blood record

Chapter 14 Vientiane Chamber of Commerce

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Jinyang City was under martial law, only entering and not exiting was allowed, teams of Jinyang Mansion guards were searching for someone all over the city, making the whole Jinyang City go crazy.

There are also several portraits posted on the surrounding walls. The person in the portrait is a young man with a weak crown who looks about eighteen or nineteen years old. It was extremely nimble, portraying the young man's demeanor and expression, obviously a master painter was invited to write.

The person in this portrait is exactly the person that Jinyang Mansion wants to arrest. Anyone who catches or provides clues will be rewarded by Jinyang Mansion, so everyone in Jinyang City is discussing what is in the portrait. Such a person can actually provoke the master of Jinyang Mansion to go to war so violently.

Among the crowd, a man with a scarred face looked at the portrait briefly, then hurried into a quiet alley, disappeared mysteriously, and did not know which courtyard he entered. [


A thin figure entered a seemingly tidy yard, and this figure had a terrifying scar on his face.

This frightening man gently rubbed his face, and then lifted off the human skin mask on his face, revealing a delicate and slightly cunning face, who was the wanted person in the portrait outside. appearance.

"Good guy, the whole city is wanted, and he is only allowed to enter but not to exit. It seems that this Jinyang Mansion will not let it go!"

This person is Yang Yi who has been hiding all this time. He took off five human skin masks from the face of the scarred man among the three monsters. Inquire about the news, but the more you inquire, the more frightened you become.

"Hmph, today is the last day, and there is still the last drop of blood. If you can't break through to the fourth level of blood coagulation after refining, then there is only one way. Discover!"

A trace of melancholy flashed across Yang Yi's face. He didn't believe that with just these five human skin masks, he would be able to live at ease forever. Those ever-changing three monsters were so old-fashioned, and they were discovered by the people of Jinyang Mansion, let alone It's Yang Yi.

It's just that Yang Yi is still working hard to refine the blood of the fourth-level blood coagulation guard that day, and there is only the last drop left today. If he can successfully break through to the fourth-level blood coagulation after refining, then he will have to plan carefully and forcefully leave. City, at that time, with Yang Yi's strength, he might still be able to resist the master of Jinyang Mansion.

The master of the Jinyang Palace who is at the fifth level of blood coagulation, does not know how terrifying it is. Yang Yi is not cultivated enough now, even if he can kill the master of the fourth level of blood coagulation, but compared with the master of the fifth level of blood coagulation, it is still a world of difference .

Yang Yi took out a yu bottle from his bosom, and poured out the last drop of pure blood from the yu bottle, which was inhaled by him in an instant, turning into the purest blood power, constantly impacting the blood vessels, The blood vessels on the arm are constantly opening up, and the blood gathers in the veins, making the power in the hand even stronger.


Yang Yi's blood is constantly churning, every drop of refined blood, his blood power increases crazily, but the third to fourth blood coagulation level, this is also a hurdle of cultivation, it is not so easy to break through.


Yang Yi let out a light breath, opened his eyes slightly, and there was a trace of disappointment in his eyes.

"It's still a bit short, and the accumulation is still not enough. If I have ten or twenty drops of jng blood from a fourth-level blood coagulation master, it will be a breeze for me to break through to the fourth level of blood coagulation!"

Yang Yi shook his head slightly, he had already refined the fourth drop of blood, but he still couldn't break through to the fourth level.

"It seems that the only option is to choose the last option, to push me to such an extent, hmph, what I can't get, you don't even want to get it!"

Yang Yi has already brewed a plan in his mind, this plan is not perfect, but it is absolutely crazy, and it may set off an unimaginable storm in Jinyang City.

After making up his mind, Yang Yi took out a human skin mask from his bosom, and put it on his face lightly. After a while, Yang Yi, who was originally pretty, turned into a sallow face in an instant. juvenile. [

Yang Yi looked at the appearance in the mirror, nodded in satisfaction, and then used a black cloth to hide the moonlight bow on his back, and walked out of the yard.

