blood record

Chapter 1511

In front of them were two gods from the invader camp and an ancestor-level powerhouse from an indigenous tribe. They were actually teaming up to deal with a strange beast.

This strange beast is the same as the strange beast that Yang Yi sealed into the inner world back then. It is immortal, and it will not die no matter how you beat it. Obviously, these three people are trying to find a way to suppress it by sealing it.

However, this strange beast is too powerful, almost comparable to superpowers with 49 to 49 divine patterns, and it also possesses the power of immortality. There is no way to suppress and seal this strange beast. After all, not everyone is as powerful as Kuang Lei Patriarch.

Kuang Lei Patriarch was very excited. They have been walking for a long time in this strange and desperate place, but they have never met the master of Dao Zang.

But now, I finally saw it. Although I felt a little confused, I didn't think much about it. I just wanted to gather with them immediately and understand what kind of weirdness this place was full of. [


Just when Patriarch Kuang Lei wanted to talk to these people, the strange beast suddenly seemed to go mad, with a powerful aura flashing all over his body, and with a single impact, he had already rushed out of the encirclement of the three people.

The faces of the three people changed, and they immediately shouted loudly: "Quick, don't let it escape, chase after it!"

It seems that this strange beast is very important to them, and they must not let it go, but once this strange beast breaks out of the encirclement, how can it sit still and wait for death?Naturally, at the fastest speed, he quickly fled to the distance.

Just when the three of them were desperate, Kuang Lei Patriarch made a move.He stomped on his whole body, as if the entire void was shaking, and then with five fingers, several flashes of lightning flashed, and a huge thunder net directly covered the fleeing beast .

Perhaps the corrosive thunder method killed this strange beast, but it was able to trap it successfully. The ancestor of Kuanglei even trapped a hundred strange beasts, let alone this mere one?


Trapped this strange beast.Afterwards, Patriarch Kuang Lei brought the strange beast with him.Fly to those three people.

There was a trace of shock on the faces of the three of them. The moment Kuang Lei Patriarch made a move, there was a thunderous force, which made them marvel at this strange beast that was difficult to suppress.Unexpectedly, it was easily suppressed by Kuang Lei Patriarch alone.It shows that Kuang Lei Patriarch is much stronger than them.

"Haha. Three fellow daoists, this strange beast must be very important to you, so I will give it to a few of you."

Kuang Lei Patriarch is not very interested in this mere strange beast.Besides, apart from Yang Yi's ability to refine these strange beasts, it was of no use to him, so he simply gave it to the three of them, which could also shorten the distance.

Sure enough, the three of them were wary of Kuang Lei Patriarch at first, but after Kuang Lei Patriarch gave them this strange beast, the faces of the three of them softened, and they began to show kindness.

"This fellow Taoist is very kind, I don't know where you come from?"

The three people looked at the words and expressions, and saw that Kuang Lei Patriarch looked a little weird, so they asked.

Kuanglei Patriarch did not hide anything, and sighed with a wry smile: "To be honest, I am in the land of the absolute land, and I was swept into the land of the absolute land by the storm of time and space. It has been several months so far. Outside of these strange beasts, I have never seen other people. I don’t know where this place is, and how to leave, etc. I am very happy to see you fellow Taoists today, and I can’t help but show up and talk to you. Fellow Daoists gather."

"What? You have been wandering alone in the Land of Extinction for several months?"

The three of them were inexplicably astonished, and their faces showed a look of shock, as if they had seen something unbelievable.

The old ancestor Kuang Lei smiled slightly: "Of course he is not alone, there is also a friend Yang Dao, who was also swept here by the storm of time and space together with the old man, and wandered here for several months in a daze. ah."

After all, the ancestor Kuang Lei sent a voice transmission to Yang Yi, asking Yang Yi to come out to meet him. Yang Yi had been observing the three of them from a distance, and found that there was nothing strange about the other party, so he calmed down and quickly Appeared and came to the side of Kuang Lei Patriarch. [

These three people are all masters of the 49 divine patterns, so they could see Yang Yi's cultivation at a glance, and they were even more surprised that they were only 48 divine patterns. I thought that I was able to wander in the land of Absolute Territory for several months, but it was all thanks to Kuang Lei's ancestor's supernatural powers that he was able to support until this time.

Yang Yi, who had 48 divine patterns, was directly classified as a burden by them, and he could not die because of the blessing of Kuanglei Patriarch.

Kuang Lei Patriarch just wanted to explain, but was secretly transmitted by Yang Yi: "Fellow Kuang Lei, you don't need to explain, we meet by chance, you don't need to talk to each other, and you still need to be careful. Now they only think that I am a mere 48 gods. People, but it couldn’t be better, and it won’t be too late to tell the truth after we understand in the future.”

Hearing Yang Yi's voice, Kuang Lei Patriarch also practiced for tens of thousands of years, so he could understand the meaning of Yang Yi's words, he must be cautious, let alone in such a strange and dangerous place.

Therefore, the ancestor of Kuang Lei did not explain any more, but continued to ask: "By the way, what is this place? It is said that the land of Absolute Territory is extremely dangerous. When we came here, we also encountered many dangers." , but fortunately escaped. But it can only last for a few months, there is no space here, no energy, our divine power is replenished, and we will soon be at the end of the mountain. But you are full of divine power, How is this going?"

Ancestor Kuanglei is most concerned about the issue of divine power. Although Yang Yi can refine alien beasts to supplement the power of extermination, it is Yang Yi's power after all, not Patriarch Kuanglei's. It must be very unreliable.

No matter how strong other people's power is, it belongs to others. If he lost his divine power, Kuang Lei Patriarch would definitely be worried, but now seeing the three people in front of him, with abundant divine power in their bodies, it seems that they are not afraid of consuming their divine power at all. There was a glimmer of hope in the heart of Kuang Lei Patriarch, could there be any way for these three people to replenish their divine power?

Hearing that Kuang Lei Patriarch asked many questions in a row, the three of them looked at each other in blank dismay, especially the two gods, who smiled wryly and said: "It's a long story, we were already destroyed by time and space 3000 years ago. The storm is involved here, let's go, go back to our cave, and I will explain to fellow Taoists in detail."

After all, the three of them flew forward with the suppressed strange beast, and Kuang Lei Patriarch and Yang Yi also looked at each other, and followed behind the three of them. (to be continued...)

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