blood record

Chapter 1440 Three Swordsmen in White

"It's been so many days, why is Yang Yi still showing up?"

"Could it be that he is afraid? From now on, he plans to hide in the cave for the rest of his life?"

"He defeated Kui Dabeard. He thought he was the No. 49 ruthless person, but he didn't expect to be so cunning. He hid in the cave. There are regulations in the Temple of Heaven, and no one is allowed to make trouble in the cave. Otherwise, the two The patriarch who respects the [-] Dao gods should be killed directly, and no one can break this rule."

The identities of these three white-clothed men are not ordinary. They may not seem to be well-known in Tiansheng Palace, but they have a very high reputation in Tiansheng Temple, especially among the veteran masters with 48 divine patterns. "" The chapters of the novel are updated the fastest.

These three people are all masters of the 48 divine patterns, and they have long joined the Tiansheng Temple, known as the Three Musketeers in White. [

They all have a set of sword formations in their hands, and when they are used, they are so powerful that they have even beheaded many opponents of the same level. When they were doing the tasks issued by the Temple of Heaven, they were also famous.

The Three Musketeers in White also heard about Yang Yi's deeds, that he had the Chaos Divine Palace in his hand, so they coveted it. In the Heavenly Temple, apart from some simple rules, there is no restriction at all .Fighting between super masters is basically commonplace, and there are even casualties. As long as the rules of Tiansheng Temple are not violated, they will not be punished, let alone the high-level officials of Tiansheng Palace.

Therefore, the Three Musketeers in White just wanted to "force" Yang Yi to hand over the Chaos Mansion, but they waited for many days, but Yang Yi's cave remained motionless, and Yang Yi never came out of the cave at all.

The Three Musketeers in White were also very depressed.If Yang Yi was retreating, it would take thousands of years to retreat, wouldn't they have to wait for thousands of years? bjng, some super masters, not to mention retreating for thousands of years, even tens of thousands of years, it is not a rare thing, the three swordsmen in white are also very afraid, Yang Yiyi retreats for hundreds of thousands of years, let them wait.

If it weren't for Tiansheng Palace's regulations, it is not allowed to break into the cave.They wished they could rush into Yang Yi's cave immediately.Humiliate Yang Yi well.

"Let's go, this Yang Yi will definitely not come out in a short time, but we can't take it lightly. Send some followers. Watch here every day. Hmph, once Yang Yi appears, let us know immediately."

The Three Musketeers in White can only give up.Let the followers stare here first, they will do shme when they go back, and they will never waste shjn here.

But this shhouyjng is not just the Three Musketeers in white, many people are staring at Yang Yi's cave, but they dare not go forward due to the fierce power of the Three Musketeers in white.

"Even the Three Musketeers in White have been dispatched, I'm afraid the Chaos God's Mansion will not have our share, what a pity!"

"That's the Chaos God's Mansion. This Yang Yinenggou's progress is so fast, maybe it's because of the inheritance of the God of Chaos. Tsk tsk, that is the number one in the Heavenly Dao List. If meyou disappears, who is he?" opponent?"

"The three white-clothed swordsmen are quite powerful. Let's not cause trouble, sit on the mountain and watch the tigers fight, and see how Yang Yi will deal with it? Don't forget, this Yang Yi is not a soft persimmon, nor can he be slaughtered by others. Nakui with a big beard This is just an example, anyone who underestimates Yang Yi will probably bring shame upon himself."

These days, the masters of the temple will come to check every once in a while. Some support Yang Yi, some support the Three Musketeers in White, and some want to take advantage of the chaos to see if they can be a fisherman. Profit, bjng wealth and wealth are in danger. Although the three white-clothed swordsmen are powerful, they still have to abide by the most basic rules and cannot break into the cave.

Therefore, there are still some daring people who are ready to take chestnuts out of the fire, snatch the Chaos God Palace from the hands of the Three Musketeers in White and Yang Yi, and then go directly into the cave for thousands of years, and never come out. Method.

However, whether it is the Three Musketeers in White or those with ulterior motives, or those who just watch the excitement, they will all be disappointed, because for several months in a row, Yang Yi's cave has not heard any movement, it seems that Yang Yi is really retreating.

Once you wait for hundreds or thousands of years, no matter how great your enthusiasm is, I'm afraid it will fade away.

Therefore, a year later, the gazes lingering outside Yang Yidong's mansion were reduced by more than half, but the followers of the Three Musketeers in white and some unwilling people were still silently waiting here.

In the meantime, Yang Yi's pngbn Mo Tian came out a few times, but he just frowned slightly after feeling several divine thoughts and eyes wandering outside Yang Yi's cave, intending to remind Yang Yi , but now that Yang Yi is in the cave, he can do nothing.

Two years, three years... ten years!

Ten years have passed in the blink of an eye, but there is still no movement in Yang Yi's cave. At this time, the people outside Yang Yi's cave are only the followers of the three swordsmen in white, and even the white-clothed three swordsmen are left. The Three Musketeers rarely asked about Yang Yi. [

From their point of view, Yang Yi must be in seclusion, and I'm afraid it will be difficult to get out of the seclusion.

