blood record

Chapter 1448 The last blow

Yang Yi's heart trembled. He didn't expect Shengxincheng to be so powerful. His Xingtian blood seal is definitely a very powerful supernatural power. After all, the god of Xingtian was in charge of the punishment of heaven, so how could his supernatural power be trivial?

And what makes Yang Yi feel weird the most is that he doesn't even have the slightest impression of the supernatural power displayed by Sheng Xincheng, only knows that it is very weird, it seems hard to guard against.

However, this is only the beginning.

Thinking of this, the Chaos Ax appeared in Yang Yi's hands. The moment he saw the Chaos Axe, Sheng Xincheng's eyes narrowed slightly, and he naturally recognized the Chaos Axe. After that, many people speculated that Yang Yi must also possess some other treasures of the God of Chaos.

Looking at it now, it was indeed the case. In addition to the Chaos Divine Palace, there was also this almost indestructible Chaos Axe. [

"The tenth form of the broken ax!"

Yang Yi held the Chaos Axe, exuding awe-inspiring heavenly power all over his body, and when he slashed fiercely, many ripples and ripples appeared in the void. Wherever the ax energy went, the space shattered, and there was a feeling of beheading everything. , an overwhelming momentum!

"Okay, as expected of the supernatural power of the God of Chaos, it's really powerful!"

Sheng Xincheng raised his eyebrows, and shouted loudly, he also maintained a high degree of vigilance against Yang Yi's Eighteen Styles of Broken Axe, no matter how mysterious and strange his origin was, and no matter how So what about the power of the supernatural power, but none of these can affect the power of the Chaos Axe.

What's more, Yang Yi also used the tenth of the eighteen moves of the broken axe, which was already much more powerful than Xing Tian's blood seal.

Sacred Heart took a deep breath.Then he made a big seal with his hands, and then he shouted loudly, and moved forward fiercely.


The big seal formed by Sheng Xincheng is getting bigger and bigger. After leaving Sheng Xincheng's body, it roars even more, and it rises when the wind rises. It also carries the power of poverty.It collided with Yang Yi's Chaos Axe.


The two forces collided again.Contrary to Yang Yi's expectation, this Shengxincheng actually resisted the beheading of the Chaos Ax again. This mysterious big seal seems to have poor power.No matter how powerful the Chaos Ax is.They all stubbornly resisted the Chaos Axe.Let the law go one step further.

Finally, as time passed, the power of Yang Yi's Chaos Ax gradually dissipated.And the big seal formed by Sheng Xincheng quickly collapsed for no reason, but at this time, Sheng Xincheng's face was a little pale, and it seemed that the big seal just now had consumed him too much. Not small, definitely not easy to display.

Yang Yi's expression also became more dignified. Although he also knew that Shengxincheng was no small matter, he didn't know that Shengxincheng was so difficult to deal with, and he couldn't take advantage of it even if he used his magical powers continuously.

If this continues, Yang Yi will only be able to use the Eighteenth Form of the Broken Axe, the next eleventh form and the twelfth form. This is currently Yang Yi's most powerful supernatural power, and he is using it to deal with Chang Sheng. But now, it has to be used to deal with Sheng Xincheng in advance.

Once Chang Sheng, who was hidden in the dark, grasped the characteristics of the eleventh and twelve forms of the broken axe, then if Yang Yi met Chang Sheng again, he would have no way to take advantage of it.

"Shengxincheng, you really don't care about winning?"

Yang felt a little angry with a lunatic like Sheng Xincheng. Such a lunatic has no reason to speak of at all. Sure enough, Sheng Xincheng still ignored Yang Yi and directly killed Yang Yi without stopping at all. plan.

Seeing this, Yang Yi's face turned slightly cold, and at this moment, awe-inspiring murderous intent flashed on his body.

"Okay, okay, since you want to seek death, then Yang will help you, at worst, kill you, and then go to fight Chang Sheng!"

Yang Yi has already made up his mind, he must deal with the lunatic Sheng Xincheng first, otherwise, no one knows when he will jump out and threaten Yang Yi. [

Therefore, without hesitation, Yang Yi violently activated the Chaos Axe, and performed the eleventh form of the Broken Axe.

"Whoa, whoa, whoa."


Thousands of chaotic ax qi slashed towards Shengxincheng crazily. These ax qi were almost exhausted, covering the sky and covering the earth, madly attacking Shengxincheng, and each of these ax qi possessed a tyrannical force. , once it is cut, it will definitely be injured.

Facing the raindrops of ax energy, Sheng Xincheng obviously had no other choice but to carry it hard and dodge as much as possible, but it was useless. No matter how he avoided it, a large amount of ax energy was still easy cut on his body.

Soon, blood was dripping from Sheng Xincheng's body, and his clothes were dyed red, exuding a strong smell of blood, which made people palpitate. In the first form, there is not much to do, after all, he does not have such a treasure as Chaos Divine Palace.

