blood record

Chapter 1534

ps: [The finale of the last chapter and the new book will be released tomorrow. Thank you for your company for two and a half years. Now, the blood record has finally come to an end...]

Arriving at the land of the absolute domain, the First Ancestor became quiet instead. Yang saw clearly that the First Ancestor seemed very anxious before entering the Land of Absolute Domain.

"This is the land of the absolute domain? Haha, this seat has already felt the breath of the Great Dao Disk, it is really the breath of the Great Dao Disk. Back then, this seat had obtained the Great Dao Disk for some time. The breath is all too familiar, this is the breath of the Dao Disk..."

The First Ancestor said firmly.

"The Disk of the Great Dao?"

Although Yang Yi was already prepared in his heart, he was still very excited when he heard the First Ancestor personally say that there was aura of the Great Dao Disk here.

"Then how should we find the Disk of the Great Dao?"

Although Yang Yi was excited, he quickly thought of a difficult problem. The land of the impermanent domain was so vast that their divine senses couldn't check it at all, so how could they find the plate of the great way in the vast land of the imperiled domain?

The First Ancestor pondered for a while, as if he was confident and not in a hurry, he sneered: "If you want to find the Dao Disk, you still have to rely on fellow Taoists."

"How did Yang find the Disk of the Great Dao?"

Yang Yi frowned. Although he possessed two ways of destruction and rebirth, it would be a fool's dream to find the disk of the great way. What's more, he had never even seen the disk of the great way, so how could he find the disk of the great way? ?

The first ancestor looked into the distance.It seemed extremely deep, and said in a low voice: "It's very simple, the primordial spirit of fellow Taoist has been completely condensed by the light of the great way, in fact, the light of the great way is emitted from the disc of the great way, and has a close relationship with the disc of the great way. Contact, you only need to follow the call from your primordial spirit, and you will definitely be able to find the Dao Disk."


Yang Yi calmed down carefully. When he was in the land of the Absolute Territory, he didn't feel any call.But since the first ancestor said that there is a call.It is very likely that there is a call, maybe the former Yang Yi just ignored it.

Yang Yi's heart was originally very complicated, all kinds of thoughts were very chaotic, so at this moment he calmed down.It also took a long time.

Gradually.When Yang Yi's heart really calmed down.Yang Yi finally discovered the difference. Deep in his heart, he really felt a trace of calling.He didn't feel it at first, but after he experienced the calling personally, he felt that the calling seemed to be right in front of him.

Seeing the startled change in Yang Yi's expression, the First Ancestor seemed to have known it for a long time. He smiled lightly and said with excitement on his face: "It seems that Fellow Daoist has succeeded. As long as you follow the The calling of the heart, the Dao Disk will definitely be found! Alright, now it’s up to fellow Taoists.”

There was also a hint of anticipation in the excited expression of the first ancestor.


Yang Yichang breathed a sigh of relief, and began to follow the words of the first ancestor, gradually calmed down, and carefully identified the direction according to the subtle call in his heart.


Yang Yi closed his eyes, two great powers of destruction and rebirth appeared on his body, surrounding Yang Yi, even if he encountered a space-time storm, he couldn't help him.

Therefore, with safety guaranteed, Yang Yi closed his eyes, followed the call in his heart, and flew directly and quickly in a certain direction.

Yang Yi flew very fast, because he felt more and more intensely, that sense of calling was ahead, and even Yang Yi didn't know where he was flying.

Behind Yang Yi, the fiery look in the eyes of the First Ancestor became more and more intense, to the point of faint fanaticism. He glanced at Yang Yi, as if he was restraining something.


Yang Yi and the first ancestor flew to a void and stopped. Yang Yi opened his eyes, and what he saw was a terrifying storm. This storm pierced into the sky, connecting the sky and the earth, lying across In the darkness, within hundreds of miles around, there is no space-time storm.

Such a strange scene naturally surprised Yang Yi and the First Ancestor, and what Yang Yi felt most strongly was actually in this storm.

"Yang Daoyou, are you sure you are here?"

The First Ancestor was obviously already a little anxious.

"Yes, it's right here. It's very likely that it's inside the storm. There's nothing wrong with this feeling." Yang Yi said firmly, absolutely sure that the feeling in his soul would never be wrong.

"Okay, if that's the case, open it for me!"

The first ancestor took a step ahead, striding over a few feet, and then flew into the void, slashing down with his big hand.


The entire land of Absolute Territory seemed to be shaking, and under the berserk power of the first ancestor, this terrifying storm began to become chaotic and split into countless storms.

And after the gust dissipated, the two saw a ray of light, which shot up into the sky, like a dazzling golden light, which made Yang Yi's heart throb.

"Haha, it's really the Disk of the Great Dao, God of Chaos, haha, you really failed to transcend the Dao of Heaven, and the Disk of the Great Dao has returned to my hands."

The first ancestor had quick eyesight and quick hands, and flew towards the center of the storm in an instant, and he slapped back violently, a mass of breath changed instantly, swelled up like a balloon, and finally became exactly the same as the first ancestor. Even the breath on the body is almost the same.

"not good!"

Yang Yi was startled, of course he knew the plan of the First Ancestor, he came to the Land of Absolute Territory for the sake of the Dao Disk, naturally it is impossible to sit back and watch the Dao Disk be obtained by the First Ancestor.

But one step is slow, every step is slow, the first ancestor was one step ahead of Yang Yi, and the first ancestor was even prepared, with an avatar to resist Yang Yi.

Although this incarnation couldn't resist for a long time, it was enough for the First Ancestor to get the Dao Disk.


Without hesitation, Yang Yi unleashed the Dao of Destruction, the terrifying black power of destroying the gods, which directly turned into a storm, smashing the first ancestor's incarnation to pieces.

However, at this moment, the ecstatic voice of the first ancestor sounded: "Haha, the plate of the great way, this seat finally got the plate of the great way, it has been hundreds of millions of years, this seat has worked hard, and finally got it The Disk of the Great Dao, the God of Chaos, haha, when you and I were in a life-and-death struggle, so what if you got the Disk of the Great Dao first?"

The First Ancestor's face was blushing at this time, and he had already fallen into ecstasy, even faintly mad. He held the plate of the Great Dao exuding golden light in his left hand, and then pressed it hard with his big hand, directly pressing the plate of the Great Dao into it. Within his primordial spirit.

This is the First Ancestor directly refining the Dao Disk. (To be continued..)

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