blood record

Chapter 13 Young Master Jinyang

【Old Moon Tears and Begs for Tickets...】

Seeing Yang Yi pondering, the man with the folding fan opened his mouth and said, "Young man, although participating in the Dragon Transformation Contest is dangerous, there is another advantage that cannot be compared. The Dragon Transformation Contest will be held every hundred years. Hualong Palace selects really outstanding disciples, and it can be said that genius disciples in the whole world will be recruited by it. If the strength is outstanding, and they can enter the top [-], it is simply amazing. After entering the faction, the status is high, and all kinds of Cultivation resources are continuously supplied. If it enters the top ten, it will be even more remarkable. It is a true pride of heaven. Even if it enters the Hualong Palace, it is also a genius. As long as the origin is clear, it will be vigorously supported Training, with the strength of a young hero, if you participate in the Dragon Transformation Competition, you will definitely get good results. When you enter the Dragon Transformation Palace, even if you are a formal disciple, you will be a prosperous student. Where is the Lord!"

The man with the folding fan had a gleam in his eyes, but the words he said were as sweet as honey, making people's hearts flutter when they heard it.

But what kind of person Yang Yi is, he still can't see his thoughts, and said with a sneer: "The sky and the earth are big, and every time you participate in the Dragon Transformation Competition, you don't know how many people, probably tens of thousands of people, if you want to kill them How can it be so simple to make a bloody path? You just want to make me happy, and then let me let you go, right?"

The man with the folding fan nodded awkwardly and said: "That's right, the young man's eyes are as sharp as a torch's to see every detail. I really can't hide this thought from the young man. Now I have told the young man everything I know, please tell me everything I know. Xia, spare my life!" [

Yang Yi didn't speak, turned around, gently took off the five delicate human skin masks of the scar-faced man, and gently put them into his arms, these delicate human skin masks are perfect for camouflage thing.

Yang Yi also only looked at the man with the folding fan, and sneered in a low voice: "You are a smart person. If you were me now, I believe you have already made a decision in your heart. Do you think you will die or live?"

The face of the man with the folding fan changed suddenly, and then he backed away crazily.

Naturally, Yang Yi will not let this person go. The Dragon Transformation Order has a lot to do with it. Once it is leaked, he will be hunted down exhaustively. Yang Yi naturally does not want to be hunted down by countless people in the future, so he has to get rid of the roots. Of course, the man with the folding fan couldn't survive.

The man with the folding fan was terrified and kept backing away, but at this moment, Yang Yi's body jumped, his speed soared, and he bullied the man with the folding fan almost instantly.

Suddenly, there was a sound of sparse footsteps, and four people broke in from the outside. The leader was a man in a fancy dress. When he saw Yang Yi, he shouted: "Three monsters, hum, my lord, what are you doing?" Escape? Get out all the Dragon Transformation Tokens, otherwise, I will make you suffer all kinds of tortures and die!"

The man with the folding fan saw the person coming, but he yelled loudly: "Young Master Jinyang, the Dragon Transformation Token is on him..."


The four people who just came in fixed their eyes on Yang Yi instantly.

Yang Yi murmured inwardly that it was not good, and said in a low voice: "Damn it, die!"


In an instant, Yang punched the man with the folding fan in the head, and blood and brains flowed all over the floor.

Young Master Jin Yang was startled, and said coldly: "Boy, get out the Dragon Transformation Token, otherwise you will be chased to the ends of the earth, and you will only die!"

Yang Yi didn't turn around, he already knew in his heart that the person who came here was the Young Master Jinyang who had snatched the Dragon Transformation Token.

The Three Varieties keep saying that Young Master Jin Yang will never find them, but now, it's all bullshit, Young Master Jin Yang found here so early, and just happened to meet Yang Yi.


There was a flash of light in Yang's eyes, like a gust of wind, he rushed to the back.

Young Master Jin Yang yelled to the surrounding guards: "Damn it, catch him, absolutely don't let him escape!"

The guards next to the young master of Jinyang are all elites in the Jinyang mansion. Since the Dragon Transformation Token was snatched away by the three monsters, the master of the Jinyang mansion became even more furious and dispatched countless masters to track down Variety. The traces of the three monsters, even if the Three Varieties were able to disguise again, some clues were found. When Young Master Jin Yang brought people here, Yang Yi had already killed all the Three Varieties. [


The guards around Young Master Jin Yang showed their body skills, and the powerful force rose up, making Yang Yi feel the strong murderous intent gushing out from behind. .

"No, these guards are all blood coagulation four layers, and they are agile and extremely fast, and they will catch up with me soon."

Yang Yi stretched out his hand and took the Moonfall Bow from his back. He stopped abruptly, bent the bow and set up an arrow, and in an instant, three sons came out.

"whoosh whoosh"

The sharp piercing sound of the three long arrows made the faces of the guards change. The power contained in the long arrows had reached the fourth level of blood coagulation, and even they had to avoid the sharp edge temporarily.

It's just such a delay, but Yang Yi's figure is getting further and further away.

