blood record

Chapter 1514 Devour

As soon as Yang heard Qing Shan say that the lights of the Great Dao were all sealed in a large formation, he was shocked. Although he couldn't comprehend the lights of the Great Dao, they could be integrated into the Yuanshen, perhaps At that time, he will give birth to a completely immortal primordial spirit and give birth to a primordial spirit composed entirely of the light of the Dao.

But Yang Yi is also a little puzzled, since the light of the great way is so magical, why don't these people integrate the light of the great way into the primordial spirit?Thinking of this, Yang Yi raised his doubts.

Unexpectedly, Qingshan was stunned for a moment, and then smiled wryly: "The light of the great way merged into the primordial spirit? Is that fatal? In fact, we once had strong men who tried to integrate the light of the great way into the primordial spirit, making the primordial spirit become a harmonious Those alien beasts are yyng, immortal existences, but unfortunately, their primordial spirits can't bear the power of the light of the great way, once they are forcibly integrated, the primordial spirits will immediately shatter, and the gain outweighs the loss."

Hearing Qingshan's answer, Yang Yi also gradually pondered, the light of the great way can not be integrated into the primordial spirit by ordinary gods and strong men, but why can he integrate into the light of the great way, and not only one, but many ways, And until now, he didn't feel any danger, but it was a big help.

Through the integration of these Dao lights, Yang Yi did not say that he has formed an immortal soul, but he can also feel that the soul has gradually become stronger. Perhaps, if he continues to integrate into the Dao light, his soul will become stronger. It is truly immortal. [

Perhaps, if the number reaches a certain level, it can help him realize the magic of this avenue, and hopefully surpass the 49 avenues of divine patterns.

then.Yang Yi said to Qingshan: "Fellow Daoist Qingshan, can you let Yang take a look at these sealed Dao lights?"

Qingshan pondered for a while, but seeing Kuanglei Patriarch's face, he still nodded slightly, and then smiled: "Why is this difficult? Please!"

Thus, Qingshan brought Yang Yi and Patriarch Kuanglei outside another large formation, and with the change of his gesture, this large formation suddenly opened, revealing the lights of the Great Dao inside.

Although the light of these avenues has been sealed.But it does have the characteristics of immortality.Even if it has been sealed for hundreds of millions of years, it still cannot be destroyed. Yang Yi took a rough look and guessed what to say.There are also thousands of lights of the Way.It was far beyond his imagination.

but.Yang Yi still wanted to enter the formation, so he said to Qing Shan, "Can you let Yang go in for a look?"


Qingshan was in a bit of a dilemma, although the lights of the Great Dao were sealed.But the basis is very dangerous, and they still maintain some strength. Once they all rush out, relying on the characteristics of immortality, I'm afraid it will cause some wexe to them.

At this time, the Patriarch Kuanglei may have vaguely known Yang Yi's plan. Although he didn't know that Yang Yi could integrate the light of the Great Dao into the Yuanshen, he knew that Yang Yi could devour and refine those strange beasts. The light of the Great Dao must also have unimaginable benefits to Yang Yi.

Therefore, Patriarch Kuanglei also said to Qingshan: "This old man is not a simple fellow Taoist. Since he wants to see the light of these great avenues, then please ask fellow Taoist Qingshan to give him some convenience. And this old man will also be here, even if there are If there is a mistake, I believe it will not cause any trouble."

Qingshan nodded slightly when he heard Patriarch Kuanglei's words. He had already heard of Patriarch Kuanglei's reputation in Daozang. With the body of a strange beast and the existence of the corrosive thunder of the ancestor Kuanglei, it is easy to trap these lights of the avenue, and there is no difficulty at all.

Thinking of this, Qingshan slapped his big hand and pinched a few handprints in his hand, then the big formation slowly opened a gap, Yang Yi was overjoyed, and then he jumped into the big formation.

When Yang Yi entered the formation, some lights of the Great Dao inside seemed to have spirituality, and flew towards Yang Yi directly, Yang Yi didn't take any measures, just stood quietly in the void.

On the other hand, Qingshan and Qinghe who were outside were taken aback, and hurriedly wanted to open the big formation again, but when they pulled Yang Yi out from inside, they were stopped by Kuanglei Patriarch, who smiled slightly and said: "Just now, the old man forgot to tell The two fellow Taoists, this fellow Yang Dao, may have a way to get rid of these Dao lights, and this can be regarded as solving some troubles for you, isn't it?"

"Get rid of these lights of the Great Dao? How is it possible? Please forgive me, I'm afraid even you, fellow Daoist Kuanglei, can't deal with these lights of the Great Dao, let alone Yang Daoyou, a mere god with 48 divine lines. ?”

Qingshan shook his head slightly, he didn't believe that Yang Yi could get rid of these Dao lights, although these big lights were indeed troublesome, and they couldn't be eliminated, they could only be sealed and suppressed by expending strength. consume energy.

If it is really possible to get rid of these lights of the great way, that would be good. If you want to study the lights of the great way, there are still many lights of the great way in those strange beasts, which can be used for research at any time.

However, in the eyes of Qingshan and Qinghe, Yang Yilai is going to get rid of these Daoguangguang.

"That's not necessarily the case, let's see." [

Kuang Lei Patriarch is very confident in Yang Yi. With Kuang Lei Patriarch's repeated insistence, Qingshan did not open the big formation again. He wanted to pull Yang Yi back, so he joined Kuang Lei Pao Zu in the Outside, quietly watching Yang Yi's changes inside.

One, two, three...

There are three lights of the Great Dao, which seemed to be the first to discover Yang Yi, and rushed towards Yang Yi directly.

And Yang Yi didn't panic at all, even though the lights of the great way entangled him, he seemed to be in the light of the great way, and he was almost invisible.

But at this time, with a thought, Yang Yi immediately displayed his body's devouring power. Immediately, his body seemed to turn into a terrifying vortex, devouring everything around him, including these three avenues. Light.

The light of the Great Dao disappeared in an instant, and was directly swallowed into Yang Yi's body, and at the first moment, Yang Yi's primordial spirit had already moved into action, sucking in a big mouthful, like a black hole, quickly dispelling the three Dao's. The light is swallowed into the primordial spirit.

Soon, these three unruly and unruly lights of the Great Dao, which could not be wiped out, were actually closely combined with Yang Yi's soul, and completely integrated into Yang Yi's soul.

Outside the big formation, Qingshan and Qinghe were stunned. They looked at each other, as if they had seen something unbelievable. (to be continued...)

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