I am Xiao Sheng

Chapter 95 The Crisis Caused by the City God's Shinto

Chapter 95 The Crisis Caused by the City God's Shinto

Chapter 95 The crisis caused by Chenghuang Shinto
"How dare Taoist Samsara do this. Ma'am, let me teach this shameless guy a lesson, let him know that our witch clan is not easy to mess with, and dare to divide the power of six realms of Samsara!" After discovering the actions of Taoist Samsara, Xing Tian The big witch couldn't bear the anger in his heart, and wanted to teach Taoist Samsara a lesson.

"Okay, this is not something you can participate in. It seems that Taoist Samsara has sensed the danger and has begun to be wary of us, even the tunnel. No wonder this guy has been hiding for so long. It's not that he can't perfect the Netherworld, but It’s because he won’t believe in authenticity anymore, trust us, he’s going to go his own way! It’s just that he underestimated authenticity, and I underestimated authenticity, maybe that’s why we all have selfish motives!”

Speaking of this, Empress Pingxin couldn't help sighing, although she didn't care that a small part of the authority of the Six Paths of Reincarnation was taken away by the Samsara Taoist, after all, she didn't fully grasp the Six Paths of Reincarnation. Empress Xin had to be vigilant.Especially the authentic reaction made Pingxin Empress vigilant, neither she nor the reincarnated Taoist really saw the authenticity clearly, because they all had selfish motives.

In the eyes of Great Witch Xingtian, he saw the provocative actions of Taoist Samsara, but in the eyes of Empress Pingxin, he saw another scene. Taoist Samsara wanted to protect himself, even at the expense of the interests of the netherworld. The behavior of the Wu clan completely made the other party vigilant, and those Wu clan who made troubles did a terrible thing.In the eyes of the tunnel, it is another view. This is the expansion of the tunnel and the nether world. As for the result, it depends on the development of the situation.

"Huh, it's okay, Samsara didn't disappoint at last, and he didn't miss this best opportunity, but I don't know what changes have taken place in the Netherworld today, and what kind of reaction will Lady Pingxin and Tun Dao make? Chenghuang Shendao Now, the safety of Taoist Samsara is guaranteed, I don’t know how much time he needs to perfect the City God’s Shinto! Fortunately, the worst situation did not happen, and the City God Emperor was directly recognized by the three ways of heaven, earth and people, and received great merit .”

When he said this, Xiao Sheng couldn't help showing a faint smile in his eyes. Now the City God's Shinto doesn't need his own approval, Humanity has taken the initiative to recognize the City God's Shinto, becoming a part of Humanity, and the power of Humanity is growing.Tun Dao also recognized the God of the City God, clearing away the pressure in the Nether World, and the Dao of Heaven also recognized the God of the City God, and would not be suppressed by the Dao of Heaven.Xiao Sheng and Taoist Samsara did not expect all this.

"Chenghuang Shendao, what is this? As the ruler of the netherworld, why did Emperor Fengdu make such a decision to create the Chenghuang Shendao? What was he thinking? Could it be that the authentic way is no longer enough for the development of the nether world? , want to get involved in the world, can't you get involved in the prehistoric land?" At this time, Empress Nuwa frowned, thinking, her expression was extremely serious, obviously affected by this sudden shock, such a shock disrupted the plan in her mind.

To prevent the birth of Chenghuang Shinto?Empress Nuwa didn't dare to do this, even though she was a saint of heaven, she didn't dare to make such a move, not to mention that the city god's divine way has been recognized by the three ways of heaven, earth and people. As for why the authentic way and the way of heaven made such a choice , Empress Nuwa also vaguely guessed in her heart.However, the birth of the City God's Shinto will definitely have an impact on the Yaozu. This is certain, and the appearance of the City God will definitely suppress the development of the Yaozu.

"Brother, what should we do? The current situation is beyond your grasp. This series of shocking changes has seriously affected the development of the human race and the prehistoric world. We must be vigilant!"

Hearing Nuwa Empress's words, Taishang Laojun shook his head lightly and said: "It's too late, the other party has already been recognized by the three ways of heaven, earth and human, and he is in the netherworld, our strength is simply unable to deal with it." He caused any impact. I have to say that this little guy's methods are really clever, and he even chose the best time to make a shot. Under such circumstances, we don't even have a chance to stop it. We can't bear the cause and effect The backlash! The recognition of the three ways of heaven, earth and man means that he has been recognized by the entire prehistoric world, which cannot be shaken by us!"

Empress Nuwa didn't know all this, but she didn't want to compromise like this, but now that the Taishang Laojun expressed her position, Empress Nuwa could only let out a long sigh, gave up her previous thoughts, and gave up the suppression of the city god's divine way. At this time, there is no need to embarrass Emperor Fengdu, after all, he is a sage of heaven, and he can't control the situation in the tunnel.Even the Human Dao itself doesn't have much influence, not to mention that the City God's Divine Dao is directly recognized by the Three Dao of Heaven, Earth and Man.

