peninsula prosecutor

Chapter 199 Write down this enmity for now, it is not easy to be a son-in-law

Chapter 199 Write down this enmity for now, it is not easy to be a son-in-law
Jiang Zhiqing's body was discovered by fishermen the next morning. After all, the location was too remote. Who would come except the fishermen who had to throw two shots to cross the Naihe Bridge?

Xu Jingxian and Jiang Jingen rushed to the scene together.

Jiang Jingen looked at the dead body on the ground with red eyes, and tears silently rolled down the corners of her eyes.

"Hey, Section Chief Jiang, I'm so sorry." The guard who appeared at the scene comforted her by looking at her.

Xu Jingxian said in a deep voice with no expression on his face: "No matter what, you must catch the murderer."

"Yes!" The guard responded immediately, and then gave his preliminary analysis: "This place is too far away, and generally no one would come here. There are red marks on the deceased's wrist, which should have been tied up. All the money was taken away, and the preliminary judgment is that they killed people for money."

"Then check the surveillance in the whole city, and follow the monitoring along the way." Xu Jingxian didn't change his face, because he had already arranged for someone to handle the surveillance outside the hotel.

The investigation can only find out that Jiang Zhiqing followed him for several days. Jiang Jingen must feel guilty for his brother's actions, but it doesn't matter, he has forgiven Jiang Zhiqing, after all, he is his brother-in-law.

"Tell me as soon as you have the result." Jiang Jingen said in a hoarse voice. Others thought she was overly sad, but they didn't know that Xu Jingxian had teased her last night.

Who made him extraordinary and made her feel like a thorn in her throat.

After confessing, Jiang Jingen took a deep breath and wiped away her tears: "Minister Xu, let's go."

After speaking, he left without waiting for Xu Jingxian's reply.

Xu Jingxian shook his head and sighed, and followed him into the car.

"Woooooo..." As soon as he got in the car, Jiang Jingen, who was calm and calm before, lay in Xu Jingxian's arms and cried loudly, choking up: "Zhiqing is dead, it's because I didn't take good care of him, what should I do to deal with it?" Mom and Dad."

After Jiang's father was imprisoned, she had already moved out of the villa Li Sangxi bought and lived with her mother.

The relationship between mother and daughter is already good, and it is better to be dependent on each other, so now I feel panic and blame myself.

"It's not your fault. You have repeatedly said that you sent him to study abroad. It's because he doesn't appreciate it and insists on fooling around outside. Auntie will understand." Xu Jingxian patted her on the back lightly while comforting her.

Jiang Jingen fell asleep after crying tired, she must not be able to go to work in this state, Xu Jingxian sent her home.

Then he called Lin Miaoxi to report, and then drove straight to Seoul, ready to meet Liu Decheng.

But after arriving in Seoul, he did not go directly to the Ministry of Justice building, but first went to the lobby to visit Park Yong Sung.

"I didn't expect you to come so soon." Park Yongcheng looked up at Xu Jingxian who walked into the office and said.

Xu Jingxian smiled ashamedly and bowed his head and said, "I'm making you laugh, Chief. After all, I'm just an ordinary person. To be honest, I tossed and turned last night and couldn't fall asleep."

He is concerned about the country and the people, so it is difficult to fall asleep, and he can only sleep lightly for a while with the help of a woman.

"I understand, if you miss this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity, there will be no next time." Park Yongcheng sighed.

In the officialdom, one step is fast, every step is fast.

There is no such thing as a thick and thin statement.

The promotion of presidential privileges is difficult for many people to encounter once in a lifetime, and anyone who encounters it will firmly grasp it.

Xu Jingxian put the gift he brought aside, went to make coffee for Park Yongcheng, brought it in front of him and asked, "I can't figure out why Minister Liu is embarrassing me now? Please give me some advice from the chief."

"It should be a condition to get something from you." Park Yongcheng took a sip of coffee, put it down and continued: "He deliberately vented to me, just wanted to use my mouth to tell you I'll let you go talk to him about this news."

"Is there anything on my body that Minister Liu cares about? Why should he be so troublesome, can I still disobey his orders?" Xu Jingxian smiled wryly when he heard this, but his heart was cold.

