blood record

Chapter 17 Intense Auction

There is nothing unusual about the first auction item, it is just an intermediate martial art book, but since this martial art book can be auctioned at the auction, it is still a little special, this is actually a complete book of ordinary intermediate martial arts , and the most important thing is that after cultivation, it will be of great help to the pure blood of the practitioner.

This martial skill book is not a martial skill for actual combat, but a martial skill of auxiliary quality. Generally speaking, martial skills of auxiliary quality are very precious, so it was brought up for auction at the auction.

Yang Yiyi is not very interested in this book of martial arts. He has no shortage of pills now, and the cultivation of auxiliary martial arts will not make rapid progress for him, and it has no real effect.The purpose of this auction of the Dragon Transformation Token is firstly to gather enough wealth to buy that drop of jng blood of the fifth level of blood coagulation, and secondly to prepare a lot of pills for reaching the fifth level of blood coagulation in the future.

The fifth level of blood coagulation is a key point, and it is also the first barrier for monks to break through. It is very difficult. Among a hundred monks, only a few can reach the fifth level of blood coagulation from the fourth level of blood coagulation. How difficult it is, and in order to break through to the fifth level of blood coagulation, except for some key comprehensions, the rest must be accumulated poorly.

From this point of view, it is much easier for the disciples of the big sects or the people close to the palace master to break through than casual cultivators. The so-called law, companionship, wealth, and land, these words of wealth are indispensable . [

In the end, this book of martial arts was auctioned off by an ordinary seat triple blood coagulation monk with three thousand crystals. This is not a very high price, it is just an appetizer. Appeared one after another.

Yang Yi only had one goal, but he was too dazzled to look at the other auction items. Fortunately, there was a woman in palace attire explaining to him, which made him gain a lot of knowledge.

Unknowingly, two hours passed like this, but Yang Yi discovered that in the first two hours, although there were also high-priced auction items, none of the VIPs who really had huge wealth had made a move. Those monks sitting in ordinary seats were auctioned off.

Just as Yang Yi was thinking about it, a pure white yu bottle suddenly appeared on the booth, and Yang Yi's eyes froze instantly, staring at the yu bottle firmly.

The appraiser presiding over the auction was enthusiastically introducing to all the monks: "Fellow daoists, this yu bottle contains a drop of jng blood from a five-level blood coagulation master. This is five-level blood coagulation. It is absolutely genuine. Breaking through the realm, or increasing the accumulation of blood, both have great benefits."

The appraiser smiled again and poured the drop of jng blood in the bottle on his hand, a pure and powerful aura immediately permeated the entire auction, many ordinary monks were envious and greedy, but the appraiser went on What he said made many ordinary monks flinch.

The appraiser looked at the reaction below, nodded in satisfaction and said: "It seems that fellow Taoists are people who know the goods. I don't need to say the value of this drop of jng blood. The auction starts at [-] blood crystals, and the auction starts now!"


The people below started talking a lot, obviously surprised by the price. They only saw the name of the item outside the auction house before, and they didn't know the price of the auction. Be able to know the price of the auction item in advance to prepare in advance.

Fifty thousand blood crystals is undoubtedly a sky-high price for ordinary monks.

At this time, Yang Yi did not hesitate to place a price of [-] yuan, adding [-] yuan at a time, and Yang Yi is still the first VIP to make a bid so far in this auction.

"Look, the people in the VIP room made the move. We have no chance. Once the VIPs make the move, the price, tsk tsk, is unimaginable..."

Some ordinary monks were talking about it. They were obviously familiar with the situation at the auction. There were still some people who wanted to bid, but when they saw that the bid was from the VIP room, they gave up the idea of ​​bidding.

Yang Yi saw that since he took the photo, no one took the photo for a long time, and he couldn't help being a little surprised: "Why didn't anyone take the photo? I'm afraid the value of this drop of jng blood is more than that?"

The woman in the palace costume next to her patiently explained: "Sir, this is actually the reason for your identity. You are now a VIP of our chamber of commerce, and you are using a VIP room. You must know that a VIP of our chamber of commerce must have tens of millions of blood. Jing's wealth or those with status and status can sit in. Generally speaking, if VIPs make a move, the final price will often be very high. Therefore, it is naturally difficult for ordinary monks to make a move!"

Yang Yi was taken aback for a moment, he didn't expect a VIP to have such a deterrent power, it seems that Mr. Liu, for the Dragon Transformation Order, really put in a lot of effort, and gave Yang Yi a VIP status for nothing, indeed for the sake of Won Yang Yi's favor.

The entire auction was buzzing. Since Yang Yi made a move, no one has made another move. Even Yang Yi held his breath. After all, this is his goal this time, and it is also related to whether he can be promoted smoothly. , and the key to successfully resolving the crisis in the Jinyang Mansion.

The appraiser raised his eyes and glanced at these VIP rooms, and was about to speak when he suddenly saw the price offered by a VIP, and immediately shouted: "VIP No. [-] bids [-]!"

"Guest No. [-]?" [

Yang looked slightly puzzled, but the lady in palace attire shook her head slightly and said, "I'm sorry sir, our chamber of commerce does not allow the identity of the VIPs in the VIP room to be disclosed, please forgive me."

