blood record

Chapter 156

"Extreme world, kill!"

The leading disciple of the Jidao Sect ruthlessly issued an order.

"Extreme world, kill!"

More than a hundred disciples of Ji Dao Sect shouted loudly in unison, shaking the world and making everyone's hearts tremble slightly.


Countless true sources flew out, including true sources of various bloodlines, majestic and majestic dragons were constantly flying, beautiful firebirds were singing up to the sky, and even screaming strange bears let out their voices. The sky-shattering roar.These sources of truth are overwhelming, plus there are many magic weapons, the faces of the monks who were trapped inside showed despair


There was a truly terrifying person hidden in the crowd, and now at this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity, Yang Yi made a move.

"I curse you, I curse your body to rot, I curse your intellect, I curse your soul to be annihilated..."

Like a call from the abyss, like a curse from hell, like a whistling from a distant time and space, these gloomy voices make one's scalp tingle.

As soon as Yang didn't make a move, he used his most powerful power as soon as he made a move, burning 5000 years of his lifespan to activate the curse.


The indestructible and impenetrable curse spell entangled the disciples of the Ji Dao Sect in an instant, and they all screamed in horror.

It was the first time even Yang Yi had seen how terrifying the power of the curse erupted from the 5000-year lifespan burning.

The power of the gray curse, yes, seems to be an evil call from the ground. These powers of the curse are no longer illusory, but fully manifested. The power of the gray curse seems to carry the most evil power. There are thousands of evil ghosts crying and howling faintly inside, as if gathering all the hatred in the world.

" blood, why are they rotten and dried up? And the Dharma body, the Dharma body is almost shattered..."

How powerful is the curse spell that erupted from the 5000-year lifespan burning, it is simply earth-shattering, the power of the gray curse enveloped the hundreds of disciples of the Jidao Sect almost instantly, and the most powerful one was the fifth level The super master who is going through the fire disaster.But even so, it was useless. Wherever the power of the curse passed, there was howling.

"Wealth and wealth are sought in danger, Tianhe star map, accept!"

Yang Yi stretched out his hand and waved forward, the star map of the Milky Way suddenly flew out from between his eyebrows, covering the sky and covering the earth, covering the sky and the sun, and there was a fierce downward shield.


More than a hundred disciples of the Jidao Sect are being entangled by the power of the curse, and countless disciples have died under the curse. Even the monks with high cultivation bases are dying and have no resistance at all, so It was photographed into the Milky Way star map almost instantly.

This is why Yang Yi would rather burn 5000 years of life, in order to wipe out all these hundreds of Ji Dao Sect disciples!

"Haha, it's a success. If it is completely disassembled, the Tianhe Star Map will definitely be able to repair [-]%!"

Yang Yi was overjoyed in his heart, and while the power of the curse triggered by the 5000-year lifespan had not completely disappeared, he immediately blasted towards the mysterious circle of light. [


The aperture is indeed powerful, even a five- or six-level expert is determined to be invincible, but it cannot resist the mysterious and powerful curse.

The circle of light blasted by Yang Yi's cursed power instantly seemed to be solid ice, and it actually began to melt slightly.

"Everyone, run away!"

Yang Yiyi took the lead and got out of the aperture first. The monks behind were all stunned, but they also reacted quickly, and quickly scattered and flew outside.

Of course Yang Yi didn't have good intentions, there were all disciples of the Extreme Dao Sect outside, the so-called large number of people had big goals, so many monks escaped, and he was able to escape under confusion, otherwise he would be strangled by the Extreme Dao Sect as soon as he came out.

Sure enough, these monks dispersed in a rush, which immediately attracted the attention of the disciples of the Ji Dao Sect. Countless powerful Ji Dao Sect masters strangled the fleeing monks with all their strength.

Suddenly, an angry voice came from all directions: "Bastard, you all deserve to die, the punishment of God, die!"

This voice was exactly the voice of that terrifying Elder Tongtian, and at the same time, a huge palm filled the entire void, and it slammed down violently.


Countless blood was shattered, countless dharma bodies were patted into emptiness on the spot, completely dead, and the power of one palm directly wiped out hundreds of monks. Down into fly ash!

Yang Yi was terrified, and ran away frantically. He escaped the fastest, and the monks who were at the fifth level of transformation turned out to be following behind.


The figure of the elder Tongtian appeared in the void, his eyes saw Yang Yi who was still fleeing quickly and the three fifth-layer masters behind him, his face turned cold, and his huge palms grabbed forward.

"Dare to escape, the place of death and burial!"

The speed of the huge palm was as fast as lightning, and it flew to the back of the three monks in an instant, and then the big palm squeezed hard.


Those powerful fifth-layer monks were crushed to death just like that.

Shocking, the majesty of the sky, it is really unfathomable!

"Humble monk, you must have broken the protection of this seat, you should die!"

This Elder Tongtian obviously didn't intend to let Yang Yi go, that terrifying big hand was like the hand of death, and grabbed Yang Yi fiercely again.

Huge pressure squeezed towards Yang Yi in an instant, and that huge palm descended from the sky, no matter how powerful Yang Yi's diamond body was, it would be smashed to pieces. [

"I, Yang Yitian, was born with great luck. No one can kill me! Great ancestor of the witch, please lend me strength to maintain the dignity of the witch! The power of the curse is impenetrable and indestructible, no one can stop the curse The power of God, whoever it is, will tremble under the curse!"

Yang Yi's face was ferocious, he almost desperately launched the curse technique crazily, faintly, Yang Yi seemed to have a deeper understanding of the curse technique.And this is not an ordinary curse, but a curse that burned 1 years of life!


The gray curse power permeated the entire world almost instantly, and these curse power faintly formed a big hand, which collided fiercely with the big hand in the void.

The 1-year lifespan burns, and its power reaches heaven and earth. It seems that in this giant hand composed of curse power, you can hear the unwilling roar of the ancient witch clan, the shocking roar that destroyed the world.


Hui E's big curse gesture was like a broken bamboo, smashing everything, easily tearing the big hand of Elder Tongtian, and carrying a stronger force to grab Elder Tongtian.

Yang Yi also never imagined that the curse he performed after burning 1 years of life would be so terrifying.

"Ah? What kind of power is this? How is it possible?"

Elder Tongtian also let out a shocked roar. After he was grabbed by the gray cursed big hand, he burst out with the power of the sky, but his body was also rapidly decaying, as if swallowed by a demon.


A terrifying explosion occurred, and a ray of light flew directly from the explosion, re-condensing an old man, it was the elder Tongtian, who exploded quickly in the cursed hand, and the soul fled. There is no way to resist this cursed hand.

"Check it out, check it out for me, and find out everything about this bastard! No matter which faction he is a disciple of, this elder will tear him into pieces, and make this bastard irreparable!"

The angry roar of the Tongtian elder resounded in the void. Even if he lost his body with his heavenly power, he could condense it again, but it would take a lot of vitality. ! ~!

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