blood record

Chapter 1530: The Avenue of Destruction


The first ancestor of spn, Yang Yi, has heard the name of the first ancestor almost every day since he returned to Daozang. He is naturally very interested in this super strong man who has fought against the God of Chaos.

The two faced each other in the void, and neither of them spoke, but the confrontation in their eyes could make any 49 gods of the gods feel terrified.

The First Ancestor was dressed in a blue robe and had a fair complexion. He looked like a middle-aged man, and there was no frightening aura in his body.

But even so, Yang Yi didn't dare to underestimate it, because even he couldn't see clearly the reality of the first ancestor, he just felt a sense of danger.

"You are the first ancestor?" [

In the end, Yang Yi said lightly, his voice echoing in the void.

The First Ancestor took a long time before slowly replying: "That's right, I have just woken up, and I am about to send my troops to drive out all of you invaders... But I didn't expect to meet the descendant of the God of Chaos, haha, what a misfortune!" People, when the God of Chaos wounded me, I disappeared without a trace, but left a successor, if I killed his descendant, I would be angry, haha!"

The First Ancestor was still calm and breezy just now, and he didn't seem to have much momentum, but with his big laughter, his whole body was like a gust of wind swirling crazily around his whole body.

This is the real first ancestor, the superpower who dominates the heavens, conquers the enemy, and was able to fight against the God of Chaos back then!Although the First Ancestor regarded Yang Yi as the inheritor of the God of Chaos, in fact, there were only Chaos Axe and Chaos Mansion.Yang Yi didn't inherit any other inheritance from the God of Chaos at all.

It would be biased to say that Yang Yi is the inheritor of the God of Chaos, but Yang Yi doesn't care about these things, he cares more about the whereabouts of the God of Chaos.

For a long time, there have been rumors that the God of Chaos has fallen, otherwise there would be no news, but with the improvement of Yang Yi's strength, he gradually felt that it would not be that simple, the God of Chaos might not have fallen yet.Instead, look for a way to escape.Even detached.

Of course, this is just Yang Yi's guess. The first ancestor in front of him is undoubtedly a powerhouse of the same generation as the God of Chaos.And fought too.Perhaps he has a deeper understanding of the God of Chaos.

"First ancestor. Do you know the whereabouts of the God of Chaos?"

Yang kept asking straightforwardly, while the First Ancestor pondered for a while, and a gleam flashed in his eyes.He said in a low voice: "God of Chaos? Hehe, I also want to find him. He competed with me for something that can transcend, but I failed. If he didn't transcend, he should have fallen, but If you are detached, then you must have gone to that place..."

"Where?" Yang Yi asked hastily.

The First Ancestor's eyes froze, but he sneered and said, "When I capture you, I will tell you!"

The First Ancestor did not directly answer the whereabouts of the God of Chaos, but he obviously knew the whereabouts of the God of Chaos very well. Thinking of this, Yang Yi calmed down, and his expression became more serious.

"Okay, then let Yang come to experience the supernatural powers of the first ancestor!"

The 49 divine lines all over Yang Yi's body suddenly appeared on top of his head, and each divine line was so huge that any god would feel ashamed after seeing it, including the first ancestor. He saw the top of Yang Yi's head Shen Wen's expression also changed abruptly, and his whole body's aura was raised again, showing that he attaches great importance to Yang Yi.

The battle between the two supreme powerhouses was imminent, and Kuanglei Patriarch and the others were not idle. Seeing that Yang Yi temporarily restrained the First Patriarch, they led many masters in the Presbyterian Council, plus The seventy gods with 49 lines of gods brought back from the land of the Absolute Territory rushed directly to the edge, where many masters of the densely packed indigenous tribes.

Kuanglei Patriarch took the lead, with the Corrosion Thunder flashing beside him, and rushed directly into the crowd of the indigenous tribes. Anyone who touched the Corrosion Thunder around him was directly blown to pieces by the Corrosion Thunder. Even Yuanshen There was no chance of escape.

With the example of Kuanglei Patriarch, the many gods behind were even more desperate, and their momentum surged, like a torrent, rushing into the indigenous tribe. The two tribes, tens of thousands of masters, immediately fought. The supernatural powers one by one are overwhelming, almost breaking the space and shaking the world.

It has been too long since such a big battle has happened. All along, the indigenous tribes and the invader camp have been almost evenly matched. Even though it is cruel to compete for the fountain of enlightenment, it has not been as fierce as it is now. Many masters participated.

The current war is a real decisive battle, a life-and-death war! [

Compared to below, many masters' supernatural powers erupted overwhelmingly, and the sky was darkened. In the void, Yang Yi and the first ancestor confronted each other, and they didn't jle display their supernatural powers.

Although they didn't do anything, there was no one within a hundred miles of the void around them. Neither the native tribes nor the masters of the invader camp dared to approach the two of them within a hundred miles. Inside is the battle place reserved for Yang Yi and the First Ancestor.

With the supernatural power of the two of them, once there is a battle, it will definitely destroy the world. No one will be stupid enough to get too close to them, and it will almost be death for nothing.

Yang Yi was brewing aura all over his body. The God Extinguishing Power in his body had almost reached an extreme level. Once it erupted, it would definitely be the most terrifying.

And the First Ancestor is obviously brewing momentum. If at the beginning, the aura on his body only made Yang Yi feel a little dangerous, then now, it almost makes Yang Yi feel suffocated. That kind of pressure is something that Yang Yi has never I have never encountered it before, even if I faced the terrifying space-time tide back then, I was not as suffocated as I am now.

"Yang has just confirmed his way, and he still wants to ask the first ancestor to try!"

In the end, Yang Yi spoke slowly, and he took the lead.

"The Way of Destruction!"

Following Yang Yiyi's palm strike, the entire sky seemed to be darkened, and all the stars, sun and moon seemed to be completely smashed under this palm.

The exhausted space was not shattered at this moment, but was completely frozen, unable to move at all, as if the whole world was still.

The way of destruction, everything is destroyed!This is one of the two avenues proven by Yang Yiyin, the avenue in charge of destruction! (to be continued...)

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