blood record

Chapter 1457 Three Barbarian Tribes

This holy spring contained abundant energy, and Yang Yi sucked all the power from the holy spring into his mouth like a long whale sucking water.

At this time, the energy in the entire holy spring has become quite meager, but Yang Yi's divine patterns are expanding crazily. Originally, each divine pattern can almost match the powerhouse of the peak of 48 divine patterns. In comparison, but now, it has fully expanded to twice the size, making Yang Yi's whole body full of strength.

This is the real pinnacle of the 47 divine patterns. Yang Yi's strength is at least twice as strong as before. If you want to rely on this little bit of the holy spring to hit the 47 divine lines, it's a fool's dream.

Unless, a more powerful force can be found, or the body of an old monster with 49 divine patterns can be refined, maybe Yang Yi can successfully attack the 48 divine patterns.

However, how can a strong man with 49 divine patterns be so easy to kill?At the beginning, killing a murderous maniac whose strength had dropped several times, almost exhausted his strength and tried his best, and finally succeeded by luck.What's more, Yang Yi was chased and killed by two strong men with 49 divine patterns. Even if his strength has improved a little now, if he wants to be arrogant to deal with the old monster with 49 divine patterns, he is undoubtedly asking for his own death . [

"Since the Wuka tribe has holy springs, there must be treasures comparable to the holy springs in such a huge source of emptiness!"

Yang Yi suddenly felt his eyes light up. Indeed, the holy spring is very precious, and it is a sacred object of the Wuka tribe.But if there is a holy spring on the vast side of the source of emptiness, there may be other treasures that can rival the holy spring.

As long as Yang Yi finds it, it will be easy for him to condense the No.40 eight-path divine pattern. At that time, he will practice the eighteenth style of breaking the ax and cultivate it to a high level, so he can try to fight against the No. 49 divine pattern Boss.

Thinking of this, Yang Yi immediately felt his heart surge, and the desire to find such a treasure as the Holy Spring became more urgent.certainly.He was not familiar with the source of emptiness, so he began to look for it from the valley where he was staying.

This valley is very big, but Yang had swept it with his divine sense earlier in the morning.Except for some ferocious beasts.There's nothing else worth mentioning.

so.Yang Yi directly flew out of the valley, and began to fly over the distant mountains. There seemed to be a lot of mountains in the entire Xuzhiyuan.Perhaps due to the sparse population, there are continuous mountains, and even those indigenous practitioners live in the mountains.

Perhaps, only those who entered the source of emptiness from the realm of emptiness would build cities.

Yang Yi carefully controlled his own aura, not letting his own aura radiate. After all, his current position is not clear. Once he meets those natives, relying on the difference of his aura, he will soon be It will determine the identity of Yang Yi's "intruder". At that time, I am afraid that there will be another fight, which is not good for Yang Yi's search for treasures.


Just when Yang Baibai was chatting and felt that it was too difficult to find the treasure, there was an earth-shattering roar in the entire void.

This huge roar shook the world, and it seemed that the entire mountain range was shaking. Countless beasts were fleeing crazily. It seemed that the owner of this roar was a very terrifying existence.

However, Yang Yi sensed the other party's weakness from this roar. It was a mournful roar. No matter what kind of beast the other party was, at least his situation should be bad.

Thinking of this, Yang Yi also became interested, and his whole figure quickly flew towards the sound, and soon, he quietly came to a hillside.

But at this time, Yang Yi saw on the hillside, in a huge open space, a huge beast covered in scales, with a ferocious face and blood dripping from his body, staring at the few people in front of him as if very unwilling.

Yang Yi was startled, of course he didn't know this ferocious beast, but he was very clear about these people, the aura emanating from them was no different from those of the Wuka tribe back then, they should be the native tribe of Xu Zhiyuan man of.

Moreover, the aura of these people is very terrifying. Almost all of them are strong men with 48 divine patterns. There are five strong men with 48 divine patterns. Even if these people are in the tribe, they must be people of high status. .

However, they appeared in the wild mountains and forests, as if they wanted to capture this fierce beast. Although this fierce beast is powerful, what is the value of it? Can it dispatch five masters with 48 divine patterns?

"This iron-scaled beast is once in a thousand years. It took us three months to trace its whereabouts. Hehe, with the blood of this iron-scaled beast, the blood pool of our Sanman tribe can be established. Well, when the time comes, practice for the ancestors. Once we break through, our Sanman tribe will have an ancestor-level ancestor sitting in town! Even those brutal invaders will never dare to attack our Sanman tribe. idea."

"That's right, our Sanman tribe has once been glorious, with a population of more than one million, it can be called a large tribe, but because there has not been a strong ancestor born for thousands of years, without the strong ancestors in charge, our Sanman The tribe even has to pay tribute to other tribes and be harassed by those invaders, which is really infuriating!"[

"Hey, this is great. We have spent countless efforts to create the blood pool. Only the blood of this iron-scaled beast is needed to complete the ceremony. It will produce magical power and help our three barbarian tribes. The ancestor broke through the bottleneck and directly promoted to the realm of the ancestor, when the time comes, hmph, who dares to underestimate my three barbarian tribes?"

These five super masters with 48 divine patterns were all discussing in a low voice, but Yang Yi heard all these discussions, and a strange thought could not help but arise in his heart.


The tribe these people belonged to was a tribe called the Sanman, with over one million members, it was considered a super-large tribe, but it was a big headache because there were no ancestor-level powerhouses in charge.

The first ancestor level is a strong man like Wuma Patriarch, a super strong man with 49 divine patterns. If you want to give birth to a strong man with 49 divine patterns, it is simply difficult to reach the sky.

But now, these people from the three barbarian tribes seem to have figured out a way to create a blood pool. The only thing left now is the blood of the iron-scaled beast. Once successful, it can help the ancestors of the 48 divine lines to break through miraculous. (To be continued.)

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