blood record

Chapter 1477 Doomsday

Fortress Lian Shi felt a little depressed recently, apart from the matter of Patriarch Yan, there was also the matter of Yang Yi.

I don't know where the news leaked out recently, but someone actually recognized Yang Yi's identity and knew that Yang Yi was wanted by the Patriarch Shekong back then.

Although the rewards given by the ancestor of Shekong at the beginning are nothing to the ancestors who even have 49 divine patterns, but for those who have 48 divine patterns or lower, these rewards can be called generous , It is difficult to resist the temptation.

Therefore, someone may have secretly told Patriarch Shekong the news that Yang Yi was in Lianshibao.

The Tiansheng Palace, where Patriarch Shekong is located, is also operating in the land of Taoism. It is stronger than Lianshibao. A few days ago, the owner of Lianshibao received a secret letter from Patriarch Shekong. He said that he wanted to personally go to Lianshi Castle to capture Yang Yi himself, and asked the owner of Lianshi Castle to help capture Yang Yi together. [

This made Patriarch Shekong a headache, what a joke, now that Yang Yi is an ancestor comparable to 49 divine patterns, it is simply impossible for Patriarch Shekong to deal with Yang Yi together.

However, when I think of the fact that there may be two strong men with 49 divine patterns, they will fight in Lianshi Castle. It will destroy the entire Lianshi Fort.

Just like the fight between Yang Yi and the rock patriarch before, the entire rock tribe was almost destroyed, and there were traces of the battle between the two unrivaled powerhouses everywhere, which took a long time to clean up.

Therefore, the owner of Lianshibao doesn't want Lianshibao to become the second rock tribe.was destroyed once.

"It seems that this matter should be told to Yang Yi first, otherwise, it would be bad for him to misunderstand."

The current owner of Lianshi Castle values ​​Yang Yi very much, especially after Yang Yi and him wiped out the entire Rock tribe, the owner of Lianshi Castle valued Yang Yi's strength even more.

It can be said that the owner of Lianshi Castle has no friendship with the Patriarch Shekong, but it is because Tiansheng Palace still has some influence in the source of Xu, so it is only because of Yang Yi.Fortress Lianshi has a relationship of benefit sharing.

Once Yang Yi fights with Patriarch Shekong, although it is impossible for him to be sideways, it is not a problem if he speaks to Yang Yi. Yang Yi must be notified first.

Thinking of this, Fortress Lianshi immediately flew towards Yang Yi's cave.

Yang has been in retreat for half a month.No one disturbed him all the time, but even Castle Master Shi had some important matters to attend to, so he shouted loudly: "Young fellow Daoist Yang, I have important matters to discuss, please come out for a visit. "

The sound echoed in the void.Even the castle master knew that Yang Yi must be able to hear it. If he was really in seclusion and couldn't come out, he wouldn't answer.

If so.That was a very embarrassing thing for the owner of Castle Lianshi.When Patriarch Shekong arrives, if Yang Yi is still in seclusion, then Castle Master Lianshi will be involved in the issue of protecting Yang Yi, otherwise if Patriarch Shekong is allowed to break into the cave, it will be almost like an accomplice. No one will forgive.

In the cave, Yang Yi just opened his eyes when he heard the voice of Castle Master Lianshi, he frowned slightly, and murmured in a low voice: "What's the matter with Castle Master Lianshi?"

But now that the training is over, the water of enlightenment has helped him a lot. Although he still hasn't comprehended the mysteries of the 49 divine patterns, it has helped Yang Yi improve his aura and lay a solid foundation for his future practice. It's a big gain.


The gate of Yang Yi's cave opened abruptly, Castle Master Lian Shi was overjoyed, sure enough, he saw Yang Yi's figure, and quickly flew out of the cave.

"Haha, castle master, I don't know why you are so anxious to find Yang?"

Yang Yi smiled and asked the Lord Lianshi Castle.

Fortress Lian Shi hurried forward and said: "Come, come, fellow Daoist Yang, come to my cave first. I have something important to tell you about Daoist Yang. This matter has a lot to do with fellow Daoist Yang."

"Is it related to Yang?"

