I am Xiao Sheng

Chapter 956 The authorities are obsessed with it

Chapter 956 The authorities are obsessed with it
Chapter 936: The authorities are confused
How did Tian Dao transform into a human form? Xiao Sheng also wanted to know, but he knew that he did not have such strength. Moreover, if he acted too actively, he might attract the attention of Hongjun Daozu, or even bring himself a fatal disaster. Tian Dao was out of trouble, and he believed that Hongjun Daozu was also hiding in the dark and paying attention to everything. This was not a disaster Xiao Sheng was willing to face!
"Perhaps this disaster is what the Heavenly Dao and Hongjun Daozu want, otherwise how could the Heavenly Dao take shape. Darkness, you must also be cautious and careful, and never act rashly. Don't forget that Hongjun Daozu is still hiding in the dark. We will first remind Shifang and Changshengzi, and as for us, we should be more cautious. We are not the Master of Tongtian, and we don't have the luck and fortune of the great god Pangu to protect us. If we are really targeted, it will be dangerous!"

At this point, Xiao Sheng couldn't help but sighed, and then began to contact Taoist Shifang and Changshengzi. What surprised Xiao Sheng was that before he could even open his mouth, the two guys immediately asked, "Master, are you looking for us because of the previous shocking change? What happened in the Earthly Immortal Realm? How could the aura of the Heavenly Dao descend on Earth, and it was a Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian? Has the layout of Earth been completed? Are they going to harvest it?"

"How could you have such an idea? How could you feel the breath of Heavenly Dao? Could it be that when Heavenly Dao transformed into a human form and descended to Earth, he did not restrain his breath?" When Xiao Sheng heard the words of Taoist Shifang, his heart was shocked. If Heavenly Dao did not restrain his own breath, this would be a huge problem. It meant that Heavenly Dao was deliberately trying to lure the snake out of its hole and wanted to calculate those gods and demons outside the domain. This was not the result he wanted.

"How could we not feel such an obvious aura? Not only us, but even other people can feel it. First it was the ruins of Mount Buzhou, and now it's the aura of the Heavenly Dao. Could it be that these guys are already trying to reap everything?"

"It shouldn't have reached that stage yet, but it's not far away. The Heavenly Dao has taken shape and broken free from the shackles of the prehistoric world. Now it is an independent existence, no longer restricted by heaven and earth. You must be careful and don't let yourself be targeted, otherwise it will be dangerous. A Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian appears on Earth, which is a huge crisis!"

"We understand. It looks like the worst is about to begin. Unfortunately, those guys haven't entered Earth yet. Their army hasn't been fully assembled yet. This time we're facing not just one or two extraterritorial gods and demons, but many. Moreover, these guys all have the strength of Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian. My current clone dares not make the slightest move. I can only hide carefully, fearing that I might be noticed by the other party if I'm not careful."

"You mean that those gods and demons from outside the domain are going to fight with all their might and invade the Earth at all costs to fight for the opportunity they want. But what opportunity do they want, have you figured it out?" At this moment, Xiao Sheng felt that there must be a secret behind this. If those guys just wanted to invade the prehistoric world, there would be no need for them to send out their entire army.

"My Lord, you want me to die. Do you think I have the ability to understand the other party's thoughts? Do you think I can find out such a secret? I wish these guys would go out in full force, so that I can have the opportunity to steal the origin of the world, or even refine their world at the critical moment!"

Xiao Sheng was stunned by the answer from the Taoist Shifang. He was indeed overthinking it. With the Taoist Shifang's strength, how could he know the thoughts and plans of those gods and demons from outside the domain? Even if they really had plans, they would not easily say it out and let their subordinates know. Therefore, it was impossible to learn this secret from them. Perhaps he could only know everything when the war broke out. It was just hard to say whether it would be too late by then!

Taking a deep breath, Xiao Sheng said, "Shifang, if you have the chance, you can indeed seize their world, but can you do it alone? After all, it is a world. Don't they have anyone left behind? That's impossible, right?"

"This is where I feel there is a problem. Those guys are gathering all their troops. It looks like they are going to send out the entire army. They all have space magic treasures. It looks like they want to invade with all their strength. As long as they all leave, as long as the world gate is destroyed and the coordinates are destroyed, I really have a chance to seize those worlds, but the value will be much smaller. These bastards have almost taken the origin of the world to the limit. This is where I doubt!"

"Hiss!" Xiao Sheng gasped when he heard these words, and the Dark King also gasped. They all understood that to get things to this point, these guys were fighting desperately, even using all their strength, but what on earth was there in the prehistoric world that was worth them fighting so hard and being so crazy? Why did they know nothing about it?

