blood record

Chapter 1476 Harvest

When Yang Yi and Lord Lianshi came to the place where the water of enlightenment was hidden in the rock tribe, both of them were very surprised when they saw the scene in front of them.

At this time, in this place where the treasure is hidden, there are countless porcelain vases, all of which are filled with the water of enlightenment, and together, they are about a hundred catties.

A hundred catties of water of enlightenment is absolutely shocking even the owner of Stone Fortress. His Lianshi Castle only has a hundred catties of water of enlightenment a year, but here there are hundreds of catties.

This time, the Rock tribe didn't know what contribution they had made to get so much water of enlightenment. However, the Rock tribe hadn't had time to use the water of enlightenment, but now it was cheaper for Yang Yi and Fortress Lianshi.

Fortress Lianshi glanced at the water of enlightenment on the ground, and smiled slightly: "According to the rules, the water of enlightenment here is about 180 catties, and Yang Daoyou takes 120 catties, and I only take the rest. [-] catties."[

Yang Yi was not polite either, he had long wanted to see the effect of the water of enlightenment, so he grabbed the water of enlightenment with his big hand, and after smelling it a little, he smelled a delicate fragrance

This is the water of enlightenment, which can make people understand the Dao better and faster. Many people have even been promoted to 49 divine lines by virtue of the water of enlightenment. Only in the land.

"Well, Mr. Yang is welcome!"

Yang Yi grabbed 180 jin of water of enlightenment directly with his big hand. With so much water of enlightenment, Yang Yi might not be able to condense 49 divine lines.But it is still very helpful for Yang Yi to comprehend the Dao.

You must know that the reason why Yang Yi was able to gather 47 divine patterns and 48 divine patterns so quickly in the past was actually because Yang Yi had already comprehended these avenues a long time ago, so he was able to rely on his huge energy to quickly promote.

But now Yang Yi has not comprehended the avenue of the 49 divine patterns, so even if he has enough energy, it is impossible for him to become a strong man of the 49 divine patterns.

The 49 Dao divine patterns are no different from other ordinary divine patterns. It requires great perseverance to be able to condense them, and it needs to comprehend the Dao.It is also exponentially improved in a geometric way.If Yang Yi practiced step by step, it might take tens of thousands of years before he could comprehend a clue of the 49 divine patterns.

Such a long time is longer than the time Yang Yi cultivated to the current level.Yang Yi naturally didn't want such a hopeless practice.

so.This is the function of the water of enlightenment.This is also the reason why some other strong people flock to it, the water of enlightenment.It can help many strong people understand the Dao, and shorten the time for thousands of years to understand the Dao.

Among the many strong men in the Void Realm, it would have taken tens of thousands or even tens of thousands of years to give birth to a super strong man with 49 divine lines, but in the Void Origin, especially in the Dao Zang Land, only a short period of time Within a thousand years, three strong men with 49 divine patterns were born.

This is the function of the water of enlightenment. Of course, the aptitude of the three strong men with 49 Taoist patterns must also be very important, but this also directly shows the magic of the water of enlightenment, so no matter whether it is the natives or many people from the Void Domain The strong will fight for the water of enlightenment without giving in.

"Okay, I'll leave the matter here to the castle owner, and Yang will leave first, and experience the magic of the water of enlightenment."

Yang Yi quickly bid farewell to the owner of Lianshi Castle, but he did not go far, but directly returned to Lianshi Fort, and practiced quietly in the cave prepared for him by Lianshi Fort.

He took out the Enlightenment Water, and smelled it a little, and he could feel a hint of fragrance, as if his whole body was very transparent and comfortable.

"Okay, the water of enlightenment, the holy water of this hidden place, I'll take a look today, how miraculous is it?"

Yang Yi was also very curious about the Water of Enlightenment, so he took a big mouthful and swallowed almost half a catty of Water of Enlightenment. Immediately, his body boiled immediately, and there was a very strange feeling in his mind .


Yang Yi's divine pattern began to vibrate crazily, but it didn't increase his divine power. After all, this is the water of enlightenment, and it doesn't actually have any energy, but only increases the chance of enlightenment.

Like Yang Yi now, a hazy feeling began to appear in his mind, just like the feeling he had when he was promoted to 48 divine patterns before, the world was under his control. [

This is enlightenment, but compared to comprehending the 49 divine lines, this little understanding is far from enough, so Yang Yi directly grabbed all the water of enlightenment, and began to drink it into his stomach frantically.

One catty, two catties... ten catties!


Every day, Yang Yi took ten catties of Enlightenment Water. Although the divine lines on his body remained unchanged, one could feel that Yang Yi's aura was gradually changing, becoming stronger and stronger, even Lian Yuan God is becoming more and more condensed.

These are all changes, all changes after taking the water of enlightenment, this kind of change is from the inside out, it is completely the change of the soul, Yang Yi feels that his understanding of the Dao is indeed more profound, After his understanding of Dao deepened, his control over the divine pattern became more dexterous.

Therefore, Yang Yi did not go out in a hurry, but stayed in the cave all the time, silently drinking the water of enlightenment, ten catties of water of enlightenment every day, a total of 180 catties of water of enlightenment, then Yang Yi could be in the cave quietly. He retreated in the cave for more than half a month.

More than half a month is just a swipe of a finger. Ordinary gods will have hundreds of thousands of years if they close their doors for a while. This mere half a month is really not long.

However, for more than half a month, the entire Lianshi Castle has been turned upside down, and incredible changes have taken place. They defeated their old rivals, the Rock Tribe, and occupied a large area of ​​​​the Rock Tribe's territory. The sphere of influence has expanded by two or three times.

And as soon as this kind of record spread, those other indigenous tribes were also very afraid of Lianshibao, and they didn't dare to send people to deal with it easily. Lianshibao has become the leader of dozens of large and small forces in the surrounding area. up.

Lian Shicastle Lord is naturally complacent, but he did not let down his vigilance. After all, the rock patriarch is not dead. For Lianshibao, it is a huge wexe. (To be continued.)

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