blood record

Chapter 1470 Lianshi Fortress

However, in the land of Taoism, it is not that Yang Yi doesn't want to cause trouble. Yang Yi doesn't want to meet those indigenous tribes. Aboriginal god pattern.

As soon as Yang Yi entered the place of Dao Zang, he felt a violent fluctuation in front of him. Out of curiosity, he immediately flew over, but when he saw the scene in front of him, he shouted unlucky.

It turned out that some indigenous tribes were ambushing here, and they seemed to be attacking some invaders. These invaders were all strong with 48 divine patterns. When they were attacked suddenly, they didn't panic and resisted for a while.

However, powerful figures appeared among the indigenous tribes, and what they called the ancestors made a move. These ancestor-level powerhouses are equivalent to masters with 49 divine patterns. Subdued the invaders.

And Yang Yi just arrived here, and was immediately discovered by the intruders. It is unknown what kind of special means these intruders have, so they discovered Yang Yi so quickly. [

So, they regarded Yang Yi as their only hope, and shouted loudly: "Senior, help!"

Yang Yi really didn't want to pay attention to these people, but there was nothing he could do. The intruder's cry immediately alarmed the native ancestor-level master. His figure flashed suddenly, and then he slapped Yang Yi The place is photographed.

As soon as Yang knew that he could not escape, he had no choice but to fight, but in such a muddleheaded way, he met an indigenous ancestor-level strongman, and such a muddleheaded battle broke out.It made Yang Yi quite depressed.

Although he was a bit confused, since he encountered them, Yang Yi would turn passive into active. It would be good to save these intruders, at least it would save Yang Yi a lot of trouble, and he could quickly integrate into the invasion of Dao Zang. in the camp.

Thinking of this, Yang Yi was not polite, and suddenly cast out the divine pattern, wrapped it around his hand, and then blasted the palm of this ancestor-level powerhouse.


Two forces collide with each other.The scattered aftermath spread to the surroundings.Just like a torrent, it was quite ferocious, and the surrounding hundreds of feet were all razed to the ground.It shows how powerful Yang Yi and the indigenous ancestor's attack was.

"Huh? It's the ancestor powerhouse!"

Feel the powerful force contained in Yang Yi's blow.The complexion of this indigenous ancestor-level powerhouse changed slightly.He didn't expect to meet the ancestor-level powerhouse among the invaders.

When he took a closer look, he found that it was an intruder he had no impression of, and it was within hundreds of miles.The ancestor-level masters among the invaders are all the objects they need to focus on, and there is hardly a strong man with 49 divine patterns that will be missed by them.

But no matter how much he searched now, he still didn't have the slightest impression of Yang Yi.

"Not good, is it a new intruder who entered Dao Zang's land?"

The indigenous ancestor-level powerhouse quickly realized that the intruder in front of him might have come from outside Daozang and joined the intruder camp.

Yang Yi saw the changing face of the indigenous ancestor-level powerhouse on the opposite side, he seemed to hesitate, but Yang Yi didn't hesitate, a Chaos Ax appeared in his hand in an instant, and he slashed at the opponent with a single axe.

"Broken Ax Type 13!"

The strong ax energy suddenly awakened the native strongman, and he immediately used his supernatural powers to block it, but those natives suffered, all of them were penetrated by Yang Yiyi's scattered ax energy, and even the primordial spirit had no chance escape.

"Damn intruder, let's retreat!"

Seeing that many aborigines were killed, this strong ancestor of the aborigines also had the idea of ​​retreating. He knew that with Yang Yi around, it was impossible to take advantage of it. A strong intruder, then he is dangerous.

Therefore, the indigenous ancestor-level powerhouse cursed secretly, and then quickly retreated with the rest of the indigenous people, disappearing in the blink of an eye. [


Yang Yi also heaved a long sigh of relief, and he didn't want to fight to the death with that indigenous ancestor-level powerhouse. After all, he had just arrived at the Taoist place, and even with the map of the Taoist Heavenly Formation, he didn't know the specific situation here. , if the other party still has support, it will be troublesome.


So it was just right for the group of natives to retreat, and Yang Yi didn't have to worry about it anymore.

"Thank you for your life-saving grace, senior."

There are still five masters with 48 divine patterns left here. Although they were surprised that the aura on Yang Yi's body was not the breath of 49 divine patterns, after all, Yang Yi showed his supernatural power just now, and even the ancestor-level powerhouses of the indigenous people were shocked. They left, so they still gave Yang Yi enough respect and treated Yang Yi as the ancestor of the 49 divine patterns.

Yang Yi frowned, and asked lightly, "Who are you? Why were you ambushed by the natives here?"