This feeling of being easily restrained by the throat is really uncomfortable, so I have to climb up desperately.

Park Yongcheng chuckled: "He probably didn't mean to embarrass you, but to give you a blow first to make you feel awed and suppress you, so that we can talk later. You just need to be respectful."

"Don't be a young man for a while, no matter what he says, you should be the first to respond. Minister Liu is recognized as difficult to get along with, and he especially hates people who don't respect him."

Although these words sound like consolation, from Park Yong Sung's point of view, this is normal or harmless, but Xu Jingxian hates this feeling very much.

He's being groomed like a dog.

He doesn't mind being a dog for a big shot before he has no strength. After all, the situation in the officialdom is like this. Be a dog first and then a man.

But Liu Decheng not only didn't reward the bone, but instead kept the bone that should belong to him, and now he is using this bone as a reward to teach him to be obedient.

He just wanted to kill that damn old thing.

Suddenly I think Lin Haicheng is cute too.

"Thank you, Chief, for your guidance. Then I will visit Minister Liu now." Xu Jingxian got up and bowed to leave.

More than 20 minutes later, Xu Jingxian arrived at the office building of the Ministry of Justice and went straight to the minister's office.

"Xu Jian, I've been waiting for you for a long time. What kind of wind has brought you to our legal department." Liu Decheng's secretary immediately stood up and greeted him with a smile when he saw him.

Xu Jingxian glanced at the nameplate on his desk, and said politely: "Please inform Secretary Wang, I want to visit Minister Liu."

Secretary Wang is in his thirties, wearing a decent black suit, gentle and kind.

"It's such a coincidence that Xu Jian didn't call to make an appointment before he came. The minister has a lot of people to see today, why don't you go back first? I'll call you when the minister is free." Secretary Wang said with a smile on his face. .

Xu Jingxian smiled slightly: "It's okay, I'll wait here for a while. Minister Liu has a lot of things to do every day, and he doesn't know when he will be free. It's too painful to go back and wait."

"Then I will wrong Xu Jian. You sit down first, and I will go in and give you a report." Secretary Wang moved a chair for him, then walked outside the minister's office and knocked on the door. After getting permission from inside, he walked in.

There was only Liu Decheng in the office, and he was reading documents at this time. He was nearly [-] years old, his eyes were not working well, and he had to wear glasses very close together.

Secretary Wang said respectfully: "Minister, Xu Jingxian is here. I said that you have so many people to meet today that you don't have time to see him. He said he will wait outside until you finish your work."

"Let's hang it out for now. I heard that he is a bit arrogant. He will inevitably be high-spirited when he is a young man. He can't learn to bow his head. It's not easy to talk about the future without grinding his pride." Liu Decheng said without raising his head while reading the document.

Secretary Wang hesitated to speak. He felt that Xu Jingxian was not so arrogant, but thinking of Liu Decheng's character, he finally didn't speak, bowed slightly and backed out.

After walking out of the office, Secretary Wang looked at Xu Jingxian and said, "Xu Jian may have to wait a little longer."

Seeing is definitely meeting you, but the time is late.

"Thank you, Secretary Wang." Xu Jingxian heard his hint to himself, and returned a kind smile.

Time passed by, and Xu Jingxian waited for more than an hour before he saw a person enter Liu Decheng's office. After that person came out, no one went in again, but Liu Decheng never invited him in.

Although he had been psychologically prepared, Xu Jingxian was still furious in his heart, but he didn't show it.

In this way, it was close to noon to get off work.

Xu Jingxian has stood up and moved his body several times.

Finally, Secretary Wang received a call from Liu Decheng. After hanging up, he looked at Xu Jingxian and said, "Xu Jian, the minister is done with work. Let you go in now."

"Thank you, Secretary Wang." Xu Jingxian let out a long breath, took another deep breath, and knocked on the door.

"Boom boom boom!"

"Come in."

Xu Jingxian pushed the door and entered, turned around and closed the door, stepped forward quickly, bowed respectfully and said: "My lord, this subordinate has taken the liberty to come here to disturb you."

Seeing Xu Jingxian still be so respectful after waiting for two or three hours, Liu Decheng was very satisfied, thinking that his own suppression made him restrain his previous arrogance.

