blood record

Chapter 10 Dragon Transformation Order

"Is this blood coagulation pill?"

The bearded old man was lowering his head, Dan suddenly heard a deep voice, then raised his head, and saw Yang Yi dressed as a hunter, he was not surprised at all.

In the entire Jinyang City, because it is the center of the entire Qingyang Mansion, people come and go constantly. There are all kinds of people. There are also many people dressed as hunters like Yang Yi. Most of them are real. Orion, shoot out some precious beasts in exchange for normal cultivation.

The bearded old man smiled and said: "That's right, all of me here are full of blood coagulation pills, which are absolutely indispensable for low-level monks. Brother Dan's face is ruddy, and the blood in his body is strong. He must have reached the triple blood coagulation. Brother’s current cultivation level may not be able to use these blood coagulation pills, but buying them back, giving them to friends of brothers, or giving them to juniors, is absolutely perfect!”

The old man's eyesight was sharp, and he could see Yang Yi's true strength at once, but in Jinyang City, the third level of blood coagulation was nothing, even this bearded old man himself was a master of the third level of blood coagulation. [

Yang Yi frowned slightly and said, "How do you sell a bottle of these coagulation pills?"

The bearded old man was overjoyed, and hurriedly said: "Not much, blood coagulation pill is the most basic pill, and a bottle of pill only needs five blood crystals!"

"Five blood crystals?" Yang Yi frowned slightly when he heard the words, opened the bottle gently with his hand, and smelled those blood coagulation pills.

The bearded old man's face changed slightly, and he gritted his teeth and said, "If brother thinks it's too expensive, I'll sell it at a loss. As long as brother can buy five bottles, he only needs to give twenty blood crystals!"

Yang Yi looked at the bearded old man slightly, he didn't think it was expensive, but he didn't know the market at all, he had never seen what a blood crystal looked like, and his purpose of coming here was still for the pill in his arms.

Yang Yi got a bottle of pills from Xia Yue, and found a few bottles of pills from Bai Yuanchen. He didn't know what these pills were, let alone what they did, so he wanted to understand.

With a light swipe of Yang Yi's hand, he took out two different pills from his bosom, stretched out his hand and threw them directly in front of the old man.

Doubt flashed in the eyes of the curly bearded old man, he looked at the two pills, then his expression changed slightly, he sniffed the two pills carefully, and said in surprise: "Fire pill, vitality pill,...Young master, this ...You are playing tricks on the old man, even the thirty bottles of blood coagulation pills of the old man can't replace this one of yours

The bearded old man was shocked, and by the way, he even changed his address. His exclamation immediately attracted the attention of the people around him, and everyone started to watch. Seeing the two queen pills in the old man's hand, they were all discussing.

"Yuanqi Pill, that's Yuanqi Pill. This is the best pill for warming and nourishing the blood from the blood coagulation level three to the blood coagulation level four. Each one must be at least a hundred blood crystals. Although the Liehuo Pill is almost worth a hundred yuan Xue Jing, I really don’t know how this country bumpkin got here.”

"Shh, speak up, are you impatient to live? This young man looks very young, and he is dressed like a hunter, but look at his strength, he is a master of the triple blood coagulation, and he can take out these two Dan Lai, it is absolutely extraordinary. Some masters or sons like to dress up weirdly. A few days ago, there was an old man who was dressed as a beggar. Who knew he was a super expert at the fifth level of blood coagulation. In the end, it was the mansion master himself who came forward. Send the old man away, maybe this person is a master with some eccentricities, so be careful with your words."

"Huh, let me tell you that you don't know much about it. Let's see what that bow is? Can a hunting hunter have such an exquisite bow? Let me tell you, this is a Moonfall Bow, which is almost comparable to the existence of a magic weapon. Hmph , this person is definitely not simple, but I don't know what his intention is, is there anything special about this old man?"

Yang Yi listened to all the surrounding discussions, and secretly understood the preciousness of these pills.

"It seems that the pills found on Bai Yuanchen's body are more precious. It turned out to be Yuanqi Pill, and the one on the big man's body was called Liehuo Pill. Now that I know these pills are precious pills, I can use them sparingly. "

Yang Yi has practiced in the mountains for several months, but he has been taking these pills every day, and even he doesn't have much.

It can be said that the strength of his bloodline has increased a lot now, and it is closely related to these pills.

There was a trace of greed in the eyes of the bearded old man, and he handed the two pills to Yang Yi himself, and said in a low voice: "Young master, please take care of them, these pills are very precious, and I have nothing precious to share with you, sir." changed."

With a wave of his hand, Yang put away the two pills and walked out with his fists clasped.