Yang Yi's heart trembled, although he didn't know what was going on, but looking at the seriousness of Castle Master Lianshi's appearance, it was definitely not an ordinary thing.


Therefore, he also quickly followed behind Lianshi Castle Master, and quickly walked towards Lianshi Castle Master's cave.

The cave of Lian Shibaozhu is spacious and luxurious. After entering it, Yang Yi immediately felt a fresh fragrance, which made people feel refreshed. precious.

But what he cares about is not these, but the important news that Castle Master Lian Shi said just now.

"Master Lianshi, what news do you have, just tell me?"

Yang Yi couldn't bear it any longer and asked directly.

Castle Master Lian Shi looked at Yang Yi, because he was too hasty just now, he hadn't had time to look at Yang Yi carefully, but now after he came to the cave, he took a closer look, but found that Yang Yi's whole body was full of aura. It seems to have changed, becoming deeper and more elusive. Even though he is the ancestor of the majestic 49 divine lines, he does not have such a deep aura like Yang Yi.

"Yang Daoyou must have taken the water of enlightenment, right?"

Fortress Lian Shi's heart moved, and he immediately thought of the change in Yang Yi's breath, which must be related to the water of enlightenment.Sure enough, after listening to the words of Fortress Lianshi, Yang Yiwei smiled and said: "That's right, Yang's 180-jin Enlightenment Water is really effective, and it is of great help to Yang's practice, but it's a pity that the Enlightenment Water is still too much." At least, if it can be exhausted and Yang is allowed to practice for several years, then Yang will definitely be able to truly comprehend the 49 divine patterns, and there is hope that Yang will produce No.40 nine divine patterns in your former residence."

Yang Yi also said with emotion, he really likes the water of enlightenment, if he has the water of enlightenment, it will be more useful than any hard work, it can almost save thousands of years of hard work.

No matter what, Yang Yi wanted to get more water of enlightenment, even if he took some risks.

only.The water of enlightenment is not so easy to obtain, and there is a danger of falling.Otherwise, the many masters in the entire Daozang Land would not have fallen so many, and even the strong ones with 49 divine patterns would lose one or two masters almost every hundred years, which is already a very high proportion.

"By the way, the owner of the castle called Yang, what is the matter?"

Yang Yi asked hurriedly.He had an intuition that there was absolutely nothing trivial about Lianshi Castle Master this time.

For a long time, even the castle master's expression fluctuated, and he said in a low voice: "The thing is like this, the Patriarch Shekong of the Holy Palace that day did not know where he got the news, and knew that Fellow Daoist Yang was here. So , he is already preparing to leave for my Lianshi Fortress, and he still asks me to capture Fellow Daoist, which is really ridiculous!"

"Patriarch Shekong?"

Yang Yi was slightly taken aback, he came to Xuzhiyuan, most of the "credit" should be attributed to this ancestor of Shekong.If he hadn't been too aggressive, Yang Yi wouldn't have come to Xuzhiyuan in such a mess.

Moreover, Patriarch Shekong also issued arrest warrants for the entire Void Realm and Void Origin. Yang Yi hated such behavior even more.The enmity between the two has been impossible to resolve.

Although Yang Yi is now comparable to the strong man with 49 divine patterns, he thinks that he has not yet challenged the strength of the entire Tiansheng Palace.So there has been no attack on Shekong, but now, this Shekong has come to his door.

"Haha, good, good, good! Yang is worrying about this extravagance hiding in Tiansheng Palace, it is difficult to kill, but now, he actually came to Lianshibao in person, very good, Yang has been waiting for too long. "

Awe-inspiring murderous intent flashed all over Yang Yi's body, and even the Castle Master was terrified by this awe-inspiring murderous intent, he never thought that Yang Yi would have such a strong killing intent. [

"Yang Daoyou, this Patriarch Shekong is approaching menacingly, can we back down a little and not have to confront him, in this way, I don't have to give him face."

The suggestion of the owner of Lianshi Castle is that Yang Yi should leave Lianshi Castle first and hide first. When the ancestor of Shekong comes, Yang Yi can't be found. In this way, even the owner of Stone Castle can have enough confidence to turn around and send him away. Patriarch Shekong, in this way, the crisis will be resolved, and the two will live in peace.

