blood record

Chapter 1535

Yang Yi frowned, the sense of calling in his soul was even stronger, but deep in his heart, there was a terrifying sense of danger, which made him stop. There seems to be some danger in the disk.

However, the first ancestor didn't seem to notice this at all, and was still frantically refining the Dao Disk.

"Is it finally here?"

Suddenly, an erratic voice appeared, which seemed to appear directly in Yang Yi's mind, extremely clear.

When the First Ancestor heard this voice, his expression changed drastically. He raised his head abruptly and shouted with a ferocious expression, "God of Chaos, are you still alive?"

"The first ancestor? It turned out to be you. After so many years, you have recovered, and you have brought one of the hundreds of millions of gods here. Yes, yes. From this point of view, this seat retains you A trace of true spirit, let you reincarnate."

The sound was vicissitudes and unpredictable.

Yang Yi was already prepared in his heart. This voice was actually the God of Chaos. Didn't the First Ancestor say that if he got the Dao Disk, he would definitely be able to transcend the Dao of Heaven?Either fail or succeed, why is the God of Chaos still here?

Just when Yang Yi and the First Ancestor were wondering, the plate of the Great Dao, which was originally emitting golden light, suddenly emitted a streak of black, with some red mixed in the middle.

This ray of red light faintly condenses a figure, which is the God of Chaos!

The God of Chaos actually hides in the Dao Disk, and appears as soon as it appears.Then he pinched the primordial spirit of the first ancestor, and squeezed it hard, the first ancestor screamed, his whole body seemed to be wrapped by the gods of chaos, and his body became riddled with holes.


The god body and soul of the first ancestor were all annihilated, leaving only a little true spirit, which was thrown into the dark reincarnation. Fall into reincarnation.

but.Once caught in reincarnation.That is very scary, all the things from the previous life have disappeared, and if you want to practice again.Almost impossible.

"You finally came."

The plate of the avenue gradually floated up.Then a figure slowly walked out from inside.Yang Yi took a closer look, and found that this figure was somewhat similar to himself, but his eyes were deeper.The breath in his body is even more unpredictable, no worse than Yang Yi.

"You know Yang?"

Yang Yi was already extremely vigilant in his heart, the God of Chaos gave him the feeling that it was very dangerous, and he didn't have much confidence in defeating the God of Chaos.

"Not only do you know? You are one of the hundreds of millions of seeds broadcast by this seat. At the beginning, this seat refined the plate of Dao Dao, but found that it could not be refined at all. Dao Dao, it is really difficult to comprehend and transcend, too Difficult. This seat thought of a way, almost divided half of the primordial spirits, turned them into hundreds of millions, and flew to various places, only waiting for them to merge with this seat when they cultivated to 49 divine patterns one day , to help me! And you are one of them!"

The God of Chaos' eyes were very deep, revealing wisdom, but it shocked Yang Yi's heart.

This news was too shocking. He could never have imagined that he was actually one of the billions of Primordial Spirits of the God of Chaos, and was just a pawn arranged by the God of Chaos.

"you do not believe?"

The God of Chaos seemed to be able to understand Yang Yi's deepest thoughts, and smiled slightly: "Actually, you are not the first person who has cultivated to 49 divine patterns. Hundreds of millions of years ago, several people also cultivated to 49 Dao god pattern, and under the guidance of this seat, came here, you are the ninth!"

"I am the ninth? What about the other eight?"

Yang Yi's heart trembled violently, he had a bad premonition, this God of Chaos was too scheming and too powerful, which made Yang Yi deeply afraid.

"Other people? They have naturally returned to the deity. I have transformed the primordial spirit into hundreds of millions. Isn't it just waiting for them to come here to be fused by me after they have cultivated to the extreme? You are all clones of me. This seat is your deity, you should all return to this deity, and then with your strength, this seat will be able to break the shackles, forcibly refine the disk of the Dao, comprehend the Dao, and transcend the way of heaven!"

The God of Chaos' tone became more and more severe, and faintly, his aura became stronger, and he directly pressed towards Yang Yi.

Yang Yi already understood that the other eight people should have been devoured by the God of Chaos. This God of Chaos is extremely dangerous, but Yang Yi still has doubts: "Why did you do this?"

