blood record

Chapter 1462 Two Dao Divine Patterns!


Yang Yi's entire body was almost crushed into the pool of blood by the huge force, but he firmly grasped the Chaos Ax that fell from the sky.

It was too powerful, the power of the ancestor, Yang Yi couldn't resist the strike of the ancestor at all, and his twelve forms of breaking the ax could not even resist the blow of an ancestor heroic spirit, not even for a while.

Immediately afterwards, the blow of the ancestor heroic spirit still crushed down on Yang Yi, and Yang Yi felt that the bones, flesh and blood of his whole body seemed to have reached the critical point of collapse at this moment.

How powerful is Yang Yi's divine body?This is what Yang Yi is proud of. He is not weaker than his divine pattern at all, and can withstand very powerful attacks. [

However, facing the blow from the ancestor heroic spirit, Yang Yi couldn't bear it anymore. He felt that his body was about to collapse instantly. Once he lost the protection of his body, his primordial spirit was like a fragile egg, and he would be crushed in an instant. Pressed into powder.

"No, no, I won't just die like this. I didn't hesitate to be hunted down by Patriarch Shekong, and I entered the source of emptiness after going through hardships. Could it be that I just died like this? I'm not willing..."

Yang Yi raised his head to the sky and let out a sky-shattering roar. At this time, he looked even crazier. His divine body could not help but display the innate devouring supernatural power, trying to resist the huge power in the refined blood pool by constantly devouring it. Stop this blow from the ancestor heroic spirit.

In fact, such crazy devouring of the energy in the blood pool is a waste at all, and it is still a serious waste. Yang Yi is almost using the power in the blood pool to resist the blow of the ancestor heroic spirit.

Although the waste is serious.But Yang Yi's act of breaking the boat had some effect after all. At least, his divine body showed faint signs of recovery again, and it was no longer like before, as if it would completely collapse at any time.

He won such a small chance, but soon, Yang Yi became desperate again, because even Yang Yi could not completely resist the attack of the first ancestor heroic spirit.And the attack of the second ancestor heroic spirit arrived again.

That whistling sound.The terrifying pressure let Yang Yi know that this blow was definitely stronger than the previous attack of the ancestor heroic spirit.

"Quickly unite, 48 divine patterns..."

Yang Yi screamed frantically in his heart.Now he can only pray that the 48 divine patterns can be quickly condensed.Maybe there is still a glimmer of hope.Otherwise, with the attack of the second ancestor heroic spirit, Yang Yi's divine body is bound to collapse and shatter.By that time, Yang Yi will not be far from falling.

Therefore, now only by condensing 48 divine patterns can it be possible to survive.

Almost all of Yang Yi's divine power was used to frantically devour the energy in the refining blood pool. He had no means of resisting, and he didn't even try to resist. Daoist pattern.

Finally, the No.40 Eight Paths Divine Pattern was suddenly born in a very strange way!


Yang Yi's mind was blank. At the moment when the 48 divine patterns were born, a terrifying power permeated his body. Yang Yi felt that his power was increasing rapidly at this moment, in an incredible way. .

But all of this seems to be unimportant, because in the void, the attack of the second ancestor heroic spirit has fallen on Yang Yi's body, setting off a monstrous wolf, the space is shattered, and even the blood pool is behind this attack. In, completely broken.

And Yang Yi's figure completely disappeared, not even breathing.

The many ancestors who saw this scene were a little stunned, shocked by the terrifying power of the three ancestor heroic spirits, but soon, when they saw the blood pool shattered and Yang Yi's figure disappeared, they all jumped up. Laughed out loud.

"Haha, look, the intruder is dead, he is finally dead, if he dares to enter our Sanman tribe, he will have to pay a heavy price, no matter who it is!"

"It's a pity that the blood pool was also destroyed. The efforts of my Sanman tribe for thousands of years have all come to naught because of this damn invader." [

"The blood pool was destroyed, and even lost two of the ancestor heroic spirits, leaving only the last ancestor heroic spirit. If we encounter danger in the future, I'm afraid we won't have much to rely on..."

The ancestors of these 48 divine patterns are all sighing secretly, but they blame all of this on the invader Yang Yi. If Yang Yi hadn't entered the tribe and forcibly seized the blood pool, perhaps the three barbarians now The ancestor Tuokong of the tribe has already relied on the power of the blood pool to become the fourth ancestor-level powerhouse in the history of the Sanman tribe.


"Okay, go and clean up this place. After all, this is a holy place, so it can't be so messy. Also, no one can disclose the news about today's incident. If the news is leaked, huh, the old man will not take it lightly! You go down Strict restraint must also be imposed on the clansmen!"