In Jinyang City, from time to time, the guards of the brigade could be seen constantly patrolling. After seeing Yang Yi's disguise, they didn't stop any longer.

Yang Yi remained motionless, and walked straight to a magnificent hall, on which was written: Vientiane Chamber of Commerce.

This Vientiane Chamber of Commerce is a chamber of commerce that buys and sells all kinds of materials, pills, or martial arts and techniques. Moreover, Yang Yi has inquired specifically these days. This Vientiane Chamber of Commerce is extremely huge. With its branch, even the master would not dare to provoke it, and even the overlord of the whole world, Hualong Palace, would not easily fight against the Vientiane Chamber of Commerce.

Yang Yi also couldn't figure out what kind of power the Vientiane Chamber of Commerce possessed that even Hualong Palace feared, but this didn't hinder his plan. He only needed to know that the Vientiane Chamber of Commerce was a powerful chamber of commerce that was detached from the outside world. up.

Yang Yi walked straight into the Vientiane Chamber of Commerce, and felt his eyes light up as soon as he walked in.The entire chamber of commerce is stocked with a dazzling array of commodities, including precious pills and materials, as well as many complete martial arts and techniques. Although the grade is very low, they are complete, which is commendable.

You know, because many monks like to plunder other people's blood to cultivate, just like Yang Yi, this has caused countless killings, and made many martial arts and techniques incomplete. Martial arts and techniques are very difficult.

But Yang Yi didn't want to do this, and he felt dull after looking at it for a while.

At this time, a woman in palace attire standing in the chamber of commerce came over gently, and said softly: "This fellow daoist, are these products not in the eyes of fellow daoist, or do you have other requirements? As long as you say so Come out, our chamber of commerce can satisfy you!"

Although this girl in a palace costume is leaning heavily, she is full of confidence and can satisfy all kinds of goods, which shows the size of the Vientiane Chamber of Commerce.

Yang Yi shook his head slightly and said, "I'm not here to buy, but to sell. I wonder if your chamber of commerce will accept it?"

A gleam flashed in the eyes of the woman in palace attire, and she could clearly hear what Yang Yi said, "Do you dare to accept it?"

The woman in the palace costume smiled slightly, but her eyes were full of confidence, and she said softly: "Our Vientiane Chamber of Commerce has strong financial resources, no matter what kind of precious treasures, we can accept them. If fellow Taoists have something good, please give it to the woman." Just look at it!"

Yang Yi frowned and said, "This thing is very precious, can you make the decision?"

Although Yang Yi's words seemed very blunt, the woman in palace attire did not show any abnormality, but looked at Yang Yi's whole body a little, and said in a confident tone: "Don't worry, fellow daoist, here, nv You can still make some masters, fellow daoists, if you have any good things, just take them out!"

Although the woman in the palace costume spoke politely, she was full of domineering attitude, like she, the receptionist of the Vientiane Chamber of Commerce, had seen many people like Yang Yi, who had some self-serving skills and could get some good things. He pretended to be arrogant, but never thought that although the things that many people brought out were precious outside, they were just ordinary goods to the Vientiane Chamber of Commerce.

Obviously, women in palace attire also classify Yang Yi into this category of people.

Yang Yi didn't get angry, he could see the disdain in this woman's tone, but he didn't bother to pay attention to it, and didn't care that there were many people around, so he took out a multicolored dragon-inlaid token from his bosom. The card was thrown straight onto the table, making a "jingle" sound.

"Since you said that you can be the master, then you can estimate the price of this thing!"

Yang Yi's voice caught the attention of some monks on the side. These people were a little curious to see what good things Yang Yi had, and they seemed so arrogant, but after seeing the token on the table, everyone He took a deep breath, and his face was full of disbelief! ~!

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