"Why? Haha, it's okay to tell you. From my point of view, the plate of the great way cannot be refined at all. At least ordinary people will never be able to refine it. But who is this seat? This seat came from chaos and was born The day is earlier than the way of heaven, why should I submit to the way of heaven? Therefore, I have been deliberate and spent countless years of effort, waiting for you incarnations to grow up one by one, and all of them will be integrated into the body of this seat. At that time, this seat has unparalleled power, and can forcibly refine the plate of the great way, so as to reach the point of transcending the way of heaven!"

After a pause, the God of Chaos looked at Yang Yi with excitement on his face, and continued: "I didn't expect it, I really didn't expect it. I thought I would have to wait for hundreds of millions of years to devour at least twelve years." Only when you respect the avatar of the 49 divine patterns can you hope to refine the Dao Disk, but you are different, your power is too strong, if you are integrated, this seat will definitely be able to refine the Dao Disk in advance, haha."

The God of Chaos seemed to exude some kind of charm, which made Yang Yi involuntarily feel kind. His primordial spirit seemed to fly out and directly enter the body of the God of Chaos.

Yang Yi's heart trembled, he knew that the God of Chaos was using his own power to integrate Yang Yi into his body, but how could Yang Yi let the God of Chaos do what he wanted?

"God of Chaos, even if Yang used to be your incarnation, but how much of your primordial spirit is split out, how much is left? Yang now masters the two avenues of destruction and rebirth, and understands 49 avenues. It is already How can an independent individual be at your mercy?"

With Yang Yi's current strength, he would not be at the mercy of the God of Chaos at all. In fact, not only Yang Yi, but even other gods, even if they were reincarnated from someone's primordial spirit, would not be manipulated by other people. at the mercy of.

After all, once you understand the Dao, even if it is a Dao.He embarked on the road of detachment.Everything is controlled by oneself, not controlled by others at all, and is completely independent.

The God of Chaos narrowed his eyes slightly, with a hint of murderous intent flickering faintly.

"Not bad. Not bad. Your strength is very good. In fact, those eight people, like you, refused to return to the body of the deity. Some people were even ambitious and wanted to replace the deity, but they all failed in the end. Do you know why?"

Seeing that the God of Chaos is still calm and breezy up to now, Yang Yi became more vigilant, his whole body was on guard, and he was even ready to escape temporarily.

Yang Yi didn't answer the God of Chaos' question, but stared at the God of Chaos.

The God of Chaos grinned lightly, but this smile made people feel icy cold: "Because they were all forcibly merged by me with great power, and you can't escape!"

After all, the Chaos God's aura surged, and his aura became ten times stronger in the blink of an eye. The terrifying aura even made Yang Yi suffocate.

Powerful, really too powerful, this is the most powerful existence Yang Yi has encountered so far, even the first ancestor before, who had fought against the God of Chaos, seemed too weak Some, simply cannot compare with the God of Chaos.

"Haha, this seat has fused eight superpowers, plus the original strength of this seat, who can compete?"

The God of Chaos laughed, and Yang Yi was also extremely anxious. Indeed, with the fusion of eight avatars whose strength had reached the peak, the God of Chaos' strength had reached an unfathomable level.

However, Yang Yi is not incapable of fighting!

"Avenue of Destruction!"

Yang Yi knew that today's battle was inevitable, and it was more like a battle of fate.

A black extinguishing power blasted towards the God of Chaos, but it was dissipated invisible by the God of Chaos with a light flick. Afterwards, Yang Yi used the power of Xinsheng Dao, but it was still easily dispelled by the God of Chaos.

Yang Yi reckoned that the power of the God of Chaos was about three times that of his. It was so strong that Yang Yi had no strength to fight back at all.

"Return, it is your destiny to return to the original deity, return, I am you, you are me, only return, we are complete!"

In Yang Yi's mind, this voice appeared in a trance again. After all, the influence of the God of Chaos on Yang Yi was still there. Therefore, he activated the power of the Primordial Spirit, and Yang Yi immediately felt a little groggy.

Before he knew it, Yang Yi's whole body was drifting toward the God of Chaos. His whole body was suppressed by the God of Chaos, and he couldn't move at all.

"Haha, the time is right, the ninth clone!"

