blood record

Chapter 1456 Embarrassed fleeing

ps: [The new book "The Way of Immortality" has [-] words, it is fat enough, and it can be slaughtered. Don't forget to bookmark and vote ^_^

Although Chang Sheng was angry, he had no choice but to follow Yang Yi and quickly flew to the city of never falling.

While Yang Yi was flying, he was crazily absorbing the power of the holy spring. Slowly, the holy spring became less and less, and the water quality became very ordinary. Without the powerful aura before, this is Yang Yi. All the energy of the holy spring has been absorbed, so the holy spring will become an ordinary spring." ".

However, for Yang Yi, this is of great benefit. Relying on absorbing the holy spring, his cultivation level has directly increased from 47 divine patterns to the later stage, and finally reached the peak.

Of course, once all the holy springs have been absorbed, Yang Yi may even have the power to attack 48 divine patterns. The reason why he didn't give up the holy spring after chasing and killing him was really of great help to Yang Yi. [

In this short period of time alone, his progress is a progress that others cannot achieve in tens of thousands of years.

"Damn it, you guys want to escape to Buluo City? That's a dream, hmph, if you can't keep even two invaders from you today, how can this old man be qualified to be the ancestor of the Uka tribe?"

After all, Wuma Patriarch also became ruthless all of a sudden, waving his big hands continuously, as if he was displaying some kind of powerful supernatural power, even his super strong man with 49 divine patterns seemed to change his expression 』 Pale.

"Heaven and Earth Imprisonment!"

When Patriarch Wuma yelled loudly, it was like a thunderbolt from the blue sky.It exploded in the minds of Yang Yi and Chang Sheng, and then, a powerful force seemed to appear in the surrounding space, trapping Yang Yi and Chang Sheng inside.

"No, it's the supernatural power of Wuma Patriarch, let's tear apart the space and escape!"

At this time, Chang Sheng and Yang Yi no longer cared about the space they were not familiar with with Xu Zhiyuan, no matter where they went in the shuttle space, as long as they were still alive.There is hope for everything.

so.They immediately tried to tear apart the space, wanting to shuttle to various places.

But it was too late, this space was imprisoned by some kind of force.Even Yang Yi and Chang Sheng displayed their magical powers one after another.It also helps.There is no way to break the space at all, so naturally there is no way to travel through the space to go to other places.

Thinking of this, both Chang Sheng and Yang Yi's expressions were very gloomy.His situation has become very dangerous.

"Damn it, we're in a desperate situation, what should we do?"

Chang Sheng also looked at Yang Yi at this time. He thought of Yang Yi's Chaos Axe, which was indestructible. When it was in the hands of the God of Chaos, it could even kill some old monsters with 49 divine lines.

Then, it shouldn't be difficult to chop up this space with the Chaos Axe.

Thinking of this, Chang Sheng immediately shouted: "Yang Yi, at all costs, use your most powerful power to cut through the space, and then we will all travel through the space to leave, no matter where we travel, I will stop Wuma Patriarch first! "

This seems to be the only way. Yang Yi knows that Chang Sheng is definitely not the opponent of Wuma Patriarch. This time, he can't even resist a single blow, so he can only use his forbidden technique of burning soul , but it is very dangerous, if you are not careful, your soul will dissipate and fall completely.

Chang Sheng also put all his hopes on Yang Yi, praying that Yang Yi could successfully break through the space imprisoned by Wu Ma.

Yang Yi took a deep breath, and then a light flashed in his hand, and the Chaos Ax appeared in his hand instantly.

"Twelve Forms of Ax Breaking!"

Without reservation, Yang Yi directly displayed his strongest move, the twelve moves of the broken axe. The entire Chaos Ax was vibrating, and seemed very excited. [

"call out".

A huge phantom, holding a Chaos Axe, slashed directly towards the surrounding space.



The Chaos Ax is indestructible, even if it only has twelve moves, its power is earth-shattering, far exceeding the strength of a strong man with 48 divine patterns. extreme.

It is precisely because of this that Chang Sheng pinned all his hopes on Yang Yi, hoping that he could break the space, and now, Yang Yi did it.

At the moment when the space was torn apart, Yang Yi saw a figure flying backwards, it was Chang Sheng who was going to resist Wuma Patriarch, but Chang Sheng's situation was not good at this time, his face was pale , dripping blood all over his body, and what made Yang Yi even more horrified was that his primordial spirit had shrunk by half sharply.

This is equivalent to Chang Sheng burning almost half of his primordial spirit to resist Wuma Patriarch, but he still couldn't resist and was instantly blasted away.

But, fortunately, Yang Yi has successfully broken the space confinement, Chang Sheng showed a sad smile on his face and said: "Haha, Yang Yi, you really didn't disappoint me, even though you lost half of your primordial spirit, But at least I can survive. Yang Yi, we will have a meeting later, and I hope to see you alive in the Origin of Void, haha..."