The leader of the ancestor shouted sharply, he is very clear that the current Sanman tribe is very weak, perhaps the news that the Sanman tribe has three ancestor heroic spirits is a secret in the eyes of some ordinary people, but in the eyes of other high-level tribes. But it's not a secret, they all know it well.

Once these tribes know that the Sanman tribe has lost two ancestor heroic spirits, I am afraid that the Sanman tribe will be very troublesome, and maybe some tribes who covet the vast territory of the Sanman tribe will take advantage of it.

Therefore, the destruction of the blood pool, the intruders making troubles in the tribe, and the ancestor heroic spirits must be strictly kept secret, and no news can be leaked.

These ancestors also nodded in agreement one after another. They all knew the severity. This matter was extremely serious. For the Sanman tribe, it was almost a matter of life and death. How could such news be easily leaked out?

As a result, they were about to use their supernatural powers to clean up the mess here, and the ancestor at the head was about to take back the only ancestor heroic spirit left.


At this moment, the originally shattered blood pool began to vibrate violently, and because the blood pool was broken, the blood splashed everywhere seemed to be attracted, frantically gathering in one direction.

Gradually, it almost condensed into a cloud of blood mist, and a terrible breath appeared.

"What? is this possible? Not dead yet?"

The dozen or so ancestors present couldn't believe the scene in front of them. They felt this breath, and it was clear that it was the invader who had just died under the hands of the ancestor heroic spirit, and the bones were still there.

But now, the aura of the intruder reappeared, how could these ancestors not be nervous?You know, it took almost two ancestral heroic spirits, equivalent to two blows from 49 old monsters with divine patterns, to finally kill the intruder.

But now, how come there is still the aura of the intruder, and it seems to be even stronger.

All the ancestors became nervous, staring at the blood mist covetously. In this mist, a ferocious aura became more and more fierce. Finally, a vortex appeared in the void, and the blood quickly flowed into the air. Swallowed into the vortex.

The ancestor who originally wanted to take back the ancestor heroic spirit also placed the ancestor hero spirit in the void at this time, staring at the blood mist, ready to cast the last ancestor hero spirit again at any time.

"Finally it's..."

"Yang still wants to thank you. If it weren't for your blood pool, Yang wouldn't have condensed 48 gods so quickly, haha, the ancestor heroic spirit? Let alone the ancestor hero spirit, even if it is a real 49 gods What about the tattooed boss?"

There were bursts of roaring sounds, and then, the blood mist disintegrated instantly. From the blood mist, a figure gradually walked out. Seeing this figure, nearly twenty ancestors here felt My heart trembled inexplicably.

This person is the intruder who they thought had been completely beheaded by the two ancestor heroic spirits, even the skeleton, but now, Yang Yi has appeared alive, and the aura on his body seems to have become even stronger. Horror.

Yang Yi did not die, under the attack of the two ancestor heroic spirits, Yang Yi's body was about to collapse in an instant, and his primordial spirit was wiped out. However, the appearance of No.40 Eight Paths Divine Pattern changed Yang Yi's fate. [

At that moment, Yang Yi's divine body gained enormous power, so huge that even Yang Yi couldn't imagine it. Although his divine body still couldn't withstand the attack of the ancestor heroic spirit, it did not collapse, but was preserved. down.

After that, Yang Yi quickly operated the god body, crazily devouring the blood power in the blood pool, repairing the injury of the god body, and this also led to the scene of the strange blood fog forming before.

And thanks to the power of the blood pool, it is indeed too rich, so even though Yang Yi's divine body was severely hit and seriously injured, relying on the poor power in the blood pool, he was able to survive in such a short period of time. Within a short period of time, the recovery was uneventful.

After recovering his divine body, Yang Yi reappeared in front of the ancestors of the Sanman tribe. Feeling the huge power in his body, Yang Yi was already terrified.

The 48 divine patterns are definitely a qualitative transformation. Yang Yi felt the power in his body, which was dozens of times stronger. The divine patterns are so powerful that even Yang Yi can't imagine, what else can hurt his divine patterns now, Even the old monster with 49 divine patterns can't!

Therefore, even if he hasn't practiced the other 49 moves of the broken axe, Yang Yi still has enough confidence to truly fight against the boss with [-] divine patterns!

"Intruder, do you think that you are lucky enough to be able to show off your power in our three barbarian tribes? It's ridiculous. If you just took advantage of the chaos to tear the space, you might have escaped now, but you stayed here without knowing your life. Hmph, then let you taste the power of the last ancestor heroic spirit of my three barbarian tribes!"

After all, the leading ancestor slapped his big hand and formed a seal, instantly mobilizing the last ancestor heroic spirit in the void. (To be continued.)

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