blood record

Chapter 134 Reversing Time

"Sword Demon? Is Ouyang Xin the reincarnation of the Sword Demon?"

Yang Yi's heart was turbulent. He had naturally heard the legend of the sword demon. In fact, the name of the sword demon was well-known in the entire Tianhe star field, and even outside the Tianhe star field. Once out, it's unstoppable!

This is the Sword Demon, but no one knows whether the Sword Demon is dead or ascended to the fairy world, but unexpectedly, Ouyang Xin is the reincarnation of the Sword Demon.

The reincarnation of these great supernatural beings, the cultivation speed cannot be measured by common sense at all, Yang Yi's psychology is at least slightly balanced, even if Ouyang Xin immediately cultivated to reach the sky, he would not be surprised.

"Could it be that even the master of the main palace is so polite to Ouyang Xin? The Jidao Sect is so close that sooner or later Hualong Palace will be swept away. At that time, only Ouyang Xin will be able to save Hualong Palace!" [

Elder Yang Du had just been reprimanded, so he acted very quickly. He took care of everything in a short while and took Yang Yi to the place where he would practice in the future.

On Hualong Star, Qiong is huge. Around Hualong Palace, there is a continuous mountain range. In this mountain range, there is Qiongfu, and the aura of heaven and earth is also the strongest. All the disciples of Hualong Palace are here. The Fuchu practice here.

In Hualong Palace, there are talented disciples drawn from various sub-gongs everywhere. Most of these disciples have already cultivated to the realm of transformation. At least half of the millions of people are transformation disciples. As soon as Yang and his group appeared here, they seemed very abrupt.

"A new journey, a new beginning, and of course, new enemies!"

From the young man, Yang Yi could see that Shui Lanxing's people were very weak in Hualong Palace, and in Hualong Palace, private fights between disciples were normal, and that young man could even fight directly in the hall , can be seen in general.

"Say, what's going on?"

A majestic man sat tall on a chair and yelled at the people below in a low voice.

"Brother God, there is nothing we can do about it. It was Ouyang Xin who killed him. Brother Wan just wanted to teach those natives who came up from Shuilanxing a lesson, but he never thought that Ouyang Xin was so fierce that he could kill him with a single sword strike." Kill Senior Brother Wan."

This majestic man's whole body shone with traces of nobility, as if he was a powerful and high-ranking emperor.

"How is it possible? It's just an aborigine, and besides, Junior Brother Wan has a magic weapon to protect him. How could he be killed by that aboriginal sword? Tell me, why? Do you all want to die?"

This man is Shen Tianyou, the number one master among the disciples of Hualong Palace. He said that he was the same, and he had cultivated into a primordial spirit. Among the disciples, he basically covered the sky with one hand, and no one dared to violate his will.

The monk Ouyang Xin killed said before he died that he was blessed by God.

These disciples are all in the first stage of Transformation. When they saw that Shen Tianyou was angry, they all knelt down and said hastily: "Brother God, please forgive me, this really has nothing to do with us. Then Ouyang Xin's sword will be poor." Even Senior Brother Wan's body-protecting magic weapon was smashed to pieces by his sword. By the way, what's even more strange is that even the palace lord was alarmed, and after the palace lord appeared, he treated Ouyang Xin is still very respectful, and he still calls him a senior sword demon."

"What? Sword Demon?"

Shen Tianyou stood up abruptly.

"Is what you said true?"

"Senior brother Mingjian, what we said is not a bit of a lie!"

"Sword Demon? Could it be the reincarnation of the Sword Demon? Yes, it must be. With the rapid expansion of the Jidao Sect, the reincarnation of the Sword Demon appeared in Hualong Palace, so it must be worshiped as a guest of honor!"

Shen Tianyou was only a little surprised. In fact, in the entire star field, reincarnations of great figures emerged endlessly, and there were even reincarnations of ancient powers hundreds of millions of years ago. [

Shen Tianyou has practiced for thousands of years, and this matter is still very clear. He knows that Ouyang Xin cannot be offended, and his people will die if they die!