However, Yang Yi also noticed that although Sheng Xincheng looked bloody and embarrassed, in fact, the other party was not seriously injured at all, and he didn't know what method he used, but he only let the ax gas Breaking into his body did not cause any damage to his primordial spirit.

The god of heaven, the most important thing is the god of heaven. It can be said that the god of heaven is the root of a god of heaven. Once the god of heaven is killed, the god of heaven will die. If God is still there, then it is nothing.

Yang Yi's Chaos Axe, sharp and fierce, with one slash, the sky would fall apart, let alone a mere flesh and blood body, even some powerful treasures could not compare to the Chaos Axe, and could not resist the Chaos Axe's sharpness.

Being slashed by the Chaos Axe, there is absolutely no possibility of survival, but now, Sheng Xincheng was not only slashed by the Chaos Axe, but also was slashed many times, but he is still alive and well, but he looks rather embarrassed.

Thinking of this, Yang Yi also directly stopped attacking. Shengxincheng is weird, the eleventh form of the broken ax can't cause much damage to him, and continuing to use it is just a waste of divine power.

"Is it really necessary to use the last trick?"

Yang Yi pondered, this retreat for more than 70 years, Yang Yi's biggest gain is that he has finally practiced the eighteenth form of the broken ax to the twelve forms, and the power of the twelve forms is far beyond what other forms can achieve comparable.

It can be said that starting from the twelfth form, the eighteenth form of the broken ax has truly entered a stage that can be rivaled. The power of the last eight forms is the power of more than twelve forms.

Yang Yixin is also very confident in the eighteen moves of the broken axe. He believes that once the twelve moves of the broken ax are performed, then Sheng Xincheng will definitely be unstoppable. Whether he can kill Sheng Xincheng, Yang Yi dare not promise, But it can definitely make Shengxincheng lose his fighting power in an instant, and either flee in a hurry, or resist stubbornly.

"What's the matter? You have no means? If you only have these means, then die!"

Sheng Xincheng laughed suddenly, he laughed loudly, and his voice almost echoed in the void for a long time.

However, Yang Yi also laughed, he gently stroked the Chaos Ax in his hand, and said lightly: "It's a pity, I still have the last magical power that I haven't used! Originally, this magical power was prepared to deal with Chang Sheng." , but since you want to try my last magic power first, press Yang and you will be satisfied!"

In an instant, Yang Yi's breath became very strong, like a big mountain, full of oppression, the aura was in the void, like a substance, sweeping hundreds of feet around, as if to squeeze the surrounding space The pressure explodes generally.

Sensing the improvement of Yang Yi's aura, Sheng Xincheng's expression also became dignified. In fact, it was very difficult for him to resist Yang Yi's twelve-style broken ax just now, so much so that he did not hesitate to The forbidden technique was used, so the Primordial Spirit was not beheaded by the Chaos Axe.

Sheng Xincheng originally thought that Yang Yi's method was just that. After all, no matter whether it was Xing Tian's blood seal or the ten and eleven moves of the broken axe, they were all so powerful that they should not be able to be defeated by a mere person with 47 divine patterns. Take control.

But Yang Yi not only controlled it, but also had the last and most powerful supernatural power, which he did not display. It was prepared for Chang Sheng, and now, Sheng Xincheng will bear Yang Yi's strongest blow. At this time, Even Sheng Xincheng's aloof temperament couldn't help feeling a little dazed.

He seemed to feel that it was indeed a mistake to fight Yang Yi to the death here! [

However, this was just a thought in his mind, and then Sheng Xincheng put such a thought behind him. He never regrets doing things, and he can only do his best to complete this matter.

If he wanted to defeat Yang Yi and drive away potential competitors, he would have to bear the corresponding consequences. Thinking of this, Sheng Xincheng became firm in his heart. Yang Yi had a hole card, and Sheng Xincheng also had a hole card.

It's just that this hole card cannot be used easily, otherwise, even if you kill three thousand enemies, you will lose eight hundred. This is a hole card that will hurt both sides.

Shengxincheng also has a very powerful forbidden technique, but once this forbidden technique is cast, it is the primordial spirit that burns. Once the fire cannot be controlled, even the primordial spirit will be completely burned. If you do it, Sheng Xincheng is already dead.

Therefore, such a dangerous forbidden technique is not a last resort. Generally speaking, Sheng Xincheng would never perform it, and would not even have such an idea, because no one has ever been able to "force" him to In such an embarrassing situation, no one could "force" him to perform such a life-threatening forbidden technique.

Therefore, now that he has come to this point, facing Yang Yi's final blow, Sheng Xincheng will not stand still, he will also use dangerous forbidden techniques and fight to the death! (To be continued.)

ps: [Lao Yue's new book "The Way of Immortality" is on the list, and it is currently on the list. We need everyone's support. If you haven't bookmarked it yet, please bookmark it as soon as possible. Thank you, Lao Yue! 】

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