However, Yang Yi sneered and said: "Mr. Yang appreciates the castle master's kindness! But Mr. Yang is not afraid of this Patriarch of Shekong, and Mr. Yang still wants to let him know how powerful he is. Even if he can't be killed, he must be let He's in pain and it cost him a lot!"

There was murderous intent in Yang Yi's eyes, he now had enough self-confidence, even the rock patriarch of the indigenous tribe was beaten to pieces by Yang Yi, leaving only Yuanshen to flee in a hurry, which shows that Yang Yi The tyranny of strength is by no means inferior to the ancestors with 49 divine patterns, so how can they be afraid of the ancestors of Shekong?

Not only will he not be afraid, Yang Yi also needs to teach Patriarch Shekong a lesson in order to repay the last time he was humiliated in the Void Domain.

However, Yang Yi's plan made Castle Master Lian Shi miserable. Neither Yang Yi nor the Patriarch Shekong wanted to offend him. Although he had no friendship with Patriarch Shekong, the power of Tiansheng Palace But it is very huge, unless it is absolutely necessary, even the castle master does not want to offend him head-on.

Seemingly seeing the embarrassment of the owner of Lianshi Castle, Yang Yi smiled and said: "You don't have to be embarrassed, the owner will not let Bai do it. That day, there were two superpowers with 49 divine patterns in the Holy Palace. Couldn't Lianshi Castle have two ancestors with 49 divine patterns? As long as the owner of the castle promises Yang to deal with Shekong Patriarch together, it is best to be able to kill him, then Yang decided to join Lianshi How about becoming the second ancestor in the castle?"

There was a smile on the corner of Yang Yi's mouth, he just thought of this idea, indeed, not only to let Patriarch Shekong know how powerful it is, but even try to kill him.

However, it is obviously impossible to kill an ancestor with 49 divine patterns, relying on Yang Yiyi alone, at most it will seriously injure the ancestor of Shekong.

But if you add Lianshi Castle Master, it will be different. Two strong men with 49 divine patterns will besiege together. Yang Yi's strength is far stronger than the general ancestor with 49 divine patterns. The Chaos Ax is indestructible. Then there is really a great chance of beheading Patriarch Shekong.

What's more, Yang Yi also put forward a proposal that even the owner of Stone Fortress would be thrilled with, that is to join the Fortress of Lianshi and become the second ancestor of the 49 divine patterns.

Why is Tiansheng Palace so powerful?Isn't it because Tiansheng Palace has two super masters with 49 Taoist patterns sitting in it?It is precisely because there are two strong men with 49 divine patterns sitting in Tiansheng Palace, so whether it is in the realm of emptiness or in the source of emptiness.The influence is great, and even the influence of Tiansheng Palace is relatively strong.

In Lianshi Castle, there is only one ancestor with 49 divine patterns, the owner of Lianshi Castle.Natural law is on par with Tiansheng Palace, so Castle Master Lianshi doesn't want to fight against Tiansheng Palace.

But now it's different, Yang Yi made a suggestion, as long as he joins Lianshibao, then Lianshibao will also have two strong men with 49 Taoist patterns from now on, not inferior to Tiansheng Palace.

Thinking that Lianshibao may become stronger because of Yang Yi's joining, and its influence has expanded to a wider area.Thinking of this, even the Castle Lord's heart skipped a beat.

However, the owner of Lianshi Castle was still not dazzled by Yang Yi's sudden proposal, he asked cautiously: "If you, Yang Daoyou, join Lianshi Castle, it would be great, you and I The status of each other is equal in Lianshibao, regardless of high or low. Let us lead the entire Lianshibao together, so that we will get more water of enlightenment. However, the ancestor Shekong lived for hundreds of millions of years after all. It's very deep, no one knows how powerful his hole card is, if he escapes, then I'm afraid even Stone Fortress will become a thorn in his side of Tiansheng Palace..."

The meaning of the owner of Lianshi Castle is very clear, that is, he is afraid that Patriarch Shekong will not be beheaded this time. At that time, Tiansheng Palace will definitely deal with Lianshi Fort, if Yang Yi has not joined Lianshi Fort.Then he will lose more than he gains.

