blood record

Chapter 1480 Corrosion Thunder

Patriarch Shekong no longer wants to behead Yang Yi, he just wants to escape from here, but the joint attack of Yang Yi and Lord Lianshi put him in an unprecedented dangerous situation.

At this time, Patriarch Shekong felt a little regretful for the first time.

The power of the Chaos Ax is huge, especially the No.15 type, which is almost Yang Yi's strongest power now, and in order to prevent the ancestor of Shekong, the Lord Lianshi even set up a large formation.

Therefore, no matter from which angle you look at it, Patriarch Shekong has no chance to escape, and in fact it is true. With Yang Yi's Chaos Ax slashing down, his divine body will definitely shatter in an instant, and then turn into powder, Yuanshen was also shrouded by a large formation, and was chopped to pieces by Yang Yi and Fortress Lianshi.

"Damn it, it's been hundreds of millions of years, a full 3000 million years. I haven't used this rare treasure. I thought I would never use it again. I didn't expect it to fall into your hands today. .But it’s not that easy to want this old man to die, the thunder of corrosion, explode for me!”[

With Patriarch Shekong's roar, he immediately threw a bead that shone with thunder. Hearing Patriarch Shekong's shout, Lian Shicastle Lord seemed extremely surprised, and shouted in disbelief. : "What? Thunder of Corrosion? You actually caught the Thunder of Corrosion, Yang Daoyou, let's go, with this thing, we can't trap him, and we can't kill him at all."

Fortress Lianshi directly grabbed Yang Yi, and then rushed out of the formation first.


The thunder of corrosion exploded directly, and the billowing thunder began to wreak havoc in the formation.However, not only did these thunderbolts not have the slightest masculine aura, but they were filled with a palpitating power, which appeared extremely gloomy.

The large formation that Lianshi Fortress had put up with great difficulty was shattered amidst the thunderous explosions, and the formation could not stop the corrosive thunder at all.

With the shattering of the formation, the Patriarch Shekong also flew directly to the distance. Before leaving, he took a deep look at Yang Yi and Castle Master Lianshi, his eyes were full of threats.

Yang Yi's face looked a little gloomy.This time his plan was so thorough.Moreover, he still joined forces with Lian Shibaozhu, but he couldn't kill the ancestor of Shekong.

Yang Yi didn't blame Castle Master Lianshi for dragging him out of the formation just now, on the contrary, he was a little grateful.If it wasn't for the Lord Lianshi Castle just now.I'm afraid he will be hit hard now.This thunder of corrosion is indeed an unknown force, Yang Yi has never seen it before.But it is extremely powerful and powerful, otherwise Castle Master Lian Shi would not be so shocked and run away first.

Just now, Yang Yi heard Castle Master Lianshi's cry of shock, and it seemed that the corrosive thunder was a very terrifying thing, so he turned to Lord Lianshi and asked, "Master Lianshi, what did Shekong do just now?" What exactly is the corrosive thunder that was thrown out, that can make the castle owner so shocked that he even ran away immediately."

Fortress Lian Shi glanced at the large formation that was destroyed by the thunder of corrosion just now with a little palpitation, and then he breathed a sigh of relief: "This is the thunder of corrosion, friend Yang Dao, fortunately, the ancestor of Shekong is only a mere A bead of Corrosion Thunder, otherwise, not to mention beheading Patriarch Shekong, it is still a question of whether we can survive."

Seeing Lord Lianshi's high evaluation of this corroding thunder, Yang Yi's curiosity naturally became stronger, and he asked the master of Lianshi directly.

Fortress Lianshi knew that if he didn't explain the matter of the Corrosion Thunder clearly, Yang Yi would definitely feel resentful, so he explained in detail: "This Corrosion Thunder is not simple, the rumors spread from the chaos. Come out, even the gods of chaos have been hurt by this corrosive thunder, let alone us."

Yang Yi was even more surprised in his heart, he was very clear about the power of the God of Chaos, after all he was holding the Chaos Ax now, he could be regarded as the descendant of the God of Chaos.

Even the God of Chaos will be injured by this Corrosion Thunder, which shows how powerful these Corrosion Thunder are. After all, the things that come out of Chaos are either very powerful treasures, or they are peerless monsters like Corrosion Thunder. .

Fortress Lian Shi continued to explain: "No one knows how this corrosive thunder appeared, but its power is unquestionable. Once it is contaminated with a little bit, people below 49 divine patterns will fall instantly. The gods were directly corroded. And if the ancestors of the 49 gods were infected with the thunder of corrosion, no matter how strong the gods were, they would not be able to bear it, and the primordial spirit would be in danger. Kill an ancestor with 49 divine patterns."

"The thunder of corrosion is very difficult to obtain, so some ancestors used it to make thunder beads. Once cast, the power is astonishing. When the indigenous tribes and many ancestors in my virtual domain competed for the fountain of enlightenment, my virtual The side of the domain is still at a disadvantage, but an ancestor once obtained a large amount of corrosion lightning and made dozens of thunder beads. Hehe, this handful of thunder beads was directly used by that ancestor came out, exploded in an instant, and in an instant, the whole world was filled with a corrosive atmosphere. The strong men of the indigenous tribes, who were already in pain after being even slightly stained, fled one after another. Some of the strong ancestors of the indigenous tribes even directly fall."

"That battle established the prestige of Kuang Lei Patriarch! Because Kuang Lei Patriarch became Dao with thunder, he has a unique way of controlling thunder. He has spent hundreds of thousands of years looking for corrosive thunder, and this is how he gathered so many There are many thunder beads, and they became famous in the first battle. The ancestors of the indigenous tribes suffered heavy casualties, five ancestor-level masters fell on the spot, and the number of injuries, many ancestor-level powerhouses, have not recovered for thousands of years."

"Tsk tsk, after that battle, Ancestor Kuanglei also became one of the strongest existences among the many ancestors in my Void Domain. , who dares to provoke him?"

After hearing the explanation from Lord Lianshi, Yang Yi finally understood why Lord Lianshi lost his composure and became so frightened when he saw the Corrosion Thunder. [

In the first battle, five ancestor-level powerhouses could fall, and they were injured so many that they hadn’t even recovered for thousands of years. You must know that the entire Daozang land, on average, would fall almost every hundred years. 49 The powerhouse of the Dao God pattern.

But at that time, five ancestor-level powerhouses fell in the First World War. Such a loss was indeed huge. Even the indigenous tribes could not afford to lose, and their vitality was greatly injured. . (To be continued.)


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