blood record

Chapter 155 The Polar Seed

"dong dong dong"

Suddenly, Yang Yi heard a drumbeat.

The sound of the drum was deep and deep, penetrating the poor space, and the idle monks who were flying were also aware of it.


Suddenly, groups of monks appeared in front of them. These monks' cultivation bases were uneven. Low-level monks such as Dan and Jindan.So many monks were crowded together, and they galloped far ahead. [

Yan Zhenzhen's expression changed suddenly, her face turned pale, as if she felt something terrible.

"Go, go as fast as possible, run away at all costs!"

Yan Zhenzhen pulled Yang Yihua into a beam of light and flew directly towards the group of monks, all frantically flying towards the void further away.

Yang Yi had never seen Yan Zhenzhen lose his composure like this before, even when he saw Nine Swordsmen, he didn't run away like this, but soon, Yang Yi knew why Yan Zhenzhen behaved like this.


Suddenly, several monks wearing white clothes appeared in the void. The faces of these monks were icy cold, and they were all existences who had cultivated Dharma Bodies, and some of them were even super masters of the fifth or sixth level.Such a master can even dominate one side in other places, just like the Wanjia, but among these white-clothed men, he is just an ordinary member.

"Ji Dao Sect is here, all monks are not allowed to leave, otherwise, kill and pardon!"

"The Ji Dao Sect is too deceitful, fellow Taoists, we will fight!"

A ray of light suddenly burst out from the crowd. It was a sword radiance, which directly slashed at the disciple of the Ji Dao Sect. Judging by the ferocity of the sword radiance, this monk at least has the cultivation base of the fourth severe wind calamity.

"Rebels, kill!"

The disciples of the Extreme Dao Sect rushed forward one after another. How could this monk withstand the attacks of so many disciples of the Extreme Dao Sect? He was immediately blasted into a dead body, which was miserable.

Ji Dao Sect's dominance is well known in the Tianhe Starfield.

"Too bad, we have encountered Ji Dao Sect's expansion operation, this time, we will all become slaves!" Yan Zhenzhen's face was ugly, and his voice was already full of despair.

"Extreme Dao Sect?"

Yang Yi saw that there were hundreds of disciples of Ji Dao Sect around him. Although there were many, hundreds of disciples were still very few for this group of monks. However, these monks did not dare to move, as if they were What are you afraid of.


Suddenly, a halo descended from the sky. This halo contained terrifying power and enveloped all the monks in it. The disciples of the Ji Dao Sect even shouted loudly: "Welcome to the elder!"

"Haha, alright, fellow Taoists, join my Ji Dao Sect, let go of your dharma body or blood, let me plant the Ji Dao seeds, and you will be my Ji Dao Sect's disciples in the future. Those who dare to betray this sect will die place!"

A rosy-faced old man descended from the sky, his whole body shone with an extremely powerful aura, and all the monks were suppressed so that they did not dare to raise their heads, this is the aura of a master who reaches the sky. [

"Overbearing, Ji Dao Sect is so overbearing, let go of the body or blood, once controlled, it is almost a slave!"

Yang Yi was shocked, no wonder these monks didn't dare to resist, it turned out that there were masters of the sky, although there were many of these monks, but once the masters of the sky were provoked, they could almost kill them with a single palm.

The realm of reaching the sky means possessing the ability to penetrate the sky and penetrate the earth, destroy the stars, dominate the starry sky, and is a real top figure.

"I don't have much time. In a stick of incense, if you have not become the disciples of my Ji Dao Sect, then you are the enemies of my Ji Dao Sect. For the enemy, this seat will not show mercy at all! Only death!"

Yin Sensen's threat, coupled with his strong aura, made the situation stronger than others, and all the monks felt that the end was coming.

"It's better to fight than to be a slave of Ji Dao Sect!"

A few more monks used all their means and were about to rush outside, but they hadn't rushed out yet, only to see that the elder Tongtian gently pointed at them, and a force that could not be guessed directly attacked them violently. One after another, they exploded into a cloud of blood mist, which was miserable.

The hearts of the people felt a chill, and it was better to live than to die. The stronger the cultivation base, the more reluctant to die. Some monks began to waver, and they took the black e extreme seeds in the hands of the elder Tongtian one after another.

This extreme seed is extremely vicious. Once it is planted in the Dharma body or blood, it will burrow into the Dharma body and stick to it. No matter how high the cultivation level is, it cannot be taken out again.Once the Jidao Seed is planted, one must obey the orders of the Jidao Sect for the rest of his life, otherwise the Jidao Sect will immediately explode the Jidao Seed with one thought, blowing up those who dare to betray.

"Really, you enter the star map first, this time is extremely dangerous, even if I am not absolutely sure that I can escape!" Yang Yi's eyes became serious, he felt a huge crisis.

As a slave, even if Yang Yi died, he would not be controlled by others, let alone become a slave with no freedom at all.

Fight, but you have to face a master who reaches the sky.As a master of the sky, crushing Yang Yi to death is like crushing an ant.

But the opportunity still came, the elder Tongtian saw that these monks dared to resist any more, so he gave the Jidao seeds to more than a hundred Jidao disciples around him, and said lightly: "I have to go and see other The elder took over the star, but if someone dares to escape, kill and forgive him!"


The elder went straight out of the aperture and flew to nowhere.

"good chance!"

Yang Yi was overjoyed, if he had to face that master, he really wouldn't have the slightest chance, but now it's much simpler, he only needs to break through the barriers of these Ji Dao Sect disciples, and break through this circle of light.

But Yang Yiyi wasn't the only one who had this idea.


A few monks flew out from the crowd. At first glance, these monks were the highest among the group of monks, and they were all five-level masters who were already going through the fire.

"The old thief has left. We have practiced for several years. Is it just to be cannon fodder and slaves of Ji Dao Sect? Hmph, fight!"

"Kill, fight!" [

These few monks all used their own means, and every piece of magic weapon slammed into the circle of light, but the strange thing was that the disciples of the Ji Dao Sect did not stop them.

"boom boom"

Countless magic weapons bombarded the aperture, but it was like cotton, with no focus at all, and a few five-fold masters couldn't break through this aperture at all.

At this time, the disciple of Ji Dao Sect showed a mocking sneer and said: "Idiots, if you can blast away the protection set by the elder, then the elder will not leave. Hmph, the only way to betray is death!"

Countless Ji Dao Sect disciples rushed forward one after another, and surrounded the few monks who dared to escape. ! ~!

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