Only Mo Tian was frowning slightly. He and Yang Yi have been together for so long, and it is rare to see Yang Yi retreat for such a long time. Often the longest time is only a few years, and now he is in seclusion Even Mo Tian had never met Shjn for ten years, so Yjng was a little worried in his heart.


"Yang Yi is doing shme? Is there a shme problem?"

Motian murmured to himself, but Yang Yi's cave was not opened, no one could hear his news, and Motian could only worry secretly in his heart, and he couldn't do shme at all.

At this moment, Yang Yi was in the cave, with the Chaos Ax floating quietly in front of him, and he had a dignified treasure appearance, with a very serene expression.

In fact, Yang Yi has been in seclusion for ten years, not to mention other people, even Yang Yizj feels a little unbelievable, unbelievable.

Originally, Yang Yi only planned to practice the Eighteen Forms of the Broken Ax to the extreme, but who would have thought that after the ninth form of the Eighteen Forms of the Broken Ax, it would be so difficult to practice.

From the ninth form to the tenth form, Yang Yi almost succeeded in practicing it. Just this form alone took almost eight years of Yang Yi's effort.

It took shjn eight years to practice the tenth form, which shows how difficult it is. This seems to be fundamentally different from the previous few forms, and its power has been greatly improved immediately.

Yang Yi realized that it seemed that starting from the tenth form, the eighteenth form of the broken ax really began to exert its powerful power. For all the nine forms back then, Yang Yi didn't even use eight-year shjn, and this first It took almost eight years of shjn for just one of the ten styles.

Moreover, the tenth form is just the beginning. Next, Yang Yi is still practicing No. 11 and [-] forms. Judging from the speed of practicing the tenth form, Ruguo may really be shjn for decades.

"Forget it, I seldom retreat, so I just took this opportunity to strengthen my cultivation!"

In the end, Yang Yi decided to go into seclusion, and practice the eighteenth form of the broken ax to the extreme first. After bjng for so many years, he has also practiced such a long shjn in seclusion. His promotion speed can almost be said to be like a rocket. The progress is really too fast, and it is inevitable that there will be some unstable foundations, so take advantage of this shjn, and clean up the hidden dangers in the body to consolidate the cultivation base.

Practicing the tenth form is completely cultivating in the heart, even the Chaos Ax has not been used, because the power is too great, until it shows the unrivaled edge of the Chaos Ax, I am afraid that the entire mountain will be destroyed Yang Yi was flattened.

The tenth form of the eighteenth form of the broken ax, although shjn is used a lot, but its power is indeed extraordinary, much stronger than the ninth form, it can be regarded as the real nenggou exerting the power of the peerless ax of the chaos axe.

Back then, the God of Chaos held the Chaos Axe, and killed countless masters, even the super masters with 49 divine patterns, such as the God of Flowing Light that Chang Sheng obtained, were defeated by the God of Chaos at the beginning.

The power of the Chaos Ax is absolutely astonishing. In the past, Yang Yi could not even exert one-tenth of its power, but as his cultivation base gradually improved, the [-] forms of breaking the ax he cultivated became more and more advanced. The power is gradually revealed.

No. 11 type, Yang Yi used shjn for a full 20 years before he could be regarded as successful in cultivation, more than double the amount of shjn used in the tenth type.

Immediately afterwards, it was the No.12 formula again. This time, Yang Yi even realized that the power of imagination, ten years, 20 years, 30 years...

It wasn't until 50 years later that Yang Yi grasped the essence of No.12 style, and successfully practiced No.12 style. From the tenth style to the No.12 style, Yang Yi spent a lot of time. shjn in '78.

This is only the tenth to twelve forms. If there are No. 13, [-], [-], and even the last eighteen forms in the future, it will not take many years of shjn. Hundreds of thousands of years ago, Yang Yi once thought that the Eighteen Forms of the Broken Ax were nothing more than that, but now it seems that he still underestimated the Eighteen Forms of the Broken Ax.

Only when the tenth form is reached, can it be regarded as the real eighteenth form of breaking the axe, and can truly unleash the unrivaled edge of the Chaos Axe, which is very powerful. [

However, in Yang Yi's cultivation these years, he only cultivated with his mind, practicing the ax technique in the sea of ​​consciousness. Although it is no different from real cultivation, but bjngmeyou has really used the Chaos Axe to perform it, so Yang Yi also has a feeling in his heart. A very urgent gnjo who wants to use the Chaos Ax to perform Forms 12 to [-].

See how tyrannical the three-style ax technique he practiced with shjn in 78 is?

"It's time to leave the customs. It's been so many years. Is there anyone out there?"

There was a smile on the corner of Yang Yi's mouth. Although he was inside the cave, he knew everything outside the cave well. Back then, there were many gods and eyes staring at his cave, but he was at a critical moment of cultivation. Of course I can't go out.

But now if you want to try the ax method, people outside the cave are naturally the most suitable. (To be continued.)

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