blood record

Chapter 1454 The Intruder

Yang Yi's injury was actually not serious, and he only needed to absorb the vitality of the heavens and the earth to restore his divine power, and it would not cause much damage.

But Chang Sheng is in some trouble. The forbidden technique he uses is to burn the primordial spirit, which is almost overdrawing his vitality. It's nothing.

After ten short days, both Yang Yi and Chang Sheng finally recovered, and the two of them finally decided to leave the mountains and forests to see what is so wonderful about this vast place with the source of emptiness.

This mountain forest is vast, and Yang Yi and Chang Sheng continued to fly forward along this mountain forest. Although they could tear apart the space, they did not dare to tear apart the space at will in this strange place. Space, who knows where they will appear in the next moment when they tear the space, so they dare not tear the space easily to shuttle.

Along the way, I encountered many qgu strange beasts. These strange beasts are very powerful, and some of them are even comparable to the 48 divine lines, which is unimaginable in the Void Realm. [

Fortunately, Yang Yi and Chang Sheng, both of them are much stronger than the average strongman with 48 divine patterns, so these strange beasts did not cause any wexe to them.


The two kept flying, and finally, they saw a small waterfall in front of their eyes, but under the waterfall, there seemed to be many people who were practicing non-stop.

This was the first time Yang Yi and Chang Sheng saw a cultivator after they came to Xuzhiyuan.

Yang Yi couldn't help but feel his divine sense, and then his expression changed drastically.He actually felt that this waterfall contained poor power. If he could practice in this waterfall, his cultivation would definitely increase.

This is much less difficult than beheading a master with 49 divine patterns to increase his divine power.

Not only Yang Yi, but even Chang Sheng felt the specialness of this waterfall. The two of them glanced at each other, and they could see each other's heartbeat.

"Come on, this waterfall is a bit weird, not to mention that these people are the first practitioners we met in the source of emptiness, we must find out the situation of the source of emptiness from their mouths!"

This is Chang Sheng's plan, they are now in the source of emptiness.Almost aimlessly flying around.I don't know what's going on in the source of emptiness.

But now that they finally met a practitioner, Yang Yi and Chang Sheng would naturally not let them go.

Thinking of this, the figures of Yang Yi and Chang Sheng flashed and fell from the sky instantly.With lightning speed.Quickly came to the waterfall.

Those who are practicing under the waterfall.Yang Yi and Chang Sheng's invasion was soon discovered, and immediately, they all let out bursts of screaming.Immediately afterwards, one after another terrifying supernatural powers were unleashed from the crowd below.

Both Yang Yi and Chang Sheng were taken aback. These people were actually super strong with at least forty divine lines and above, and the strongest reached 45 divine lines.

And there were hundreds of people, such an overwhelming attack was quite terrifying. Fortunately, Yang Yi and Chang Sheng had already made preparations, and they didn't pay attention to such an attack.

"Liuguang Annihilation Big Annihilation Fist!"

Chang Sheng didn't dare to be careless, and unexpectedly displayed the most powerful supernatural power all at once. Immediately, with one punch, the void was completely annihilated. How could the powerful supernatural power of the God of Flowing Light be so extraordinary?

Even though there are hundreds of people here, all of whom were performing supernatural powers together, they were no match for Chang Sheng's Liuguang Great Annihilation Fist. Immediately, many of the practitioners below were smashed to pieces by the strength of the fist, even Yuan Yuan God has not escaped.

What's more, they ran away directly, the speed was unimaginable, but most of them were injured by Chang Sheng's punch, and finally fell to the ground. Surprised and angry.

Chang Sheng didn't intend to completely kill these people, so he immediately grabbed one of the practitioners who seemed to have 45 interrogations, and asked coldly: "Speak, you guys?" who is it?"[

"Hmph, you invaders, everyone in our Void Origin, is at odds with you invaders, just wait, our ancestor Wuma will come soon, and it will be your time of death!"

This cultivator of the 45 Dao Divine Runes looked filled with righteous indignation, and seemed not afraid of Yang Yi and the others, but Yang Yi and Chang Sheng also got some vague information from it.


Among them, the "intruder" is obviously the most critical information. Why do these people call Yang Yi and Chang Sheng the intruders?

"Say, why do you call us invaders? Can you see that?"

Chang Sheng continued.

