blood record

Chapter 1439 Retreat

The first thousand and 430 chapters and nine retreats

Kui Big Beard was defeated by Yang Yi with one blow, and lost all face. He seemed to feel embarrassed, so he took a deep look at Yang Yi, and then quickly left the Heavenly Temple with his strange beast.


The elders in the Temple of Heaven also heaved a sigh of relief seeing that Kui Dabezi was dismissed so easily. Although they are all the best among the 48 divine patterns, they were assigned to the Temple of Heaven for management. It's just suffering, how dare they manage these genius monsters?

Kui Dahuzi must have more than this strength, he must have some powerful means that he has not used, but Yang Yi also knows, Kui Dahuzi understands that since Yang Yi can defeat him with one blow, it must be because his strength is far less than Yang Yi, if you continue to fight, even if Kui Dabeard uses the last trick to suppress the bottom of the box, it probably won't be of any use. [

Therefore, it is better to admit failure generously and leave, dare to act and act, and failure is not a big deal. Maybe Kui Dabeard's achievements are far more than what he is now.

Such a person will definitely make progress in the future. No wonder it is said that there are many evil geniuses among the top masters of the Temple of Heaven, who casually come out with a big beard and have such a disposition. The Temple of Heaven really lives up to its reputation.

Fortunately, Yang Yi showed his hand a little today, and those who want to trouble Yang Yi in the future have to weigh whether they can defeat Kui Beard, otherwise, they will be humiliating themselves, and Yang Yi can take advantage of it. During this peaceful time, let’s get to know the entire Tiansheng Temple and the rules of the Tiansheng Palace for selecting special masters to enter the source of emptiness.

It can be said that almost all the super masters in the Temple of Heaven come for the source of emptiness, but.After tens of thousands of years, there are too few lucky ones who can enter the source of emptiness.

When Yang Yi first arrived, he appeared to be a little high-profile, and it was also to deal with future troubles. It not only attracted the attention of the high-level officials of Tiansheng Palace, but also blocked some troubles a little bit, which can be said to kill two birds with one stone.

The elder who checked Yang Yi's ID card just now looked at Yang Yi differently.It is said that the super masters with lower strength are monstrous geniuses.It's extraordinary, but it's far from the shock of doing it.

In the eyes of these elders, Yang Yi is absolutely not to be provoked, so their expressions have become very respectful, and they said cautiously: "Yang Yi, Motian, the identities of the two of you have been verified. Question, your caves have already been arranged, and they are No. 230 Dongfu and No. 230 No. [-] Dongfu on the hill opposite to Tiansheng Temple."

Yang Yi glanced at these elders lightly.He didn't say anything else, and flew directly to the tall mountain opposite with Mo Tian.

There are many caves on this mountain, but the mountain is very big, even if there are thousands of caves, it is nothing.

Yang Yi quickly found his cave, and stayed with Mo Tian, ​​so they could take care of each other in the future.Obviously, this is also an act of the elders to curry favor with Yang Yi, otherwise.They can completely divide Yang Yi's and Mo Tian's caves into different places.

"It seems that this shows strength, and there are indeed many benefits."

Yang Yi said with a smile that was not a smile, and then got into the cave.

There is nothing special about this cave. There are dust-proof beads inside, so even though no one has lived in it for many years, it is still spotless and very clean.

Yang Yi arranged a simple formation around the cave, and then sat cross-legged inside the cave.The Chaos Ax was violently summoned from the body.

The current Yang Yi is already a master of the 37 divine patterns, and his eighteenth form of the broken ax can already be cultivated to a higher level. The previous Yang Yi only practiced the eighteenth form of the broken ax to the ninth form, and has been practicing all the time. All due to insufficient cultivation, so I can only practice to the ninth form, which is a step further.

But now that his cultivation base has been raised to 47 divine patterns, the Eighteen Forms of the Broken Ax can definitely go a step further, so Yang Yi is also planning to retreat in the cave to cultivate the Eighteen Forms of the Broken Ax to a higher level.

Maybe when he leaves the level after his great achievement, he will really have the strength to compete with Chang Sheng.


The Temple of Heaven is said to be very big, but it is said to be small and very small. In fact, there are not even more than 500 super masters in the Temple of Heaven. The number of people is very small, but they are all 48 gods or comparable to 48 gods. Tattooed super strong. [

With such a combination of power, if the old monsters of the 49 divine lines do not make a move, I am afraid they will be able to sweep the entire Void Realm. A big force.

Recently, because of the beheading of the murderous maniac in the Void Realm, there has been a lot of rumors, and it has even spread into the Tiansheng Palace.


However, some people in Tiansheng Palace have known for a long time that Yang Yi and Mo Tian were the ones who beheaded the murderous maniac. Be alluring.

Because, in the Chaos God's Mansion, it is very likely that there is the inheritance of the original Chaos God. The original Chaos God occupied the first place in the Heavenly Dao Ranking for tens of thousands of years, and finally disappeared due to unknown reasons. .

Moreover, the Chaos God's Mansion is almost equivalent to the magical defense power that cannot be broken under 49 divine lines. Everyone knows that Yang Yi's ability to kill murderous madmen is mostly due to this Chaos God's Mansion.

Therefore, some interested people have been gradually inquiring about Yang Yi's whereabouts, but now Yang Yi is a special expert in the Heavenly Sacred Palace, with a distinguished status, and no one knows about him except the people in the Heavenly Sacred Palace.

In Tiansheng Temple, when Yang Yi first arrived, he gave Kui Dabeard a lesson, letting people know that he is definitely not easy to mess with, let alone a soft persimmon, but an unrivaled murderer. If you want to trouble him, You have to be prepared to be humiliated.

Of course, Kui's beard doesn't explain everything. Kui's beard is in the entire Tiansheng Temple, but he can only be regarded as a middle-to-lower one, and he can only bully those 48 gods who have just arrived in Tiansheng Temple or are even weaker. Just a master of tattoos.

If you meet some veteran masters of the Temple of Heaven, Kui Dabeard is not worth mentioning at all, so Yang Yi's defeat of Kui Dabeard is not very many people who can be deterred.

At this time, there were several gazes constantly lingering outside Yang Yi's cave.

Looking along the line of sight, there are three men in white clothes. The aura on their bodies undoubtedly shows their tyrannical strength, which is definitely not comparable to that of Kui Dazi. (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point to vote, monthly tickets, your support is my biggest motivation.)

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