peninsula prosecutor

Chapter 200 Unexpected Joy, Deepen Cooperation

Chapter 200 Unexpected Joy, Deepen Cooperation (6300 words, ask for monthly ticket for subscription)

"Boom boom boom!"

There was a knock on the door of the private room.

"Come in." Xu Jingxian said without raising his head.

Then the door was pushed open, and Jin Zhongren came in first, followed by a tall, handsome young man in his early thirties, in suits and leather shoes.

"Minister Xu!" The young man is the son-in-law of the Li family, the envy of countless bodyguards, Ren Zaiyong. The surprise on his face the moment he saw Xu Jingxian was not feigned.

Because he originally thought that some private person was investigating him behind his back, but Xu Jingxian is a prosecutor and represents the country. Could it be that the prosecutor is investigating him?

He who was quite confident before coming here was instantly terrified at this moment, but soon realized that this was just Xu Jingxian's private behavior. If it was an official investigation, it would be impossible for Heishai to follow him.

What's more, even if the authorities are investigating him, he doesn't have to be afraid at all, because he is no longer the little bodyguard back then, but the son-in-law of the Li family!
Are there still few officials who please themselves after marriage?
A little prosecutor, why be afraid?
His mind was turned back and forth in an instant, and after adjusting his mentality, Ren Zaiyong regained his composure, and said with a chuckle: "I really didn't expect to meet Minister Xu for the first time under such circumstances, I don't seem to have offended Minister Xu, right?" ? Why did you send someone to follow me?"

Xu Jingxian didn't rush to pay attention to him.

Instead, he waved his hand first to signal Kim Jong-in to go out.

Jin Zhongren bowed and left, and then took his younger brother to guard the door of the private room, not allowing anyone to approach.

"Slap!" Ren Zaiyong, who was ignored, flashed an angry look on his face, slapped the table, and asked sharply, "Xu Jingxian! Give me an explanation!"

"Put gorgeous phoenix feathers on a pheasant, but it's still a pheasant after all. You can bluff people if you don't open your mouth, but when you open your mouth, it's a rooster crow." Xu Jingxian was playing with a wine glass in his hand, slightly raised his head and squinted at Ren Zaiyong, with a tear on his face. There was a touch of sarcasm.

Ren Zaiyong was born in poverty, his education level was not high, and he was not self-motivated. The head of the Li family sent him to study abroad in order to train him, but he was forced to commit suicide twice.

In 2008, the prosecution found that Ren Zaiyong called her 35 times a month on the mobile phone of the actress Zhang Ziyan, who was unable to endure sexual abuse and committed suicide. Obviously, she was also a member of the abuser, and it was still very frequent.

Such a person is completely the face of a nouveau riche who suddenly prospers. After becoming rich and powerful, he can't improve himself, but only indulges in pleasure and squanders recklessly.

Li Fuzhen asked him to investigate the evidence of Ren Zaiyong's derailment and gambling, which showed that she had already noticed the signs. He had just been married for more than a year, and he quickly fell into depravity.

Or maybe he just hid it well before?
It's just that Xu Jingxian is very curious, where did this guy have the guts to cheat and domestic violence Li Fuzhen, and the lion opened his mouth to divide the property, and then he still has nothing to do.

"Axi! You bastard!" Hearing Xu Jingxian mocking himself as a pheasant instantly touched his upright and sensitive heart, Ren Zaiyong gritted his teeth and threatened: "If you can't give me a reasonable explanation, the Li family will give me one." You have a fair fate!"

Although he is indeed eating soft rice, he is very sensitive to others ridiculing him for eating soft rice, because he is completely incompatible with the circle of South Korean high society. Those people respect him on the surface, but the contempt in their bones is not concealed.

So Xu Jingxian's words hurt his heart.

"Hehe, a man, even if he wants to get angry, he has to come out of the Li family to scare me. What right do you have to be angry at my mocking you?" Xu Jingxian smiled playfully, and the sarcasm on his face became stronger.

He has always been good at breaking people's defenses.

"Go to hell!" Ren Zaiyong endured it, he couldn't help it anymore, he became angry from embarrassment, and after yelling, he threw his fist directly at Xu Jingxian's face.

"Slap!" Xu Jingxian was even faster, before Ren Zaiyong's fist landed, he slapped him with a backhand.

"Ah!" Ren Zaiyong's center of gravity was unstable due to his body leaning forward when punching, and he was directly slapped to the ground by Xu Jingxian's slap, and blood overflowed from the corner of his mouth.

