I am Xiao Sheng

Chapter 957: Man-Made Disaster

Chapter 957: Man-Made Disaster
Chapter 937: Man-Made Disaster

"When the Heavenly Dao took shape, it meant that the Heaven was heading for collapse. Haotian and Yaochi gave up their own positions, the entire Heaven was destroyed, and the Investiture of the Gods was destroyed. That's why he succeeded. The Human Dao also wanted to take shape and gain freedom. I'm afraid what he wanted to see was the destruction of the Earthly Immortal Realm, and they had already planned all of this. The disappearance of the Buzhou Mountain ruins was the beginning, and now the situation is developing in this direction. I even think that if the Earth Dao wants to take shape, the Netherworld is the key!"

As soon as Changshengzi finished speaking, everyone was stunned. This was something they had not expected, neither Xiao Sheng, the Dark King, nor even the Taoist Shifang had thought of this. Changshengzi's reminder also forced Xiao Sheng and the Dark King to be cautious. They really should not be the first to stick their heads out, otherwise they would be entangled in serious consequences!
What the human race can do, Xiao Sheng and the Dark King cannot do; what Haotian and Yao Chi can do, they cannot do either. It seems that the dragon veins of the earth in their hands cannot be destroyed by themselves, but need to be destroyed by "someone with ulterior motives", otherwise they will have to bear the consequences!
"Master, we really need to be careful about this matter, and we also need to find a way to inform fellow Taoist Zhen Yuanzi. Otherwise, if something goes wrong, we will also be implicated. No wonder the Three Pure Ones did nothing, and that fellow Bodhi Patriarch is still enduring. They are all worried about bearing this great cause and effect!" At this time, the Dark King was so worried that he didn't want to fall into danger and bear this great cause and effect. Even the Dark King was doubting in his heart that if he and Master bore this cause and effect, the Taoist Hongjun who was hiding in the dark would take the opportunity to kill them directly.

"We can't do it. We can't do anything now. Daozu Hongjun is watching us in secret. Do you think we can't act? Do you think the entire prehistoric land will not be under his surveillance? Or do you think we have the ability to fight against Daozu Hongjun? Now everything depends on the luck of Daoist Zhenyuanzi. I hope he can see the situation clearly. I hope that Zuwu Houtu can give Daoist Zhenyuanzi some help. Now you and I can't do anything. Otherwise, all our secrets will be exposed if we are not careful. At that time, you and I will be in danger. This shock came too suddenly!"

At this point, Xiao Sheng couldn't help but shook his head, a hint of disappointment flashed across his eyes, and he sighed, "Perhaps this is the consequence of us not mastering the karma of heaven and earth. If we also had karma, the result might be different. After all, Haotian and Yaochi could sense the danger in advance and react like this!"

Although what Xiao Sheng said sounded a bit far-fetched, it was also true. Only those who now controlled the position of heaven and earth could see through everything. However, everyone was in trouble now. This sudden change had affected many of their previous ideas, and even their plans were impacted!
"So this is a long-standing calculation between Heavenly Dao, Hongjun Daozu, and even Human Dao. Otherwise, how could the shocking changes in the world come so suddenly? Otherwise, how could there be such a ridiculous split in the heavens? How could all this happen now? Everything is under their control. Now we can only wait for the changes in humanity, wait for the human race to escape from the predicament, and hope that the worst situation will not happen for the changes in the entire prehistoric world!" Taoist Shifang sighed as he spoke. Even with the Endless Abyss as a means of self-protection, the current situation still made him feel uneasy. There are problems in the Earthly Immortal Realm, and the Earth Star is not much better. The appearance of Heavenly Dao, the appearance of the fierce beast Emperor Shen Ni, and Buzhou Mountain, and even those extraterritorial gods and demons who are preparing to send out their entire army, everything is so crazy and so dangerous!

"Wait, now we can only wait for the result. No matter how the situation develops, no matter what the endless enemies plan, everything will have a result. We just need to wait and see. As long as Hongjun Daozu leaves, there will be a chance for everything. Moreover, Sanqing, Bodhi Patriarch and Lishan Old Mother did not react at all. This also shows that the saints of the Heavenly Dao may have problems, or they have to accept all the changes before their eyes. If the Heavenly Dao holds the power, then the saints of the Heavenly Dao are still restricted by it, but now that the Heavenly Dao has taken shape, how long can the power of this authority restrict the saints of the Heavenly Dao?"

When they heard what Xiao Sheng said, they were stunned. This was a problem they had never thought of before. If the saints of the Heavenly Dao had a chance to escape and return to the prehistoric world, what kind of impact would it have on the entire prehistoric world? Would all this still be within the calculations of the Heavenly Dao and Hongjun Daozu?

