blood record

Chapter 1509 Hole Cards

Yang Yi and Patriarch Kuang Lei finally found the strange beast, but the strange beast in front of them made them all feel shocked, unparalleled shock.

The alien beasts in front of him were in groups, and at a glance, it seemed that they could not see the end. Roughly estimated, there should be at least a thousand alien beasts.

How terrifying are thousands of strange beasts?Yang Yi and Kuang Lei Patriarch couldn't even imagine it anymore. Even if they are not too powerful, if they form a large army and attack the land of Dao Zang, then no matter whether it is the indigenous tribe or the invader camp, they will not be able to fight these horrors. The undead beasts contend.

"What should we do? There are so many strange beasts, once they are alarmed, they will swarm up, and we will be in trouble!"

The ancestor Kuang Lei said in a low voice, in fact, if there are only these strange beasts, then he is not afraid, mainly because among the thousands of strange beasts, some of them have quite terrifying auras, which are obviously Different from ordinary beasts. [

Once these strange beasts are very powerful, they can compete against the top masters of the 49 divine patterns. If these strange beasts are alarmed by such a big fanfare, and when they are surrounded by these strange beasts, and the immortality of these strange beasts is added, then any strong person Will have a headache for it.

Yang Yi also felt awe-inspiring, if there were so many strange beasts in his world, even the world would be pierced, and there was no way to collect them.

If they are imprisoned one by one, and they don't have so much power, basically they can only imprison dozens or hundreds of strange beasts, which is already the limit. It has to be used to imprison these strange beasts.

"Too many are not enough. Just hundreds of strange beasts are enough, so we only captured hundreds of strange beasts this time, but be careful not to be surrounded by these strange beasts."

Yang Yi said in a low voice, he has already made up his mind, he can't let so many strange beasts go, this is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity, it's better to make some preparations in advance, who knows if there will be any strange beasts after leaving here ?

so.Still have to be prepared.Don't just think about luck and fluke.

Kuang Lei Patriarch also nodded, and he said in a low voice: "Okay, then we will go as fast as possible, once these strange beasts are imprisoned, we will leave immediately. We will never stay."

Kuang Lei Patriarch also knew how serious this matter was.Not daring to be careless, immediately, he made the first move.The lightning of corrosion instantly joined together and turned into a thunder net.


The thunder shook, and Yang Yi was also stunned to see it. This corrosive thunder is really powerful. Thousands of thunderbolts are connected into one piece, and they turned into a thunder net, which directly trapped a piece of strange beasts. Look, there are about a hundred or so, enough.

Although the Corrosion Thunder can't kill these strange beasts, it is not a problem to trap them. The ancestor of Kuang Lei shouted, and then he turned the Corrosion Thunder into a big net, and directly shot receive.


The thunder of corrosion turned into a large net, and immediately engulfed hundreds of strange beasts in it, and quickly dragged them back. Yang Yi did not dare to neglect, with a big hand, exhausted the power of destroying the gods, quickly Imprisoned these hundreds of strange beasts.

Then Yang Yi directly took all these strange beasts into the world in his body. These strange beasts have been imprisoned by the God-destroying power, and they can't make any waves. They just need to be reinforced every once in a while. A seal can guarantee in case of loss.

Yang Yi and Patriarch Kuanglei imprisoned and sealed hundreds of strange beasts in an instant by means of thunder, how could the rest of the strange beasts not be discovered?

As a result, all the strange beasts looked up to the sky and roared, and the roar was louder and louder. The power of thousands of strange beasts gathered was quite shocking, even Yang Yi and Kuang Lei Patriarch, the two Everyone is a super powerhouse among the 49 divine lines, standing at the pinnacle of the entire Dao Zang, and at this moment, he couldn't help his scalp tingling.

Especially among these strange beasts, there are some that are particularly huge in size, and their power is like the sea, unfathomable and surging. These strange beasts must be the best among thousands of strange beasts, very powerful.

The pressure these powerful alien beasts put on Yang Yi and Kuang Lei Patriarch was even more frightening. Deep down in Yang Yi's heart, he felt a strong sense of danger.

This feeling is really too strong, Yang Yi hasn't felt this kind of feeling for a long time, as if he is about to fall. [

"call out".

Suddenly, these strange beasts moved, opened their mouths wide one by one, spewed out a ball of light, as fast as lightning, and directly killed Yang Yi and Patriarch Kuanglei.

"No, let's go!"

With thousands of attacks, Yang Yi and Kuang Lei Patriarch both felt numb in their hearts, and they also felt the terrifying power contained in these rays of light. With the strength of the two of them, they may be able to resist one or two, but the absolute method lasts forever. .

However, these attack speeds are really too fast, and it is too late to leave now, so Yang Yi and Kuang Lei Patriarch no longer hesitated, and displayed their supernatural powers one after another.

"Xing Tian blood seal!"

"Thunder of Corrosion!"

Whether it was Yang Yi or Kuang Lei Patriarch, they all displayed their most powerful power one after another. Thunder flashes flashed one after another, and a huge bloody handprint fell from the sky, flashing a shocking aura.


The entire void is exploding, because there is no space, the power does not look spectacular, and many powerful energies are directly swallowed by the ubiquitous black holes around.

Yang Yi and Kuang Lei Patriarch not only had to deal with these strange beasts, but also had to take care of the surrounding black holes. Otherwise, once they were sucked into the black hole, no matter how great their supernatural powers were, they would inevitably be trapped in the black hole for the rest of their lives.

As a result, Yang Yi and Kuang Lei Patriarch soon became unable to do what they wanted, and Yang Yi was fine. Once he felt that he was going to be unable to hold on, he would immediately use his supernatural powers to devour a strange beast to replenish the divine power in his body.

However, Patriarch Kuanglei is not yyng, the divine power in his body can be used as little as possible. Once the divine power is exhausted, he is afraid that he will be killed by the attack of the strange beast or be sucked into the black hole. It doesn't make any difference.

"No, if we go on like this, we will only have a dead end, that's all, now that we have reached the end of the mountain, what else can the old man hide."

Kuanglei Patriarch seemed to have made up his mind, and his body suddenly began to flash with traces of electric light, which was really beautiful.

However, Yang Yi felt an aura that made him feel palpitations, as if there was an incomparable danger, and Yang Yi was not sure that he could resist it now.

At this time, Yang Yi realized that the number one elder of the Presbyterian Church was not that simple, and he still had the most terrifying trump card, once used, it would definitely be earth-shattering. (to be continued...)

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