"My Lord, perhaps we should ask Hou Tu, the ancestor of witches, or ask Tong Tian Patriarch, they should know something. Niangniang Ping Xin is a genuine saint, it is impossible for her not to know all this. And Tong Tian Patriarch, as one of the Three Pure Ones, it is impossible for him to know nothing, otherwise this guy would not have cut off the origin of the saint and re-cultivated the method of Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian!" Although what the Dark King said made sense, the current situation did not allow him to ask. After all, Hongjun Daozu was still hiding in the dark and observing everything in the prehistoric world. The most important thing was that the Heavenly Dao had already taken shape, what about the Human Dao and the Earthly Dao? Humanity made such a great sacrifice to gain freedom, and the Heavenly Dao also took the opportunity to take shape. When would the Human Dao take shape, and what was the plan of the other Dao?

"Don't dream. We can't do anything at this moment. If the human race escapes, many people will target us. You don't think Jingwei and Yang Chan's actions will go unnoticed. I'm worried that the human race is also planning something. We may even be targeted at this moment. Don't be careless, or you and I will pay a heavy price!"

Xiao Sheng felt tremendous pressure in his heart regarding the current situation. After all, the human race's move to escape was too crazy and would attract a lot of people's attention. This would directly lead to people mentioning Jingwei and Yang Chan's trip to Huoyun Cave, which would make him the target of public criticism. Therefore, Xiao Sheng did not dare to act rashly at this time.

"My Lord, when you mentioned Jingwei, it reminded me of Nüba in the netherworld. I wonder how she is doing now. Now that the prehistoric world has undergone such earth-shaking changes, I'm afraid the netherworld is not safe either. The Human Emperor Xuanyuan will not forget his daughter, the daughter of the Human Emperor who sacrificed herself for the human race!"

"It's too early for us to discuss this issue now, and I have nothing to do with us. Even if Emperor Xuanyuan has some ideas, he doesn't have the ability to enter the Netherworld to ask for an explanation from Empress Pingxin. And do you think the Netherworld is safe at this moment? Look at the present primitive land and the collapsed heaven. The Netherworld will have no problems at all. Do you believe it yourself? Anyway, I don't believe it. It's just that the situation in the Netherworld has not erupted yet!"

The current situation in the prehistoric world makes Xiao Sheng no longer have any illusions about the underworld. Now he doesn't know to what extent the fight between Niangxin and the underground tunnel has reached, and how the guy named Minghe Patriarch will react. This guy is the lord of Asura Dao, so all this may change differently. Xiao Sheng even suspects that the war in the underworld has already broken out, but the winner has not yet been decided.

Xiao Sheng also wanted to know what the current situation in the Netherworld was like, but he knew that this was not something he should know. If he got involved in this matter at this time, he would easily bring himself endless troubles. Even if he wanted to find a tunnel to seek an explanation and avenge Taoist Priest Chaos, he did not have the strength to do so now. He could only continue to endure. Besides, this was not the time to reveal his identity!
Although he had many ideas in mind, before Hongjun Daozu left the Earthly Immortal Realm and entered the Earth Star, Xiao Sheng had to be cautious and careful, not daring to take any action, lest he become the target of Hongjun Daozu. At this time, being cautious was the best policy, and any adventurous action was risky. A gentleman does not stand under a dangerous wall, and the more cautious you are at this time!

"I think I have some understanding of the conditions for humanity to escape?" Just when Xiao Sheng was thinking about everything, Changshengzi's words suddenly woke him up, and also shocked the Dark King and the Taoist Ten Directions. How could Changshengzi understand something that they didn't understand? Could this guy be trapped in fantasy?

"Changshengzi, this is not the time to joke. This concerns our safety. Don't joke about my life and mine!" The Dark King did not think that Changshengzi could see through the problems that he himself could not see through, and could know what the conditions were for the human race to transform, so in his opinion this was Changshengzi's fantasy.

"No, let Changshengzi speak. Perhaps he can really see the situation more clearly than us. We are now the ones involved in the matter, but Changshengzi is a bystander who can see things that we can't see. It doesn't matter if he is wrong. After all, we don't plan to take the initiative, so it will be good for us to listen to Changshengzi's words. It may even allow us to take the initiative in the next shocking change and not be calculated by Hongjun Daozu! As for why Hongjun Daozu didn't leave, it may be related to this matter. We have to be on guard!"

(End of this chapter)

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