At this time, the Palace Master and Changshengtian have returned to the main hall, and the Palace Master said to Ouyang: "Senior, what happened just now has disturbed Senior, please don't take it to heart. Senior must have experienced many difficulties in reincarnation, so , This seat reverses time and creates ten thousand years of time for seniors, seniors are inside, recovering to the fullest, whatever resources you want, whatever you want, this seat will definitely respond to your request!"

Once you reach the profound realm of the Heaven-reaching Realm, you can turn back time, just like the Shangxuan Sanren.

However, the reversing time needs to be exhausted, especially the longer the reversing time, the more it will be consumed.If it is reversed for 1 years, the resources consumed by Hualong Palace may be able to smash a pig out of Yuanshen.

Hualong Palace is going to spend a lot of money to help Ouyang Xin quickly recover his cultivation!

Ouyang Xin glanced at the Palace Master lightly, and said lightly: "Yang Ji, I encountered a catastrophe in the fairy world, and had to reincarnate to rebuild! I also know about your Hualong Palace matter, and I will help you solve the matter about Ji Dao Sect! "

"Ah? That's really thanks to senior for his kindness of rebuilding. In this way, senior, don't worry, I will immediately summon the elders who have reached the sky to stimulate the power together to reverse the time of ten thousand years. I will definitely help senior to rebuild the sky-shattering cultivation and once again traverse the starry sky! "

The owner of the palace was originally called Yang Ji, and everyone knew about their thoughts, but it was obvious that Ouyang Xin also needed their help now, not only to reverse the time, but also to restore his cultivation base, I don't know how much resources would be needed, so if Not one sent to supply, he wants to restore some cultivation base, I don't know how difficult it is.

This is a matter of mutual benefit. Hualong Palace has received Ouyang Xin's promise, and will naturally gather the strength of the whole palace to help Ouyang Xin regain his strength.

"Changshengtian, don't leave, just stay here and turn back ten thousand years, at least a hundred years!"

Changshengtian nodded and said: "Follow the order of the Palace Master!"

"Haha, okay, if I survive the Great Tribulation of the Jidao Sect after Hualong Palace, you Changshengtian will be my biggest contributor to Hualong Palace!"

Yang Ji and Chang Sheng Tian looked at each other and smiled.

"By the way, before retreating, I'm going to meet my daughter and tell her something!" Chang Shengtian said suddenly.

"Oh? That's natural, but Zhenzhen's aptitude is indeed good, and now he is preparing to condense the dharma body." Yang Ji smiled lightly.

"Actually, this time I'm going to choose a Taoist partner for Zhenzhen, so I'm going to inform her!"

"What? Changshengtian, Zhenzhen's vision is so haughty. No hero from heaven and earth can get into her eyes. How can any young talent be so outstanding?"

"Maybe this person is still very weak now, but given time, his light will surely shine in the sky. This person, the palace lord, has seen just now, and he is Yang Yi, the peerless genius of my Water Blue Planet!"

"It's the one who condensed nine drops of blood and killed a transformation master before he left? But such a person seems a bit ordinary in my Hualong Palace. My genius disciple of Hualong Palace is now the number one master God God bless, he can behead a shape-changing master when he was at the Void Core, what ability does Yang Yi have?"

Changshengtian would not tell about the Tianhe star map, but he was also embarrassed.

But at this moment, Ouyang Xin, who had been silent all this time, suddenly said: "Yang Yi, the future is promising. If he doesn't die, he will even surpass me!"


If Yang Ji didn't believe Changshengtian's words, then he had to believe Ouyang Xin's words. Who is the Sword Demon?That is the pinnacle figure who ascended to the fairy world.

"Okay, okay, you have chosen a good Taoist partner for Zhenzhen, but whether Zhenzhen wants to or not is up to you."

"Haha, Yang Yi has poor means, I'm afraid I can't tolerate being really unwilling, well, these are just things, I'll go back as soon as I go!"

Chang Shengtian laughed loudly, and his figure disappeared into the void, apparently looking for his daughter Yan Zhenzhen. ! ~!

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