Just as he was about to get up, Xu Jingxian stepped on his head with one foot, immobilizing him, and said condescendingly: "Release the person you detained, or I will hand over the evidence of your cheating and bad gambling to him." Li Fuzhen, do you think she will divorce you?"

What he said was actually somewhat tentative.

"I guess she won't!" Ren Zaiyong stared at Xu Jingxian with his face pressed against the ground, squinting his eyes, and said with a sinister smile with distorted features: "You don't know anything about me and her, don't say I play with a few women, it's me If you beat her up, she still doesn't dare to divorce me!"

After he finished speaking, he spat out a mouthful of blood: "But guess if I call, will she use the Li family's relationship to prevent you from being promoted in this life?"

After he finished speaking, he laughed happily.

"Oh?" Xu Jingxian narrowed his eyes slightly, staring at Ren Zaiyong with great interest, guessing that just like Li Fuzhen had his own handle, he also had Li Fuzhen's handle, so he dared to act recklessly.

After all, as her husband, he was the nearest and closest person to Li Fuzhen, so it was reasonable to discover Li Fuzhen's dark secrets after marriage.

Before, I thought that Li Fuzhen asked me to investigate the evidence of Ren Zaiyong's derailment in preparation for divorce.

Now it seems that this is definitely not her ultimate goal.

Because if Ren Zaiyong really has something against her, these evidences alone can't help him.

Thinking of this, Xu Jingxian asked: "You have something that can make Li Fuzhen afraid of you, right?"

He couldn't figure out Li Fuzhen's intentions, so he didn't bother to guess, he just wanted to get what Ren Zaiyong had.

"Hmph!" Ren Zaiyong neither admitted nor denied it.

Xu Jingxian continued: "Leave it to me, I will let you go, otherwise don't blame me for being rude, not only you, I will also arrange for Zhong Ren to greet your family, believe me, I can do it."

His tone was calm, but it contained a murderous look.

"How dare you!" Ren Zaiyong roared with his eyes wide open, and then he realized in shock: "It was Li Fuzhen who asked you to investigate me?"

"Of course not." Xu Jingxian shook his head and looked at him with the eyes of a fool: "Since you have her handle, what's the point of her finding someone to investigate your cheating and gambling? Can these threaten you?"

Ren Zaiyong thought about it, he had already made perfect arrangements, and Li Fuzhen also knew this.

Then she must not dare to use violence against herself.

Otherwise it would have been done already.

"Give me the thing in your hand, and I will let you go, otherwise I will have to send you to die. After all, the thing in your hand can drive Li Fuzhen to help you take revenge on me, so I can only take the risk of completely eradicating it." drop you."

Xu Jingxian's eyes showed murderous intent while speaking.

Ren Zaiyong broke out in a cold sweat, because Xu Jingxian's motivation was very good. If he was the other party, he would not let him leave alive knowing that he was capable of revenge.

Moreover, Xu Jingxian is not from the Li family, and he doesn't care at all about the impact on Li Fuzhen if the things in his hands are made public after his death.

For a moment he was startled, frightened and confused.

Xu Jingxian tapped the table with his fingers lightly, making a thud-thump-thump sound, as if beating Ren Zaiyong's heart up and down, and beads of sweat grew on his forehead.

"Zhong Ren." Xu Jingxian suddenly called out.

Jin Zhongren rushed in with someone in an instant.


"Get rid of him and throw him into the Han River to feed the fish." Xu Jingxian said lightly and got up to leave.

The two younger brothers behind Jin Zhongren immediately rushed up, one left and one right, set up Ren Zaiyong, and dragged him out forcibly.

Ren Zaiyong immediately turned pale with fright, and hurriedly shouted: "Don't kill me! I'll give it to you! Minister Xu, spare your life! Spare your life! I'll give it all to you!"

He doesn't want to die, he hasn't spent all his money yet.

"Stop!" Xu Jingxian stopped, waved his hand again and said, "Put him down, go out and wait."

Jin Zhongren immediately retreated with his younger brother.

"Huh—huh—huh—" Ren Zaiyong lay on the ground breathing heavily, full of the joy of the rest of his life, swallowed and said: "I have evidence that Li Fuzhen was involved in illegal business operations. , and the amount is huge, and the circumstances are bad."

Those who do business these days are not law-abiding, and the bigger the business, the bigger the crime.

"You can come into contact with these, which means that she really trusts you. How did the marriage that countless people envy come to this point?" Xu Jingxian asked curiously.

