her, it was useless. In the end, he still needed to solve this problem. If he couldn't solve this problem, he and Shifang would be trapped in this realm. Even if their combat power was improved, they would not be able to break through!
"It's useless for us to say anything now. The power of the inner demon is blocking our way and blocking our hope of breaking through. Unless you can be the first to kill this inner demon, it will be useless even if I have some insights. The power of the inner demon will always block our realm and hinder our cultivation!"

"No, Shifang, if you think so, you are totally wrong. Although the inner demon has blocked our realm, you have forgotten an important thing, or a road that no one has ever walked. The inner demon blocked the cultivation path of the twelve witch ancestors in the past, making us want to go further and have defects in our hearts, but we can follow the path of the twelve witch ancestors to prove the truth with our physical bodies, polish our physical bodies, and make our physical bodies become Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian."

"My Lord, are you joking? Maybe this is a feasible path for you, but it is very difficult for me. You have found the way to return to your ancestors and even completed your own transformation, but I don't have such an opportunity at all!" Facing Xiao Sheng's decision, Taoist Shifang smiled bitterly. In his opinion, this would never work for him.

"Shifang, there is something wrong with your faith. What stands in front of you is not only the inner demon of survival, but also the pressure of faith. Perhaps this is related to the enemies who invaded the prehistoric world. But if you can't understand all this, your path of cultivation will become more difficult. What we need to do now is to reorganize ourselves. Do you understand?"

How could the Taoist of Ten Directions not understand with his wisdom? But what is the use of understanding? Can we just skip over all of this and ignore it? It is precisely because of understanding that the Taoist of Ten Directions feels such great pressure in his heart and loses confidence!
"I understand, but is understanding useful? Understanding won't solve the problem!"

"Haha, Shifang, you are wrong again. As long as you understand, there will be opportunities and the possibility of cost. Only by understanding everything can you go further. In fact, you and I have always overlooked a more important issue, the physical body. We have forgotten the power of the physical body to prove the truth, and we have forgotten that this is also a road to heaven. In fact, in comparison, it is difficult for me to break through, because I am walking on the ancient road, the road of returning to the ancestors and seizing the truth, and I have to prove the truth with the law, but you are different. You are walking on the world's road. The abyss world is your foundation. Use the power of the world to polish the physical body, maybe you may be able to take this key step quickly!" Xiao Sheng was right. Compared with the Taoist Shifang, he still had a lot of pressure on himself. The Taoist Shifang only needed to polish his physical body with the origin of the abyss world, but Xiao Sheng couldn't do it. The more he understood his own situation, the greater the pressure Xiao Sheng had to bear. He was returning to his ancestors and seizing the truth. Now he has an innate spiritual root body like the Tree of Life, or even a chaotic spiritual root body. After all, returning to the ancestors made Xiao Sheng's origin more heavy. It was not an easy thing to polish himself.

Compared to Xiao Sheng's difficulties, Shifang Taoist's situation was much easier. The reason was simple. The abyss world was the best power for polishing. With a powerful abyss world, it could provide an endless supply of the source of energy to polish the body. Resources were the most important thing for the body to prove the truth. The war between witches and liches back then was not only a conspiracy, but also a trap.

"My Lord, I also hope that things will be like this, but you should understand that this is difficult!"

"That's right, it's difficult. If it wasn't difficult, wouldn't there be more people who could prove themselves to be Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian? You don't lack the origin. You are much better than me. I don't have the same advantage as you. What I need is not only the origin of life, but also the origin of chaos. The resources required for the body of the Tree of Life are too huge!"

As he spoke, Xiao Sheng couldn't help but let out a long sigh. It was precisely because he understood his own problems that he was so distressed and under so much pressure, but this was everything he had to face!
"Let's talk about the Dark King. What's his current situation? Has this guy figured out everything? What will happen if everything continues to go on like crazy?" Taoist Shifang couldn't help but let out a long sigh. The current situation is very unfavorable to him, but the hired worker in the alley has figured out everything, so he is stuck in all this!

"We don't need to care about the Dark King. He has his own path to follow. Now he seems to be walking the same path as me, but you haven't realized that this guy has also walked his own path. It is impossible to expect him to go further and expect him to take on everything for us. Now everything depends on him alone!"

If there is a chance and if he has the ability, Xiao Sheng would naturally be willing to lend a helping hand to the Dark Lord, but now he can't see through anything. The current situation is very dangerous, but Xiao Sheng no longer has the ability he had before. You must know that Xiao Sheng has lost a lot of things now, especially the disappearance of his inner world.

When Changshengzi heard Xiao Sheng and Shifang Taoist mention the Dark King, he was in a heavy mood. Now he and Shifang Taoist had obviously seen new hope, but now these two guys were unwilling to mention themselves and were unwilling to give themselves such help. This made Changshengzi even more confused and he couldn't see clearly!
"My Lord, Shifang, you haven't told me what I should do. You have all seen through yourself and understood the future, but I am still confused. Do I need to continue?" At this time, Changshengzi was a little anxious. After all, the pressure he was under was not small, so no one ridiculed him.

"Your situation is much better. It's a bit early to talk about it now. You should first understand your own path. Don't be careless and act rashly, which will cut off your own path of cultivation! The situation you have to face is different from ours, and your path is also different from ours!" At this time, Xiao Sheng did not speak too seriously. If it hit Changshengzi's confidence too hard, it would be bad, and it would put himself in danger!

The more he understood how dangerous and terrifying the current situation was, the more he realized that it was not so easy to go further. Self-awareness was a prerequisite. If he couldn't even do this, no matter how much he said, it would be useless. The current situation made Changshengzi feel uneasy. After all, this conversation made him understand that many of his previous calculations and arrangements would disappear into thin air. He had put in so much effort, but now the situation was like this. How could he not be distressed!
"Okay, let's not talk about the Immortal Son for now. He still needs time, opportunity, and even a little bit of luck. In comparison, the Dark King may be able to go one step further and take that crucial step. It all depends on whether he can truly understand everything and embark on this crazy road of returning to his ancestors and seizing the Dao."

"It's difficult. The Dark King is different from you and me. I am completely centered on the Abyss. You have also completed the return to your ancestors and seized the Dao, but how could the Dark King do it? If he had believed in the Dao's bestowal of the name, there wouldn't have been such an embarrassing situation now. It's too late to say anything now!"

"No, it's not too late at all. As long as the Dark King can hold on and keep going strong, perhaps it will be easier for him than for us. Don't forget what his situation is now. That's the mighty power of the Avenue of Time, and his hope of success is not great. He is affected by a terrible evil thought!"

Evil thoughts, where did the evil thoughts come from? To put it bluntly, it was still the Dark King's own problem. Just to take this step, the Dark King himself had to bear too much resistance! At this moment, Taoist Shifang and Xiao Sheng were a little worried, but now neither of them had the ability to help the Dark King. The road was made by himself, and even Xiao Sheng, as the original body, had no ability to influence all this!
(End of this chapter)

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