blood record

Chapter 1447 The Madman

ps: [Lao Yue's new book "The Way of Immortality" is out today, please support me, if you haven't collected it yet, try to collect it, the first one is very important for the new book, thank you Lao Yue! 】

The meaning of Shengxincheng is already obvious. He doesn't want to deal with Yang Yi, but just wants to curb potential threats. As long as Yang Yi doesn't fight for Changsheng, then Shengxincheng won't do it.

I have to say that apart from a little arrogance, Sheng Xincheng is very reasonable. Of course, this reasoning is only for those who are powerful and feared by Sheng Xincheng.

"Brother Sheng, why bother to be polite to this Yang Yi, the four of us go up together, no matter how powerful he is, he will be killed by us!"

After all, the three white-clothed swordsmen also rushed forward, unexpectedly surrounded Yang Yi in the center, although the three of them were damaged in the sword array, they are also three strong men with 48 divine patterns, so they should not be underestimated. Together with Shengxincheng, they can really pose some threats to Yang Yi. [

Therefore, even Yang Yi's expression became solemn, he carefully felt the movements of the three white-clothed swordsmen, but his focus was of course Sheng Xincheng in front of him, this person was the one who threatened Yang Yi the most.


Sheng Xincheng made a move, and when he made a move, it was thunderous, and he didn't hold back at all, but the target he dealt with was actually the three swordsmen in white.

"Bang bang bang".

The three white-clothed swordsmen were all hit by Shengxincheng. Originally, they were also superpowers with 48 divine patterns. Even without the power of the sword array, their strength should not be underestimated. Shengxincheng wanted to kill them.It is also very difficult.

However, the Three Musketeers in White probably never dreamed that it would be Sheng Xincheng, whom they regarded as their backer, who attacked them, and almost all of them were killers, making them resist with all their might.

"You... Sacred Heart, why is that?"

The Three Musketeers in white said with difficulty that they were seriously injured and had almost no hope of life. They were just struggling to die at this moment.

"Why? Hmph, when will I, Sacred Heart, need help when I'm going to deal with people? I've told you a long time ago. I'll only save you once. If you want to follow me again, you will be asking for your own death!"

Sheng Xincheng's cold tone made the three white-clothed swordsmen completely desperate, and they knew it too.Sheng Xincheng is simply a desperate his heart.Only his way, everything else must be eradicated.

Just like Yang Yi.As long as he leaves here and doesn't compete with Sheng Xincheng for the place of Patriarch Shekong, then Yang Yi will be fine, but once Yang Yi decides to compete, Sheng Xincheng will never be polite, just It is necessary to act first and kill all potential competitors.

This is Sheng Xincheng, a lonely master who will use any means to achieve his goals!

The Three Musketeers in White finally died, and they died very unwillingly. Their mistake was that they followed a lunatic. A lunatic is completely unreasonable.

Yang Yi glanced at the corpses of the Three Musketeers in white, their faces were full of unwillingness, it was Sheng Xincheng who saved the Three Musketeers in white from his hands, but now, the Three Musketeers in white are dead again In the hands of Sheng Xincheng, the world is unpredictable, and it is indeed embarrassing.

"Okay, now that the ears are quiet, you can make your choice."

Shengxincheng said seemingly calmly, but Yang Yi knew that behind the calmness, there was a shocking attack brewing. Once he refused, Shengxincheng would definitely strike immediately without any hesitation. .

After a long time, Yang Yi took a deep breath, and said in a deep voice: "Sheng Xincheng, Chang Sheng is definitely not as simple as you imagined. Why don't we cooperate and deal with Chang Sheng together, and then we can use our own methods?"

After Yang Yi finished speaking, he looked at Sheng Xincheng quietly. At this time, Sheng Xincheng's eyes, which had been closed, suddenly opened, and there was a sharp and fierce light in his eyes.

"You mean...not ready to leave? Well, let's decide the outcome!" [

Without any hesitation, Sheng Xincheng made the move directly, completely disregarding the current situation, Yang Yi even believed that even if Chang Sheng was right next to him at this time, Sheng Xincheng would not take a look at him, and would still fight Yang Yi Birth and death.

Thinking of this, Yang Yi is naturally not polite. To deal with this kind of obsessed lunatic, he can only be defeated, so that he will be convinced.


"Xing Tian blood seal!"

Yang Yi directly cast Xing Tian's blood seal, and in an instant, the entire void turned into blood red, and a huge blood red handprint was printed directly from the void.

This is Yang Yi mobilizing 70.00% of the Xingtian blood in his body, and thus bursting out in one fell swoop. As Yang Yi gradually controls the Xingtian blood in his body, he can almost use his fingers to display this supernatural power.

The blood-red handprint slapped Sheng Xincheng fiercely, and even the entire void was directly blocked. Any strong person seemed to feel suffocated at this moment.

This kind of vibration, not to mention the sky, even the Long Finger Mountain Range under the feet was directly shaken. Many masters of the Heavenly Temple did not know why, and they were swept by the terrifying aftermath, and they were directly swept away. Boom.

This is just a trace of aftermath, but most of the power of Xingtian's blood seal is blasting towards Shengxincheng. At this time, facing such a terrifying attack, Shengxincheng not only did not have a trace of panic, but showed A satisfied smile.

"Okay, okay, very good! The supernatural power is indeed powerful, but it's still a bit short, Ji Daobai!"

No one knows the supernatural powers that Sheng Xincheng cultivated, because basically everyone who has seen Sheng Xincheng display supernatural powers has died, so his supernatural powers are quite mysterious, and even whether he has received any inheritance And so on, I don't know.

But now, Yang Yi finally saw the supernatural power of Sheng Xincheng, strange ripples emanating from his body, shaking the void, even Yang Yi was so far away, he seemed to feel the primordial spirit in his body Unsteady, as if about to be shattered by the shock.

And Yang Yi's Xingtian blood seal encountered a strong resistance from Ji Daobo, and soon became stalemate, and then the two forces exploded, and the aftermath of the explosion spread in all directions. , just feeling it slightly, is the heart palpitations, which shows how powerful the power of this terrifying aftermath is.

The strength of Yang Yi and Sheng Xincheng is far from what the general powerhouses with 48 divine patterns can match. Perhaps, both of them are already extremely close to those super strong men with 49 divine patterns.

Therefore, the fight between the two is naturally extraordinary. Some masters of the Temple of Heaven have already sensed the changes here, and actually turned around and flew back to watch the fight between Yang Yi and Sheng Xincheng from a far away place. (To be continued.)

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