blood record

Chapter 11 Painful 1 Times

[Third update, ask for tickets! 】

"You think I'm a lamb, don't you? Do you think your conspiracy has succeeded? You think you can eat me, right? Hmph, you will never understand how powerful I am, and you three shrimp Want to deal with me?"

The power that Yang Yi erupts now has reached the peak strength of the third blood coagulation level, but in terms of momentum, he can even faintly compete with the fourth blood coagulation level. , and in the mountains and forests, I have taken Yuanqi Pill and Liehuo Pill for several months to strengthen the power of the blood, I don't know how powerful it is.

Yang Yi's sudden burst of aura shocked the three of them, and the fan-folding man's face sank, and he said in a low voice: "Brother, second brother, this guy has already been prepared, and his aura has reached the third level of blood coagulation." Peak, it is indeed a little tricky. Hmph, but the three of us, if we fight together, even a master at the fourth level of blood coagulation will have to suffer. Are you done? Big Brother, Second Brother, kill!"

The man with the folding fan waved his hand and then slapped a palm, and layers of blue light appeared faintly on his palm. If you look carefully, you can find that he is wearing a layer of thin gloves in his hand, and he uses strong wind to urge Send it out, the power is stronger than the ratio. [

Moreover, Yang Yi also had a feeling that the gloves on this man's hands were not that simple, and they definitely couldn't let him get close.

"Hmph, how dare the glowing fire shine? Body binding, kill!"

Yang Yi moved his palm forward slightly, and immediately a drop of blood floated from his finger, as if it was burning, it disappeared in an instant.

This is the magic power activated by Yang Yi. Every time he activates a spell, he must use blood to activate it. The higher the realm, the greater the power of the spell activated with blood.

After the drop of blood disappeared in the void in an instant, a grin appeared on Yang Yi's face, and then his whole body rushed towards the folding fan man like a whirlwind.

The man with the folding fan tightened his body, and felt a magical force restraining his body in the void. Although he was still able to move, his speed and reaction were unimaginable. He cried out in horror: "Ah! ...This is a technique, this is the power of a technique!"

The moment he yelled, Yang Yi had already approached him, slapped his chest fiercely with both palms and said: "I only know now, it's already too late, hmph, die!"


The man with the folding fan spat out a mouthful of blood, his face was pale, and he flew backwards like a kite with a broken string.

"Third brother, son, you are courting death!"

The elder brother of the man with the folding fan yelled, and attacked Qi Yun together with the pale-faced second brother, his palms were like lightning, and his speed was as fast as a whirlwind, his strength far surpassed that of an ordinary blood coagulation triple.

"Insect carving technique, body binding technique!"

Two drops of blood floated out of Yang Yi's two fingers in an instant, and disappeared into the void with two "chi chi" sounds. At the same time, a powerful force was brewing in the void.

The two men felt it instantly, and their speed slowed down instantly.

There was a hint of surprise on the face of the eldest brother, but then a bit of greed appeared in his eyes.

"This kid really has a spell on him. Second brother, use all your strength to catch this guy and let him spit out this spell. If there is a spell in the future, the three of us will be safer, haha!"

The scar-faced man laughed loudly.

The pale-faced second brother couldn't hide the greed in his eyes. They had already felt the power of the spell just now, and they were able to restrain the two of them in an instant, restricting their strength and speed. It is stronger than ordinary high-level martial arts.

"Whirlwind Martial Skill!" [

The entire figure of the pale-faced man flashed instantly, his speed doubled in an instant, and he broke free from Yang Yi's shackles almost instantly.

Yang Yi didn't expect that this man would burst out with terrifying power in an instant, but it didn't matter, he had a strange smile on his face, and said coldly: "You have martial arts, don't I? Let you see , what is the real martial skill?"

Yang Yi's entire body stopped instantly, with a hint of sarcasm slightly showing on the corner of his mouth.


In an instant, Yang Yi's figure turned into two, and they were indeed two, so identical that it was impossible to tell them apart.

"This... what kind of martial skill is this? How can there be such a martial skill?"

The pale-faced man was shocked, he seemed to faintly feel that what the third brother attracted was not a lamb, but a hungry wolf.

"Nothing is impossible, Jiugong Phantom, kill!"