Old-fashioned people like him like to treat young people this way, because they have come here before, and they end up becoming what they used to hate.

"I know the purpose of Jingxian's visit, do you think I deliberately suppressed you?" Liu Decheng said with a warm attitude, the purpose of dismounting authority has been achieved, so now it's time to show a soft side.

Xu Jingxian quickly said: "Don't dare, I have no grievances with the minister, how can the minister suppress me, a small deputy minister? You must have your own deep meaning in doing this, it's just that the subordinates are stupid and can't understand , so I came to ask for advice.”

"That's right, you're better than I expected." Liu Decheng nodded appreciatively, and said, "It's shocking enough for you to become a deputy minister after only two years in office. There will be opposition."

"And as the head of the Ministry of Justice, I objected first, so the rest of the people naturally don't need to be this villain again, and then I will express to the president that after careful consideration, I agree to promote you in an exceptional way, so that your promotion order will be logical. down."

It looked like I was doing everything for your own good, but Xu Jingxian heard another layer of threat.

Liu Decheng is the only one who objected among the people the president asked. He said that if he changed his words, Xu Jingxian would be promoted smoothly, but what if he didn't change his words?

"I just found out today that Minister Liu has worked so hard, and my subordinates are so grateful." Xu Jingxian said with reddened eyes and emotion, clenched his fists and looked at Liu Decheng.

"After all, I have also been a prosecutor, but I just don't want to see the younger generation being buried." Liu Decheng smiled lightly, and then changed the subject, as if casually said: "But if Jingxian really appreciates me, please do me a favor." , if it’s difficult, forget it.”

"Mr. Liu, please tell me that this subordinate will go through fire and water!" Xu Jingxian immediately agreed.

He knew the big game was coming.

Liu Decheng sighed: "I was an only child when I was old. I passed the judicial examination by chance and became a prosecutor, but I am not as good as you Jingxian. I really don't know what he will do after I retire."

"There are a few vacancies in the Incheon District Prosecutor's Office. This time, when the promotion order comes, you will be promoted to the minister. Quanzi happens to be the deputy minister. I want to transfer him to Jingxian and study with you. It is best to be with me. Before retiring, make a few good achievements, and while I still have the strength, I will help him one last time."

Xu Jingxian suddenly realized that Liu Decheng wanted to put his useless son under his own hands, so that he could make a few more contributions, and then put it on his son.

He was almost laughed at by Liu Decheng's shamelessness.

Using the promotion opportunity that should have belonged to him as a kindness given to him, and then asking him to return it.

Are you really using yourself as a soft persimmon?

Xu Jingxian's back molars were about to gnaw into pieces, but on the surface he couldn't show any dissatisfaction, instead he had to look moved: "It's really pitiful for the parents of the world, please rest assured, Minister, I will definitely take good care of Young Master Ling."

He has no room to refuse at all, because if he refuses, he will not only miss this opportunity to improve, but also offend Liu Decheng, who will definitely be put on by him in the future.

Cao Nima, remember this Qiu Laozi first!

But Liu Decheng's son is really useless, even if he is old enough to have a son, he is more than 30 now.

In his 30s, he has a father who is a big boss in the legal department, but he is only a deputy minister, and this may all be the result of going through the back door, what a waste?

Xu Jingxian reckoned that he even passed the judicial examination through the back door, no wonder it took so much trouble for Liu De to become his precious son.

But Liu Decheng cared more about his son.

Then Xu Jingxian will ruin his son even more.

Otherwise, I won't be able to vent my aggrieved heart at this moment!
What's more, it would be a tragedy for the people and the country if such useless officials were allowed to grow bigger and bigger.

He can't tolerate this kind of tragedy happening!
After all, although Xu Jingxian is corrupt, accepts bribes, and accepts sexual entertainment, he is still a good patriotic official!
"Then trouble Minister Xu." Liu Decheng patted Xu Jingxian's shoulder with a bright smile, and then invited: "It's noon, do you want to have dinner together?"

"Thank you, Minister, but I have to rush back to Incheon to handle a case, so I can't do it. I will wait for Mr. Liu in Incheon." Xu Jingxian politely declined the invitation to eat. He is trying his best not to slap him. , then we can have dinner together.

