blood record

Chapter 1475 The Origin of Earth

Yang Yi's Xing Tian blood seal was extremely powerful, and with a single palm strike, no one in the Rock tribe could resist it, especially when the other party's ancestor-level powerhouse hadn't made a move yet.

"Ah, no, it's an enemy attack, go and inform the ancestor!"

"It's an intruder, run away, they are ancestor-level powerhouses."

The people of these rock tribes instantly noticed the huge aura of Yang Yi and the others. They were all different from them. They were invaders and their deadly enemies. Especially they also felt that Yang Yi and the others were almost ancestor-level powerhouses. , which made them even more afraid to act rashly, someone has already rushed to notify Patriarch Rock.

But there is no need for them to inform the Rock Patriarch. The Rock Patriarch already knew that Yang Yi and Lianshi Fortress released their aura so recklessly, so when Yang Yi's Xing Tian blood seal hit the ground, I saw a burly old man already appeared in the void. [

The aura of this old man is very fierce, and his face is ugly, which looks a little scary. This is the ancestor-level powerhouse of the rock tribe, the ancestor of the rock!

The Rock Patriarch stared fiercely at Lian Shibao, who was next to Yang Yi, and then sneered: "So it's you, hmph, Lian Shibao is really brave, I haven't looked for you yet, you guys dare to come It’s good that you’ve come to my rock tribe, since you’re here today, don’t even think about leaving.”

The rock patriarch obviously knew Lord Lianshi, and they had been fighting each other for many years, and no one could do anything to the other, so when he saw that it was the master of Lianshi leading the masters, the rock patriarch felt in his heart. Also slightly relieved.

compared to others.He probably knows the most about Lord Lianshi, and he is also the most confident. The strength between them is basically the same, and he is even stronger than Lord Lianshi, so naturally there is no need to be afraid.

As for Yang Yi, the rock patriarch had long regarded him as the subordinate of the Lord Lianshi, and did not pay much attention to him.

But Lord Lianshi smiled coldly and said, "Hey, Patriarch Rock, your opponent today is not me. It's Yang Daoyou!"

Fortress Lianshi looked at Yang Yi.Patriarch Rock's eyes froze. Of course he knew what Castle Master Lianshi meant. Yang Yi was able to receive such praise from Castle Master Lianshi. It seemed that they were all equal in status.This made Patriarch Rock very worried.Could it be that Yang Yi is also a super master with 49 divine patterns?

But what does Patriarch Luanshi think?But Yang Yi only has 48 divine patterns, where is the ancestor of 49 divine patterns?But Castle Lianshi's attitude towards Yang Yi before did not seem to be fake.

When Patriarch Rock was having doubts in his heart, Castle Master Lian Shi suddenly laughed out loud.The figure flashed, and flew directly to the people of the rock tribe below, but laughed and said: "Haha, ancestor of the rock, today I will kill your rock tribe to the ground and razed them to the ground!"

After all, there were bursts of roars from behind the master of Lianshi Castle. Suddenly, many masters of Lianshi Fort arrived. They followed behind the master of Lianshi Castle, invincible. Lian Shicastle's opponent, in an instant, the entire rock tribe was full of mourning.

The rock patriarch was furious in his heart, and immediately yelled: "You bastard, Lord Lian Shi, I want you to die!"

After all, Patriarch Rock was about to rush down immediately to deal with Fortress Lianshi, but just as his figure moved, Yang Yi quickly stood in front of Patriarch Rock like a ghost, and said with a faint smile: " Patriarch Rock, didn't Patriarch Rock hear what Castle Master said just now? Today your opponent is Yang!"

Patriarch Rock didn't even look at Yang Yi, and roared, "Get lost!"


The rock patriarch actually swept across with one punch, and then slammed towards Yang Yi. That speed, that kind of horror, was almost unimaginable. Just relying on the power of the god body, he actually had such power. The ancestor was still a little apprehensive.

