I am Xiao Sheng

Chapter 1015 Taking the initiative to enter the game

Chapter 1015 Taking the initiative to enter the game
Chapter 995 Taking the initiative to join the game
The changes on Earth now have a great impact on all living things in the world. The death of Xiao Sheng and the Dark King has also brought a lot of shock and pressure to everyone. Some people suspect that they are not dead, and some people suspect that this is a conspiracy, but no one has any evidence, and no one has the slightest chance to understand everything behind it.

No matter how perfect the plan of Xiao Sheng and the Dark King was, and no matter how clean and neat the assistance of the Taoist priests of all directions was, such a war would inevitably attract the attention of many people, so suspicion was inevitable. Even the deaths of Rendao and Didao were suspected, not to mention the crazy battle between Xiao Sheng and the Dark King. Moreover, they all died, and died cleanly, which made people even more suspicious.

It's not that no one suspected that this might be a conspiracy, a conspiracy by Xiao Sheng, the Dark King and those guys from Takama-ga-hara. They had planned everything long ago, otherwise everything wouldn't have come so suddenly and so crazy. But no matter how hard everyone tried to calculate, there was no result. It was as if they had really died and nothing was gained.

When a person dies, his debts are wiped out. Although there are many people in the prehistoric world who hate Xiao Sheng and the Dark King, and even want to kill them, now that all this has happened, their deaths have forced these guys to let go. As for the "rumor" about Changshengzi, it was also dispelled at this moment. It was said that Changshengzi was Xiao Sheng's clone, but those who had been staring at the Earth Star found that this was not the case. When Xiao Sheng and the Dark King died, Changshengzi did not change at all, which made them doubt the previous legend.

Why would someone spread such a "rumor", why would someone bring Changshengzi and Xiao Sheng together, what conspiracy is behind this, these are things that many people want to know, but unfortunately they have no way of understanding, because all the current circumstances show that these two are not two sides of the same coin, and they do not have much relationship.

Of course, some people think that such a result can prove that Xiao Sheng and the Dark King are not dead, so the Changshengzi has no effect at all. However, this statement is not recognized by everyone. Even if Xiao Sheng did not die, he would have suffered a serious injury. You must know that he faced the enemy of the entire Takama-ga-hara before, and Xiao Sheng obviously used the forbidden power, but even so, the Changshengzi had no effect at all. This makes everyone have to doubt the previous "rumors"!
Although there were still many guys who wanted to target Changshengzi and use it to plot against Xiao Sheng before, there are few people who have such crazy ideas now. They are not willing to risk their lives and are not willing to fight a life-and-death duel for Changshengzi, who is unlikely to be related to Xiao Sheng.

This battle shocked many people. Xiao Sheng and the Dark King both sacrificed their lives to kill the invaders. For many people, it was a shock, even a spiritual disaster. Without absolute certainty, no one would act rashly. Even an ant could potentially kill the enemy.

Although many people think that the deaths of Xiao Sheng and the Dark King were plotted by the prehistoric world, otherwise how could they do such crazy things? As cultivators, it is impossible for them to do such selfless things without deep hatred. All the self-sacrifice is fake. Cultivators are the most selfish. It is impossible to expect them to sacrifice their lives for the prehistoric world and drag the enemy to death together. However, all this happened, which makes many people suspect that there is a secret behind all this.

It is a pity that Xiao Sheng and the Dark King are now dead. Even if someone wants to find out anything, they can't do it. Moreover, for those strong people, they are also worried that if they act rashly, they will attract the attention of the will of the prehistoric world, and even make them follow in the footsteps of Xiao Sheng and the Dark King and end up dead.

Although many people have doubts and speculations, under the current circumstances, they can only endure it. No one dares to act rashly, otherwise they will lose their lives if they are not careful. There is an undercurrent in the Earth Star now, but no one dares to fight under this undercurrent. They are all worried about following the footsteps of Xiao Sheng and the Dark King. As for the invaders, they are also on high alert, fearing that they will be targeted at this moment and end up dead. If they really fall into such a desperate situation, they will definitely die.

"Shifang, have you conquered Takama-ga-hara? Have you turned it into a part of the absolute abyss world?" After completing his own transformation, Xiao Sheng asked Taoist Shifang. Xiao Sheng was feeling a little stressed now. The body of the Tree of Life had brought him many inconveniences. After all, if he wanted to fully master his own power and the power of the Great Dao, he needed to have more control over himself. However, to do this, he needed to completely transform.

Atavism can bring oneself a powerful origin and endless potential, but it also brings oneself many inconveniences. As a body with the tree of life, it is not an easy thing to transform. This requires completely seizing the way and completing the replacement of the original life way with one's own way.

The Tree of Life, which is Xiao Sheng's original body, has just completed its transformation and evolution. It will take time to go further, so Xiao Sheng does not have much freedom now. Before he transforms, even his own life is in danger.

"No, there was such an opportunity originally, and I even started to act. However, I gave up at the critical moment. I did not use the Abyss World to refine Takama-ga-hara in the chaos. I suspect that this was a discarded pawn that was deliberately thrown out!" It is no wonder that Taoist Shifang would have such concerns and make such a decision, because the power displayed by Takama-ga-hara is completely abnormal, and their combat power is too weak, which makes people have to doubt their true identity.