Liu Decheng showed regret: "Then next time."

"Farewell, subordinate." Xu Jingxian bowed and left.

Watching the office door close, Liu Decheng first smiled complacently, and then sighed melancholy.

"That's all Dad can do for you."

He will retire in one year, and before he retires, he will help his son to the position of minister no matter what.

"Xu Jian, are you done talking?" Secretary Wang in the office outside saw Xu Jingxian coming out, and got up quickly.

Xu Jingxian smiled and said: "Yes, I'm sorry to trouble Secretary Wang today. I don't know if Secretary Wang is convenient for exchanging phone numbers. Next time I come to Seoul, I will treat you to dinner."

He has a bad feeling for Liu Decheng, but he has a good impression of Secretary Wang, so he wants to keep in touch with him.

"Of course it's convenient. It's my pleasure." Secretary Wang smiled and quickly took out his mobile phone.

After exchanging numbers, Xu Jingxian said goodbye and left.

"Minister Xu?"

Just as he was about to walk out of the building of the Ministry of Justice, a voice of surprise and uncertainty suddenly came from behind him.

Xu Jingxian looked back, hey, it's an acquaintance.

Vice Minister of Justice Kim Woo Han.

The backer of his late old boss, Jin Shixun, is also one of the behind-the-scenes owners of the Kaicheng Hotel Club.


More than ten minutes later, in a restaurant across the street from the office building of the Ministry of Justice, Xu Jingxian and Jin Yuhan sat facing each other, and the table was full of good wine and food.

"Minister Xu came to Seoul, but the legal department didn't contact me when he came. He really should be punished. You should have a drink first." Jin Yuhan said pretending to be displeased.

Xu Jingxian picked up the wine glass and drank it down, pretending to be melancholy and said: "I came here this time because of a troublesome matter, I really don't want to disturb your Excellency, I wanted to visit again next time, but I didn't's because of fate."

"The troublesome thing you mentioned means that Minister Liu opposes the president's promotion of you with privilege?" Jin Yuhan instantly guessed the purpose of his visit today, and then asked curiously: "How is it? Has it been resolved?"

He already knew about this matter, but he didn't know why Liu Decheng made things difficult for Xu Jingxian.

But he has been waiting for Xu Jingxian to come to him or ask the second son for help, then he can be pulled onto the boat and used to do that matter, instead of waiting for Song Yunsheng's beauty trick to work.

But Xu Jingxian didn't come here for a long time. If he didn't happen to meet him today, he probably wouldn't have come to see him.

"It's just that he has his own considerations, and he never let go." Xu Jingxian smiled wryly and shook his head.

Jin Yuhan and the president's second son Jin Hongyun and Li Shangxi's wild father Song Yunsheng are in the same group, and Song Yunsheng must have a plan for letting Li Shangxi seduce him.

Xu Jingxian naturally wouldn't tell him the truth.

Otherwise, Liu Decheng would not object, and if Jin Yuhan united with several people to oppose and force himself to commit a crime.

Then wouldn't the mother have to be manipulated again?
Xu Jingxian didn't want to hang out with Jin Yuhan and Jin Hongyun. After all, according to the original historical trajectory, Jin Hongyun would be found out for taking bribes next year and go to jail.

This wretched boat was about to capsize, and he went crazy to get on it.

But at the moment, you can't offend the other party.

There's no other way, the position is lowly and the power is low, so it can only be like Pa Pa Pa Pa, mustering all its strength to survive in the cracks.

Hearing that Liu Decheng didn't let go, Jin Yuhan breathed a sigh of relief, and blamed him: "Why don't you come to me for help, even if I can't, you can still ask the second son to come forward for you, Liu Decheng has to give face."

"I don't want to bother the minister and the second son. If I can't be promoted this time, I can't be promoted. Anyway, I'm still young." Xu Jingxian looked dismissive.

Jin Yuhan was anxious, but on the surface he remained calm: "How can it be called trouble? You are Shi Xun's most promising junior, and I am Shi Xun's most respected senior, so why should you be polite between us? "

"Forget it. As the saying goes, Muxiu will be destroyed by the forest wind. I still want to settle down again, and I don't want to be promoted so quickly." Xu Jingxian's attitude was always calm.

