blood record

Chapter 1449 Meeting Chang Sheng Again

"Twelve Forms of Ax Breaking!"

Yang Yi didn't hesitate any longer, and directly used the twelve forms of the broken axe. With a sharp edge, he directly killed Shengxincheng, as if there was only this ax in the world, even if Shengxincheng was about to use the forbidden Even if he burned all the primordial spirits, after seeing this axe, he was desperate, completely desperate. This is not what the 48 gods can resist.

"I lost..."

Sheng Xincheng's tone is so lonely, he looks lifeless, for a super genius like him, losing so miserably, yjng can't be forgiven, so he even wants to use the forbidden technique again , let Yang Yi's attack fall on him."

"Boom". [

The entire void was shaking violently, the huge ax energy traversed the void, and directly slashed at Sheng Xincheng's body. Immediately, Sheng Xincheng's divine body turned into a burst of powder, and his primordial spirit also In the strong ax slaying, it was completely annihilated.

Shengxincheng's whole person has a trace of existence, as if he has completely disappeared. This is the power of the Chaos Axe. The twelve styles of the broken ax far exceed the imagination of ordinary people. Even Yang Yizj can Meyou expected that once the twelve forms of the broken ax were performed, it would be so terrifying.

"What a powerful supernatural power. Is this the real supernatural power of the God of Chaos? It is really powerful. If you prepare for it, I am afraid that I will suffer a lot if I encounter it!"

At this moment, a fluttering sound came into Yang Yi's ears, and Yang Yi's heart skipped a beat.He hurriedly looked towards the direction of the sound, only to see that in the void, there was an extra figure of YJNG at some point, and it was the Chang Sheng that Yang Yi met last time.

Chang Sheng is here!This made Yang Yi nervous immediately, bjng this time he came to the Long Finger Mountains, isn't his purpose to behead Chang Sheng?Yang Yi guessed that Chang Sheng might be aware of the fight between him and Sheng Xincheng, and now it seems that it is so.Such violent fluctuations.Even a fool can detect it, let alone Chang Sheng?

"Chang Sheng, you finally appeared, why. Want to attack me?"

Yang Yi said very vigilantly.He's grabbing the shjn of everything right now.He quickly recovered his divine power, because if he was a little careless, Chang Sheng would strike.This is a more difficult character than Sheng Xincheng. Last time Yang Yi ran away, which shows Chang Sheng's strength.

What's more, now Yang Yi is still exhausted due to the battle with Sheng Xincheng, if Chang Sheng takes advantage of this shhou to launch a turn attack on Yang Yi, then Yang Yi is really in a hurry, will be at a disadvantage.

But what's surprising is that with such a good opportunity, Chang Sheng didn't make any moves, and didn't attack. Instead, he stood quietly in the void, as if waiting for Yang Yi to recover.

Even so, Yang Yi still didn't dare to let go of his vigilance, and watched Chang Sheng silently. Once the opponent made a shme move, Yang Yi would use the fastest shjn to hide in the Chaos God's Palace, temporarily avoiding the edge, After recovering his divine power, he will fight Chang Sheng again.

"Don't worry, you are weak now, and I won't take this opportunity to make a move. What's more, I didn't have to share life with you this time! Otherwise, I can leave directly, there is no need to be here Delay shjn here, those masters of your Tiansheng Palace are chasing closely!"

Chang Sheng said with a smile that was not a smile, and Yang Yi also knew that what the other party said was the truth. Yjng, the ancestor of Shekong of Tiansheng Palace, issued a task. Whoever kills Chang Sheng will get the treasure on Chang Sheng, and then hand it over to Shekong Old Ancestor, Nenggou was qualified to enter the Origin of Void.

This is enough to make any master in the Temple of Heaven crazy about it, so as long as you get the news of Yin'er, I believe there will be countless masters in the Temple of Heaven chasing and killing her.

This Chang Sheng didn't even use the shme method, unexpectedly nenggou temporarily evaded many masters in the Temple of Heaven, and appeared here mysteriously.

"Since you didn't come to kill me, you should choke, but I will definitely kill you!"

Yang Yi didn't know that Chang Sheng's ultimate goal was shme, but he pointed out without hesitation that he was here to kill Chang Sheng, and Yang Yi couldn't refuse the temptation of bjng to enter the source of emptiness.

For a long time, Chang Sheng seemed to take a deep breath, and then he looked up to the sky and laughed loudly: "Haha, yes, you are real, you really want to kill me and enter the source of emptiness, this is the temptation that meyou can resist 』! But, don’t you think about it, there is such a treasure that nenggou makes your ancestors of Tiansheng Palace so nervous?”


Yang Yi frowned, indeed, he had thought about this question a long time ago, but there are thousands of treasures in the world, and all kinds of treasures are emerging in endlessly, nenggou made the ancestors of the 49 god lines tempted, That must be an extraordinary treasure. [

But no matter what kind of treasure it is, in Yang Yi's heart, the qualification to enter the source of emptiness is important, so he will still get the treasure, and then hand it over to Patriarch Shekong in exchange for the qualification to enter the source of emptiness .

After a long time, Yang Yi felt that most of his divine power had finally recovered, and he had confidence in his heart. Holding the Chaos Ax in his hand, he stared at Chang Sheng covetously. It works wonders, maybe yjng is not so rongy anymore.


However, even if meyou works miraculously, Yang Yi is confident that the power of the Twelve Styles of the Broken Ax can still make Chang Sheng feel a strong crisis. Now fighting Chang Sheng, Yang Yi is not afraid.

As for the treasure that Chang Sheng mentioned, Yang Yi was naturally curious, but after beheading Chang Sheng and obtaining the treasure, he would naturally be clear about it.

When Chang Sheng saw that Yang Yi was about to unleash the Chaos Axe, he seemed to be ready to move, Chang Sheng shouted loudly: "Yang Yi, this treasure is not that simple, you need the qualification to enter the Void Origin, but even You have the qualifications, but you still need a thousand-year shjn, in the thousand-year shjn, there will be many changes, no one can tell, but what if this seat can let you enter the source of emptiness immediately?"


Hearing Chang Sheng's words, Yang Yi's mind instantly went blank, and nenggou immediately entered the source of emptiness, which Yang Yi couldn't even imagine, bjng, no one knows where the source of emptiness is, what should How to enter?

Only the ancestors of the 49 gods can do it. This is also the most important reason why many genius masters have to enter the Tiansheng Palace. Only under the leadership of the two ancestors of the Tiansheng Palace can they enter the legendary The source of emptiness. (To be continued.)

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