Following Yang Yi's departure, the onlookers also gradually dispersed. [

But in the crowd, there was a man with a folding fan in his eyes, looking at Yang Yi's figure, hesitating a little, and then walked quickly towards Yang Yi.

Brother wait a minute! "

A sound came from Yang Yi's ear, and then he stopped walking and turned around suspiciously.

The man with the folding fan clasped his fists slightly and said, "This brother must be the first time to Jinyang City, right?"

Yang Yi asked the man several times, nodded and said, "So what?"

A trace of mystery flashed across the face of the fan-folding man, and then he said in a low voice: "Just now I saw that brother has vitality pills and fierce fire pills, I must have pills on him, I have something here, if brothers are interested, you can exchange them with the pills just now how?"

Yang Yi narrowed his eyes slightly, and his mind was spinning rapidly. Although he didn't move around often, he was born with a clever look. The dead ghost also instilled in him many sinister thoughts in the world, so Yang Yi already had something in his heart. suspicious.

"Oh? What? Take it out first, maybe I'm not interested?" Yang Yi was vigilant, looking at what the other party had.

The folding fan man whispered confidently: "Hey, as long as you know each other, you will definitely be interested. Look, this is it!"

In the hand of the man with the folding fan, there was a slight flash, and a clever token appeared. The token was only shown by the man for a few moments, and then quickly put away again.

Yang Yi's expression did not change, but his heart was shocked. In fact, he also had this token, which was the mysterious token that he found on the big man that day, but Yang Yi didn't know what the token was called. Name, what's the use.But seeing how well the big man wrapped the token, it was obvious that this token was not simple.

The man with the folding fan smiled slightly, showing his white teeth, and said with a low chuckle, "How is it? It seems that my brother also recognized this treasure. , It’s not convenient to trade. Brother, come with me, let’s find a clean place, and trade again.”

After saying that, the man turned around and walked straight outside.

Yang Yi looked at the background of the man, with strange lights shining in his eyes, a slight sneer appeared on the corner of his mouth, and then followed the man outside.

The man's speed was extremely fast, and he seemed not afraid that Yang Yi would not follow him. He passed through the alleys and came to an empty courtyard before he knew it.

Brother, please, that is my eldest brother and second brother! "

The man folded the folding fan slightly, and pointed to the front. In the yard, there were indeed two middle-aged men standing, one with a very pale face and the other with a hideous face. On the right side of his face , there is a long scar, which is very eye-catching.

Yang Yi seemed to have no taboos, clasped his fists and said, "Yang Yi has met you two!"

The two men also clasped their fists together and said, "You're welcome, third brother, is this the guest you brought?"

The man with the folding fan nodded slightly and said, "That's right, this brother has the Fire Pill and the Vitality Pill on him. Brother, can you show the Dan to my elder brother and second brother?"

Yang Yi stretched out his hand slightly, took out two pure white porcelain bottles from his bosom, and said with a slight smile, "That's natural, but it's time to take out the leading card just now!"

The man with the folding fan looked at the two men, a sarcasm gradually appeared on his face, and he said with a low laugh: "Hey, you really are a fledgling, you can fool others, but you can't fool me! But luckily you Know Hualong Ling, otherwise I really don’t know how to attract you. Hehe, big brother, second brother, this is the tenth idiot we have attracted in the past few days. , there should be more than this Dan and the longbow behind it is the Moonfall Bow, which is second only to the Magical Artifact, this time, we are going to make a fortune!" [

The hideous scarred man and the pale man both laughed loudly: "Haha, that's right, the third brother chose a good candidate this time, this guy is indeed rich, and if we kill him, we really want to pay a fortune." Cai. This place has been used for ten days and can no longer be used. This guy is our last business here. Hehe, kill him and fly away. With the Dragon Transformation Order, we will have a steady stream of sheep , I am afraid that it is not impossible to cultivate to the fifth level of blood coagulation in the future."

The pale-faced man also sneered and said, "That's right, this place can no longer be used. The third brother has done a good job in this last business. He alone is richer than the three of us who killed all three of us."

Yang Yi's heart was also moved. From what the three said, it seemed that this mysterious token was called the Dragon Token.

The three looked at Yang Yi greedily, just like looking at a weak lamb.But at this moment, Yang Yi, who was originally nervous, suddenly raised his head, with a hint of sarcasm at the corner of his mouth, not even the slightest bit of cowardice and childishness before.

"Enough is enough, now it's my turn!"

Yang Yi's whole body was shaken, and a terrifying momentum erupted violently, like a huge boulder, pressing hard on the three people. In an instant, the laughter of the three people stopped abruptly. ! ~!

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