blood record

Chapter 1515 Time and Space Tides

Generally speaking, once the light of the Great Dao enters the body, it will immediately burst out with powerful force, quickly destroying the primordial spirit of the gods, making it hard to guard against.

However, Qingshan and Qinghe never imagined that someone would take the initiative to swallow the light of the Great Dao into their bodies, which is no different from courting death.

"This...Yang Daoyou really swallowed the light of the great way into his body? That is the light of the great way!"

Qing Shan stared at Yang Yi dumbfounded, and said in surprise.

Patriarch Kuang Lei wasn't too surprised, after all, he already knew that Yang Yi was able to devour those strange beasts, and most of them would be able to dissolve the light of the Great Dao.

No matter how surprised Qingshan, Qinghe and the others outside were, Yang Yi was still devouring the lights of the Great Dao one after another. He was like a long whale sucking water. Inhaled into the body, these avenues of light, after entering his body, quickly merged into the primordial spirit.

At this time, Yang Yi's primordial spirit has become more and more golden, and it is completely enveloped by the light of the great way. Yang Yi even has a feeling of being assimilated by the light of the great way, as if his own consciousness It is about to disappear, turning into a light of the purest avenue.

Aware of this feeling, Yang Yi did not dare to take it lightly, this is because the power of the light of the great way is at work, Yang Yi can indeed integrate the light of the great way into the soul, but with his soul as the main body, his consciousness is clear , That's why he dared to devour the light of these avenues unscrupulously.

If the light of the Dao is the main one, wouldn't even the primordial spirit disappear?Yang Yi will also face great danger.Therefore, Yang Yi immediately knew that he could not continue to devour so many lights of the Great Dao, and needed to take a good rest for a period of time, so that his primordial spirit could completely take the advantage, and integrate these lights of the Great Dao into the primordial spirit , Turning into the power of the primordial spirit, can continue to devour and refine the light of these avenues.

Otherwise, you can chew more than you can chew.On the contrary, it is not a good thing.

so.Yang Yi opened his eyes, at this moment, a flash of light flashed in his eyes, and he came out of the formation.Breathe all over.There have been some changes.Originally very restrained, it seemed that he would be ignored at any time.

But now, Yang Yi has an extremely dangerous feeling.Even Kuang Lei Patriarch is no exception, so even Kuang Lei Patriarch is very curious about Yang Yi. After all, Kuang Lei Patriarch didn't feel this way before. This shows that Yang Yi entered it just now. Having devoured some of the great light, there must have been some drastic changes.

Yang Yi saw Qingshan and Qinghe stunned, he smiled slightly and said: "Thank you two fellow daoists for allowing Yang to enter."

Just now he devoured at least one hundred Dao lights, which is a huge amount. One must know that Patriarch Kuanglei worked so hard to suppress hundreds of strange beasts. Yang Yi needs to consume these one hundred It is not easy to obtain so many lights of the Great Dao after all the beasts in the head are refined.

But he only spent an hour or two in this large formation.

Hearing Yang Yi's words, Qingshan and Qinghe finally came to their senses, they glanced at each other, and they could see the shock in each other's eyes.

At this time, these two people will no longer regard Yang Yi as a general god with 48 divine lines, that is the light of the great way, the light of the great way that countless people have talked about.

But the light of the Great Dao, which so many people can't help, was swallowed up by Yang Yi, who only had 48 divine patterns, and there didn't seem to be anything wrong with it.

Thinking of this, even if Qingshan and others have no eyesight, they still know Yang Yi's extraordinaryness. No wonder even Kuanglei Patriarch seems to faintly regard Yang Yi as a person of the same generation, and will not take advantage of Yang Yi.

"Fellow Daoist Yang, you are too polite. What is the light of the Great Dao? Anyway, it would be a waste to put these lights of the Great Dao in the big formation, and it would take a lot of effort to suppress them. If Fellow Daoists can help us get rid of these lights of the Great Dao, Then I have to thank fellow Daoist!"

Qingshan thought for a moment, even though he also knew the extraordinaryness of the light of the great way, after all, it was mouth-watering just because of its indestructible characteristics, what's more, the light of the great way also involved the 49 gods. If one can study the outer avenue thoroughly, one can almost reach the sky in one step, and maybe one can truly transcend the way of heaven.

Everyone knows that the light of the Great Dao is extraordinary, but there are no people who can really study the light of the Great Dao thoroughly.These avenues of light have been here for thousands of years, and they can only be placed here, wasting divine power to suppress them, who can solve them?

Therefore, Yang Yi has done them a great favor, moreover, it is definitely a good deal to be able to win over an expert who even Kuang Lei Patriarch treats them politely with these lights of the Great Dao.