After all, Chang Sheng has turned into a rainbow light, and regardless of his serious injuries, he escaped into the space in an instant. No one knows where he will go when he tears the space so aimlessly.

Yang Yi looked at the ancestor Wuma in the distance, and seeing him rushing in a panic, a smile appeared on Yang Yi's face: "Your holy spring, I'm afraid it will never come back. Your tribe is gone, haha..."

Yang Yi laughed, and directly tore apart the space, and escaped into it in an instant. Even an old monster with 49 divine patterns like Wuma would not be able to find traces of Yang Yi and Chang Sheng.


Ancestor Wuma squeezed his big hand fiercely, and all the surrounding space was shattered, but it didn't help, Yang Yi and Chang Sheng had long since disappeared. Ancestor Wuma is a super strong man with 49 divine patterns, desperate He came to chase down the two intruders with less than 49 divine patterns, but in the end they both escaped, which made Patriarch Wuma feel embarrassed.

"Damn it, you actually let you escape and took away the holy spring... If the ancestor touches you again, you will be cut into pieces to vent your hatred, damn intruder..."

Patriarch Wuma cursed angrily, but it didn't help. In the end, he had no choice but to look deeply at the space Yang Yi and Chang Sheng shuttled out of, and turned and left unwillingly.


Yang Yi was shuttling in the unstable space channel, in fact, he didn't know where he could shuttle, now he can only pray for good luck, and don't need to drill into the crack of space, or the depths of a certain sea area.

It is a completely aimless space shuttle like this, which is extremely dangerous. If Yang Yiyi accidentally travels to the core of some indigenous tribes in the source of emptiness, or in front of a few powerful practitioners like the ancestor Wuma, then Yang Yike didn't have any luck to speak of.

So, now Yang Yi can only wait quietly.


Finally, Yang Yi got out of the space. The moment he got out of the space, he quickly became vigilant and was ready to attack at any time. After all, he didn't know what was going on outside.

But fortunately, God did not allow Yang Yi to travel to the Xuzhiyuan indigenous tribe. This is a valley, which looks very quiet, and there is no trace of any human activities. Occasionally, there are bursts of wild beasts. Voice. [


Yang Yi heaved a long sigh of relief, at least he is safe for the time being, at this moment Chang Sheng came to his mind again, wondering if Chang Sheng is so lucky to shuttle to a safe place now.

Shaking his head, Yang Yi threw all these thoughts out of his mind. The most important thing now is to find out where this place is, or whether it is dangerous.

The Chaos Ax is in Yang Yi's hands. Once there is danger, he will immediately use his supernatural powers. With Yang Yi's current strength, as long as he does not encounter the old monster with 49 divine patterns, he will not be in any danger.

However, Yang Yi experienced the pursuit of two old monsters with 49 divine patterns, and his understanding of the old monsters with 49 divine patterns became deeper in his heart.Back then, the Patriarch Shekong shattered the Chaos Divine Mansion with a single blow, which Yang Yi had never thought of. This also made Yang Yi intuitively feel the power of the 49 divine patterns for the first time. Before, Yang Yi even How arrogant it is to think that you can challenge the 49 divine patterns.

Then I met the ancestor of Wuma, still without a trace of resistance, and was forced to flee in embarrassment, but this time Chang Sheng made a sacrifice, half of the primordial spirit was burned directly, but he couldn't resist Live Uma.

This is the power of the 49 divine patterns, which is far beyond what the current Yang Yisuo can compete with.

"We must cultivate to 48 divine patterns quickly. After reaching 48 divine patterns, try to practice the 49th, [-]th, and even [-]th forms of the eighteen styles of the broken ax to great success. By that time , maybe if you encounter an old monster with [-] divine patterns again, you won’t lose even a little bit of resistance.”

Yang Yi murmured in a low voice, and there was a gleam of confidence in his eyes.

Even though he was hunted down twice by the old monster with 49 divine patterns, and fled in embarrassment each time, without much resistance at all, Yang Yi still had full confidence in the Eighteenth Form of the Broken Axe.

He believes that as long as he cultivates the Eighteen Forms of the Broken Ax to a higher level, he will be able to compete with a super master with 49 divine patterns, but adding a divine pattern is extremely difficult, and sometimes even requires tens of thousands of years of hard work.

Fortunately, Yang Yi captured the holy spring. With the help of the holy spring, Yang Yi can quickly cultivate to the peak of 47 divine patterns, and then he can try to attack the 48 divine patterns.

"Go find a safer place first!"

Yang Yi scanned the entire valley with his divine sense, and found that this valley was extremely huge, filled with all kinds of dangerous beasts, but although the aura of these beasts was powerful, Yang Yi did not take them seriously. All you need to do is find a quiet place in this valley, and you can practice with the holy spring in meditation. (To be continued.)

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