One of the middle-aged men with a slightly sallow complexion came out and said in a low voice: "Senior, I don't know, we are disciples of Lianshibao [-] miles away, and we were ordered to support Yushibao at this time. But when we came back, we were ambushed by the natives, if it wasn't for the appearance of our seniors, we would have been in danger this time."

Although Yang Yi knew a lot of information about the land of Taoism from Taoist Tianzhen, he didn't know how the invaders fought against the natives, and what kind of forces they were divided into.

It happened that with these people, Yang Yi could ask questions slowly.

Seeing Yang Yiyi's attire, the middle-aged man felt his heart move, and said in a low voice, "Senior, is this the first time you have arrived at Daozang?"

Yang nodded and said: "That's right, Yang is indeed a newcomer to Daozang."

After hearing this, the middle-aged man was ecstatic in his heart, but he still asked calmly, "Where are you going, senior?"

Yang Yi stared at the man, with a look of "smile" on his face, he naturally knew the implication of this man was to win him over, but this was also Yang Yi's purpose, first Stand firm in the place of Taoism, and slowly map it.

So, Yang Yi replied: "There is nowhere to go yet!"

Sure enough, after hearing Yang Yi's answer, these people were all overjoyed, and the middle-aged man with a sallow complexion took the opportunity to say: "Senior, I don't know, this hiding place is very dangerous. The forces are intricate. Although the general forces are only the invaders and the natives, there are still many forces among the invaders, and they are not completely unified. This is especially true for the native tribes, precisely because of the chaotic situation , which makes Dao Zang place even more dangerous. Even if the senior has 49 divine patterns, if he wanders around, it may be very dangerous. Why don't we go back to Lianshibao and settle down first, and then make a plan? ?”

Yang Yi pretended to ponder for a while, then smiled slightly and said: "Okay, it's up to you!"

These few people are naturally overjoyed. With the escort of Yang Yi, a strong man with the strength of 49 Dao gods, there must be no danger for them to return to Lianshibao all the way, and they have also attracted such a god who is comparable to 49 Dao. The super strong man with the pattern, the castle master will definitely reward him heavily.

Therefore, these people happily took Yang Yixiang to Lianshi Fortress.

Along the way, Yang Yi also made insinuations, asking many questions about the place of Dao Zang, all of which were explained in detail by these 48 people with divine patterns.

Especially regarding the power distribution of the entire Daozang Land, it was explained in great detail.

Yang Yi also gradually understood that although the land of Dao Zang was generally divided into two camps, the invaders and the natives, in fact the distribution of forces was intricate and rather chaotic.

Among them, some larger forces, with two or three powerful forces with 49 divine patterns, are tough everywhere, facing some large indigenous tribes. [

The slightly smaller forces will face relatively weaker indigenous tribes, and according to the size of their forces and their contribution, they can obtain the water of enlightenment from the place of daozang.

The water of enlightenment is one of the most important treasures in the place of Taoism, and it is also an important treasure that the natives and invaders are constantly competing with each other.

The water of enlightenment, as the name suggests, is the water that can understand the Tao. Even for the strong with 49 divine lines, it has a great effect. It can help people understand the Dao, and the chance of breaking through the bottleneck will also be greatly increased.

There are often some strong people with 48 Dao divine patterns who come to the land of Daozang, and they may break through after dozens or hundreds of years. In fact, this is because of the water of enlightenment. It is precisely because of the water of enlightenment that the land of Daozang was born. The proportion of strong people with 49 divine patterns is far higher than other places.

This is also the most important reason that attracts countless powerful people to the place of daozang.

Yang Yi's heart was also throbbing, the water of enlightenment, once he took it, would he be able to gradually comprehend the mysteries of the 49 divine patterns?By that time, he would be able to condense 49 divine patterns with only a huge amount of energy.

Once Yang Yi has been promoted to the 49 divine patterns and successfully practiced all the eighteen forms of the broken axe, even if he is not as good as the God of Chaos back then, he will definitely not be far behind. At that time, let alone the mere Tiansheng Palace There are two 49 Dao god pattern powerhouses, so what if there are three or four?

Back then, the God of Chaos relied on the Chaos Axe to kill many super powerhouses with 49 lines of gods. Yang Yi condensed 49 lines of gods, and his strength would also have a qualitative leap. At that time, he might not be as powerful as Chaos Like the God of God, beheaded the old monsters with 49 lines of gods.

But all of this has to wait until Yang Yi arrives at Lianshibao and drinks the water of enlightenment himself, then he can know whether the water of enlightenment is as miraculous as these people say.

At this time, Yang Yi couldn't wait in his heart. (To be continued.)

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