Both of Yang Yi's figures activated in an instant, and the speed was extremely fast, and they arrived in front of the pale man in almost one step, and the terrifying power erupted instantly.


There was a trace of despair in the man's eyes. He couldn't tell the difference between the two Yang Yi. He gritted his teeth and gathered all his strength to hit the figure on the right.


The man's head was smashed to pieces in an instant, and his brains flowed all over the floor. He was already too dead.

Yang Yi swayed and then stopped, sneering: "Idiot!"

Only Yang Yi knew in his heart that "Jiugong Phantom" is an immortal martial skill, even though he only realized a little that he can only cast two phantoms at present, if he cultivated to the highest level, he could use ninety-nine 81 phantoms, then No matter how powerful people are, they can't tell the difference.

One of the three people had already died, and the eyes of the scar-faced brother changed from shock to fear, and his body was retreating faintly, his eyes were full of vigilance.


The scar-faced man withdrew a foot away, turned around and flew away in an instant, walking cleanly, without the slightest hesitation, so he didn't care about the injured folding fan man.

The folding fan man said angrily on the ground: "Bastard, you ungrateful thing, you will die!"

Yang Yi didn't chase after him, a murderous intent flashed in his eyes, he stretched out his hand and took out the Moonfall Bow from his back, hitched three long arrows in an instant, and said coldly: "I said before, you are all going to die. !"

"whoosh whoosh"

The three long arrows pierced through the air in an instant, the man with the scarred face couldn't resist the power of the three long arrows, he let out a scream in an instant, and then fell to the ground, motionless, he was already dead. [

With Yang Yi's current strength, using the Moonfall Bow, the burst of power is comparable to that of a blood coagulation fourth-layer expert, so how could this scar-faced man be able to stop it.

Two of the three had already died, leaving only the injured man with the folding fan. Yang Yi narrowed his eyes slightly and walked towards the man with the folding fan slowly.

The folding fan man lay on the ground with a trace of fear on his face, kept leaning backwards, and shouted: "Don't kill me, don't kill me, I'll give you the Dragon Transformation Token, don't kill me!"

The man with the folding fan reached out and took out the Dragon Transformation Token just now from his pocket, and threw it in front of Yang Yi with a crisp sound.

However, Yang Yi didn't even look at the token, and when he lost his body, he approached the man with the folding fan, grabbed the man's neck, and said coldly: "Say, who are you? make?"

An imperceptible strangeness flashed in the eyes of the folding fan man, and then he whispered: "You promise not to kill me, and I will tell you the origin of the Dragon Transformation Order and the identities of the three of us."

"Oh? What conditions are you still qualified to negotiate with me? Now let me teach you what a prisoner and a prisoner should do!"

Yang Yi sneered, and stepped on the man's leg violently.


The man's leg bone was broken in an instant by Yang.


Such severe pain made the man gasp, his face was twisted by the pain.

"I said, I said."

With a smile on Yang Yi's face, he approached the man and said lightly, "Don't lie to me, or you will suffer ten thousand times more than just now!"

"Don't dare, absolutely dare not. In fact, we are the Three Varieties. This Dragon Transformation Token was obtained from the three of us who ambush the young master of the Jinyang Mansion..."

The man's words shocked Yang Yi's heart, but at this moment, the man's hand flashed a blue light, and it stretched towards Yang Yi's throat in an instant, the speed was as fast as lightning, even if Yang Yi wanted to dodge it, it was impossible.

"Hmph, I said before, if you play tricks, you will suffer [-] times more pain than now, body binding technique!"

On Yang Yi's hand, there was an extra drop of blood at some point, and then the blood disappeared, a body binding technique was activated immediately, and a binding force instantly acted on the man with the folding fan, and the speed of the man's hand immediately became The comparison was slow, like a snail, and Yang Yi easily dodged without any effort.


From the man's hand came out some green e powder. The powder fell to the ground, and instantly corroded pits on the ground. This was actually extremely poisonous once hit on Yang Yi's body. Yang Yi may be about to die in an instant.

Yang Yi's face sank in an instant, and a gloomy smile appeared on the corner of his mouth. He sneered and said, "I said, playing tricks will make you feel ten thousand times more painful than just now!"

Yin Sen's words, as well as Yang Yi's terrifying appearance, filled the man's eyes with fear! ~!

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