blood record

Chapter 1471 Take refuge with the natives?

Soon, Yang Yi came to Lianshi Fort under the leadership of these five masters of 48 divine patterns.

Lianshi Fortress looks like it is built against a mountain, but its imposing manner is very majestic. There are still some masters with more than 45 divine patterns in the sky watching at any time. Once someone approaches, they will immediately find out.

So when Yang Yi and the others approached, a man in blue clothes flew down from the sky quickly. His eyes were sharp, and he saw Yang Yi in the crowd at a glance.

So, the man frowned and asked in a low voice, "Who are you?"

The person who led Yang Yi to Lianshi Fort hurriedly explained: "Shhh, Liu Yi, it's impolite, this is Senior Yang who saved our lives."

On the way, Yang Yi told these people his name early on, and now that his cultivation level has reached the point where he can approve every 49 divine patterns, Yang Yizi doesn't need to be afraid of anyone, naturally he doesn't need to use an alias.

"Save you? Come on, what's going on?"

The man frowned, but he was more concerned about what happened to the five of them.

So the five powerhouses immediately explained: "We originally went to assist Yushibao. After the assistance was over, we encountered an aborigine with 49 divine patterns on the way back, leading people to ambush us. As a result, we suffered heavy losses, and many masters died at the hands of the native. But later, Senior Yang made a move, and we were able to survive. Senior Yang just arrived at Daozang, and has not yet joined other forces, so we will Senior Yang brought it back to Lianshibao first."

"Encountered an ambush by the natives? Saved by him?"

This man's cultivation base is very high, the peak of 48 divine patterns.A pair of sharp eyes looked Yang Yi up and down, suddenly, his expression changed slightly, and then he looked at Yang Yidao vigilantly: "Hmph, do you think you can succeed by playing a play with the natives? "

The five strong men felt a little baffled, so they asked one after another: "Liu Yi, don't talk nonsense, are you acting? Senior Yang saved us."

"Hmph, saved you? Don't even think about it. He has only 48 divine patterns. He hasn't even reached the peak of 48 divine patterns. How can he save you from the ancestors of the indigenous people?"

"This...Senior Yang's strength is outstanding, and he can deal with a strong man with 49 divine patterns. We have all witnessed it with our own eyes. Liu Yi. Don't make random guesses. There are in the middle."

The faces of these five powerhouses changed drastically, for fear that Liu Yi's words would offend Yang Yi.

Liu Yi's face turned cold, and then he sneered even more: "Haha. It's ridiculous. It's comparable to the 49 Dao god pattern powerhouses. There are so many powerhouses gathered in Daozang. When have you ever seen one? A mere strong man with 48 divine patterns can rival the ancestor with 49 divine patterns? Don’t you know that we have many scum who have taken refuge in those natives in order to obtain some water of enlightenment? This person, hehe , In my opinion, most of them are the scum who took refuge in those natives. You were rescued by this person after encountering an ambush. They will immediately notify those natives, and then take Lianshibao in one fell swoop! Then you are sinners!"

This Liu Yi was eloquent, and his words were high-sounding, even the five strong men who stayed with Yang Yi seemed to have a trace of suspicion in their eyes looking at Yang Yi.

On the other hand, Liu Yi looked aloof and held Zhizhu, and then he shouted loudly: "Come on, take this person down and kill him on the spot!"

"Whoosh whoosh".

This Liu Yi seems to have quite a status in Lianshi Fort. Following his order, several masters with 48 divine patterns leaped down from Lianshi Fort behind him, and surrounded Yang Yi. Living.

Up to this moment, Yang Yi didn't say a word, his expression was calm, but his eyes became more and more cold, and the eyes he looked at Liu Yi looked very serious.

Suddenly, Yang Yi looked at the five strong men, and said indifferently: "Do you also think what he said, that Yang is a person who took refuge in the natives?"


Hearing Yang Yi's words, these people who were saved by Yang Yi also hesitated. No matter what, Yang Yi was the one who saved them. If Liu Yi's judgment is wrong, then they are not ungrateful people. ?Moreover, he just offended an existence comparable to the ancestor of the 49 gods. [

Thinking of this, they immediately stood up and said to Liu Yi: "Liu Yi, he saved us anyway, besides, what you said just now is just your guess, and it's just your one-sided words. Senior Yang brought it to the Castle Master and asked him to tell the truth, then everything is true and false."

"That's right, if you bring it to Lord Castle Master, you will be able to tell the truth from the fake."


As soon as the castle master was mentioned, the five strong men rescued by Yang Yi immediately spoke out, but Liu Yi seemed a little annoyed, and he said with a cold smile: "It's ridiculous, why bother the castle master with such trivial matters? People, kill them on the spot, and I will report to the castle master when the time comes."

As soon as Liu Yi's words fell, the surrounding powerhouses with 48 divine patterns immediately rushed towards Yang Yi, displaying all kinds of supernatural powers, as if they wanted to kill Yang Yi.

Yang Yi's eyes turned cold, and a bit of murderous intent gradually radiated from his body. He just watched with cold eyes, just wanting to see what the five people he saved would do. Now it seems that he was really disappointed.

"Hmph, self-righteous, with the strength of this seat, which force is worthy of my allegiance? Stupid, anyone who threatens this seat, then be prepared to bear the anger of this seat!"

Yang Yi's voice was deep and deep, like eternal ice, which made people feel palpitations involuntarily.

"Hey, you're still stubborn when you're about to die, kill!"

Liu Yi didn't believe that Yang Yi could stir up such a storm at all. In his opinion, he had "seeed through" Yang Yi's tricks, so naturally he would not let Yang Yi succeed.

"Whoa, whoa, whoa."

There are a total of four strong men with 48 divine patterns and they made a move at Yang Yi, and every move was a killer move, leaving no room for Yang Yi's death.

Seeing this, Yang Yi naturally wouldn't be polite, he didn't even use any other means, he just shouted loudly, his divine power turned into an angry shout: "Go away!"


Including Liu Yi, it was as if a thunderstorm sounded out of nowhere in their minds, almost fainting, and everyone was terrified in their hearts.

How can a normal 48-way divine pattern powerhouse have such means? (To be continued.)

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