Yang Yi naturally heard the meaning behind the words of the owner of Lianshi Castle, he smiled slightly and said: "Regardless of success or not, Yang will join Lianshi Castle and become the ancestor of Lianshi Castle!"

"Haha, good, good, good! With Yang Daoyou's words, I can rest assured!"

What Lian Shibaozhu was waiting for was Yang Yi's words, and with Yang Yi's guarantee, he immediately made up his mind, isn't it just to besiege and kill the Patriarch Shekong?This is nothing at all, Lian Shibao can have an extra ancestor with 49 divine patterns, even if he is hostile to Tiansheng Palace in the end, Lian Shibao can't do anything about it.

Therefore, for the owner of Lianshi Castle, this matter is of great benefit but not harmful. He immediately agreed to Yang Yi's proposal and discussed it with Yang Yi. When Patriarch Shekong comes, first Introduce Patriarch Shekong into the large formation arranged by Lianshibao, and then make a move to kill Patriarch Shekong.

I believe that the ancestor of Shekong would never have imagined that even the master of the stone castle would join forces with Yang Yi to attack him. After all, in his eyes, Yang Yi has always been just a monk with less than 49 divine patterns. Not worth mentioning.

And Yang Yi wanted to take advantage of the knowledge, arrogance, arrogance and stupidity of Patriarch Shekong.


In the distant void, a figure is rapidly shuttling through the void, showing its figure from time to time. If there are some ancestors with 49 divine patterns here, they will be able to recognize that this figure is the famous heaven Shekong Patriarch, one of the two Patriarchs of the Holy Palace.

Patriarch Shekong recently got news that Yang Yi, one of the people he offered a reward hundreds of years ago, actually hid in Lianshi Fort. For Lianshi Fort, Patriarch Shekong knew something about it. Also in the land of Dao Zang, he joined the ranks of scrambling for the water of enlightenment, and left after hundreds of years, creating Lianshibao single-handedly.

Being able to survive for hundreds of years in such a cruel fight, it is obvious that the owner of Lianshi Castle is not easy. Because of this, Patriarch Shekong is going to personally go to Lianshi Fort. He believes that Lianshi Castle The owner of the castle will not fall out with Yang Yi just because of Yang Yi.

Therefore, for this trip, the ancestor of Shekong still has strong confidence.

"Hmph, Yang Yi, hundreds of years ago, you dared to betray Tiansheng Palace, and you survived a blow from the old man, but don't think that you can be at ease. This time, the old man will definitely kill you. No trouble left!"

Patriarch Shekong has always been ashamed of what happened to Yang Yi. Two mere monks with 48 divine patterns escaped under his nose. The matter of Patriarch Kong, which made Patriarch Shekong feel very humiliated.

That's why he wanted to find Yang Yi at all costs and kill him.

Soon, Patriarch Shekong saw Lianshibao, and there were still many masters patrolling back and forth below. Patriarch Shekong came down immediately. After all, he just came from afar, and this is not Tiansheng Palace. Even if he is a majestic ancestor with 49 divine patterns, he will not fly directly into Lianshi Fort in admiration, otherwise it will cause some misunderstandings.

Seeing Patriarch Shekong descending from the sky, even some masters of Shibao were very nervous, and asked in a deep voice, "Who are you?"

Patriarch Shekong said indifferently: "This old man is Patriarch Shekong of Tiansheng Palace. I have already informed your Castle Master about this trip. Go and report to your Castle Master!"

Patriarch Shekong is still very confident about himself. After all, Tiansheng Palace is famous and well-known, whether it is in the realm of emptiness or in the source of emptiness, or in this place where there are many masters. The big name is also unknown to people.

"Ancestor Shekong, please wait for a moment, we are going to report to our castle master!"

Sure enough, the cultivators who guarded the mountain gate showed a respectful expression when they heard the ancestor of Shekong self-reported his identity, and quickly rushed to Lianshi Castle to report to the owner of Lianshi Castle.

And Patriarch Shekong didn't care, just quietly waited patiently outside Lianshi Fort. He has been waiting for hundreds of years, and he is not short of this time. With confidence, Yang Yi is doomed this time. (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point to vote, monthly tickets, your support is my biggest motivation.)

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