First, the human emperor had an accident, then the leader of the human tribe offered sacrifices to humanity, and then humanity came down, giving the human emperor Zhuanxu a chance to survive. All these changes were too fast.The birth of the City God's Shinto has already affected the situation in the prehistoric world, so let the impact of the City God's Shinto on the prehistoric land, Nuwa Empress is a little bit unwilling, but the reincarnation Taoist can't do it, after all, the reincarnation Taoist has Fengdu Great Emperor His identity has gained the power of authority in the Netherworld, and is recognized by the Three Ways of Heaven, Earth and Man.

Moreover, Taoist Reincarnation did a great job in choosing the timing, so that Empress Nuwa didn't even have a reason to make a move. The other party clearly thought of the human race. Once he made a move, he would inevitably suffer the backlash of human luck. Empress Wa didn't want to be slapped in the face in front of everyone, by a little golden fairy like Taoist Samsara.

"It's the power of Xiaoqian World. This Emperor Fengdu takes Xiaoqian World as the core and carries his little six realms of reincarnation. It seems that this is another ambitious guy. If this guy's plot succeeds, Xiaoqian World Turning into a kingdom of God, I’m afraid that the City God will really want to settle down among the human race, which will affect our interests, and even affect the development of the human race!” At this time, Yuanshi Tianzun endured the hatred in his heart, and everything happened to him The disciple of Chanjiao used to be Guangchengzi, but now he is Chijingzi. Is Chanjiao so unpopular?

Taishang Laojun shook his head lightly and said: "Junior Brother Yuanshi, you are wrong, this is not an ordinary Little Thousand World, but a Little Thousand World with the virtues of heaven, earth and humanity, a perfect Little Thousand World. The gift of the Three Ways of Heaven, Earth and Man. It seems that the Three Ways of Heaven, Earth and Man really attach great importance to the God of the City God, and they just want to influence the human race. bad thing?"

"The gift of the three realms of heaven, earth and man? The six realms of reincarnation are the power of authenticity, and it is the core strength. Now there is a small six realms of reincarnation. Could it be that the emperor of Fengdu wants to fight against Empress Pingxin, or the authenticity wants to erode humanity?" The leader of Tongtian Cult also frowned at this moment, because it won't be long before Renhuang's teacher will be Jiejiao, and the changes in the human race are too great now, so big that even the leader of Tongtian Cult is troubled by it. The matter has not been resolved, and now there is another Chenghuang Shendao. This series of events has made the Master Tongtian feel uneasy instinctively, thinking that there is a big conspiracy behind it.

"Chenghuang, don't you think this word is very interesting?" At this time, Empress Nuwa couldn't help showing a faint smile on her face, as if she thought of something, and saw a trace of other things from the birth of the Chenghuang God. thing.

"Junior Sister Nuwa, if you notice something, just say it. We don't have too much time to waste now. Now that the matter of Emperor Zhuanxu is not over yet, if Jiufeng and the Wuzu seize the opportunity, the human race will The situation is very dangerous, and as the Holy Mother of Human Race, you will have to bear a lot of losses, and I don't think you want to see such a situation happen!"

Seeing the change in Empress Nuwa's expression, Taishang Laojun couldn't help but frowned, feeling a little bit dissatisfied with Empress Nuwa.Don't think about how to resolve the crisis and get out of the predicament, but watch everyone's jokes, which is a bit too inappropriate.

"The city god lives in the world forever. The Emperor Fengdu wants to enter the human race. In the entire prehistoric world, only the human race has a city. The gift of humanity may have seen this. As for the gift of heaven and earth, this is what I can't see." Maybe it’s a problem with my own vision, and I can’t see through the calculations behind it!”

When Nuwa Empress said this, Sanqing's expressions changed drastically. Isn't this clearly a fight for their interests? If the city god's divine way is spread among the human race, will it affect their preaching? Affect the development of the three religions?As for Empress Nuwa's claim that she can't see the gifts of heaven and earth, San Qing would never agree. As a sage of heaven, Nuwa couldn't see through, but she didn't want to say it, and she didn't want to be contaminated by this karma.

As a saint of the Dao of Heaven, how could Sanqing not understand the calculations of the Dao of Heaven? Even Yuanshi Tianzun gradually realized the problem after his anger. His disciples were calculated by the Dao of Heaven. Under this situation, they naturally knew Empress Nuwa's thoughts.

"Chenghuang, what a city god, it seems that the emperor of Fengdu is also eyeing the human race, but I don't know if this is his personal idea, or the idea of ​​the nether world and the authentic. Now we need to make changes. We can no longer let the human race If Renhuang makes any mistakes, Junior Brother Yuanshi, you must pay close attention to this point, and you must not make any ignorant actions again. From now on, we must do our best to suppress the Chenghuang Shinto!" At this moment, the Taishang Laojun felt the pressure , opened his mouth to remind Yuanshi Tianzun, and his body instantly exuded endless killing intent. This is a battle for the great way, and it will never end. Already have this ability!

(End of this chapter)

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