blood record

Chapter 1472 If you die, you die!

"No, senior is angry, senior, please calm down..."

The strong man who led Yang Yi to Lianshibao, seeing this, knew that Liu Yi was talking nonsense. If he made a wrong judgment now, he would anger a super strong man who could rival the ancestor of the 49 gods. who.

Thinking of this, the master of 48 divine patterns felt very uneasy in his heart.

But, it's too late, Yang Yi will never forgive anyone who dares to threaten his life """ 空皮欤玉谝春蠛雄鲁梦雄世嘉1014 Huaijia popliteal hhou, the blood of Xingtian in his body instantly began to run wildly, and the vast power was directly condensed in his hands.

"Xing Tian blood seal!" [

Yang Yi palmed out, and suddenly, the entire void was filled with that huge palm, this palm was even bigger than that, and it also shone with palpitating power, with one palm, the world changed color.

If it is said that the previous Xingtian blood seal can also kill the strong man with 48 divine patterns, but if he has to deal with a few 48 divine patterns at once, and there are also strong men like Liu Yi who are at the peak of 48 divine patterns, It's very difficult, if not impossible.

However, Yang Yi's Xingtian blood seal at this time not only mobilized Xing Tian's blood, but on his blood-red handprint, there were thick lines of gods wrapped around it.

These divine patterns are Yang Yi's divine patterns, and each divine pattern is comparable to a super strong man with 49 divine patterns. Under Yang Yi's single divine pattern, there is no strong man with 48 divine patterns that can resist it. .

"No...Senior, the junior misunderstood the senior. Please forgive me..."

Liu Yi finally regretted it, and finally became terrified. Seeing that Yang Yi had slapped Xing Tian's blood seal, the frightening aura was shining on it, which was not inferior to the ancestor of the 49 divine lines at all, so he knew he was wrong. And it was a big mistake, outrageously wrong, such a person can be compared to 49 divine patterns.How could it be possible to seek refuge with the natives?


Although Liu Yi is begging for mercy.But Yang Yi didn't stop, anyone who threatened him must suffer the most severe punishment, so.Under Xing Tian's blood mark.Within a radius of tens of feet.All turned into nothingness, forming a huge pothole.

And Liu Yi and the four Lianshibao strongmen who shot were turned into fly ash.Without any breath of them, they have already fallen under Yang Yi's palm.


Seeing Yang Yi slap five powerhouses with 48 divine patterns to death with one palm, Liu Yi was still at the peak of 48 divine patterns, and the five strong men with 48 divine patterns who came back with Yang Yi, Then they felt their bodies tremble slightly, and they regretted that they hadn't firmly stood by Yang Yi's side before.

Otherwise, this tragedy can be prevented. Although Liu Yi is only a strong man with 48 divine patterns, in the entire Lianshi Castle, the person most trusted by the castle owner is Liu Yi. Now he is dead, and If he died in Lianshi Castle, the owner of the castle would be furious.

It is very likely that there will be a big battle in Lianshibao immediately.

"Senior Yang, let's explain to the castle master now. I believe that the castle master understands the righteousness and will forgive senior."

But Yang Yi smiled slightly, looked at the void in front of him with deep eyes and said, "No need, if your castle master is 49 divine patterns, then he has already arrived!"


The faces of these people were shocked, and they hurriedly turned around to look back. Sure enough, ripples gradually appeared in the space, and then a figure appeared in the void, with a tyrannical aura shining on it, which seemed to make people feel uneasy. People are suffocating.

This is the real superpower with 49 divine patterns, just like the Shekong Patriarch, Wuma Patriarch, and Tianzhen Taoist that Yang Yi saw back then.

The castle owner's expression was very calm, how terrifying was Yang Yi's attack just now?As the owner of Lianshi Castle, the only strong man with 49 divine patterns, if he doesn't know, he is simply deaf. [

But when the castle owner appeared here, what he saw was such a big pit. He knew that there must have been a jle fight here just now, and there must be a strong man with 49 divine patterns, otherwise he would never There will be fluctuations of such a powerful force.

The castle master stepped out of the space in one step, and his eyes immediately focused on Yang Yi.


"Who are you? You did it just now?"

The castle owner asked in a deep voice, after all, Yang Yi is the only stranger here.

However, Yang Yi seemed very calm. Before he could open his mouth, the five people who brought Yang Yi to Lianshi Fort hurriedly said: "Castle Master, we encountered an ambush by an indigenous ancestor-level powerhouse on the way, thanks to Yang Yi. Senior rescued us, and we were spared. However, when we arrived at the door, we were stopped by Liu Yi, and Liu Yi also slandered Senior Yang as a "spies" who had taken refuge in the natives. Without letting us tell, he sent someone to attack Senior Yang Only then did Senior Yang take action to punish Liu Yi and the others, please learn from the castle master!"

These people all told the ins and outs of the matter concisely, many of them were directed towards Yang Yi.The owner of the castle is not stupid, he knows Liu Yi's "character" too well, loyal is loyal, but he is a bit domineering in Lianshi Castle, this time he obviously hit the iron plate, the majesty of a strong man with 49 divine patterns How can it be so easy to trample on?