Yang nodded a little. He was determined to get this drop of blood, so he immediately offered a price of [-] blood crystals.

It was raised to [-] all at once, and everyone knew that Yang Yi was determined to win it.

In the next VIP room No. [-], it was Jin Xie, the lord of the Jinyang Mansion. His goal this time was the Dragon Transformation Token, but because Young Master Jinyang might not be able to obtain the Dragon Transformation Token, he would not be able to participate in the Dragon Transformation Token. For the competition, I bought this drop of blood with five levels of blood coagulation, just in case, and prepared for Young Master Jinyang early.

Seeing that the other party paid [-] in one go, Jin Xie's eyes flashed strangely, and he added another [-].

Now this drop of jng blood with the fifth level of blood coagulation has been photographed for 11 yuan, which is not expensive, but Yang Yi did not make any more shots. He believes that he and the VIP No. [-] are not the only ones who want to photograph this drop of jng blood .

Sure enough, after a while, VIP No. [-] made another move. This move was extraordinary, and let the monks in the ordinary seats really know what wealth is and what it means to spend a lot of money.

"20!" The lazy voice of VIP No. [-] rang out.


The monks in the ordinary seats all opened their mouths wide, as if they felt a little unbelievable. These are usually monks who came to such an auction for the first time.

"It's not a big surprise, you don't even look at who those people are, distinguished guests, they have at least tens of millions of wealth as a guarantee!"

Some monks who often come to the auction show disdain for these ignorant monks.

Following the price of VIP No. [-], everyone was shocked.

Jin Xie looked at the 20 blood crystals, shook his head slightly, and said in a low voice: "It's just a drop of jng blood from a fifth-level blood coagulation master, and it's worth 20 at most, and it's meaningless to keep taking pictures!"

Like Jin Xie, who is a master of the fifth level of blood coagulation, a drop of jng blood is nothing. If it is really only a drop of jng blood in the future, he can also take a drop of jng blood from his body, but To lose vitality, I don't know how many years of practice it will take to recover the lost blood.

The price of 20 has not been raised for a long time, and the appraiser is satisfied. The price of 20 is not low.

Yang Yi's eyes flickered with a jng light, and he sneered in a low voice: "It seems that there is no one else, that's okay, I am determined to get this drop of jng blood, there is a saying that is right, only the most needed is the most valuable, This drop of jng blood may not be special to others, but it is very important to me now, no one can take it away!"

Then Yang Yi's voice floated out from the VIP room: "30."


This was a complete shock, adding [-] at once, and it seemed that he was determined to win, because those with sharp eyes had already seen that the first bid was Yang Yi's VIP room.

In the VIP room No. 30, there was a young man in a white gown. He frowned slightly and said in a low voice, "[-] for a drop of jng blood with five levels of coagulation? Who is this? Can he become the Vientiane Chamber of Commerce?" The distinguished guests are not simple, if you check for this young master, you must find out who is even richer than this young master?"

Immediately after, a black-clothed guard floated out from behind, apparently to check for news. [

Only a moment later, the black-clothed guard came back again, and only whispered in the young man's ear: "My lord, the chamber of commerce has already told its subordinates tonight that the filming with the eldest lord is about this Dragon Transformation Order." Owner."

The young man's expression shook slightly, but a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth: "Interesting and interesting, I thought it was the master's son, who is even richer than this son. It turned out to be the master of Hualongling, who offended Jin." Xie is also a man who is about to die. This son will not care about the person who is about to die, let him be happy for a few more hours, hmph, otherwise, with this son's means, he will dare to be richer than this son , must let him die in the place of burial!"

There were ruthless rays of light in the young man's eyes, which formed a sharp contrast with his handsome face.

"My lord, this time the Lord asked you to come here to get this Dragon Transformation Token. I also ask you to put the overall situation first and don't cause trouble lightly!" An old man behind him said softly.

As soon as the old man spoke, the young man's expression seemed extremely unnatural, as if he had the slightest fear. He smiled lightly and said, "That's natural. How dare I not listen to my father's words? This time, I have prepared myself. Come on, don't worry, no one can take it away!"

The identity of this young man is not simple. The Vientiane Chamber of Commerce is so huge that it is impossible for Yang Yi to ask about the identity of the VIPs in the VIP room. His identity is enough to show the power behind this young man.Listening to his remarks, it seems that he is also the son of a master.

A lord, that is high above, must be at least seven layers of blood coagulation, condensed a master of illusory core, can become a master, such a master has reached an unimaginable level, and he is a master who deters one party in any place.

But Yang Yi didn't know that his identity had already been known by a master's son.He has stunned everyone with the price of 30. No matter how high the price is, this drop of jng blood with the fifth level of coagulation is only worth 20. If it is all five drops of jng blood, that is the sky-high price. Everyone has to fight for blood, but it is only a drop, so naturally it will not arouse too many people's interest.

Not long after, there was a waiter holding a tray, which contained an exquisite yu bottle, which was obtained by Yang Yi from the auction this time, this precious drop of blood of a five-level blood coagulation expert. ! ~!

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