blood record

Chapter 1510 Movement

Seeing the flashing energy ball in the hands of Kuanglei Patriarch, Yang Yi was shocked. Although he knew that the first elder in the Presbyterian Church must have reservations and means to save his life, until now, he Only then can we really see it.

It's just that Yang Yi didn't know what the method of Kuang Lei Patriarch was, what's more, these strange beasts now have hundreds of strange beasts, rushing forward mightily, no matter how powerful they are, they can't Some palpitations.

Yang Yi was worried that Kuang Lei Patriarch couldn't block so many strange beasts. Among the group of strange beasts, Yang Yi saw that there were some obviously huge in size, which should be the best among the strange beasts. These strange beasts, It is the biggest existence of wexe.

But looking back at Kuang Lei Patriarch, he didn't show any fear or fear, instead he looked up to the sky and laughed loudly: "Hahahaha, what's the fear of a mere strange beast? This is the old man who spent tens of thousands of years, from The source of thunder extracted from hundreds of millions of corroded thunders, the old man has basically understood the way of thunder, but even so, it took ten thousand years to obtain such a little source of thunder. It was cast when life and death were at stake, and now is just right!"

The Thunder of Corrosion is already very powerful, but this ball of energy is actually the source of thunder that Kuang Lei Patriarch spent tens of thousands of years gradually extracting from hundreds of millions of Corrosion Thunders. The power must be unimaginable. [

This is what Kuanglei Patriarch really saved his life. If he hadn't run out of water and couldn't replenish his divine power, Kuanglei Patriarch would never use the source of thunder, but now.He has no choice.

"The source of thunder, destroy it, explode!"

Following the roar of Kuanglei Patriarch, his hands moved forward fiercely, the source of thunder, and instantly blasted towards the front, almost exhausted of strange beasts.

This ball of energy was still only the size of a fist, but there were lightning flashes around it, which made Yang Yi feel terrified.

"Go. The original power of thunder is unimaginable. The farther you go, the better!"

Kuang Lei Patriarch said hastily, he is deeply aware of the power of the source of thunder, and he dare not delay, and go with Yang Yi.Quickly back away.In the blink of an eye, he retreated dozens of miles away.


Huge explosion.It rang, although there is no space here, but there is still a feeling of vibration.Countless black holes seem to be unable to withstand such a jule explosion, and the black holes just disappeared.

Those thousands of strange beasts were wiped out in the blink of an eye, and they were all turned into dross by the berserk force. They really deserved to be the source of thunder, and their power was astounding.

But that's all. These strange beasts are all immortal. Although they were blown into ashes by the source of thunder, but soon, there were traces of electric light flashing in the void. The alien beast appeared again.

The ancestor of Kuang Lei didn't show any shock on his face. The source of thunder can only temporarily stop these strange beasts, and he doesn't hope to kill them all.

"Okay, let's go!"

Kuang Lei Patriarch said in a low voice, his goal has been achieved, after stopping these strange beasts, he and Yang Yi rushed forward quickly.

At their speed, it was difficult for these strange beasts to catch up.

Because of the origin of thunder, the ancestor of Kuanglei consumed a lot of divine power, but he didn't regret it at all. He helped Yang Yi seal hundreds of strange beasts, and they didn't even need them for at least a few years. Worrying about the supernatural power, as long as they have supernatural powers to display, no matter how dangerous the place is, they have a sliver of protection.

Therefore, Patriarch Kuanglei and Yang Yi began to explore in the land of the Absolute Territory again.

The land of Absolute Territory, the vast border, seems to be full of yyng everywhere, poor black holes, poor and wide, as if there is no end, maybe staying here for a year, two or even decades, there is no serious problem.

However, if you stay in this silent world for hundreds of thousands of years, it will definitely drive any strong person crazy. Therefore, you have not been able to find any breath of life, nor have you found any Those gods and powerhouses involved in the space-time storm in the land of absolute dominance, the expressions of Patriarch Kuanglei all became depressed.

Besides, Patriarch Kuang Lei's divine power is slowly disappearing. Maybe he can persist now, but once the divine power disappears, he will become even more irritable. This is what Yang Yi doesn't want to see. [

"Huh? There seems to be movement ahead."

Just when Yang Yi and Patriarch Kuang Lei were about to feel desperate, they suddenly felt a wave of divine power in front of them.

They are too familiar with this kind of fluctuation of divine power, and the ancestor Kuang Lei was also a little overjoyed. As long as there is a fluctuation of divine power, it means that the other party is likely to be a god who cultivates divine power.

It has been several months since Yang Yi and Kuang Lei Patriarch came to this strange place. Apart from encountering strange beasts, they have no other life, especially when they were also involved in the land of extremity before. The gods, even none of them can be seen.

Originally thought that there might be no more gods here, but unexpectedly, there was a fluctuation of divine power in front of them, which made them overjoyed, and the ancestor Kuang Lei took the lead and flew forward crazily.

"Quick, quick, it's probably a god, our hope to get out of this ghost place!"

Patriarch Kuang Lei couldn't wait any longer. He didn't want to stay here anymore. There was chaos and chaos everywhere. He couldn't even kill a strange beast in the past few months. Where is the first elder of the Presbyterian Church? With the majesty and prestige of the two of them, I have long hoped to leave here and return to the place of Daozang, but Kuanglei Patriarch also knew that with the strength of the two of them, his eyes were smeared, and he didn't know that the Year of the Monkey would find a way to leave here.

But now, with a god, and it is very likely that the god has survived in the land of the absolute domain for a long time, the chances of them leaving here will be greatly increased.


The two quickly flew to the front. At this time, they could clearly feel the very violent fluctuations of divine power a few miles ahead. With the divine sense of the two of them, they could naturally see clearly that there were three gods in front, and they were still 49 gods with divine patterns.

However, both Yang Yi and Kuang Lei Patriarch felt strange, even unbelievable, that among the three gods, one of them was an ancestor-level master of the indigenous tribe.

Generally speaking, the indigenous tribes and the gods are incompatible with each other. When they meet, they will definitely fight to the death. But here, the three get along very well. When will the gods and the natives get along so well? (to be continued...)

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