Many people are uneasy about the current Earth, and there are too many doubts about this war. Everyone died and perished together. Maybe no one noticed it at first, but after a little while, people would doubt it. After all, they were powerful Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian. Several powerful Hunyuan Daluo Jinxians were dragged to their deaths by two guys who were not Hunyuan Daluo Jinxians. It sounds like there is something wrong, and it is a big problem!
"Are you suspecting that they are clones, or abandoned pawns? Are there more sinister and cunning guys planning all this, and are they targeting the prehistoric world, or even the Heavenly Dao and Hongjun Daozu?" At this time, Xiao Sheng somewhat understood the concerns of the Taoist Ten Directions. The current situation also made people have such concerns. "Indeed, there are such concerns. Now it is better to be quiet than to move. Who made the black hand hidden behind this too crazy, and this pool of muddy water is too scary, so it is good to be a little vigilant, at least you will not be silenced when you know nothing. If something really goes wrong at this time, no one will care!"

"If you have such concerns and are therefore afraid to refine Takama-ga-hara, then leave it to me. The appearance of the Tree of Life will surely make all interested parties more cautious. You know, if something goes wrong, we will be the ones who suffer the most." When he said this, Xiao Sheng couldn't help but sigh. If it weren't for his own current situation which also had many problems, he wouldn't need to be so cautious!
"You want to use Takama-ga-hara as your own nourishment, refine the world of Takama-ga-hara and turn it into your own nourishment. Isn't this a bit too crazy? If the enemy has left a backup plan, I'm afraid all this will be very dangerous. Even if all this is a conspiracy, you're walking into a trap by doing this!" Taoist Shifang was persuading Xiao Sheng, worried that Xiao Sheng's open and aboveboard move would attract many enemies. If something really went wrong, the consequences would be disastrous.

"There is no other way. Time waits for no one. Everyone is making plans and taking action. We simply don't have that much time. The King of Poison Dragons has become a Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian, the Demon Ancestor Luo Hou, the King of Fierce Beasts Shen Ni, and many more enemies. All of this is uncontrollable and beyond our imagination. If we continue with the original plan, we may not see any hope at all. For us, we can only take risks. If the Tree of Life wants to go further and polish its body, it needs a huge source of origin. The Takama-ga-hara world in the chaos is the best choice. Even if there is danger, it will not necessarily put me in danger. After all, I am in control of the avenue of life!"

"Okay, since you think so, let's do it. Just as you said, if we follow the original plan and want to complete our transformation and survive this catastrophe, it will be difficult. Although I have not been discovered, this may only be a superficial phenomenon. If it is the will of the prehistoric world, it is impossible that it has not noticed my existence and the existence of the abyss world. If we don't give it a try, the consequences may be disastrous!"

Taoist Shifang did not dare to have too much confidence in the current situation. Taking the abyss world as the foundation, he wanted to devour the origin of more worlds in secret. This was not an easy task, not to mention that this catastrophe itself had too many dangers. If he was not prepared at all, when the danger came, he might die.

The abyss world is not absolutely safe. It can communicate with all the worlds, but there is also water in it. The slightest negligence can cost one's life. Moreover, he now suspects that those worlds in the chaos are baits and traps. If he can test the enemy's strength from the Takama-ga-hara world, perhaps it will give them a greater chance of survival!
“My Lord, I have a question for you. Aren’t you afraid that the enemy will notice something when you take action at this time? You should know that in the previous battle, you used the forbidden power of the Avenue of Life, Life Deprivation. Now that the Tree of Life has appeared directly in the chaotic world of Takama-ga-hara, I’m afraid that more people will doubt your life or death!”

At this time, Changshengzi couldn't help but remind Xiao Sheng. In his opinion, descending directly into the chaotic Takama-hara at this time would have many uncertain hidden dangers, and there might even be the risk of exposing himself, which was not a good thing!
"Changshengzi, I just want them to doubt. Do you think that even if I don't take action, if the body of the Tree of Life doesn't appear in the chaotic world of Takamagahara, those enemies will not have doubts? If I take action at this time, it will be easier for those guys to join in and make them fall into chaos. Who do you think would be stupid enough to expose everything at this time?"

As soon as Xiao Sheng said this, Changshengzi suddenly realized and understood the master's plan. It was because some people suspected that the master and the Dark King were not dead, and because the master had mobilized the forbidden power of the Avenue of Life, so at this time he directly used the body of the Tree of Life to descend into the world of Takama-ga-hara so as not to arouse suspicion.

"But there is still danger. If the Takama-ga-hara world is a trap, you will be walking into a trap if you go there under such circumstances. You don't have much combat power at all with your current strength?" Changshengzi was still a little worried. You know, after Xiao Sheng completed his return to his ancestral home and seized the Dao, his own strength has been weakened a lot!
"This is what I want. Do you think that if I take the initiative to join the game at this time, will those guys who set up the plan take action? Moreover, if there is a conspiracy or calculation in Takama-ga-hara, wouldn't this just help me and Shifang? Don't dream of staying in the dark and hiding in the fog to launch a sneak attack on the enemy. Don't have such stupid ideas in the catastrophe. If you always position yourself for sneak attacks, you will inevitably end up dead. Sneak attacks will never succeed. Only by standing in this game openly can you have more opportunities. Now is the best opportunity, do you understand?"

Changshengzi didn't understand, but Shifang Taoist knew it very clearly. If one wanted to attain the status of Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian, if one wanted to attain it with one's physical body, and if one wanted to attain it with the laws of nature, it would not work if one kept hiding in the dark and trying to launch a sneak attack. It would cast a bigger shadow on one's mind and leave more hidden dangers in one's heart.

The more one knows about oneself and becomes enlightened, the more one realizes that it is not easy to attain enlightenment. The Poison Dragon Patriarch was able to attain enlightenment as a Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian because he took the initiative to step out and stand in the open, and exposed all his cards. That’s why he succeeded. But why didn’t Xuanwu, Suzaku, and Baihu succeed? There is a secret behind this. If these guys say that they don’t have any backup plans, Xiao Sheng won’t believe it!

(End of this chapter)

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