Yang Yi took a deep breath, and immediately his own 48 divine patterns emerged, and at the same time he punched Patriarch Rock.


The two forces collided crazily, and Yang Yi's 48 divine patterns were completely comparable to the 49 divine patterns, and could compete with the general ancestors with 49 divine patterns.

However, in this confrontation, Yang Yi was at a disadvantage, and was directly punched by the rock patriarch, making him retreat a few steps, looking rather embarrassed. [

Sure enough, it was impossible for Yang Yi to resist the attack of Patriarch Rock only by relying on the power of his own divine pattern, and it was much worse.

Thinking of this, Yang Yi took a deep breath, a ray of light suddenly flashed in his hand, finally, Yang Yi summoned the Chaos Axe.



The Chaos Ax was even trembling slightly. The sharp edge made Patriarch Rock startled slightly, and then his expression became serious. He felt the terrifying edge on the Chaos Ax, enough to wexe him.

What's more, with the punch of Patriarch Rock just now, he thought he could directly kill all the strong people below 49 divine patterns, but Yang Yi only took a few steps back. Not hurt.

This shows what?It shows that Yang Yi does have the strength of the ancestor of the 49 gods, no wonder he dared to be used by the owner of Lianshi Castle to deal with the ancestor of the rock.

So at this time, the rock patriarch was already extremely cautious, and dealt with Yang Yi as an equal existence, but he was also quite anxious in his heart. Even he, the two masters with 49 divine patterns, did not dare to take it lightly. Yan can contend, but once Yang Yi and Lord Lianshi join forces, the consequences will be unimaginable. Like what Lianshi Fortress said, the entire Rock tribe will be destroyed once and for all.

"Damn intruders, this old man won't spare you. After I deal with you first, this old man will deal with Castle Lianshi then!"

The rock patriarch said angrily, and then punched Yang Yi again like a shooting star.

Yang Yi has already deeply comprehended the power of the rock ancestor's divine body, that kind of power is really unbelievably strong, and Yang Yi is not sure that he can resist it.

So this time.He stopped probing, and directly raised the Chaos Axe, and slashed down fiercely with one axe: "Thirteen Styles of Broken Axe!"

"Whoa, whoa, whoa."

The ax energy, like raindrops, slashed towards Patriarch Rock crazily. These are densely packed chaotic ax energy. Even a master with 49 divine lines will suffer serious injuries once he is cut.What's more, this is not just one ax gas, but thousands of them.Just the whistling breath.It can be chilling.


The rock patriarch narrowed his eyes slightly, and he also felt wexe, but at this time, he could only advance but not retreat.So he punched out.The surrounding space seems to be directly squeezed.Completely forming circle after circle of storms, they collided with Yang Yi's Chaos Axe.


The Chaos Ax trembled slightly, feeling unstoppable.The strength of this rock ancestor has exceeded Yang Yi's imagination, and it seems to be stronger than even the stone castle master.

"No wonder Castle Master Lian Shi once said that this rock patriarch, he can do nothing at all, and he is at a disadvantage every time he fights!"

Thoughts flashed through Yang Yi's mind one after another. After he fought Patriarch Rock, he realized how powerful Patriarch Rock was.It can completely suppress Yang Yi's Broken Ax No.13 style.

However, Yang Yi's thirteen forms of breaking the ax were not his strongest strength, so he borrowed the strength of the ancestor of the rock, turned his body backwards violently, and then raised the chaos ax with both hands again.

"Broken Ax Type 14!"

This is the fourteenth style of the broken axe, and its power is much stronger than the No.13 style just now. Although there is only one ax energy, it is so terrifying that it seems to cover the surrounding space for hundreds of miles. Within a mile, any living being will suffer a devastating blow. [

Especially now that Yang Yi is still using the Qi machine to lock the opponent, the rock patriarch can't escape at all, he can only touch head-on.