"Hmph, you intruders are insidious and cunning. It is wishful thinking to sneak into us. You have entered the source of emptiness from the outside, but you have not been recognized by the source of emptiness. Therefore, your body will always be There is a dirty smell, wherever you go, this smell will not disappear, it is too easy to distinguish you."

The strong man with 45 divine patterns still spoke angrily.

"Huh? Breath? Are our breaths different?"

Yang Yi murmured in a low voice, and then he stretched out his divine sense again, carefully inspecting the aura of these strange cultivators, and sure enough, he soon discovered the difference, these cultivators all had a smell A breath of closeness.

But this breath is not on them. This breath should be the breath in the source of void. The invaders mentioned by these people came in from the outside. Isn't the outside the realm of void?

Soon, both Yang Yi and Chang Sheng glanced at each other, and they vaguely came to the conclusion that these cultivators are probably the natives of Xuzhiyuan, they are deeply nourished by Xuzhiyuan, and they cultivate, Growing up, people like Yang Yi and others who came in from outside the Void Realm were not welcomed by these people, and there would definitely be fights that could not be avoided.

Gradually, the two groups of people will develop hatred and continue to fight until the other party has no power to resist.

From the few short sentences of these cultivators, Yang Yi and Chang Sheng could know the general situation of Xuzhiyuan. Obviously, they passed through the space channel of the origin stone and came to the place where the Xuzhiyuan natives lived. In the eyes of these people, Yang Yi and Chang Sheng are both "intruders" who should be killed, and the situation is not good.

"How far is it from where the nearest invaders congregate?"

Yang Yi asked in a low voice.

Hearing Yang Yi's question, the cultivator showed a puzzled expression. He originally thought that Yang Yi and Chang Sheng were both spies sent by the invaders who never fell into the city to inquire about the news. No, Yang Yi and Chang Sheng seem to be another group of intruders.

Thinking of this, the cultivator felt a little fear in his heart. The intruders who did not fall into the city had already made them feel a little powerless. If another group of powerful intruders came, their tribe would suffer a devastating blow. .

"Why? Won't tell?"

A murderous intent flashed in Chang Sheng's eyes. There are many practitioners here, and he is not afraid that he will not be able to find out the result.

"Haha, I won't say it even if I die, but you are also dying soon, Elder Wuma, I guess you have already got the news, let's see where you can go?"

This cultivator was about to die, and he laughed out loud.

When Chang Sheng was beheading him, Yang Yi's heart moved, and he asked in a deep voice: "Who is the black horse you are talking about? Can he defeat us?" [

As soon as Wuma was mentioned, this cultivator seemed very excited, especially his expression became a little fanatical. It seemed that Wuma held a high status in their hearts.

"Old Ancestor Wuma is the most powerful ancestor in our clan, possessing the powerful power bestowed by Xu Zhiyuan, you are definitely no match for Ancestor Wuma. According to the division of strength, our ancestor Wuma is a super strong with 49 divine patterns, haha, you just wait to die!"

This cultivator with 45 divine patterns actually burst out laughing.


In a rage, Chang Sheng directly crushed it, and the primordial spirit dissipated in an instant, but in his eyes, there was a trace of inexplicable fear.

49 divine patterns, another 49 divine patterns, they have just suffered a blow from the ancestor of Shekong, and they have already experienced the terrifying strength of the ancestors of the 49 divine patterns, and they will definitely not have the heart to resist.

"Oops, it's actually the ancestor of the 49 gods. What should we do? We must leave immediately, otherwise, when Wuma arrives, we won't be able to leave even if we want to."

Chang Sheng's face changed drastically, he had no choice but to leave immediately to avoid the sharpness of that dark horse.

Yang nodded his head, but when he saw that waterfall, Yang Yi really coveted the power in this waterfall. If he could absorb all the energy in the waterfall, it would be no less than devouring and refining a 49 Taoist gods. The divine body of the tattooed old monster.

So, before leaving, Yang Da used his supernatural powers to move the entire waterfall away with one hand. Just now, the place was covered with trees and looked like a paradise, but because of the disappearance of the waterfall, it immediately became lifeless. stand up.

"Oh my god, the intruders actually moved the holy spring away. It's the most unforgivable thing. The holy spring must be taken back."

"Ancestor Wuma hurry up, otherwise these two daring intruders will get away with it and return to the city of those hateful intruders."

These injured cultivators could only quietly pray for their ancestor Wuma to feel it as soon as possible, so that they could kill the daring intruders who stole the holy spring and regain the holy spring. (To be continued.)

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