blood record

Chapter 1529 First Ancestor

The Thunder of Corrosion is most suitable for large-scale battles. When a piece of thunder is cast, thousands of strong people will be wiped out by the Thunder of Corrosion. Back then, the indigenous tribes did not know how much they had suffered under the Thunder of Corrosion. deficit.

Therefore, when they saw the Corrosion Thunder again, they were naturally afraid and did not dare to take a step forward.

"The Thunder of Corrosion, it should be the reappearance of Kuang Lei Patriarch."

"Ancestor Kuanglei used to hide very deeply. It wasn't until recently that we realized that he was actually the first elder of the despicable invaders. He is powerful and the soul of the elders. He must have appeared at this moment. Prepare to put all your eggs in one basket and have a decisive battle with us."

"If we want to deal with Kuang Lei Patriarch, we definitely can't do it, we still need the First Patriarch to take action." [

These native masters all turned their gazes to the back. The reason why they were able to kill countless invaders at such a terrifying speed in such a short period of time was because of their mysterious first ancestor. .

Not only the native masters looked at the first ancestor, but even Kuanglei Patriarch, Yang Yi and others also looked behind the indigenous tribe, and they were also trying to find out the location of the first ancestor.

"Thunder of Corrosion? Interesting, it is actually possible to control this kind of thunder, which surprised me..."

Suddenly, a fluttering sound sounded, as if it was far away in the sky, but it seemed to be right in front of you, making it impossible for people to know the direction of the sound.

Hearing this sound, Yang Yi and Kuang Lei Patriarch immediately became vigilant, they obviously already knew it.The owner of this sound must be the First Ancestor they have been looking for all along, and also their biggest enemy today!

"call out".

Before I saw the figure of the first ancestor, I only saw a thick finger, shuttled through layers of space, and appeared directly in front of the thunder net arranged by Kuanglei ancestor, and then, this A finger hit the thunder net woven by the thunder of corrosion, which was indestructible and almost invincible.It split open instantly.And it disappeared in the blink of an eye.

The thunder of corrosion was broken by the opponent's finger, and the masters of the entire indigenous tribe cheered loudly. Since their first ancestor appeared.Always invincible.Can't attack.Aboriginal tribes have established absolute confidence.

Kuang Lei Patriarch was even more frightened, even though it had been predicted that he would definitely not be the opponent of the First Patriarch.But just now he actually still had a bit of a competitive heart, so he used the thunder of corrosion.

The thunder of corrosion was broken by the first ancestor with one finger. It is enough to see the gap between the ancestor of Kuanglei and the first ancestor. It is almost a big difference. Even the ancestor of Kuanglei was hit hard. He smiled and said: "The old man still thinks that he is a strong man standing at the peak, even comparable to the God of Chaos, but now it seems that the God of Chaos has reached an unknown level, how can he What can this old man compare to? Just this first ancestor, the defeated generals of the God of Chaos are not as good as..."

Yang Yi's expression is also very serious, he also saw the power of the first ancestor, he broke the corrosive thunder of Kuanglei ancestor with one finger, Yang Yi can also do it now, but it is almost the limit, which shows that this first ancestor The First Ancestor is really a formidable enemy, unfathomable.

However, Yang Yi also comforted Kuanglei Patriarch: "The first ancestor was just playing tricks. After all, he is a super strong man who fought against the God of Chaos and survived. The Thunder of Corrosion is not a difficult task, besides, there is Yang here, just with his finger just now, I already know his general strength, after all, I have a certain chance of winning!"

"Oh? Elder Yang has a chance of winning?"

Patriarch Kuanglei was startled, and hurriedly raised his head to ask Yang Yi, what he was most worried about was that this time, he suffered a crushing defeat, causing the entire invader camp to lose its last foundation. If that time really came, it would be truly devastating. The blow is unbearable for all gods.

But now that Yang Yi is actually confident that he has a slight chance of winning, Kuang Lei Patriarch is naturally delighted.

Yang Yi smiled slightly, nodded his head and said: "There is a chance of winning, but the specifics will not be known until we actually fight with the first ancestor. Alright, let me deal with the first ancestor."

After all, Yang Yi stepped forward slightly, almost spanning several times and space, and in the blink of an eye, he came to the sky above the indigenous tribe, which immediately caused panic among the many masters of the indigenous tribe below.

"Kill, kill this intruder!"

Some indigenous ancestors have already started to act, displaying supernatural powers, preparing to kill Yang Yimie, but for these ancestors, Yang Yi didn't take them seriously at all. He only stretched out one hand, the white palm, and turned it slightly, He whispered in his mouth: "Destroy!" [


An unparalleled force, as if the entire space was imprisoned, everyone was suppressed by an unparalleled mountain, and the bodies of countless aborigines began to collapse and explode. Tens of thousands of native masters fell.

And this is just Yang Yi's blow. This is one of the avenues that Yang Yi has condensed 49 divine patterns to prove, the Dao of Destruction, and the Dao of Destruction corresponds to the new life.

Destruction and rebirth are opposite to each other, but they also complement each other. It is the first time that Yang Yi has displayed the power of the Dao that he has confirmed, and he has achieved success in the first battle. The thunder of corrosion is much stronger.

For a time, mourning was everywhere, and many masters of the indigenous tribes retreated crazily, not daring to take a step forward at all, and the gods who were very frustrated because the corrosive thunder of the ancestor Kuanglei didn't work just now, But he was dumbfounded, looking at Yang Yi in the sky in disbelief.

In fact, the strength of the Presbyterian Council this time is not bad. Yang Yi brought back seventy gods with 49 divine patterns from the land of Absolute Territory. Such a force can even control the entire battle situation. Not inferior to the native tribes.

What is really worrying is the mysterious first ancestor of the indigenous tribe. He is a super strong man of the same era as the God of Chaos. He can even fight against the God of Chaos without dying. Now he suddenly wakes up, and his strength is far beyond the average 49 gods. The strong man in the Presbyterian Church has no idea.

Now that Yang Yi has proved that he can almost compete with the first ancestor, how can he not be exciting?

"God of Chaos... You have the breath of the God of Chaos on your body. How long has it been? I haven't felt this familiar breath for a long, long time..."

A figure suddenly appeared in front of Yang Yi, confronting Yang Yi in the void, even Yang Yi didn't know how the other party appeared.

He is the first ancestor that the entire indigenous tribe is proud of! (to be continued...)

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