blood record

Chapter 1481 Seeking Expansion Again

Fortress Lian Shi looked at Yang Yidao with a wry smile: "Yang Yidaoyou, you should know by now, why after seeing Patriarch Shekong possessed the Corrosion Thunder, I will take you to avoid it for the time being, this Corrosion Thunder , it’s too wicked to touch head-on.”

Yang Yi also nodded, he didn't know what to do, Yang Yi wouldn't be so conceited that he would be able to deal with such a powerful corrosive thunder, so it was the right choice for Lian Shicastle to avoid it.

"If there is a chance, Yang really wants to get some corrosive lightning to defend himself."

Yang Yi was obviously also very interested in the Corrosion Thunder mentioned by Lian Shibao's master. If he could get some Thunder Beads to defend himself, wouldn't he be able to use the Thunder Beads to escape in any danger?

This is almost a must-have for life-saving! [

However, Castle Master Lianshi smiled wryly: "It's not that easy, the Corrosion Thunder, at present, only the Patriarch Kuanglei can refine it into Thunder Beads all year round, other Patriarchs dare not even touch it, I am afraid that I will be hit by the lightning of corrosion, and then my body will die and my body will disappear, which will become a big joke."

Yang Yi knew what Lianshi Fortress meant. It must be because Patriarch Kuanglei was not easy to deal with. What's more, since Patriarch Shekong had Thunder Orbs in his hand, it meant that Patriarch Shekong must have been with Kuanglei. The ancestor must have some connections, otherwise he would not have such a precious thunder bead.

Seeing that Yang Yi was still in a daze, Castle Master Lian Shi hurriedly said: "This time Patriarch Shekong escaped, it is actually a good thing, at least in a short time, Tiansheng Palace will not come to provoke us again, we You can take advantage of this period of time to rapidly expand your power and get more water of enlightenment to increase your strength."

Yang nodded a little, now he can only use the water of enlightenment to increase his strength, otherwise, even if he practiced for thousands of years, there would be no progress.

"Okay, the castle master will arrange the rest."

As soon as Yang finished speaking, he flew back to the cave.


Patriarch Shekong returned to the power of Tiansheng Palace in Dao Zang in embarrassment. Patriarch Shekong fiercely thought about the dangerous spirit he was besieged by Yang Yi and Lord Lianshi before, and couldn't help being furious in his heart.

when.His grand patriarch of extravagance and space.To be humiliated like this, and in an extremely dangerous situation, if he hadn't helped Patriarch Kuanglei, Patriarch Kuanglei would have given him three Thunder Beads later.if not.He is long dead.

Three thunder beads.The first two thunder beads were used up during the battle between the ancestor of Shekong and the native ancestor-level powerhouse, and they were used to save his life.It was the last thunderball that was used in Lianshibao.

In other words, if there is danger again in the future, there will be no Leizhu to save his life.

"Damn it, this old man will definitely tear your corpses to pieces in the future!"

Patriarch Shekong thought viciously, he even hated Lord Lianshi together, after all, without the help of Lord Lianshi this time, it would be impossible for Yang Yi to force him to such an extent The state of embarrassment.

Patriarch Shekong wanted to go to Patriarch Kuanglei and ask for some more thunder beads, but he also knew that it would be quite inconvenient for Patriarch Kuanglei to make these thunder beads. At first, he could give him three , it was already based on his favor, if I go again this time, I'm afraid I won't get what I want.

However, in order to save his life in the future, the Patriarch Shekong has to give it a try even if the door is closed. As for dealing with Yang Yi and Lord Lianshi, it needs to be carefully planned. He is a strong man comparable to the 49 gods, and it is too difficult to deal with two old monsters with 49 gods, so we can only think about it in the long run.


Three days later, Yang Yi had adjusted his state. He tried to comprehend the No. 16 style of the broken axe, but it was still obscure and difficult to understand. There was no progress at all. He knew that he had to wait for him to condense the 49 gods Only when the pattern is broken can we continue to practice the Eighteen Forms of the Broken Axe.

The owner of Lianshi Castle brought Yang Yi to discuss expanding Lianshibao's sphere of influence. This time they were going to deal with the Jiuchongshan tribe not far from Lianshibao.

This Jiuchongshan tribe is similar to the rock tribe back then. It has only one ancestor-level powerhouse sitting in the town, but it occupies a much larger area than the rock tribe, and its ancestor powerhouse seems to be stronger. [

This time, the Lord Lianshi Fortress planned for a long time before finally deciding to deal with the Jiuchongshan tribe, which is relatively stronger among the many surrounding indigenous tribes. If they can take down the Jiuchongshan tribe, then the other indigenous tribes will definitely feel fearful. , when the time comes, it will naturally give up the site.

Although this place of hiding is a barren mountain, every inch is a must. The camp of invaders and the camp of indigenous tribes are constantly competing. Once you get a large amount of territory, you will be rewarded by the elders and enlightened. The bounty of water rewards is simply unimaginable.


And the root of occupying the land is actually because the land of Dao Zang is very magical, and no one can tell where a spring of enlightenment will suddenly emerge.

