blood record

Chapter 1455 Relentless pursuit


An old man with green robe and white hair appeared in the void, but what he saw was a desert as far as the eye could see, and the holy spring that was originally the foundation of the ethnic group disappeared.

"Ah, bastard, who, who dares to steal the holy spring?"

This old man was Wuma, he rushed over quickly, but he saw such a scene that made him mad, even the holy spring had been removed, Wuma almost went crazy.

"Old Ancestor, it was done by two mysterious intruders, one of whom also moved the holy spring, they are probably the intruders who will not fall into the city!" [

Some cultivators who hid saw the ancestor Wuma arriving, and immediately stepped forward and cried.

Ancestor Wuma's eyes flashed with murderous intent, and he said calmly: "Hey, it's another intruder, I'm going to tear you to pieces!"

After finishing speaking, Patriarch Wuma suddenly closed his eyes. He was checking the aura of the two intruders. In this source of emptiness, the aura of the intruders was very special and could be easily identified.

"Hey, I found it, want to run? It's not that easy!"

Patriarch Wuma sneered, and immediately turned into a rainbow light, and quickly chased after him.


In the distant void, both Yang Yi and Chang Sheng were flying forward crazily. Chang Sheng glanced at Yang Yi with some displeasure and said, "Why did you, friend Yang, move that waterfall away?"

Chang Sheng also noticed that this waterfall seemed to be very important to those aborigines, and if Yang Yi moved it away, it would definitely drive the ancestor Wuma crazy.Once caught up, it is dangerous.

Yang Yi didn't say a word. He had a plan to take this waterfall away. The energy contained in this waterfall is really too huge, almost no less than the bodies of two super strong men with 49 divine lines. .

Therefore, no matter what, Yang Yi wanted to get this waterfall, and even during his escape, he kept using Yuanshen.It began to absorb the energy in this waterfall crazily.In a short period of time, his divine power almost doubled.

Moreover, it is still increasing rapidly, faintly heading towards the peak of the 47 divine patterns.

Of course Yang Yi will not tell Chang Sheng all these.Both of them came to the source of emptiness.If it is not too special here.I'm afraid that the two of them have parted ways long ago, so Chang Sheng is not a reliable person.Yang Yi will not reveal everything about himself to Chang Sheng.

While Yang Yi absorbed the power in the waterfall silently, Chang Sheng carefully sensed the back, once he found the trace of Wuma, he would immediately become vigilant.

But at this time, what Chang Sheng was most worried about came, a huge aura unexpectedly quickly caught up, no matter how fast he scolded Yi and Chang Sheng, it seemed helpless.

This huge aura is full of anger. There is no doubt that this must be the powerful ancestor Wuma with 49 divine patterns.

"Oops, the ancestor Wuma actually caught up, what should we do?"

Chang Sheng seemed at a loss at this time. When he was still in the Void Realm, he was defeated by the ancestor Shekong and almost couldn't enter the Void Source. 49 Dao Shenwen bosses chased and killed them, their luck was really too bad.

Yang Yi was also a little surprised. He didn't expect the other party to catch up so quickly, but he already had a measure in his heart. Before that, he randomly arrested a few people to search for their souls among the group of aboriginals, so he knew their memories, knew There is an unfallen city where these "invaders" gather.

Most of the people in Buluo City must have come from the Void Realm, and they are enemies with these natives. Therefore, as long as they escape within the range of Buluo City, they should be able to get rid of the pursuit of this ancestor of the 49 gods. killed. [

Thinking of this, Yang Yi immediately said loudly: "Quick, flee to the southwest, as long as we can escape to Buluo City, we will be safe."

In fact, Yang Yi still has a faint worry in his heart. Maybe it is safe for the time being not to fall into the city, but it may not always be safe. They have offended Shekong. If the status is very high, then they are completely dangerous.


It's just that, regardless of the future, let's solve the troubles in front of us first.

So, after hearing Yang Yi's words, Chang Shengyi turned around and immediately flew to the southwest.

Both Yang Yi and Chang Sheng used almost all their divine power to fly forward crazily, at a speed as fast as a rainbow, but behind them, the ancestor of Wuma followed closely like a shadow, following closely, no matter how fast they were, No matter how fast, Wuma Patriarch will follow, and is still getting closer to them bit by bit.

"You two intruders dared to steal the holy spring of our Wuka tribe. This is breaking the foundation of our Wuka tribe. This old man will tear you all to pieces and take back the holy spring!"

The ancestor Wuma who was behind said angrily while chasing him.

Hearing the cursing words of the ancestor Wuma, Chang Sheng's heart moved, and then he stared at Yang Yidao viciously: "Yang Daoyou, you see, it was you who moved the other party's holy spring, and in the end, the ancestor Wuma did not hesitate to pay any price." They are all chasing us, this is putting us in danger, why not return the holy spring to them, maybe he can let us go and stop chasing us."

For Chang Sheng, saving his life is the most important thing, and everything else is outside his body, so he asked Yang Yi to return the holy spring to Patriarch Wuma.

But Yang Yi is willing to return such treasures to Wuma, what's more, he knows that even if he returns the holy spring, Wuma will definitely chase after him.

"How can it be that simple? This black horse hates us to the bone, and why will he stop chasing us because I returned the holy spring to them? We'd better fly to Buluo City as soon as possible, that's the only way to be safe."

Yang Yi said lightly, the meaning was already obvious, he would never give Wuma back the holy spring of respect and love.

Sensing Yang Yi's determination, Chang Sheng frowned, feeling very dissatisfied with Yang Yi, and said in a low voice: "Yang Yi, the overall situation is the most important thing now, or we will all die here! You don't have the God of Chaos!" Mansion, how can we resist the fierce attack of the ancestors of the 49 gods?"

In Chang Sheng's words, there was actually a hint of wexe.

Yang Yi frowned, suddenly narrowed his eyes, and said in a low voice: "Fellow Daoist Changsheng, why, don't you still want to force Yang to give up the holy spring?" This is the real way to seek death!"


Chang Sheng was annoyed in his heart, but this time is indeed very dangerous, and it is not appropriate to have another internal strife, otherwise, Wuma must be very happy, and neither of them will be able to escape at that time. (To be continued.)

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