Feeling that Yang Yi's ax was actually stronger than the last one, Patriarch Rock felt a little palpitating in his heart. His punch just now was actually almost his most powerful punch, and Yang Yi couldn't do anything about it. It's just a little suppressed.

And this time, even if he wanted to suppress the axe, it would probably be very difficult.

However, the Rock Patriarch has no choice but to raise his fist again and blast out directly, otherwise, he will use his flesh and blood to withstand Yang Yi's Chaos Axe, even if he treats his divine body Confident, but he will not be so arrogant if he uses his flesh and blood to resist Yang Yi's Chaos Axe.


It was another collision, this time Yang Yi only retreated a little bit, he didn't directly retreat a few steps like last time yyng, obviously lost.

"Okay, Broken Ax No. 14, probably equivalent to the strength of the rock ancestor, but in addition to No. 14, I also have Broken Ax No. 15, which is a more powerful attack!"

Yang Yi thought in his heart that at this moment, poor self-confidence surged in his heart, and the rock patriarch was not that scary.

At this time, besides Yang Yi and the rock patriarch fighting inextricably, there is also the owner of Lianshi Fortress, who is the majestic ancestor of the 49 gods, facing hundreds of 45 gods of the rock tribe When the above-mentioned strong man, but there is not a trace of pressure, on the contrary, the killing is on the rise, almost a large area with one palm.

No matter how many strong men with more than 45 divine patterns, it will help. They are not even the enemy of the Stone Castle Lord. Therefore, in just half an hour, the entire Rock tribe is already wailing everywhere. Among them The masters, especially the masters with more than 45 divine patterns, were basically beheaded by Lian Shibaozhu.

Seeing that many masters of the Rock tribe were massacred, the ancestor of the Rock was almost crazy, and he kept shouting: "Ah, even the Lord of the Stone Castle, I will never die with you!"

Patriarch Rock was almost insane, every punch he punched was violent, and every punch seemed to be much stronger than before, which made Yang Yi feel the pressure.

Thinking of this, Yang Yi no longer hesitated, and immediately unleashed his strongest blow, and the Chaos Ax began to shine with a frightening edge.

"Broken Ax Type 15!"

Yang Yi unleashed his strongest blow, the terrifying blow of the Chaos Axe, completely exploded, so people seemed to feel that their eyes were blank, and there was only this horrifying and terrifying axe in their minds.

The Chaos Ax fell from the sky, as if it could cut through the sky and the earth.It fell from the sky and slashed fiercely on Patriarch Rock's body.


Although the body of Patriarch Rock is very strong, it is so strong that even the Lord of the Stone Fortress is unwilling to deal with it. Whenever the supernatural powers attack Patriarch Rock, it will not be able to cause decent damage to Patriarch Rock at all.

But Yang Yi's attack was different, the Chaos Ax slashed at Patriarch Rock's body with lightning speed, and immediately, his divine body began to shatter.Shocking cracks appeared.

Can resist the existence of Chaos Ax with flesh and blood.Even in ancient times, it had never appeared before, so even though the god body of the ancestor of the rock might be really powerful, it would still face the beheading of the Chaos Axe.It was impossible for him to resist.


Yang Yichang heaved a sigh of relief.Under this cut.The body of the rock patriarch was shattered, but he did not fall, and the primordial spirit quickly escaped from the body.Another figure was condensed in the void, but at this moment, Patriarch Rock's face was full of shock and fear. At this time, he didn't care about the masters of the Rock tribe being slaughtered by the Lord Lianshi Exhausted, he is now unable to protect himself.

"Even the castle master, and you... this old man remembers it all, and this old man will definitely come back again..."

Patriarch Rock is about to leave, if he doesn't leave, it will be very difficult for him to escape after Yang Yi unites with Castle Master Lianshi.

The Patriarch Rock wanted to escape, but Yang Yi couldn't stop him. Looking at the Patriarch Rock who had disappeared, even the Castle Lord couldn't believe it. If he hadn't seen it with his own eyes, he would have found it hard to believe it. Even he couldn't resist it. The rock patriarch, fierce and powerful, was chopped off by Yang Yi, and finally the Yuanshen fled in a hurry.

