blood record

Chapter 1478 Please enter the urn

ps: [There is another chapter, to make up for yesterday's...]

In Lianshi Castle, Yang Yi and the owner of Lianshi Castle were sitting opposite each other. At this time, the guard who came to report from outside whispered to the owner of Lianshi Castle that there was Patriarch Shekong begging to see him outside.


Yang Yi's eyes opened suddenly, and there were flashes of brilliance in his eyes, and then he said in a low voice: "Is it finally here? Very good, Castle Master, how are your preparations going?"

The person sitting opposite Yang Yi is the owner of Lianshi Castle. He has already discussed with Yang Yi to deal with Patriarch Shekong together, but he must be careful when dealing with Patriarch Shekong, otherwise, If you are not careful, you will have huge losses. [

Fortress Lian Shi waved his hand and said, "Go and invite Patriarch Shekong to come in."

After finishing speaking, he said to Yang Yi: "Hey, fellow Daoist Yang, please don't worry, it has been prepared a long time ago. The location of this big formation is in the living room, within a radius of hundreds of feet, all are covered by the big formation, even if it is That Shekong discovered that there was a large formation, but because it was in the living room, he did not doubt that it was there. Once he entered the large formation, even if he couldn't be trapped for a long time, as long as he was trapped for a while, the two of us would be together If you make a move, I don't believe you can't deal with Patriarch Shekong."

Even the Castle Lord had a thorough plan and said in a low voice.

Yang Yi also nodded slightly. This plan is indeed comprehensive, but to deal with a super master with 49 Taoist patterns, he still needs to be careful and careful. Retreat, when the time comes, I'm afraid it will cause poor trouble.

"Okay. I will go to meet the ancestor Shekong first, hehe, when I activate the big formation, Yang Daoyou can rush into the big formation as soon as possible, and deal with the old Shekong together with me Zu."

Even the castle master seemed very cautious and said in a low voice.

Yang nodded, he will always pay attention to the movement of Lord Lianshi. Once the big formation in the living room is opened, it means that Lord Lianshi has started to do something.

After finishing speaking, Fortress Lianshi turned around and left the cave.To meet the Patriarch Shekong outside Lianshi Fort.


Outside Lianshibao.Just as Patriarch Shekong got a little impatient with the wait, the person who had gone to report finally came back, and the leader of the person had the profound aura of 49 divine lines shining on his body.

In Lianshibao, there can be a strong man with 49 divine patterns.Apparently there was only Castle Lianshi.Therefore, Shekong also soon knew the identity of the owner of Lianshi Castle.

Lord Lianshi laughed and came to Patriarch Shekong and said, "Haha. I didn't expect Patriarch Shekong to come here. I'm sorry to welcome you!"

Patriarch Shekong waved his hand slightly, talking about how uncomfortable he was.However, he still wanted to show due respect to the Lord Lianshi who was at the same level as him, so he cupped his hands and said, "You're welcome, this time I'm going to disturb the Lord."

"It's easy to say, easy to say, let's go in first, Patriarch Shekong, please!"

Fortress Lianshi brought Patriarch Shekong to the living room.

Patriarch Shekong was a bit hesitant at first, because he also felt the specialness of the main living room of Lianshi Castle, with a dense array, which even made the patriarch Shekong, who was very confident, feel a little wexe.

However, under the repeated urging of the Lord Lianshi, he still walked into the living room. In the eyes of Patriarch Shekong, even the Lord of the Stone Castle should not deal with him anyway. After all, the Tiansheng Palace is powerful, and he himself is a statue Even with the help of the big formation, even the master of the stone castle can't deal with him.

What's more, this is the lair of the owner of Lianshi Castle. Perhaps this living room is for safety reasons, so it is necessary to arrange a large formation. The ancestor of Shekong in the place of Taoism knows very well how dangerous it is here, because anytime, anywhere All are likely to face attacks from indigenous tribes.

Fortress Lianshi walked behind Patriarch Shekong, and when he saw Patriarch Shekong walked into the living room, he immediately felt a little joy in his heart, and finally completed the first step. Next, That's the second step. [

Immediately, the owner of Lian Shibao and Patriarch Shekong sat on the big chair, and Patriarch Shekong didn't scan the surroundings with his spiritual thoughts, so he didn't know at all that the many masters of Lianshibao who seemed to be bustling just now At this time, they were all quickly evacuated away, as if they were about to encounter some danger.

"Lord Lianshi, the purpose of this old man's visit, I believe the castle owner should know, what about Yang Yi? Is he still in Lianshi Castle?"


The Patriarch Shekong was not polite either, and asked the Lord Lianshi straight to the point.

"Yang Yi? Indeed, he is naturally in my Lianshi Fortress now."

Patriarch Shekong didn't deny it either, and said lightly, but his voice seemed too calm, which made Patriarch Shekong a little curious, but he didn't delve into it, but continued to ask: "Okay, please connect Castle Master Shi hand Yang Yi over to the old man, the old man and Tiansheng Palace will never forget the Castle Master."