Therefore, Liu Yi asked for trouble, and if he wanted to attack Yang, he would naturally be killed by Yang Yige.

The castle owner didn't doubt these people's words, they didn't dare to lie to the castle owner, but the castle owner was even more curious, how could Yang Yi, who only had 48 divine patterns, be comparable to the ancestor with 49 divine patterns?

You know, there are almost no such evildoers in the entire land of daozang, or even in the source of emptiness. Perhaps only some ancient books record the evil geniuses who are rare in hundreds of millions of years and can leapfrog to kill 49 The old monster with the Taoist pattern.

But Yang Yi said indifferently: "My name is Yang Yi, maybe the castle owner should have heard of it."

Yang Yi stared at the castle owner with a half-smile, he believed that with the influence of Tiansheng Palace in Xuzhiyuan, maybe other people didn't know it, but the powerhouses of the 49 divine lines definitely knew it.

After all, people who were able to escape under the hands of Patriarch Shekong are anecdotes worth talking about no matter when they are.

Sure enough, when the Castle Master heard Yang Yi's name, he was slightly taken aback, and then remembered the reward offered by Patriarch Shekong of Tiansheng Palace.

"You are the Yang Yi who opened a new channel to the source of emptiness in the realm of the void? You also escaped from the hands of the ancestor of Shekong, and provoked the ancestor of Shekong to spend hundreds of millions of years of accumulated wealth. Want to find your whereabouts?"

The castle owner's face was full of weirdness, he looked Yang Yi up and down, and then he laughed dumbly and said: "I'm getting more and more curious now, what kind of adventure did you get in these 500 years, to be able to get from 47 Taoist gods?" It is unbelievable that you have become a strong man with 48 divine patterns, and can also rival the ancestor with 49 divine patterns! Hehe, if Shekong knows your current achievements, I don’t know how to feel, haha! "

From the tone of the castle owner, Yang Yi could tell that this was not a strong man who was friendly with Patriarch Shekong, and seemed to hope that Patriarch Shekong would make a fool of himself.

As long as it has nothing to do with the ancestor Shekong, then Yang Yi is relieved, so he said with a faint smile: "Yang was lucky enough to come to Xuzhiyuan, and he did have a little adventure. Later, he met the Taoist Taoist who never fell into the city. I provided Yang with some information about the Daozang's place, so Yang came here, but he didn't expect to save these people."

After a pause, Yang Yi looked at the huge pit again, and said in a deep voice, "Liu Yi was killed by Yang. Whether the castle owner wants to avenge them or what, Yang will follow."

Yang Yi is not afraid of this castle master, the other party's aura is not even as strong as the Heavenly Formation Taoist. In fact, the Heavenly Formation Taoist is a very terrifying existence. Once trapped in his formation, even the 49 Taoist gods Wen's ancestors will suffer a lot.

If it weren't for Yang Yi's indestructible treasure such as the Chaos Axe, it might not be so easy to face the Heavenly Array Taoist.

Hearing Yang Yi's words, the Castle Master's expression was very strange. After a long time, he burst out laughing: "Haha, it seems that fellow Taoist hasn't adapted to your current status, even though you only have 48 divine marks , but the strength is different from that of the 49 gods. Even Taoist Tianzhen has contacts with you, and even told you the place of Taoism. I know Taoist Tianzhen, so I think highly of myself. If you don't have the strength to convince or fear him, you can't even be a friend, let alone tell you so much information? You are already the ancestor of the 49 gods, and Liu Yi is just a mere Liu Yi, how can you let him go? Can't make it in your heart?"

The castle master's tone seemed very calm, and Yang Yi could tell that this was the castle master's true thoughts. [

Only then did Yang Yi suddenly realize that in the eyes of these ancestors of the 49 divine patterns, the 48 divine patterns, no matter how strong they are, are ultimately ants, and they are incomparable to them, so he offended a 49 divine pattern. It's worthless, old monster.

This is the gap between the 48 divine patterns and the 49 divine patterns. It seems that there is only one step difference, but in fact it is a big difference. The confidant of the 48 divine patterns dies as well, and the castle owner also dies. He won't really do anything with Yang Yi, and he will even treat Yang Yi as a guest of honor.

"Okay, Yang Daoyou, since you can come to my Lianshi Fort, it is my honor. I believe that Daoist friends are not very clear about the place of Dao Zang. Next, Daoist friends will live in Lianshibao. This seat and fellow daoists had a long talk, and informed fellow daoists about the general situation around them."

The castle owner knew what Yang Yi needed now, so he said directly.

Yang Yi nodded slightly. What he needs most now is indeed the situation of Dao Zang, otherwise, there is no way to gain a foothold in Dao Zang only with the map of Taoist Tianzheng.

So Yang Yi accepted the castle owner's invitation and temporarily lived in Lianshi Castle. (To be continued.)

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