"Haha, Fellow Daoist Yang is really powerful. Originally, I hoped that Fellow Daoist Yang could hold back the Rock Patriarch for a while, and wait for the two of us to join hands to deal with the Rock Patriarch, but I didn't expect the Rock Patriarch to be beheaded by Daoist directly. After killing the divine body, the primordial spirit escaped, haha, what a joy!"

The owner of Lianshibao was overjoyed, the ancestor of the rock fled in a hurry, and the remaining members of the rock tribe could no longer have the confidence to resist, and they were all beheaded by the masters of Lianshibao.

Yang Yi's eyes narrowed slightly, but he ignored Fortress Lian Shi, because just now, when his Chaos Ax cut through the body of Patriarch Rock, he suddenly discovered that when Patriarch Rock's body was shattered, After that, a round bead that looked dim appeared unexpectedly.

This mysterious bead fell to the ground so quietly, it didn't look surprising, Yang Da grabbed it with one hand, and grabbed the bead in his hand, after a closer look, it wasn't that the bead had no color, but Its color is not bright, it is earthy yellow.

Yang Yi felt it carefully, but he felt the surging earth element in this bead.

Yes, the earth element is like the earth. This small bead actually has a kind of earth that makes Yang Yi feel the vastness and thickness.

"Wait, the earth element is so rich..."

Yang Yi's heart moved, as if he thought of something, and immediately, his heart beat wildly. If it was really the treasure he had guessed, then this would be his greatest achievement.

Thinking of this, Yang Yi directly summoned the source of ice. This source of ice is the spirit of the elements. It is rumored that if he can gather all nine elemental spirits, he can transcend the way of heaven.

However, elemental spirits are too rare, and it can even be said that they can be encountered but not sought after. After so long, Yang Yi only has one elemental spirit from the source of ice.

And because the source of ice is no longer helpful to Yang Yi now, so Yang Yi kept it away and never used it again.

But this time, he wanted to test whether the khaki bead he had just obtained was the spirit of the elements?

As soon as the source of ice appeared, the ice directly permeated the khaki bead, and at the same time, the khaki bead trembled rapidly, and released a khaki aura, Covering the round bead in groups, even though the cold air from the source of ice invaded, he couldn't do anything to get this earthy yellow round bead.

Seeing this, Yang Yi no longer doubts in his heart that this is an elemental spirit, and it is also the source of the main defense earth.

The source of soil is the main defense. Because of this, the ancestor of the rock did not know when he refined the source of soil into his god body, which made his god body stronger than him. The indestructible Chaos Axe, I am afraid that no treasure can break his divine body.

When the god body of Patriarch Rock was shattered, the elemental spirit from the source of earth fell off and was obtained by Yang Yi.

"There are two elemental spirits. I didn't expect to be able to get the elemental spirits in the source of the void!"

Yang Yi also murmured in a low voice, he also felt very surprised, he did not expect to be able to get the elemental spirit in Xuzhiyuan, you must know that many strong people don't even have a single elemental spirit, let alone Yang Yi now Possessed two elemental spirits.

Rumor has it that if someone can gather all nine elemental spirits, they can even transcend the Dao of Heaven and surpass the 49 divine patterns, but this is just a legend, or it is a fact, but no one knows at all.

Therefore, no one has ever been able to obtain the nine elemental spirits. Naturally, Yang Yi would not pin his hopes on collecting the nine elemental spirits, but it is better than that. If he can obtain other elemental spirits in the future, it is not bad. It is possible to gather all nine elemental spirits.

It was a surprise to get the source of soil, Yang Yi looked very happy, and put away the source of soil, and then he looked at the owner of Fort Lianshi who was cleaning up the battlefield.

It's time to check how much water of enlightenment has been harvested. (To be continued.)

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