There are now three springs of enlightenment in the entire land of daozang, and these three springs of enlightenment are the places where the invaders and the native camps are fighting for, and the competition is very fierce.

Of course, except for the first fountain of enlightenment, which was formed naturally, the other two appeared suddenly and very strangely, so after being discovered by the two camps, a desperate struggle began.

The original owner of Lianshi Castle had participated in this kind of competition, and for 300 years, he was very aware of how bloody the competition for the fountain of enlightenment was.

Then, another spring of enlightenment appeared, so there are three springs of enlightenment in total. The places where the spring of enlightenment appears are different each time, but one thing is certain, that is, they must all be in the place of Taoism.

Therefore, this has also prompted the two camps to constantly compete for territory, not letting go of every inch, hoping that if there is a fourth fountain of enlightenment in the future, it can be quickly controlled by their own camp.

Now the owner of Lianshi Castle is making this idea. Of course, he has never expected that the fountain of enlightenment can appear within the sphere of influence of Lianshibao, but the more extensive the territory, the more water of enlightenment he will get. , it is beyond doubt.

And once the Jiuchongshan tribe can be destroyed and its territory obtained, then the sphere of influence of the entire Lianshibao will be more than three times larger than the original one.

"I don't know how Yang Yidao's friendship will be?"

The owner of Lianshi Castle still wants to hear Yang Yi's opinion. After all, Yang Yi is now the ancestor of Lianshi Castle and has the right to speak.

However, Yang Yi is not interested in these things. What he wants most now is the water of enlightenment. In the past three days, because he has no water of enlightenment, his cultivation speed is horribly slow. Yang Yi really can't bear it. Such a slow practice.

"Since the owner of Lianshi Castle has already considered it, then Yang has no objection, but the water of enlightenment obtained, Yang needs [-]%!"

"Eighty percent?"

Hearing Yang Yi's words, the owner of Lianshi Castle couldn't help being a little stunned. Eighty percent of the water of enlightenment is definitely not a small amount. What's more, these waters of enlightenment will also reward some masters of Lianshibao, otherwise no one will come again. Follow Lianshibao.

But now Yang Yi opened his mouth almost [-]% of the time, which made Castle Master Lianshi a little unacceptable.

Therefore, the owner of Lianshi Castle said in a dilemma: "Yang Daoyou, [-]% is really too high. I have a large number of people in Lianshibao, and they also need the water of enlightenment. Let's stick to the previous [-]%?"

But Yang Yi shook his head slightly, his position was very firm, so he continued: "Every time I attack an indigenous tribe, I want [-]% of the water of enlightenment I get from it! Yang only needs [-]% of the water of enlightenment that he receives routinely, how about it?"

Yang Yi also made a slight concession, one must know that with the expansion of Lianshibao, the water of enlightenment received from the elders will definitely increase exponentially in the future, but Yang Yi only needs [-]%.

The reason why Yang Yi did this was because he could no longer endure the embarrassing days without the water of enlightenment for a long time. He needed a lot of water of enlightenment to practice, so that he could have a deeper understanding of the Dao of the 49 divine lines. Therefore, we can try to condense the No.40 Nine Dao Divine Pattern earlier.

If he wanted to quickly reach the Water of Enlightenment, there was no doubt that he had to snatch the Water of Enlightenment from these indigenous tribes. As long as he had their Water of Enlightenment, Yang Yi could continue to practice. [

Therefore, Yang Yi urgently needs the water of enlightenment, and naturally hopes that there will be enough water of enlightenment, so he proposes that [-]% of the water of enlightenment is needed.

Moreover, Yang Yi knew that the owner of Lianshi Castle would definitely agree, otherwise, he would not be able to attack the Jiuchongshan tribe and expand Lianshibao's territory, which would be of no benefit to the two of them.

Fortress Lian Shi's expression changed, and after a long time, he took a deep look at Yang Yi, as if he had already made a decision, and then he breathed a sigh of relief and said, "Okay, just follow what Fellow Daoist Yang said, but This is the final plan, and Yang Daoyou will not be able to propose other distribution plans in the future."

Fortress Lianshi was afraid that Yang Yi would never stop, and he was always threatening to increase his share.

When Yang saw that the Lord Lianshi had agreed, he naturally nodded and said: "The owner can rest assured that this is the ideal distribution plan in Yang's heart, and he will never propose other distribution plans in the future."

After receiving Yang Yi's promise, even the castle master was obviously happy, and said with a big smile: "Haha, with the words of fellow Daoist Yang, I can rest assured, but before attacking the Jiuchongshan tribe, I still have more A sliver of doubt."

"Oh? What concerns?"

Lord Lianshi looked at Yang Yi, and then said in a deep voice: "Even though Patriarch Rock was defeated last time, he didn't die. Finding another divine body directly will not affect the strength much, if he joins forces with the Jiuchongshan tribe, it will be troublesome."

Yang Yi was taken aback for a moment, and then nodded secretly. Indeed, what the owner of Lianshi Castle said just now is really possible, and this is also a potential threat to Lianshibao. (To be continued.)

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