Ren Zaiyong panted violently and laughed at himself: "Envy me? What do you envy me? Envy me that I can't speak loudly at Li's house? Envy me feeling contempt from other people every time I have a party? Envy me who is already 30 years old? Are you going to be forced to go to school?"

The more he talked, the more emotional he became: "After grasping these things in my hands, the power of the Li family has something to do with me, and I can spend my money outside, squandering recklessly, and experience the happiness brought by money. Before that, I was a marionette , is a clown!"

He tried his best to pursue Li Fuzhen in order to benefit his family's wealth, but after marriage, everything was completely different from what he imagined, women were strong and men were weak, let alone go out to spend time and drink, he didn't even dare to stay out at night.

The more people in the upper class look down on him, the more he wants to experience the feeling of being a master, and after getting Li Fuzhen's handle, he finally fulfilled his wish.

"Tsk." Xu Jingxian made an unintelligible voice, and then asked, "Where are the things?"

It seems that this marriage has to be well-matched.

"In my brother's hand, we have to talk on the phone every three days. If I don't call one day, it means something has happened, and he will publish the evidence." Ren Zaiyong was extravagant and cautious at the same time.

In this case, it is impossible not to be mentally distorted.

Xu Jingxian said: "Call and ask him to deliver it."

Ren Zaiyong quickly took out his mobile phone and followed suit.

Then while waiting, he became uneasy again: " have to keep what you say, and you must let me go after you get the things, and you can't go back on your word."

He was ready to run away, because he lost the life-saving talisman because of the loss of Li Fuzhen's criminal evidence, and when Li Fuzhen knew this, he would definitely not let him go.

And now he still has money in his hand, all of which will be cashed out and then run away, so that he can live comfortably for the rest of his life.

"You are also the son-in-law of the Li family after all. When you are no longer a threat to me, am I asking for trouble if I kill you?" Xu Jingxian said angrily.

After hearing this, Ren Zaiyong was completely relieved.

Time passed by minute by minute.

More than half an hour later, Ren Zaiyong's elder brother was brought in by Jin Zhongren tremblingly with a file bag.

"Zaiyong!" Seeing Ren Zaiyong's swollen face and broken mouth, Brother Ren exclaimed in concern.

"I'm fine." Ren Zaiyong shook his head, pointing at Xu Jingxian: "Brother, give the things to Minister Xu."

Ren Zaiyong's elder brother has a lower education level and is an honest man. He doesn't know what is in the file bag at all, and he has always followed his brother's instructions.

After hearing this, he obediently handed it over to Xu Jingxian.

Xu Jingxian took it apart on the spot and looked through it briefly, and couldn't help showing a smile on his face, Li Fuzhen, Li Fuzhen, you can no longer threaten me unilaterally.

"There is no backup, right?" He looked at Ren Zaiyong again.

"No, absolutely not." Ren Zaiyong shook his head again and again, and then asked tentatively: "You got the things, can I leave now?"

"What's the rush?" Xu Jingxian smiled slightly, and called Li Fuzhen in front of him: "I have something to show you, come and meet me, I'm in..."

After giving the address, he hung up the phone.

"Who did you call just now?" Ren Zaiyong asked anxiously with an ominous premonition in his heart.

Xu Jingxian grinned: "Your wife."

"Axi, you lied to me!" Ren Zaiyong burst into anger instantly, roaring and rushed towards Xu Jingxian, but Jin Zhongren's younger brother quickly pinned him to the ground.

Brother Ren wanted to help Ren Zaiyong, but was knocked down by Jin Zhongren's younger brother with three punches and two kicks and controlled him.

Ren Zaiyong said hysterically: "You said you would let me go, bastard, you didn't keep your word!"

He didn't expect Xu Jingxian to sell him in the blink of an eye.

"Well, you're right." Xu Jingxian nodded.

I'm a bastard, I just keep my word.

Ren Zaiyong was instantly angry, regretful and helpless.

Twenty minutes later, Li Fuzhen came, and upon entering the door, she saw her husband being pinned to the ground with a bruised nose and a swollen face.

"What's going on?" She looked at Xu Jingxian.

Xu Jingxian smiled slightly: "Miss Li, my husband was detained by him when he was investigating your husband's cheating and gambling, so I invited him to talk, but I didn't expect this talk to make a special discovery."

"Tsk tsk tsk, I really didn't expect that the dignified Miss Lijia has also messed up in business. The crimes you committed and the amount involved are enough for you to go to jail."

