blood record

Chapter 1463 Blocked

One of the three ancestor heroic spirits is more powerful than the other. For example, the first ancestor hero spirit is not as powerful as the second ancestor hero spirit, and the third ancestor hero spirit is even more terrifying.

The third ancestor heroic spirit just started to emit a trace of golden light, Yang Yi felt an aura of destruction, which gradually rose up, this power was stronger than the previous two ancestor heroic spirits combined.

Thinking of this, Yang Yi couldn't help taking a deep breath, the 48 divine patterns that had just condensed in the body, all 48 divine patterns, all flew out of the body, forming a divine pattern armor on the body surface.

Generally speaking, divine patterns are fragile, but Yang Yi's divine patterns are different. Each of his divine patterns contains extremely terrifying power, and each divine pattern is no less than those 49 divine patterns. The extent of the monsters.

Therefore, Yang Yi has the confidence to withstand the attack of the ancestor heroic spirit with the armor of the divine pattern formed by 48 divine patterns. [

"Haha, come on, let's see if your mere Heroic Spirit is more powerful, or the 48 divine patterns that Yang just condensed are more powerful?"

Yang Yi looked up to the sky and laughed, his voice full of confidence.


The ancestor heroic spirit seemed to feel Yang Yi's provocation, and the heroic spirit shattered instantly, but in an instant, it formed a terrifying force, like a storm. From the ancestor hero spirit to Yang Yi, all the space was shattered. Within a distance of hundreds of feet, everything was directly photographed into a cloud and annihilated directly.

This is the terror of the last ancestor heroic spirit, Yang Yi felt the power of this blow.It seems that even the ancestors Shekong and Wuma couldn't compare.

"It must be blocked!"

Yang Yi has completed the condensing of the No.40 eight-path divine pattern, and he has the confidence to compete against the old monster with the 49-path divine pattern, although it is a little bit worse, because he has not had time to practice after the No.12 form of the Eighteen Forms of the Broken Ax powerful supernatural powers.

But even with his unimaginable divine pattern, Yang Yi is not afraid of the old monster with 49 divine patterns, but all this is just Yang Yi's test, to see if he can really resist the 49 divine pattern boss attack, you must first resist the last horrific attack of the ancestor heroic spirit.

"Hmph, how do you hide this time?"

"The last ancestor heroic spirit, this is the heroic spirit left by the most powerful ancestor of my Sanman tribe. It is even stronger than the general 49 divine lines."

"That's right. This is the most powerful ancestor in the history of our three barbarian tribes. Even if the previous two ancestor heroic spirits did not know why, the intruder survived by chance. But this time, there was an attack by the strongest ancestor heroic spirit. It must be able to completely kill the invaders!"

All the ancestors were full of confidence in beheading the invader Yang Yi this time.but.They still sighed a little.In the end, even if the intruders were beheaded and the dignity of the Sanman tribe was preserved, the Sanman tribe had no support at all.The days to come will definitely be more difficult.

Finally, the last attack of the ancestor heroic spirit landed on Yang Yi's body. The strong force pressed Yang Yi hard to the ground and sank several hundred feet downward.

There was a bottomless pit on the ground, especially in this last attack, it seemed that there were other magical powers, which directly began to disintegrate and tear Yang Ytbiao's divine pattern.

Fortunately, Yang Yi's divine pattern is relatively tough, even with the Chaos Axe, Yang Yi feels that he may not be able to cut off the divine pattern.

The attack finally stopped, and the last heroic spirit of the ancestors of the Sanman tribe also dissipated.

The bottomless pit on the ground made these ancestors stunned, and felt a little palpitating. The power of the ancestor heroic spirit is too powerful. Facing such a powerful force, they feel that even if they are united , it is impossible to resist it, and even no one with 49 or less divine patterns can resist it.

"Such a powerful force is definitely not something that ordinary people can resist. Apart from the ancestors with 49 divine patterns, I can't think of anyone else who can resist this force?"

"Yes, this intruder is really a place of death and burial this time. His bones are preserved. Under the powerful power of the ancestor heroic spirit, he was directly annihilated." [

"Wait, no, how did I feel the breath of the intruder just now?"

Just when many patriarchs felt that Yang Yi was dead and buried, one of the patriarchs' complexion changed drastically, because just now, he suddenly felt the aura of the intruder just now.



As soon as the words fell, the whole ground seemed to vibrate violently, and there was a faint tyrannical aura, which seemed to be gradually waking up, especially the terrifying power, which seemed to penetrate the entire ground.

"No, let's go!"

The leader ancestor seemed to have thought of it, his face changed drastically, and he hurriedly took the lead and flew into the sky.


But it was too late, a huge hand suddenly flew out from the ground, grabbed the ancestor directly, and then squeezed it lightly, the ancestor with 48 divine patterns didn't even resist at all. Without any strength, it directly turned into nothingness, and disappeared. This is a complete fall.

"Damn it, it's an intruder, he's not dead yet!"

"How is it possible? The last ancestor heroic spirit is so powerful. It is impossible for a strong man with 49 or less divine lines to resist. No matter how strong this intruder is, how can he resist it?"

"Unless this intruder is already an ancestor-level superpower..."

In fact, not only this patriarch, but also the minds of the remaining ten or so patriarchs all had such thoughts. This is really too appalling. The intruder has become an ancestor-level patriarch?This is almost an unimaginable disaster for the entire Sanman tribe.

What's more, the Sanman tribe is very likely to be wiped out. After all, the ancestor-level powerhouse can wipe out countless tribes by one person. Although the Sanman tribe is powerful, there is no ancestor-level powerhouse in the tribe. The strong can easily wipe out the three barbarian tribes.

It was also because of this that the ancestors of the Sanman tribe couldn't believe that Yang Yi had become a strong ancestor, and they were even more unwilling to imagine the consequences of Yang Yi becoming the ancestor.

"Crack click".

The ground began to crack, and huge power spread out from the ground. After a while, Yang Yi's figure reappeared, but this time, none of the ancestors of the Sanman tribe dared to yell at Yang Yi again. They all backed away in unison, staring at Yang Yi covetously. (To be continued.)

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