Seeing his reluctance, Jin Yuhan was furious: "Do you know that if you miss this opportunity, you will have to wait at least five years for the next promotion? How come you don't have any youthful spirit at such a young age?"

How can you be so angry at such a young age?
"I let the minister down, but I really don't want to be promoted so fast. It's good like this now." Xu Jingxian kept picking up vegetables with his chopsticks with a bad face: "Minister, don't mention these things, let's eat quickly Otherwise, the food will be cold in a while."

But Jin Yuhan didn't have any appetite.

Because he was already full of anger.

After failing to activate several times in a row, Jin Yuhan was annoyed seeing the other party gobbling heartlessly.

After all, Xu Jingxian didn't want to be promoted this time, so he wouldn't ask him and the second son, and naturally he wouldn't be willing to take the risk to help them with that big event.

From this point of view, we still have to rely on Li Sangxi.

After all, the beauty trick has already paid off. Although this guy is not keen on getting promoted, but luckily he is greedy for sex and money, otherwise it would be really impossible to start.

"Eat slowly, I still have something to do first." Jin Yuhan got up and left after finishing his sentence.

Xu Jingxian hurriedly sent him off: "Minister Jin, go slowly."

No matter what they want to use themselves for, anyway, the sugar coating is swallowed, and the shells can be shot back.

"Jingle bell! Jingle bell!"

The ringtone of the mobile phone interrupted Xu Jingxian's thoughts.

Seeing that the caller ID was from Jin Zhongren, he thought it was the result of the investigation on Ren Zaiyong, so he picked it up and connected: "Hi, it's Zhong Ren, what's the matter."

He is more concerned about Li Fuzhen's matter.

Ming people don't say dark words, he wants to go to Li Fuzhen.

And since we know that Sanxin is the final winner of the next version, of course we have to climb up this thigh. If you want to be an official in South Korea, you can't do without the support of the chaebol.

Especially for a mud-legged person whose ancestors have been farmers for three generations, he needs more resources to climb up.

"I'm sorry, minister, I'm going to disappoint you. Our investigation into Ren Zaiyong was discovered, and now my person has been detained by him." Jin Zhongren said apologetically.

He was still a little apprehensive, because this was the first time he had messed up something, and he was afraid of making Xu Jingxian angry.

"What?" Xu Jingxian was a little annoyed, even if he checked his son-in-law, he would be found, so what else could he do!
But then I thought that Ren Zaiyong was a professional bodyguard. His skills, acuity and perception must be far beyond ordinary people. It is reasonable to find that he is being followed.

I can't be too demanding of Jin Zhongren.

"What does he say now?" Xu Jingxian asked.

Jin Zhongren was silent for a moment and replied: "He doesn't believe that I am the mastermind behind the scenes. He said he wants to see the real person behind the scenes, otherwise he will kill the people I sent. My brother is also among them. I beg the minister to help me."

After all, the other party was the son-in-law of the Li family, so he didn't dare to act recklessly. He had the guts to follow Xu Jingxian's order to conduct a secret investigation on him.

"This guy..." Xu Jingxian was speechless, he thought the other party was just a softie, but now it seems that he underestimated him, and said: "Bring him to see me."

That's right, there are so many bodyguards in the Li family, but he can serve this bowl of soft food, and he was cheated and domestically abused during the marriage, and after the divorce, he divided a large amount of money but was safe. It must not be easy to do so.

That being the case, then he will be fine with him.

What's more, Jin Zhongren arranged all his younger brothers to work for him. Now that something goes wrong, if he doesn't take responsibility, what kind of leader will he be in the future?
Men can be shameless, but they must be responsible.

"Thank you minister." Jin Zhongren heaved a sigh of relief.

 This chapter has 65 words, and I have been fighting continuously for [-] days. My body feels a little unbearable. Every night when I lie down and I want to fall asleep, I can hear the feeling of my heart beating, and my whole body seems to be shaking, but In fact, it didn't shake. I don't know if anyone has experienced the same feeling.

  So the next step is to slow down, and it is still daily, but not every day, the minimum is [-] for a single chapter per day, and the maximum is [-] chapters per day.

(End of this chapter)

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