As he spoke, he shook the file bag in his hand.

Li Fuzhen's pretty face turned pale and bloodless when she heard the words. She staggered and almost fell when she was weak since she was a child, but fortunately she held onto the edge of the table.

"Hahahaha, hahaha, Li Fuzhen, you shot yourself in the foot with a rock!" Ren Zaiyong's expression was first stunned and bewildered, and then gloating.

He finally figured out that Xu Jingxian's investigation into his cheating and gambling was arranged by Li Fuzhen, but he didn't expect things to become uncontrollable by accident.

Although he didn't know why Li Fuzhen wanted to investigate the evidence of his cheating and gambling, but it must be because of uneasiness and good intentions. Seeing that she would still be controlled by Xu Jingxian even if she got rid of him, he felt very happy.

"Shut up!" Li Fuzhen scolded her trembling body, her eyes were full of anger, if it wasn't for this bastard, how could the matter have developed to this point.

The reason why she asked Xu Jingxian to investigate the evidence of Ren Zaiyong's gambling and derailment was only to deepen mutual trust, and by the way, she also monitored Ren Zaiyong for a long time.

As the entanglement between her and Xu Jingxian gets deeper and more benefits are exported, then try to use him to get back the criminal evidence in Ren Zaiyong's hands.

This matter must be handled by someone who is capable and trustworthy, otherwise you can't do it rashly.

But I never expected that things would deviate from the planned track at the very beginning. Yes, now Ren Zaiyong has nothing to do with her, but Xu Jingxian is even more difficult to deal with!
The only fortunate thing is that they also have Xu Jingxian's handle, and they restrain each other, so they are not afraid of him messing around.

That's why she asked Xu Jingxian to do it.

Li Fuzhen took a deep breath, then looked at Xu Jingxian and said, "Let them go out, let's talk."

"Yes." Xu Jingxian waved his hand, and Jin Zhongren dragged Ren Zaiyong and his brother out together.

Li Fuzhen didn't sit down, she just stood in front of Xu Jingxian, and said slowly: "I'll give you that video, and you give me what you're holding."

"No, no, no." Xu Jingxian shook his head, and said with a smile: "The future of me, a little deputy minister and prosecutor, how can He De compare with the future of Princess Li's parents? This deal is not fair."

"Then what do you want?" Li Fuzhen said coldly.

Xu Jingxian looked at her body and said, "I want to deepen cooperation..."

"Deepen cooperation..." Li Fuzhen didn't react at first, and then she was embarrassed and annoyed: "You are dreaming!"

She has been weak since she was a child, she will be broken...

"You have my evidence, and I have yours. One wins and the other loses. This is the most stable and trustworthy relationship." Xu Jingxian said softly.

Li Fuzhen remained silent.

Because what Xu Jingxian said is indeed reasonable, and more importantly, she can't get back her own evidence now.

It is also impossible to return the video to Xu Jingxian.

After a while, she let out a breath: "Okay."

This is the best choice, and she has been optimistic about Xu Jingxian's potential from the very beginning. Now that she has no choice, she will simply bind them together.

"Happy cooperation." Xu Jingxian smiled and held out his hand.

Finally tied with the Li family, in the next version he has Lu Wuxuan covering his head, and the chaebol has the support of the rapidly growing Li family, it's hard not to think about it!
And in the original time and space, the reason why the Li family could become the head of the chaebol was because of Lu Wuxuan's policy.

So he can be regarded as conforming to the historical process.

Li Fuzhen held Xu Jingxian's hand, and warned fiercely with a blank face: "Cooperation is cooperation. I will find you any kind of woman you want to play with, but don't play with me! Put away your crookedness." thought!"

Although she was also curious and imagined what it would be like to have sex with Xu Jingxian, she would definitely not implement it.

After finishing the words, Li Fuzhen shook off Xu Jingxian's hand and left without looking back. After going out, she sneered at Ren Zaiyong, put on her sunglasses and left quickly.

"Oh, it's quite exciting." Xu Jingxian sniffed the fragrance left on his hand, smiled slightly, and then walked out, saying to Jin Zhongren: "Don't make things difficult for him, let him release your brother after he releases him." Well, he doesn't have much to live for anyway."

Li Fuzhen will definitely not let Ren Zaiyong go.

"Yes, Minister, please go slowly!"

Jin Zhongren and the others bowed and bowed to see them off, while Xu Jingxian, with a smile on his face, put one hand in his pocket, and gently patted his trouser legs with a document bag in the other, disappeared into the corridor.