It is hard to explain all of this now. After all, Daozu Hongjun is still in control of the situation, and there have been no shocking changes among the Saints of the Heavenly Dao. If the Saints of the Heavenly Dao also compromised, perhaps this shocking change would be problematic!
Just as Xiao Sheng and his clone were discussing countermeasures, the prehistoric land was shaking again, and the natural disasters were coming more violently. Without the power of the Buzhou Mountain ruins, the dragon veins of the entire prehistoric land were damaged. After the human race escaped, the disasters of the prehistoric land were getting worse, and those casual cultivators could no longer bear it. If these casual cultivators still had a little bit of expectation and fantasy in their hearts before, now this fantasy is shattered, the dissipation of the heavenly court, and the constant natural disasters in the earthly immortal world, which made their pressure continue to grow, and finally the string in their hearts finally broke, so man-made disasters also appeared!
These guys didn't dare to cause trouble for Tiandao and Hongjun Daozu. After all, they were just like 'ants' in the other's eyes and could be destroyed with a wave of the hand. However, they set their sights on the human race. They all believed that all this was caused by the human race and that the human race should be held responsible for it. So these guys directly launched an attack on the human race, and human disasters began from then on!

Both natural disasters and man-made disasters occurred on the prehistoric land, causing more disasters in this prehistoric land and affecting all living beings in this prehistoric land more. Those weak creatures were facing a catastrophe. All this was caused not by others but by those independent cultivators who had been driven crazy. They did not dare to punch the strong, so they targeted the human race, because in their opinion, the human race had experienced the previous outbreak and its strength had been affected. This was their best chance.

In the minds of these casual cultivators, targeting the human race not only allows them to vent their anger, but also allows them to plunder the luck of the human race. After all, the human race is still the protagonist of heaven and earth. Even though the prehistoric land has suffered such an impact today, in the eyes of these guys, the human race still has huge benefits, so the evil thoughts in their hearts are fully detonated.

This is human nature. When it comes to interests, they don't care about right or wrong. They only care about themselves. For their own interests, these guys can do anything, so it is understandable that they attack the human race. However, the emergence of such a crisis caught the human race off guard and put it directly into a difficult situation.

Although the human race is the protagonist of heaven and earth and has great strength, they have many difficulties. Not to mention the human race in the earthly immortal world who are being affected. Those who practice cultivation are still okay, but for mortals, they need the protection of the strong people of the human race, so the power of the human race is dispersed, which leads to the attacks of these scattered cultivators.

Where have the dragon clan gone? The dragon clan has a lot of cause and effect with the human race, but now that the human race is in trouble, the dragon clan of the four seas did not help the human race, nor did they stop those independent cultivators. Instead, they watched coldly, as if they had abandoned the agreement made in the past and were no longer allies with the human race. These guys had betrayed the human race!
Really betrayed? No, the dragon race did not betray the human race, but they were powerless. The four seas dragon race now needs to focus on suppressing the four seas. As for the river gods in the earthly immortal world, they have also been besieged and killed by the independent cultivators. Those independent cultivators have no scruples in order to seize benefits. In their eyes, as long as they can be plundered, they can hunt them.

At this moment, those casual cultivators had a strong aura of calamity from heaven and earth, as well as terrible cause and effect. These guys were affected by external forces. This was obviously not a great calamity from heaven and earth, but these casual cultivators had a strong aura of calamity from heaven and earth on their bodies. However, there were no strong men who could move freely in the prehistoric land now. Whether it was Xiao Sheng or the King of Darkness, they could only protect themselves and had no way of understanding the situation of those casual cultivators.

Whose work is this? If Xiao Sheng saw all this, he would definitely understand that this was the work of humanity and Hongjun Daozu. Hongjun Daozu ignored the emergence of this man-made disaster, and humanity was guiding the independent cultivators to target the human race. After all, humanity has now lost the luck of the human race, so it will naturally take action. It is not impossible to use the hands of independent cultivators to clean up the human race, or even destroy the human race in the Earth Immortal Realm. After all, the situation in the Earth Immortal Realm is different from that on Earth!
Xiao Sheng did not understand the current situation and was unaware of the crazy human disaster in the world, but Niangniang Pingxin in the underworld was very clear about it. Because of this massacre, many human beings had died, and there were already many resentful souls of the human race in the underworld. This situation made Niangniang Pingxin feel extremely heavy.

First it was the Heavenly Dao, the Heavenly Realm was directly split, Haotian and Yaochi fled, and now it was the human race, and those scattered cultivators directly attacked the human race, Hongjun Daozu and the Human Dao turned a blind eye, if the human race also fell, who would be the next? With the wisdom of Empress Pingxin, she naturally understood that it must be herself and the Wu Clan. You must know that the Netherworld is now in the hands of the Wu Clan. Even if there is assistance from the human race, everything is still dominated by the Wu Clan!

(End of this chapter)

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