I am Xiao Sheng

Chapter 96 The hidden danger of the golden body

Chapter 96 The hidden danger of the golden body

Chapter 96 Hidden dangers of the golden body
When he heard the words of the Taishang Laojun, Yuanshi Tianzun also nodded cautiously. He knew very well the pressure of the Taishang Laojun at this time. If the human race had another big problem, the trouble would be big. Be more cautious yourself.I saw that Yuanshi Tianzun said: "Brother, please rest assured, I will always be careful to watch the changes of the human race, and I will never let the same thing happen again."

Is this a problem that Yuanshi Tianzun can solve by himself?He can keep an eye on his disciples, but in the face of the general trend of heaven and earth, he is probably powerless. Just as the power of heaven affects Chi Jingzi silently, this is something that cannot be controlled at all, even if Chi Jingzi has not done anything. There was no warning at all before the abnormal behavior.

However, the pressure of Master Tongtian is heavier than that of Yuanshi Tianzun, and even the disciples of Chanjiao have been counted one after another. Can he teach his disciples to take good control of the overall situation of the human race and help the emperor grow the human race?The Master Tongtian was not sure about this, after all, this shocking change had caused him a lot of impact.

Now is not the time for Sanqing and the others to relax their vigilance, because as the wife of the Emperor, the Nine Phoenix Witch is still in the capital of the Emperor, and has not solved this big trouble, whether it is Sanqing or Empress Nuwa, They all need to wait for the results of the Nine Phoenix Great Witch, and at the same time they also need to guard against the Wu Clan's attack.

As for the Jiuli tribe, there are different voices at this time. Those who yearn to integrate with the Wu tribe choose to send troops to rescue the great Wu Jiufeng, while those who think they are a human tribe disagree, so it is staged in the Jiuli tribe. There was a farce, and they were arguing endlessly with each other, unable to respond in the shortest time.

For the situation of the Jiuli tribe, those Wu tribes are very dissatisfied. In their opinion, it is most suitable for the Jiuli tribe to integrate into the Wu tribe, and the Jiuli tribe was restored under their protection, so it should be the Wu tribe. a part of.

The tribal leaders and warriors of the human race don't know the changes in Yuxu Palace, the thoughts of Sanqing and Empress Nuwa, let alone the situation of the Jiuli tribe at this time.They just knew that Emperor Zhuanxu had returned to normal, and that the luck of the human race was stopping losses, and this was the result they wanted.As for how to deal with the Nine Phoenix Great Witch, this is not something that Xiao Sheng and other tribal leaders need to consider. This is just the Emperor Zhuanxu's own family affairs, and Zhuanxu will find a way to deal with it. They don't have the heart to participate in such a matter. middle.

After seeing the human emperor Zhuan Xu back to normal, Xiao Sheng was the first to stand up and say goodbye. He didn't want to participate in the next thing, and now, while the will of humanity is still there, it is the best choice to retreat all by himself.

When Xiao Sheng stood up to bid farewell to the Emperor Zhuanxu, the Shennong Tribe followed closely behind, and they did not want to stay outside the capital of the Emperor, nor did they want to have more communication with the Emperor Zhuanxu, as long as the Emperor Zhuanxu is safe, and the luck of the human race will no longer be plundered by the witch clan. This is enough. The Shennong tribe has no intention of becoming an enemy of the Human Emperor, or even competing for the respect of the Human Emperor.

With the farewell of Xiao Sheng and the Shennong tribe, the human army outside the Emperor's Capital quickly disintegrated, and the armies of various tribes left one after another.It didn't take long before the presence of the army disappeared outside the Emperor's Capital, and the only thing left was the altar that still had a trace of humanity. All these changes happened so fast that Chi Jingzi and Emperor Zhuanxu were shocked , It also made them sure that these guys did not come with malicious intent.

It's just that soon the Emperor Zhuanxu and Chi Jingzi had a headache. Now that the Nine Phoenix Witch has exposed the plunder of the luck of the human race, how should they deal with her? It is to push this trouble to these guys, and now Chi Jingzi and Emperor Zhuanxu can only have a headache.

At this time, Xiao Sheng didn't care about the changes in the human race, let alone how the emperor Zhuanxu arranged for the great witch Jiufeng. Now his mind is full of wanting to perfect his own way of refining weapons. , I don't need to care about this at all, it can be handled well with the ability of Taoist reincarnation.

After being recognized by the Three Ways of Heaven, Earth and Man, Taoist Samsara did not start to expand his City God Divine Way in the first place, but became familiar with his own little thousand world, the world that has now turned to the kingdom of God, and the little six ways Reincarnation, after obtaining the great merits of the three realms of heaven, earth and man, what changes will the merged merits have on the minor six realms of reincarnation.

