blood record

Chapter 133 Killing the Immortal Nine Swords

Although the word "Roll" was low-pitched, it was extremely clear, and it echoed continuously in the hall.

The young man's face was as heavy as water, his eyes were like poisonous snakes staring at Ouyang Xin behind Yang Yi, and he punched out without warning.

Huge force oppressed the space, making a "buzzing" sound, and even Yang Yi's diamond body felt as if it was about to shatter at any moment, which was really appalling.

"Is this the power of the third layer of transformation? It's too scary. Maybe I can try my best to resist the master who has condensed the body, but I will definitely not be able to resist the master of the third layer of transformation."

Yang Yi was shocked, and his body retreated to the side without any trace. The young man was rushing towards Ouyang Xin. As for Ouyang Xin, Yang Yi also wanted to see how terrifying Ouyang Xin was. In fact, Ouyang Xin Ever since he entered the Hualong Palace, he has never done anything, and no one knows how powerful he is. [

Indigenous, I want you to know that this is no longer your native star, this is Hualongxing, the gathering place for poor geniuses, you are just reptiles, you know?It's a reptile, haha, die! "

The fist of this young man, as if wrapped in a flame, was as fast as a shooting star, and slammed towards Ouyang Xin viciously.

Everyone's expressions changed. Unexpectedly, the young man increased his strength. This strength is enough to knock down a mountain, enough to cut off a river. It's terrifying.

A huge force had already approached Ouyang Xin, and suddenly, a dazzling light appeared.

Just like the rising sun, at that moment, no one could see clearly, a beam of light rose into the sky.

"Kill the Immortal, kill the Immortal!"

There were only four short words from Ouyang Xin's mouth, only four words, but suddenly, the whole hall seemed to be filled with exhausting killing intent.

Yes, it was as if, suddenly, countless monks died here. There were mountains of corpses and seas of blood. Some poor monks were full of resentment.

The terrifying killing aura almost knocked people's sanity into a trance, but the most frightening thing among these killing auras was the sword aura.

This sword energy cannot be described or compared, and the young man's face showed disbelief and he shouted loudly: "Impossible? How is it possible? This... this is a half-immortal treasure, how could you have a half-immortal treasure? Bloodline True source, the glory of the heavens, the glory of glory, protect my body!"

A ray of radiance suddenly appeared from the young man's body. This radiance seemed to be full of nobility and glory. This is a rare magic weapon, and it is also a magic weapon for pure protection.


The shocking sword cut straight down, and the blood light suddenly appeared. The young man's body had been chopped into pieces. Fragments, the power of sword light, is unstoppable!


The young man let out a scream, and his dharma body, faster than light, frantically fled outside.

But his dharma body was fast, and the sword light was even faster. Ouyang Xin had an expression on his face, but he had already moved to kill.

"Stop, stop, you can't kill me, I am a man blessed by God, you can't kill me, ah..."

It was already too late, Ouyang Xin didn't stop at all, the sword's light was like a broken bamboo, and it directly hit the young man's dharma body.

"snap" [

The dharma body was also cut in half, and if the dharma body died, he would die completely. A master of the third level of transformation died in Ouyang Xin's hands like this.


Including Yang Yi, these disciples who came up from the Blue Star took a breath of cold air. Ouyang Xin never made a move, but he became the No. 1. In fact, although Yang Yi was afraid of Ouyang Xin, he was a little confident, thinking that at most Ouyang Xin was the same as himself, and no one could do anything to him.

But now, seeing Ouyang Xin beheading the master of transformation and transformation with a single sword, Yang Yi knew that Ouyang Xin didn't know how terrifying it was.

The genius is not just Yang Yiyi!

Just when Ouyang Xin unleashed this sword to kill the young man, a terrifying sword aura rose directly into the sky, and horses of sword aura rippled throughout the Hualong Palace.

Changshengtian was assimilating the Palace Master of the Dragon Palace to report something, but at this moment, the sword aura surged, making both of them frown.

Changshengtian was shocked and said directly: "No, Palace Master, this is Ouyang Xin's sword!"

"Ouyang Xin? Senior Sword Demon? Let's go, we must not let this disciple anger Senior Sword Demon!" The chief palace master trembled in fright, and flew directly to the place where the sword energy was surging.


Changshengtian and Palace Master quickly appeared in the void, looking at the blood under their feet and the young man's corpse, they frowned, and Changshengtian shouted angrily: "Tell me, what's going on?"

Yang Yi hesitated for a while, then walked over and told what happened just now.

The Chief Palace Mistress, who had never been masked before, had a normal aura all over his body, as if he had no power at all, but no one dared to look at it. This was the Chief Palace Mistress who even Chang Shengtian respected.

Yang Yi also knew that Ouyang Xin was more reckless than him, and he seemed to have no scruples at all. Even if Yang Yi wanted to make a move just now, he just wanted to teach him a lesson, but he never thought of killing someone here.

Everyone's heart skipped a beat, knowing that Ouyang Xin was about to be punished.

The palace lord looked at Ouyang Xin, but gave a wry smile, shook his head slightly and said, "Senior Sword Demon was shocked, my Hualong Palace disciple was reckless, and I offended Senior Sword Demon, please forgive me, Senior Sword Demon!"


Not only Yang Yi, but even the elders Ming Yu and Yang Du who had just discovered the movement were stunned. They couldn't believe that the majestic and powerful palace master would apologize to a disciple who had just returned from the indigenous planet. Judging by his appearance, he seemed to be very respectful.

Only Chang Shengtian smiled wryly, he asked himself, even though he knew that Ouyang Xin was the reincarnation of Sword Demon, he was determined not to humble himself in front of so many people.

Ouyang Xin didn't show any expression, just opened his eyes, and said lightly: "The Sword Demon is dead, now there is no Sword Demon, only Ouyang Xin!"

The Palace Master's eyes lit up, and he said in a low voice: "Yes, only Ouyang Xin! This matter will be handled properly by me!"

"Yang Du, hurry up and go through the formalities for these disciples, don't make any more troubles!" The Palace Master seemed very dissatisfied with Yang Du. [

Yang Du said with embarrassment on his face: "Yes, Palace Master, I will handle it for them immediately!"

After saying that, the palace lord took Ouyang Xin to the void and disappeared. ! ~!

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