blood record

Chapter 172 Ancient Rotten Beast


The whirling face became even more ferocious, and the corrosive hand made strange sounds.

"Impossible? How is it possible? Son, what did you do to my corrosive hand? Why can't I control it?"

The mother-in-law's face showed a trace of paleness, and her eyes were even more ashen, as if she had received a great blow.

Yang Yi looked at Po Sua with some incomprehension, at this moment Po Sua let out a scream. [


There was a sudden explosion in the whirling right hand, and the right hand was instantly blown into powder. A yellow light instantly entered the corrosive hand in the void, and then the corrosive hand flew to Yang Yi in an instant. .

Yang Yi was taken aback, and immediately surrounded him with the power of the curse. The hand of corrosion seemed to be very afraid of the power of the curse, and kept rushing, but it just couldn't break through the encirclement of the power of the curse.

"What exactly is going on?"

Yang Yi stared at this strange hand of corrosion. He had just seen how powerful the hand of corrosion was, so he naturally wanted to collect it, but seeing the terrifying appearance of the mother-in-law, even if he wanted to collect it, he still felt a little palpitating. I don't want to become that horrible appearance of Po Huan again.

The power of the curse was rapidly disappearing, and at this moment, the hand of corrosion suddenly changed.


This corrosive hand suddenly turned into a ray of light, instantly broke through the encirclement of the curse force and entered Yang Yi's right arm.

Not only Yang Yi, but Po Huan was also stunned, staring blankly at Yang Yi's right arm.


Yang Yi's right arm began to change, it was faintly shrouded in a yellow light, and there was still a foul smell, which made people feel frightened.

Yang Yi had a different feeling. He was no longer afraid, because he could already clearly feel the hand of corrosion within his arm, and he could control the hand of corrosion at will.


Yang Yi moved his mind, and the corrosive hand quickly came out from his right arm, quickly forming a big yellow hand, grabbing forward fiercely, the starlight was directly corroded, the power is astonishing.

"Ah? How could you control the Hand of Corrosion? Impossible, absolutely impossible. It took me a hundred years of hard work to control the Hand of Corrosion a little bit, and it took countless costs. How could you control the Corrosion?" The hand of corrosion?" Po Sua almost spit out a mouthful of depressed blood, seeing that she had worked hard for hundreds of years, and at the price of her body, she could barely control the hand of corrosion, but no matter how hard she worked, no matter how much she put in. The moment was gone.

Yang Yi snorted coldly: "There is no reason, the hand of corrosion already belongs to me!"


As Yang Yi's heart moved, the whirling without the corrosive hand was really vulnerable, and was instantly decomposed by Tianhe Star Chart into the original power.

Yang Yi's mind fell silent instantly, and he felt something strange in the hand of corrosion. [


There is a trace of information, or memory, in the hand of corrosion, and this trace of memory was stimulated by the force of the curse.


Yang Yi's mind seemed to be blown apart. He seemed to have returned to the ancient times. In this picture, countless powerful beings moved mountains and seas, captured stars and moons, and traversed the world. All of them were mysterious and noble. ,powerful.

Yang Yi could clearly feel that these powerful beings are "immortals", "immortals" that all monks dream of.

The Immortal is so powerful, but the monster whose body is taller than the mountain roared and swallowed the powerful Immortal into its stomach with a foul smell all over its body...

The powerful immortal was swallowed into the stomach...

The information and memory of the number are a bit confusing, as if traveling through the time and space of the number, witnessing one battle after another!


Yang Yi finally opened his eyes, he finally knew what kind of monster this corrosive hand belonged to.

"Rotten beasts, in the distant ancient times, were slave beasts created by the witches. They only obeyed the orders of the witches. They were powerful in combat. The corrosive power on their bodies could corrode immortals and even immortal treasures. I don't know how much they devoured in their lifetime. powerful immortal."

Yang Yi's eyes are calm, these messages are all passed from the hand of corrosion.

In ancient times, the most powerful ones were witches and immortals. There was a great war between them. The witches created countless slave beasts from the void to help deal with immortals, such as the most terrifying beast of hell, Asura, etc. This rotten beast is also a kind of slave beast created by the witch clan, so Yang Yi cast the power of curse, aroused the imprint of the slave beast in the hand of corrosion, and obediently surrendered to Yang Yi.

Being able to fight against immortals, even stronger than immortals, and create countless powerful races, how could such a powerful witch clan be wiped out?And there was none left, almost disappeared.

Such questions one by one shrouded Yang Yi's heart like mists.

The hand of corrosion has the imprint of a rotten beast slave beast, and now it has felt Yang Yiwu's aura, it will only surrender to Yang Yi, and naturally it will not fester like that whirling woman.

Yang Yi tried again and again in this way several times, the power of the hand of corrosion was simply unimaginable, and he was overjoyed in his heart.

After receiving the Tianhe star map, Yang Yi began to secretly inquire about the spirits of the five elements of the Jin family, but the Jin family obviously hid the spirits of the five elements very tightly, and Yang Yi did not even get the slightest news for several days .

However, he carefully inspected the flying sword of the third son's high-grade magic weapon, and felt a trace of the golden spirit from it, which at least showed that Lin Yangxi was not lying, and the Jin family did have the five elements of the golden spirit.

Just when Yang Yi waited impatiently and was preparing to forcibly break into the treasure house of the Jin family, things finally turned around.

"Mr. Mu, tomorrow is the most important day for my Jin family, and it is also the best opportunity for me. Tomorrow is the day for the Jin family to worship ancestors. On this day, the children of the family will be sent to the treasure house to practice. My son has already entered I have been to the treasure house a few times, and I know where the place with the best cultivation effect is, but my elder brother and second brother also know where that place is, so I have to rely on my husband to fight for that place for my son!"

Yang Yi's heart moved, the opportunity finally came, so he nodded and said: "Don't worry, third son, tomorrow Mu will definitely help you get what you want!"

The third young master gently took out a ring from his bosom, and said with a smile: "There are [-] million blood crystals in this ring, and a thousand bottles of Shang Hao Dan, I believe it is enough for Mr. Mu to be promoted to the third level of nurturing." Already!"

Yang Yi's heart moved, the three young masters were really impeccable in handling things, and only gave benefits when they needed him, but the three young masters were indeed generous, throwing away [-] million blood crystals and thousands of bottles of pills. It is indeed a great wealth.

"Young Master, don't worry, Ming Rimu will definitely go all out!"

Yang Yi and the third son both had their own thoughts and smiled at each other. ! ~!

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