Soon, Taoist Samsara was dumbfounded. Today's Little Thousand World has too many changes, and the whole Little Thousand World is full of merit. The power of these merits is constantly changing the Little Thousand World, and it is also constantly changing. Changing the small six realms of reincarnation, just a little contact, the golden body of one's own merits has undergone a qualitative change, and the golden body has become stronger and more stable.

When the Samsara Taoist wanted to take over this small thousand world with the golden body of merit and virtue, and took over the reincarnation of the minor six realms, he encountered resistance. The power of the golden body of merit and virtue could not perfectly grasp the power of the minor six realms of reincarnation, which shocked the Taoist reincarnation , Could it be that the idea of ​​myself and this deity is wrong, and the power of the golden body cannot truly grasp the city god's divine way?

When such a situation occurred, the Samsara Taoist couldn't help but frowned and thought about the reason. Perhaps it had something to do with the source of the golden body, and the direction of the golden body's future practice. Now the golden body of merit does not belong to him. Therefore, it is impossible to refine the small six realms of reincarnation, and it is impossible to truly grasp this small thousand world, this world of the kingdom of God!
"Wrong, it seems that my choice of the first golden body is wrong. The golden body should not gather merit, but the golden body of faith. If you have the golden body of faith, you can directly endow him with the origin of the Dao of Reincarnation. The position of the Great Emperor, so everything is under control!" It didn't take long for Taoist Samsara to finally understand the problem, but fortunately, there was still time, and he didn't have so many scruples about the cultivation of the golden body.

Although Taoist Samsara was rejected by the Wu Clan in the Nether World, and none of the Wu Clan was willing to recognize him as Emperor Fengdu, the world today is no longer what it was at the beginning. There are already many creatures in the Nether World, and These creatures are not as arrogant and domineering as the Wu Clan. They still have a good impression of the Taoist Samsara, the great emperor of Fengdu, so the Taoist Samsara also has a lot of faith in him, which can be used to condense the golden body of faith.

After realizing this problem, Taoist Samsara immediately told his deity Xiao Sheng about his feelings. Although Xiao Sheng was also a little surprised by this problem, he didn't care too much, because what he condensed was the golden body of faith, and this time After returning to the Shennong tribe, Xiao Sheng also intended to endow Faith with the original power of the golden body.

One after another humane ideas, the merits of many human races are constantly fused together under Xiao Sheng's guidance, and then integrated into his own golden body of faith. Under the effect of the fusion, a faint breath of humanity bloomed on the golden body of faith.

It succeeded, and after paying a huge price, Xiao Sheng finally succeeded in condensing the origin of humanity, using the golden body of faith to carry the power of this origin, to realize the origin that he had obtained in the human race, as the origin of humanity At the time of cohesion, Xiao Sheng discovered that the golden body of faith had changed, and had the ability to self-evolve. Xiao Sheng was shocked by this situation. This was almost a different kind of killing three corpses, but it was a pity that he could only bear two golden bodies. the power of.

After possessing the source of humanity, the golden body of faith can practice on its own, comprehend humanity and the law of humanity, no longer be affected by the deity, and truly have the ability to be independent and self-surviving, no longer depends on belief The power of faith is no longer restricted by faith. This change brought joy to Xiao Sheng's eyes, but it also added worry. The power of the golden body of faith is obviously closely connected with the human race. As soon as he comes out, he will definitely be suppressed by the disciples of the three religions. This is what he has to face.When that moment comes, it may be the outbreak of war.

Although Xiao Sheng doesn't like war, he is not afraid of war. In the prehistoric world, the weak do not have the right to survive. Whether merit or belief is just a means, it is ultimately one's own practice.

Is it worth it to connect yourself closely with the human race?Is there any hidden danger in the original endowment of the golden body of faith and the golden body of merit? When I want to take back the original source, what impact will it have on myself?After succeeding in believing in the golden body, a series of questions appeared in Xiao Sheng's mind again. This may be a warning from his heart. This tricky method of his is not the right way, and there will be a lot of hidden dangers.

If I have this feeling myself, will I feel the same as a reincarnation Taoist?Is the method of the second soul really feasible?At this moment, Xiao Sheng was doubting his own secret method. With his original strength, even with many ideas of later generations, it was impossible to create such a powerful clone secret method, the method of the second soul and the golden body. Own opportunity, or an obstacle on the path of self-cultivation?

At this time, Xiao Sheng's expression became solemn. Facing such a problem, he had to treat it with caution. This was related to his own life and death. He and the Taoist reincarnation repeatedly sought the power of the clone secret method, and did not want to take responsibility for himself. I am willing to face up to myself, maybe now I have stepped into a new wrong path.This is the result of no inheritance. The inheritance of chaos gods and demons is only the road of law. Has he already deviated from the original original road after repeated revisions?The Dao of the Five Elements Gods and Demons is very simple. It is the world where the Dao of the Five Elements and the accompanying treasure "Five Elements God Orb" evolve. There are no other laws, but now I have too many laws!
(End of this chapter)

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