The God of Chaos was overjoyed, so he sucked Yang Yi into his body with a big mouthful. He felt the berserk force impacting wantonly in his body, as if smashing the world into pieces.

"It's so powerful..." The God of Chaos said with emotion

"Yes, it is indeed powerful."

At this moment, another sound came out, and the face of the God of Chaos changed drastically. He checked immediately, and then his face became even paler. It turned out that Yang Yi, who was sucked into his body, had not been completely wiped out. God has become black and white, which are the two avenues of destruction and rebirth.

No matter how it is destroyed, it can be reborn. In a sense, Yang Yi is an immortal existence, which is much stronger than the undead golden body of the witch clan back then.

Originally, Yang Yi's strength was not as strong as that of the Primordial God, but the tenacity of his Primordial Spirit was far stronger than that of the Primordial God. Therefore, the Chaos God sucked Yang Yi into his body and prepared to fully integrate into the Primordial Spirit. cast a net.

"God of Chaos, you are right. You and I are originally one and should be fused together. However, I, Yang Yi, should be in charge! Don't worry, I will fulfill my wish, I will refine the Dao Disk, and I will Detachment, no longer bound by the way of heaven!"

Yang Yi's voice was indifferent and ruthless, the God of Chaos was almost mad, but it didn't have any effect, Yang Yi's small soul had already completely attached to the God of Chaos.

If Yang Yi's primordial spirit is just a small stream, then the primordial spirit of the god of chaos is the vast ocean, and the stream can only flow into the sea and become a part of the sea. How can the sea become a part of the stream?

If Yang Yi wants to grow up with snacks, he naturally has his own unique features. His destruction and rebirth are like this. In the endless destruction, his primordial spirit began to destroy the primordial spirit, which is as terrifying as the sea, the God of Chaos. Yang Yi's primordial spirit began to repair these damaged primordial spirits again.

Originally, Yang Yi and the God of Chaos were one, so what Yang Yi wanted to destroy was not the God of Chaos, but the consciousness of the God of Chaos, and Yang Yi's consciousness should occupy the main body.

Therefore, Yang Yi continued to destroy and restore the primordial spirit of the God of Chaos. During the process of destruction and restoration, the consciousness of the God of Chaos finally completely disappeared, and the entire body of the god, even the primordial spirit, was lost again. Without consciousness, he became a walking dead.

At this time, Yang Yi can openly and aboveboard merge with the primordial spirit of the god of chaos, so the creek gradually merged into the sea and became a part of the sea.

However, the will to control the sea is already Yang Yi!

"It's so powerful, is this the power of fusing nine clones?"

I don't know how long it took, Yang Yimeng opened his eyes, and he could clearly feel the movement of heaven, as if a layer of invisible shackles were on his body, which was very uncomfortable.

"It's no wonder that the God of Chaos has always dreamed of detachment. It turns out that the feeling of being bound by the heavens is so disgusting..."

Yang Yi muttered to himself, only when he has truly experienced the shackles of the heavens, will he eagerly yearn to transcend the heavens. After all, if he does not transcend, he will always be bound by the heavens, and even this kind of shackles are far stronger than ordinary people. many.

"The Dao is only disk, refining!"

Yang Yi grasped it with both hands, holding the Dao Disk in his hands. At this moment, he already had extremely strong strength, and he didn't need to comprehend the Dao at all, but directly forcibly refined it.


The disc of the Great Dao seemed to be whimpering like a child, but Yang Yi was unmoved, he was forcibly comprehending the Dao Dao.

Finally, the plate of the Great Dao turned into fragments and completely disappeared, and the 49 Great Dao above Yang Yi's head finally added another one, and gradually became clearer.

The fifty avenues are perfectly integrated into one body, and Yang Yi exudes a round and perfect feeling all over his body.

At this time, Yang Yi could no longer feel the restraint of the Dao of Heaven, and he even had a feeling that he could easily smash the Dao of Heaven to pieces.

But Yang Yi didn't do that, the way of heaven maintains the movement of heaven and earth, maintains the reincarnation of all creatures, this is a complete world.

"Maybe, I don't belong here anymore."

Yang Yi raised his head and looked at the sky. He felt that there seemed to be a wider world beyond the Dao of Heaven...

(End of the book) (To be continued...)

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