Young Master Jin Yang's face was heavy, looking at the three corpses on the ground, his eyes were about to burst into anger, he gritted his teeth and said, "I'm chasing after you, I must catch this guy, hmph, if you dare to take something from the Jin Yang Mansion , this is courting death!"


Immediately, these guards cast their movements and quickly chased after Yang Yi.

With a heavy face, Yang rushed forward desperately, all the blood power in his body was mobilized, his body moved like the wind, like a whirlwind, galloping in the alleys of Jinyang City.

Behind him, there is only one guard chasing the closest. This guard seems to have practiced a kind of martial art, with extremely dexterous movements and extremely fast speed, no matter how Yang Yi escapes, he can't get rid of him.

My son, you can't escape, obediently get out the Dragon Transformation Order, otherwise you will make the palace master angry, and you will die even worse when the time comes! "The guard behind said while chasing.


In an instant, Yang Yi's body came to a sudden stop, which surprised the guards behind him, they also stopped in a hurry, and looked around vigilantly.

Yang Yi turned around and said with a sneer: "Worse death? Hmph, I will die too if I give you the Dragon Transformation Token. At that time, what's the use of dying ugly or beautiful? But since you dare to chase Come up, then don't blame me for being cruel!"

Yang immediately set up the long arrow, and the three long arrows flew towards the guards in an instant. The sharp sound of piercing the air made people feel the terrifying power contained in these three long arrows. The strength of the quadruple master.

Murderous intent flashed in the guard's eyes, and then his whole body was like a flock of bones, and he easily dodged the long arrow.

Son, don't think that with a good bow, you can deal with the blood coagulation quadruple. Let me tell you, the difference in level is the difference between heaven and earth, so die! "

The guard drew a strange footwork again, and all the strength in his body surged up, making the air crackle, the power was terrifying.

However, Yang Yi remained motionless, and only when the other party approached him within ten feet did a strange smile appear on the corner of his mouth.

In the few months in the mountains and forests, he comprehended the first level of immortal martial arts and the first four levels of body binding. It's still as easy as killing a dog.A blood coagulation quadruple master, if Yang launched an attack in an instant, he could succeed. [

Therefore, after the guards approached Yang Yi within ten feet, Yang Yi stretched out his finger, and two drops of blood flew out from his finger in an instant, Yang Da shouted: "Binding the body, kill!"

The two drops of blood were consumed in an instant, and a restraining force instantly acted on the guard's body, immediately restricting the guard's speed, and his whole figure was as slow as a snail.

The guard immediately felt something was wrong, and almost cried out in shock: "Spell?"

"It's too late now, Jiugong Phantom, kill!"

Yang Yi sneered, his body didn't stop at all, and he immediately displayed his immortal martial arts, and with a slight shake, he turned into two Yang Yi, exactly the same, unable to tell each other apart.

Both Yang Yi quickly rushed towards the slow-moving guard who was restrained by the body binding technique.

A trace of panic flashed in the guard's eyes, but he is a master of the fourth layer of blood coagulation after all, and he is definitely not comparable to the Three Variety Monsters. With a shock of blood power, he almost broke free from the shackles of the body binding technique, and his hands became stronger. It was like a swimming dragon, one on the left and one on the right greeted the two Yang Yi.


With a dull sound, Yang Yi's phantom disappeared in an instant, his face turned pale slightly, and he just faced the guard with a palm, although the guard responded hastily, and his full strength only showed seven or eight levels, but the rest The powerful strength was still beyond what Yang Yi could match. His internal organs were shaken by the guards, and his blood was churning. It was already a bit of a loss.

The guard even laughed loudly: "Haha, Diao Chong Ji, son, when I capture you, I will let you enjoy the pain."

Yang Yi raised his hands slightly, only to see that his hands had turned into a burst of blue

The guard's expression changed, and he looked down at his hand, only to find that his hand had already festered rapidly, and his body was convulsed, his vitality was rapidly lost, and he fell to the ground with a "boom", Struggling: "Poison...poison..."

Yang Yi walked over and found that the guard had died of poison, his eyes couldn't help shrinking slightly, and he felt palpitations in his heart.

"It's such a powerful poison. It can kill a powerful quadruple blood coagulation master in just a few breaths. It's no wonder that the three ever-changing monsters can be unruly and unfavorable!"

Yang Yi's eyes narrowed slightly, and then he walked towards the bodyguard's body, sucked out four drops of bright red blood from the body in an instant, put it into a yu bottle, and then disappeared after a few ups and downs.

Not long after, young master Jin Yang and others had already arrived, and when they saw the guards whose corpses were almost festered on the ground, their facial expressions changed, and they murmured: "What a violent poison!"

"Young master, this subordinate can, that person is nowhere to be found!" another guard said with his head down.

"Hmph, bastard! When I return home, I have to report to my father personally. This man is still in the city, and no one is allowed to leave. I want to see, where can he escape?"

Young Master Jin Yang's eyes were filled with Sen Han's murderous intent. ! ~!

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