blood record

Chapter 16

[Old moon is beautiful and beautiful, please ask for tickets

In the heavily guarded Jinyang Mansion, a middle-aged man wearing a splendid costume was sitting on a big chair, his eyes were cold, and he was staring at a young man on the ground.

This young man was trembling all over, he didn't even dare to breathe out, obviously he was very afraid of the middle-aged man on the big chair, this young man was the young master Jin Yang who chased and killed Yang Yi a few days ago.

And only Jin Xie, the master of the entire Jinyang Mansion, was qualified to make the young master of Jinyang kneel on the ground tremblingly.

Jin Xie looked at his son who was kneeling on the ground, and felt unspeakable anger in his heart. [


Suddenly, Jin Xie slapped the table beside him, and the powerful force immediately shattered the table.

"You bastard, you dare to play this trick and put the Dragon Transformation Token up for auction. You're looking for death, you're looking for death!"

Jin Xie looked very angry.

"Get up, this is a stupid thing you did yourself, and you have to bear the consequences yourself. If it was decades ago, I wouldn't be so anxious, but in three months, it will be the Dragon Transformation Competition every hundred years in the Dragon Transformation Palace It's time to start. Without the Dragon Transformation Token, you will have no chance to participate in the Dragon Transformation Competition, and by then, you will never have the chance to become an official disciple of the Dragon Transformation Palace, and your whole life will be over!"

Jin Xie also won the 980th place because of his participation in the Dragon Transformation Contest that year, and became an official disciple of the Dragon Transformation Palace. After being promoted to the fifth level of blood coagulation, he came to this Jinyang Mansion to be the master of a mansion, and he was famous everywhere.So he was very angry about the fact that his son even lost the Dragon Transformation Order.

But he only has such a son, so naturally he will not beat him to death, so he could only hold back his anger, and said coldly: "This time, the Vientiane Chamber of Commerce got the Dragon Transformation Order, and made a lot of publicity, even attracting some of the surrounding palace masters. Come here, maybe there are still some high-ranking masters who will send people to auction, our chances are not great, but we have to fight for it."

Jin Xie looked at this unlucky son, and shouted in a low voice: "Go and sort out all our blood crystals, and go to the Vientiane Chamber of Commerce tomorrow, and maybe there is a slight chance to auction back the Dragon Transformation Token. You bastard, you are a thing that is not enough to succeed and more than ruins, so hurry up!"

Young Master Jin Yang nodded hastily, wiped the cold sweat on his forehead and retreated quickly, he didn't understand why every time he was in front of his father, he would feel inexplicable fear.

Jin Xie looked at the sky with his hands behind his back, a murderous intent flashed in his eyes, and he murmured in a low voice: "No matter who you are, if you dare to tease my Jin family like this, hum, even if the Dragon Transformation Token is no longer in your hands , I will also tear you to pieces!"

The person who made Jin Xie hate him to the bone and wished his corpse could be smashed into pieces was sitting quietly in a spacious and luxurious house at this time, carefully looking at the list of items to be auctioned in tomorrow's auction provided by the Vientiane Chamber of Commerce.

In this long list, there are many treasures that Yang Yi has never seen before, and Yang Yi looks at them with gusto.

"I found it, a drop of jng blood from a fifth-level blood coagulation master, it really is in this list!"

Yang Yi raised his eyebrows, and there was a trace of excitement on his face.

"The starting price is [-] blood crystals, tsk tsk, it's really high, but I can use a million blood crystals now, so I'm not afraid that I won't be able to take pictures."

Yang's eyes flashed bursts of jungkook.

He came to the Vientiane Chamber of Commerce to auction the Dragon Transformation Token this time, and he never thought of hiding it. Even if he deliberately concealed it, he would not be able to hide it from the people of Jinyang Mansion. , but they will not let it go, and even become angry from embarrassment, and continue to chase and kill Yang Yi.

Of course, Yang Yi thought of this possibility, and this possibility is still very big, but he also made preparations. The reason why he came to the Vientiane Auction was that he had seen such a drop of blood coagulation fifth-level master in the auction list. A drop of jng blood.

Although it is only a drop, but because the fifth level blood coagulation master is a master who has opened the bridge between heaven and earth, and can communicate with the vitality of the outside world, his jng blood does not know how powerful it contains, compared to the jng of the blood coagulation quadruple master The blood is more than ten times stronger.Yang Yi refined four drops of the blood of a quadruple blood coagulation master, and now he is only a little bit short of breaking through, so he must rely on the powerful help of this drop of blood coagulation of the fifth level blood to break through the realm.At that time, once he reached the fourth level of blood coagulation, Yang repeatedly used all kinds of magical methods, and his power would increase greatly, and it would be impossible to fight against the master of Jinyang Mansion. [

This is Yang Yi's plan. Although this plan seems dangerous and crazy, it is the most correct and sensible way.

Then Yang Yi continued to comprehend the immortal martial arts Nine Palace Phantom, this set of martial arts has infinite mysteries, the more he practiced, the more profound and profound he felt, and he benefited a lot.

The training time passed quickly, and the day passed quickly, and it gradually became dark.

There was a knocking sound outside Yang Yi's room, Yang Yi opened it and saw that it was the woman in palace attire who received him that day.

"What's the matter?" Yang Yi asked.

The lady in the palace costume said respectfully: "The auction will start soon, Mr. Liu asked the lady to come and ask Mr. to sit down at the auction quickly, so as not to delay the time!"

Yang Yi looked at the sky and nodded faintly: "Okay, let's go now!"

After finishing speaking, he followed the lady in palace costume to the auction.