11 month 2 number.

It has been two days since I came back from Seoul.

In the morning, in the kitchen, sister-in-law Han Xiuya is wearing an apron and stir-frying, while Xu Jingxian is also stir-frying.

"Ouba, don't make trouble, the dishes are going to be mushy." Han Xiuya's pretty face was flushed, her eyes were blurred, a few strands of hair were biting at the corner of her mouth, and she mechanically flipped the side dishes in the pan with her arms.

She leaned back and forth, almost collapsed.

Lin Miaoxi was lethargic after pregnancy, so she woke up late in the morning, which made it easier for men and women to have an affair.

"Jingle bell! Jingle bell!"

Suddenly, a cell phone rang in the living room.

Han Xiuya, who was sloppy and with a gun and stick in her arms, hurriedly urged: "Okay, Ouba, go to answer the phone."

Only then did Xu Jingxian pull away reluctantly.

He came to the living room, picked up the phone and connected it.

"Hahahaha, Jingxian, congratulations, your promotion order has been issued. From today onwards, you will be the chief prosecutor, and you will be promoted to the chief of the Incheon District Prosecutor's Examination Department!" Park Yongcheng said happily.

Xu Jingxian was also ecstatic immediately, the matter was finally settled: "Thank you for your cultivation, Chief!"

"This is all earned by your own hard work. Mu Xiuyu will be destroyed by the forest wind. I don't know how many eyes are staring at you. You must not be arrogant or impetuous, and do things down-to-earth." Park Yongcheng sincerely instructed.

"Subordinates must carefully follow the teachings of the chief!"

After hanging up the phone, Xu Jingxian couldn't control his laughter anymore, rushed into the kitchen and hugged his sister-in-law and said, "I've been promoted, sister-in-law, do you have to set off a cannon to celebrate? So don't resist."

Han Xiuya didn't know whether to laugh or cry, other people's family would set off cannons when they had a happy event, and their family would also set off cannons when they had a happy event.

Half an hour later, the entire prosecution system received the news that Xu Jingxian was specially promoted by the president.

And the Incheon District Prosecutor is no exception.

"Minister Xu has been promoted to Minister Prosecutor by the privilege of the President! Ah Xi, it's really scary!"

"Minister Xu has been in the job for two years and has two promotions a year. This is an unprecedented precedent in history! It's amazing."

"Now the entire prosecution system is blown up. Minister Xu really makes big news from time to time."

Everyone was amazed and suspicious, and there was a lot of discussion.

Envy, jealousy, shock, emotion.

But at the same time, I also feel joy, because they have long been bound together with Xu Jingxian, the more promising Xu Jingxian is, the more he can protect them.

"Minister Xu's car is here! Go down and meet him."

I don't know who shouted.

In an instant, the entire local prosecutor's office was in motion, and all the prosecutors ran out of the office and went downstairs, forming a black ocean in the open space at the door.

Xu Jingxian's car stopped at the door, and Chief Prosecutor Zheng was about to step forward to help him open the door. Song Jiehui realized that something was wrong and quickly rushed in front of Chief Prosecutor Zheng.

He walked to Xu Jingxian's car, opened the door and bowed, respectfully said: "Congratulations, Minister Xu."

"Congratulations, Minister Xu!" In an instant, all the prosecutors in the open space bowed and congratulated loudly.

Xu Jingxian straightened his tie and suit, then walked to the front of the crowd, bowed and said, "Thank you."

Then he stood up, and everyone followed suit.

Xu Jingxian walked towards the office building, and everyone divided into two rows from the middle to leave a passage for him, he stopped on the steps in front of the building, turned around and bowed again to everyone: "Thank you for your congratulations.

Then stand up straight: "I hope that everyone can make new achievements repeatedly and have a bright future. Well, don't stand here anymore, please go back to your respective positions and work."

He needs to keep a low profile now.

This kind of scene is still rare.

"Yes, Minister!" Everyone bowed again.

"Axi, is this welcoming me?"

At this moment, there was a discordant voice.

Everyone subconsciously turned their heads to look outside the gate.

I saw a white BMW parked at the door, the window was opened, and a young man poked his head out from inside.

 More than 300 characters, anyway, the minimum will be [-] in the future, if you can write more, you will definitely write more, ask for a monthly ticket!Ask for a monthly pass!Ask for a monthly pass!The content of this book is all made up for the plot, don't take it seriously! ! !
(End of this chapter)

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