The current Qingshan, Qinghe, and all the gods here hope to win over some superpowers, which will be of great help to the catastrophe they are about to face here.

There was a flash of light in Yang's eyes, and he could naturally hear the implication in Qingshan's words. If he could stay here, then Yang Yi could almost let Yang Yi ask for the light of the Dao in this big formation. It broke Yang Yi's mind.

Just now, Yang Yi only refined hundreds of lights of the Great Dao in just one or two hours. Just light, you can become a real immortal soul, which is also a great temptation for Yang Yi.

What's more, the more he refines the light of the Dao, the more he can feel the Dao of the escaped one. If he can comprehend this Dao, he will even be able to truly surpass the God of Chaos, Transcend the way of heaven and become the only one in this world.

Countless gods, hard practice, for what?The God of Chaos and the countless gods with 49 lines of gods, even for the water of enlightenment, have to fight to the death with the natives in the land of Taoism. What is the reason for this?

All of this, to the end, is just for the sake of detachment, transcending the way of heaven, becoming the only one in this world, even the God of Chaos is not detached, unable to grasp himself, so even though he is tyrannical, invincible, almost invincible, but in the end It also fell, maybe it fell in the hands of heaven, or it fell for other reasons.

In short, the God of Chaos has no detachment, and without detachment, he cannot truly control his own destiny, but now, Yang Yi has found a glimmer of hope of detachment in these avenues of light, how could he give up so easily?

There are too many lights of the Great Dao here, allowing him to refine with peace of mind, and he doesn't have to take the risk of looking for strange beasts everywhere in the land of extremity, why not do it?

Therefore, even if Qingshan and Qinghe didn't win him over, Yang Yi would find a way to stay here. Now that Qingshan and Qinghe are trying to win him over, Yang Yi will naturally go along with the flow and won't refuse.

However, he also needs to be clear that this place looks peaceful, but in fact both Qingshan and Qinghe seem to be a little anxious, as if something bad is about to happen.

This is not only noticed by Yang Yi, but also the ancestor of Kuang Lei. It seems that this place is not very peaceful.

So, Yang Yi asked: "Two fellow Taoists, do you have anything to do? If Yang can help, I will do my best to help. In this land of the Absolute Territory, we also help each other to leave the Absolute Territory. land.:"

"Leave the land of absolute domain?"

Hearing this, Qing Shan shook his head slightly, and smiled wryly, as if he seemed very helpless.

Now that Kuanglei Patriarch can recover his divine power, he is naturally most concerned about whether he can leave the land of Extinction and return to the land of Dao Zang, so he hurriedly asked: "What do you mean by this, fellow Taoist? Is it possible? Is it impossible to leave this absolute land?"

In Kuang Lei Patriarch's view, no matter how dangerous and mysterious this land of the Absolute Territory is, there are flaws in the end, and he will be able to return to the land of Daozang after all.

However, he seems to have forgotten that the Land of Absolute Territory has existed for tens of thousands of years. During these tens of thousands of years, the space-time storm has involved many superpowers. Kuang Lei Patriarch is not far away.

But now, no one has returned to the land of Dao Zang, which shows that this land of extremity must have a secret that is unknown, so that countless gods cannot leave here.

Qingshan glanced at Kuanglei Patriarch, then smiled wryly: "Leave? In fact, in a few months, we will be very lucky to be alive, let alone return to the place of Taoism. Two fellow Taoists came It's not really a coincidence that it just happened to catch up with the Land of Extinction, the space-time tide that occurs once every thousand years."

"Tides of time and space? Once every thousand years? What's going on here?"

Yang Yi's expression gradually became solemn, and he asked in a low voice. Seeing the helpless look on Qingshan's face, he knew that this might be a catastrophe. Even Qingshan, Qinghe and others with 49 divine patterns were also With such no confidence, the tide of time and space is definitely not simple.

Coming to such a strange place, and seeing a way to escape, Yang Yi became more cautious, because there are too many dangers here, once he encounters danger, even he may perish.

This time it was Qinghe who said: "The tide of time and space happens once every thousand years, and no one in the land of extremity will be spared. A tide of time and space is almost a devastating disaster. Those strange beasts are powerful enough, and the light of the great way is amazing." Almost all of them cannot be destroyed, but when encountering the tide of time and space, no amount of alien beasts is useless. The tide of time and space sweeps over, and these alien beasts are not even left with dross. That is to say, the tide of time and space has the ability to destroy the great road Guang, I don’t need to say more about how terrifying this is.”

Qing He explained in detail how terrifying the space-time tide is, and his tone was also very dejected, apparently a little desperate for this space-time tide. (To be continued..)

ps: [I thought it would be over before September, but I encountered some things, which caused the update to be weak, so I didn’t say anything. I will try my best to update this month, and try to write a happy ending...]

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