Not long after, Yang Yi arrived at the auction, and the whole auction was full of people. Rows of seats were arranged in the entire venue. Yang Yi reckoned that nearly a thousand people could be seated.

However, these belong to ordinary monks. Most of these people are casual cultivators. There are also some people who have encountered adventures and have a lot of wealth, but they are all in the minority. The ones with tens of millions of blood spar also belong to the hidden and luxurious VIP rooms above.

Most of these VIP rooms are those with status or wealth, such as the lord of a mansion, who are eligible to sit in the VIP room. In order to give Yang Yi a good impression, Mr. Liu arranged Yang Yi as a VIP, and also I really put some thought into it.

Walking into the VIP room, I found that the VIP room is pitch black from the outside, but inside the VIP room, I can clearly see everything outside, which is really unbelievable.

The woman in palace attire next to her seemed to see through Yang Yi's thoughts, and said with a slight smile, "This VIP room is specially arranged for those distinguished guests. Not to mention luxurious and comfortable, the most important thing is that you can clearly see the exhibits on the booth." The whole picture is very helpful for VIPs to choose auction items."

Yang nodded his head. Sure enough, he found that in the VIP room, he could clearly see some auction items on the booth in front.

Just when Yang Yi sat down and was about to quietly wait for the auction to officially start, suddenly his eyes narrowed slightly, and he saw two people walking in, one of them was a young man, that young master Jin Yang.

In front of the young master Jin Yang was a middle-aged man with a heavy face. His eyes swept across the ordinary seats of nearly a thousand people below, but he showed a trace of doubt, and then walked into the VIP room.

Yang Yi's heart skipped a beat, and he asked the woman in palace attire next to him, "Who is that person walking in front of Young Master Jin Yang?"

There was a glint in the eyes of the woman in palace attire, but she still replied respectfully: "That is Lord Jinxie, the master of the Jinyang Palace!"

Yang Yi had already guessed it in his heart, it was just a confirmation. He had already expected that the other party would come, and he was not surprised at all, so he joked: "Oh? Is that the person I offended? See It is very difficult for me to get out of this today!"

The woman in the palace costume changed her expression, but she said: "Don't worry, sir, later our chamber of commerce will send someone to escort you back to the backyard of the chamber of commerce. After finishing your affairs, you can leave freely. And in this chamber of commerce is It is forbidden to use force, no matter who it is, dare to fight against the Chamber of Commerce, then the Chamber of Commerce will regard it as an enemy and can choose to kill it!"

Yang Yi heard the lady in the palace dress speak calmly, but his heart was slightly shocked. This Vientiane Chamber of Commerce even feared Hualong Palace. Naturally, it is not afraid of anyone, and it does have such a big tone.

That Jin Xie walked into the VIP room with the young master of the Jinyang Mansion, but whispered to the waiter next to him: "Go get Mr. Liu from your chamber of commerce, I have something to say."

The waiter went out in response, and after a while, Mr. Liu walked into the VIP room with a big smile and said: "It turns out that Palace Master Jin is here, and the old man welcomes you from far away, I hope you will forgive me. "

Jin Xie returned a salute, but his face became more and more gloomy, and he said in a low voice: "Old Liu, we are smart people who don't slander, I believe that with the ability of your chamber of commerce, this matter should be investigated clearly. I can't swallow the tone of that guy playing tricks on my Jin family like this. Since the Dragon Transformation Token has already entered the auction, it's fine. I ask Mr. Liu to take care of me and put that damned kid Give me disposal, and the entire Jinyang Mansion will be grateful!"

Elder Liu still had a smile on his face, and said with a smile: "What is Palace Master Jin talking about? No matter who Palace Master Jin is talking about, as long as he is a guest of my Vientiane Chamber of Commerce, our Chamber of Commerce will have the authority to protect his safety." Obligation, this is also the rule of the Vientiane Chamber of Commerce, Palace Master Jin doesn't understand, right?"

Jin Xie's expression changed, he looked a little embarrassed, and said in a low voice, "Mr. Liu, are you serious? You won't even give Jin this little bit?"

Elder Liu's face also turned cold, and he said coldly: "If it's another day, I will invite Palace Master Jin to taste the fine wine, but for this matter, I ask Palace Master Jin to forgive me for not being able to do anything. The chamber of commerce, the palace lord can do whatever he wants, the chamber of commerce has no control over it, but if it is in the Vientiane chamber of commerce, no one dares to do anything! This old man has something to do, so leave!"

Mr. Liu didn't give Jin Xie any face, so he left directly.

Jin Xie's face was as heavy as water, and his body was trembling slightly with anger. He took a deep breath, looked around, then stopped his anger, and just let out a soft snort.

The Vientiane Chamber of Commerce is not something that the owner of the Vientiane Chamber of Commerce can afford to provoke, let alone him, even if it is the lord, or even above the lord, the huge Hualong Palace would not dare to offend the Vientiane Chamber of Commerce easily, so this His tone, Jin Xie had no choice but to endure it.

The young master Jinyang next to him rolled his eyes slightly, and said in a low voice: "Father, don't be angry, didn't Mr. Liu just say that you are not allowed to do anything in the Vientiane Chamber of Commerce, but if you leave the Vientiane Chamber of Commerce, why don't you leave it to us? Hehe , we just guarded around the auction, and waited for the kid to come out, and my father shot and killed him, and the Vientiane Chamber of Commerce would have nothing to say."

Jin Xie looked at this son, who seemed not as stupid as a pig as he imagined, nodded secretly, then stopped talking, and looked at the booth of the auction.

After a while, the auction will officially start! ! ~!

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