Patriarch Shekong couldn't wait any longer, and assured Lord Lianshi of the goodwill of Tiansheng Palace.

"Oh? But it's a pity, now Yang Daoyou has become my ancestor of Lianshibao, I'm afraid I will disappoint you, ancestor Shekong."

Fortress Lianshi said to Patriarch Zhongshekong with a half-smile, and his tone was still very calm.

At this time, no matter how dull Patriarch Shekong is, he can still hear the strangeness in these words. His expression changed slightly, and then he immediately became vigilant, and said to Lord Lianshi in a deep voice: "Lian Lord of the Stone Castle, for the sake of a mere Yang Yi, do you even want to make Stone Castle an enemy of our Tiansheng Palace?"

Patriarch Shekong's whole body's strength has been silently accumulating, and once he falls out, he will immediately unleash the strongest blow and leave here first.

The owner of Lianshi Castle shook his head slightly, and continued: "Of course it is not my plan for Lianshibao to be an enemy of Tiansheng Palace, but if Patriarch Shekong always wants to be so aggressive, then it is not certain. gone."

Patriarch Shekong's heart trembled, and he stood up abruptly and said, "Haha, Master Lianshi, it seems that you are really confused. If that's the case, don't blame me for being rude!"

Patriarch Shekong's body flashed with a huge aura suddenly, and he directly pressed towards Lord Lianshi, but Lianshi is also a strong man with 49 divine patterns, so why would he care about this mere aura?

"Hey, you're welcome? Today, I want to see how you, Patriarch Shekong, are so rude? Now this place is in my Lianshibao, not in your Tiansheng Palace. Can you get out of here today? Still say two things."

As the voice of Castle Master Lianshi fell, a hazy feeling suddenly rose around, and accompanied by a huge force appeared, and the figure of Castle Master Lianshi disappeared in the blink of an eye. Arrived in the big formation.

Seeing that Lord Lianshi activated the formation so quickly, he finally came to his senses at this moment, looked around fiercely, and said through gritted teeth: "Master Lianshi, it turns out that you have conspired to trap the old man in In this big formation, just for that mere Yang Yi? It’s really ridiculous, and soon you will know how stupid your choice is!"

"Hey, stupid? Patriarch Shekong, you can use your words here as much as you can, otherwise you may not have a chance in the future."

Even the voice of Castle Master Lian Shi still echoed everywhere, indistinctly, within the grand formation, Patriarch Shekong couldn't tell where Castle Master Lian Stone was.

But Patriarch Shekong can only use the most stupid but also the most direct method, that is to use brute force to directly hit this large formation.

"Break it for me!"

With Patriarch Shekong's roar, the whole ground was shaking, and at the same time, the hall collapsed directly because it couldn't bear such a terrifying force.

As for the seal covering the entire hall, it also started to tremble in an instant, as if it would collapse at any moment. Those even the masters of the stone castle looked nervously at this large seal formation. [

Although they don't know what's going on, but seeing the Lord Lian Shibao leading the Patriarch Shekong into the living room before, and now such a jerk battle broke out, even a fool would know that it must be Lian Shibao. There was a conflict between the master of the castle and the patriarch of Shekong. Some people who knew about the Tiansheng Palace were also deeply sweating for the master of the castle. The Tiansheng Palace is not so easy to deal with.

A little carelessness will bring disaster to Lianshibao.

As for Yang Yi, who had been waiting in the dark for a long time, when he saw the change in the living room, a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth, and he said in a low voice, "Have you finally done it?"

Yang Yi had been looking forward to this moment for a long time, so he flew towards the void below in an instant. After the big formation, he vaguely felt the surge of divine power inside.

"Yang Daoyou, enter the big formation soon, this seat will be unable to hold on, this Patriarch Shekong is really powerful!"

There was a voice in Yang Yi's ears, it was the voice of Fortress Lianshi. He was in charge of the power of the big formation, and he was almost fighting against Patriarch Shekong by himself, and he had to maintain the power of the big formation. Array, so very strenuous.

Yang nodded his head, and without any further hesitation, his figure flashed and quickly flew into the formation.


As soon as he flew into the formation, Yang Yi saw Castle Master Lianshi appearing in front of him. At this moment, Lord Lianshi looked a little embarrassed and his face was a little pale. Obviously, he manipulated the formation alone to trap She Patriarch Kong, there are still some difficulties.

"Young fellow Daoist Yang, I will hand over the Patriarch Shekong to you. When I have stabilized the formation, I will join forces with fellow Taoist priests and kill Patriarch Shekong together!"

The large formation arranged by the Lord Lianshi is indeed very powerful. Once a strong man with 48 divine patterns enters it, there is no way to get out.

However, Castle Master Lian Shi is not a Taoist of the Heavenly Formation after all, he did not become enlightened by formations, and his understanding of formations is far inferior to that of the Taoists of the Heavenly Formation. A master, but only for a short period of time, so he must first stabilize this large formation. (To be continued.)

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